Past Tsunami Inundation Road 18; Nobiru of higashimatsushima ,Miyagi JAPAN (4K Movie)
Panasonic DMC-GH4 LUMIX G VARIO 12-35/F2.8
Restaurant Paradise Overcomes Tsunami in Higashimatsushima, Japan
In the total darkness of the nights after the tsunami, one place in town got the lights back on.
The lights of Paradise were the lights of Hope.
Watch the story of this wonderful dive on Japan's tsunami coast
Tōhoku Revival Calendar article:
remains of the pine forest at Nobiru.AVI
Nobiru used to be well known for its pine trees, hundreds of which grew in the area between the beach and the train station. Almost all of them were knocked down by the tsunami.
Tsunami hit area,,,,,matsushima japan
Tsunami effects on Nobiru, Higashi-Matsushima
My aunt Nobuko is shown in this video giving a detailed account on the what happened around the town of Nobiru (in Higashi Matsushima) following the tsunami.
Also shown at 1:05' is the house of my other uncle Shigeru, who did not survive the tsunami. His son, who lived with him, was in Saitama at the time of the tsunami. He is living with his other brother's family temporarily.
Nobiru is now a ghost town. No water, gas or electricity has been restored. People were placed in shelters, or moved in with family or moved away some place safer.
At 4:18', my uncle Sakashi explains how he saw the danger coming and coasted towards bamboo trees to keep the car from being carried away. A truck hit him from behind and he was able to get out of the car through the broken window on the back of the car.
There is nothing left in Nobiru. No power supply, no water, no gas. We ran into trucks that are probably working towards cleaning up the area. This video was taken on May 6th, 2011, nearly 2 months after the tsunami.
Japan disaster, Nobiru - raw footage by Max Hodges
video from Nobiru, Japan (Higashi-Matsushima)
Please see my related photo story here:
Thank you for viewing and sharing with others.
Max Hodges
Tokyo, Japan
Nobiru beach road.AVI
The road between Nobiru station and Naruse #2 Junior High, which used to be lined with houses and trees.
Nobiru kindergarten.AVI
A local kindergarten was also hit by the tsunami.
Nobiru canal area.AVI
The seaside village of Nobiru was perhaps the hardest hit part of Higashimatsushima. Few buildings remain standing along the canal that runs through the center of town.
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#福島第一原子力発電所 #大川小学校 #南三陸町防災対策庁舎
03.17.2011 Tsunami / Sendai city and Tagajo city, Miyagi Pref
体験レポート/Experience Reports
体験レポート/Experience Reports
ツアー内容/Tour Schedule
①東松島市/Higashi-Matsushima City
●JR仙石線 野蒜駅:スタート/JR Seiseki Line Nobiru Station: Start
●東松島市震災復興伝承館(旧野蒜駅舎):防災学習/Higashi-Matsushima City Earthquake Museum(former JR Nobiru Station): Disaster Preparedness Learning
②松島町/Matsushima Town
●瑞巌寺 五大堂:文化財の見学と参拝/Zuiganji Temple Godaido Temple: Visiting an important cultural asset
●西行戻しの松公園:観光/Saigyo Modoshi No Matsu Park: Sightseeing
●松島さかな市場:昼食/Matsushima Fish Market: Lunch
●松島蒲鉾本舗:笹かまぼこの手焼き体験/Matsushima Kamaboko Honpo: Cooking Sasakamaboko (bamboo-leaf-shaped fish cake) experience!
③仙台市/Sendai City
●荒浜地区 深沼海岸 東日本大震災慰霊碑/Arahama Area Fukanuma Beach The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Memorial Monument
●震災遺構 仙台市立荒浜小学校:防災学習/Ruins of the Great East Japan Earthquake Sendai Arahama Elementary School: Disaster Preparedness Learning
④多賀城市/Tagajo City
●末の松山:災害の言い伝えを聞く/Suenomatsuyama: Hearing disaster-experience stories
The tsunami-hit regions of Soma in Fukushima 04
Surf Beach, Shichigahama, Japan after the Tsunami part2
Surf Beach, Shichigahama, Japan after the Tsunami Part2
Nobiru station.AVI
Nobiru station on the Senseki line, after the tsunami.
Higashi Matsushima Build - NHK Miyagi (Telemasa)
Our build done thanks to Philip Morris Japan has been featured on NHK Miyagi.
Shobuta area in Shichigahama, Japan after the Tsunami
Footage of Shobuta area of Shichigahama Japan affected by the March 11th Tsunami. The ocean (Shobuta beach) is on the right side of the road behind the trees and the left side of the road used to be a neighborhood of houses.