Viborgs Seen Nørresø Søndersø Golf hotel
from wikipedia: Viborg Søndersø er den sydligste af Viborgsøerne, der ligger øst for Viborg by, Viborg Kommune. Viborg Søndersø modtager vand fra Nørresø via underføringen ved Randersvej. Vandet løber fra Søndersø via Søndermølle Å til Nørreåen og herfra videre til Gudenåen. Søen er 2,2 km lang og 900 m på det bredeste sted. Den er ca. 6,5 meter dyb på det dybeste sted. Søen har været stærkt belastet af forurening, idet Viborgs spildevand indtil 1938 blev ledt urenset ud i søen. Fra 1938 til 1978 fandtes et mekanisk renseanlæg ved søens nordende, men først derefter er spildevandet blevet ledt uden om søen. Der er derfor stadig et tykt lag slam på bunden. Vestsiden af søbredden er for den nordlige halvdels vedkommende optaget af bygningerne fra det tidligere meget store psykiatriske hospital. Hospitalet er nu meget indskrænket og en del af bygningerne bruges til andre formål. Syd herfor er det planen at bygge et antal højhuse, hvoraf tre er bygget (2009). På østsiden af søen ved Asmild, med den gamle klosterkirke og klosterhave, er der en flot udsigt til byen med Viborg Domkirke. Syd herfor finder man Viborg Handelsskole (Mercantec), Nordisk Park, Gymnastik- og Idrætshøjskolen ved Viborg, Forstbotanisk Have, vandrehjem og campingplads. Længere mod syd findes søens afløb med den gamle opstemning og den tidligere Søndermølle, som nu er kulturcenter. Søndersøløbet blev løbet første gang i 1910 og er det første reelle organiserede løb i Danmark. Viborg Nørresø er den nordligste af Viborgsøerne, der ligger midt i Viborg by, Viborg Kommune. Oplandet består primært af landbrugsarealer, mens cirka 20 % af oplandet udgøres af bymæssig bebyggelse. Nørresø er 2,3 km lang og ca. 700 m bred på bredeste sted og bliver forsynet med vand fra Nørremølle Å, der munder ud i nordenden af Nørresø. Siden 1600-tallet har der været vandmølle her. Viborg Nørresø er en relativt dyb sø med en maksimal vanddybde på 12,5 m. Størstedelen af søen har vanddybder på over 2 m, og søen har permanent lagdeling hver sommer. Viborgsøerne er geologisk et levn fra den sidste istid, som sluttede for ca 15.000 år siden. Søerne er beliggende i en gammel tunneldal, som mod nordøst når helt op til Hobro og Mariager Fjord, mens den mod sydvest fortsætter ud til Hald sø, hvor der under den sidste del af istiden fandtes en stor gletsjerport. Hvor Viborgsøerne nu ligger, er der formentlig ved slutningen af istiden blevet efterladt én eller flere såkaldte dødisklumper, som kun langsomt er smeltet. I tidlig Middelalder var de to søer, Søndersø og Nørresø, adskilte af en tange, som lå lidt syd for den nuværende dæmning. Da Erik Menved i 1313 byggede borgen på Borgvold, blev søerne opstemmet og vandstanden steg med omtrent to meter, så tangen blev oversvømmet og de to søer kom til at hænge sammen. Det bevirkede, at vejen til Asmild og en bebyggelse ved søbredden gik tabt. I mange år var det nødvendigt at sejle over søerne eller gå uden om, og først i begyndelsen af 1800-tallet blev der lavet en permanent færgeforbindelse over søerne, da ejeren af Asmild Kloster i 1805 fik tilladelse til færgefart. I 1812 byggede fabrikant Bertel Bruun en træbro, på foranledning af Justitsråd Peder Daniel Bruun, daværende ejer af Asmild Kloster. Broen forbandt Salonhalvøen med den modsatte bred, og det kostede bropenge at komme over. I 1855 blev den nuværende dæmning taget i brug. Dæmningen blev bygget som et led i en ny landevej mellem Randers og Holstebro. Byggeriet blev ledet af ingeniørkaptajn Enrico Mylius Dalgas, den senere medstifter af og direktør for Hedeselskabet. Fra gammel tid har der været to vandmøller i forbindelse med søerne, Nørremølle ved søernes nordlige ende og Søndermølle ved sydenden, hvor søerne blev opstemmet tilbage i middelalderen. Nørresø har et areal på 124 ha. Den er 2,3 km. lang og ca. 700 m. bred på det bredeste sted. Den største dybde er 12,2 m. og findes i det nordøstlige hjørne. Søbredden er bebygget stort set hele vejen rundt. Søndersø har et areal på 151 ha. Den er 2,2 km. lang og har en største bredde på 900 m. Den største dybde - omtrent midt i søen - er 7 m. Et stisystem langs med søbredden gør det muligt at gå hele vejen omkring Søndersø. Viborgsøerne har været - og er tildels stadig - plaget af kraftig forurening. Især Søndersø er blevet forurenet af byens spildevand, som langt op i 1900-tallet blev ledt urenset ud i søen. Søbunden er derfor stadig dækket af et tykt lag fosfor-holdigt slam. Nørresø er mindre forurenet. Den har i de senere år fået kunstigt åndedræt, idet der i sommerperioden ledes ilt ud i søen. Fiskebestanden i søerne er præget af mange skidtfisk, skaller, brasen m.v., men der fanges dog også en del spisefisk, herunder gedder, sandart, søørreder og ål.
Dimission (short version) / Viborg Katedralskole
2018 PostNord Danmark Rundt | Stage 1 Recap
Team Novo Nordisk rider Sam Brand breaks down the opening stage of 2018 PostNord Danmark Rundt in Aalborg, Denmark, where the TNN squad was greeted with amazing support from our sponsor Novo Nordisk and the Danish #diabetes community!
See our full report here:
Ever since 1883, this place welcomed the guests from Denmark and other Nordic countries. Opened as a spa this place has become an art center.
Walk around and discover the area. The five buildings Søvilla, the Society, the Spa Building, Forest Villa and Villa Granly located in a common park area.
Welcome to Kunstcenter Silkeborg Bad (Artcenter Silkeborg Bath)!
Visit Silkeborg Bad online:
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Pyro show fra Viborg ultras SU04 innen Vendsyssel FF - Viborg FF 23. Nov 2019
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2018 PostNord Danmark Rundt | Stage 2 Recap
Team Novo Nordisk rider Chris Williams recaps the 2018 PostNord Danmark Rundt queen stage, where the squad celebrated by honoring 13-year-old Dane Thea Guldager as ”pro cyclist for the day”.
See our full report here:
This is by Aishka Khadka From, Viborg ,Denmark.
Ebeltoft, Djursland, Denmark (Town Tour) walking and cycling.. GoPro
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Ebeltoft is an old port town on the central east coast of Denmark with a population of 7,468 (1 January 2014). It is located in Syddjurs municipality in Region Midtjylland on the larger Djursland peninsula of Jutland.
CountryDenmarkRegionCentral Denmark (Midtjylland)MunicipalitySyddjursCoordinates56°11′37″N 10°40′41″EPopulation7,468 (2014)TimezoneCET (UTC+1) - summer (DST)CEST (UTC+2)Postal code8400
Ebeltoft is known for its old town center with cobble-stoned streets and centuries-old half-timbered houses. Plans for the conservation of this peculiar environment, was initiated in the 1960s by the city council and the National Museum of Denmark. Apart from this overall old-village charm, Ebeltoft holds several other notable institutions such as Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, one of the world's first glass museums, Fregatten Jylland, the longeattractionsEip in the world and the European Film College, offering short and long courses in film making, especially for young people.
Ebeltoft and the surrounding countryside is one of the tourist centres of Denmark, with many summer houses and rentals, a marina, a golf course and many child-friendly beaches. In spite of its relatively small size, Ebeltoft is quite lively, especially in the summer season. The population soars in June, July, and August - but all year round, there are many more people staying here than the official number of inhabitants suggests. This is due to the Danish phenomenon of 'summer houses' (holiday homes): most are made of wood but often quite luxurious, and there are several thousand in this area. The tourism, the old traditions of trade in this harbour town, and the international schools in the area probably explain why most people in this small town are open-minded and friendly towards foreigners. The town is, generally speaking, also well-to-do. Quite a few people work in the city of Aarhus, which is only 50 km away by road and so within commuting distance. The Aarhus Airport is just 15 km by road to the north.
Ebeltoft itself offers fewer and fewer opportunities for employment. Several large companies that used to employ unskilled labour are now closed; traditional trades, such as fishing and farming are diminishing rapidly; and the ferry line, Mols-linien, has moved quite a few of its employees to the ferry port of Aarhus. However, the town is popular with artisans, such as glass workers, potters, painters, and jewellery designers. The Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, which shows contemporary glass art from all over the world, was established in 1985 by Ebeltoft glass artists Finn Lynggaard and his wife, Tchai Munch. The many general stores and supermarkets - as well as hotels, restaurants, and bars - offer opportunities to make a living here.
Around Ebeltoft lie few small towns such as Fuglsø and Knebel on the Mols Peninsula. Just south of the town is the holiday resort of Øer. In 2009 the large Mols Bjerge National Park was inaugurated and it includes the town of Ebeltoft.
Some regional attractions
Djurs Sommerland - outdoor amusement parkRanders Tropical ZooKattegatcentret – aquarium, fish, (large) sharks, sealsFjord- og Kystcentret/ Visit Center at Randers Fjord – exhibitions, guided tours, etc.Dansk Motor- og Maskinsamling – The Engine Collection, Scandinavia’s largest stationary engine collectionLandbrugsmuseet, Gl. Estrup/ The Agriculture Museum at Gl. Estrup - agricultural museum including extensive gardens with traditional vegetables and cropsHerregårdsmuseet Gl. Estrup/ The Manor Museum, Gl. EstrupMunkholm Zoo – zoo aimed at families with small childrenRee Park – zoo in hilly countrysideSkandinavisk Dyrepark/ Scandinavian animal park – zoo, Nordic animalsGlasmuseet – contemporary glass museum.Fregatten Jylland – Frigate Jutland – one of world's largest wooden warshipsKalø Castle – a 700-year-old ruined castle on a peninsulaKalø Veteranbiltræf/ Kaloe Veteran Car Meet, Tuesdays.
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VIBORG - hvor ellers?
Tag med på en spændende rejse hvor du præsenteres for et mangfoldigt og driftigt erhvervsliv i Viborg Kommune. Et erhvervsliv, som i tæt samspil skaber nye forretningsmuligheder og tiltrækker international opmærksomhed. Fra bioteknologi og industriproduktion til animationsmiljøet og Center for industri. Oplev alle mulighederne og se perspektiverne - i 'VIBORG - hvor ellers?'
Quality Brøndby IF - Sydsiden viking tifo and pyro show before match against AGF at Ceres Park
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Skøjtebanen Viborg | Vlog
Promillebriller i Funhall Viborg
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Aarhus, (Århus) Jutland, (Jylland), Denmark (City Tour) walking and cycling.. GoPro
Check the full Denmark Travel Tour:
Aarhus (Danish: [ˈɒːhuːˀs]; officially
spelled Århus from 1948 until 31 December 2010) is the second-largest city in Denmark and the seat of Aarhus municipality. It is located on the east coast of the Jutland peninsula, in the geographical centre of Denmark, 187 kilometres (116 mi) northwest of Copenhagen and 289 kilometres (180 mi) north of Hamburg, Germany. The inner urban area contains 269,022 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2017) and the municipal population is 335,684 (as of 2017). Aarhus is the central city in the East Jutland metropolitan area, which had a total population of 1.378 million in 2016.
The history of Aarhus began as a fortified Viking settlement founded in the 8th century and with the first written records stemming from the bishopric seated here from at least 948. The city was founded on the northern shores of a fjord at a natural harbour and the primary driver of growth was for centuries seaborne trade in agricultural products. Market town privileges were granted in 1441, but growth stagnated in the 17th century as the city suffered blockades and bombardments during the Swedish Wars. In the 19th century it was occupied twice by German troops during the Schleswig Wars but avoided destruction. As the industrial revolution took hold, the city grew to become the second-largest in the country by the 20th century.
Today Aarhus is at the cultural and economic core of the region and the largest centre for trade, services and industry in Jutland. The city ranks as the 92nd largest city in the European Union, and as number 234 among world cities. It is also a top 100 conference city in the world. Aarhus is the principal industrial port of the country in terms of container handling and an important trade hub in Kattegat. Major Danish companies have based their headquarters here and people commute for work and leisure from a wide area in Region Midtjylland. It is a centre for research and education in the Nordic countries and home to Aarhus University, Scandinavia's largest university, including Aarhus University Hospital and INCUBA Science Park. Being the Danish city with the youngest demographics, with 48,482 inhabitants aged under 18, Aarhus is also the second fastest growing Danish city, with an average growth of 4,500 people per annum since 2008.[5]
Aarhus is known for its musical history. In the 1950s many jazz clubs sprang up around the city, fuelled by the young population. By the 1960s, the music scene diversified into rock and other genres. In the 1970s and 1980s, Aarhus became the centre for Denmark's rock music fostering many iconic bands such as TV-2 and Gnags. Aarhus is home to the annual eight-day Aarhus International Jazz Festival, the SPoT Festival and the NorthSide Festival.
In 2017, Aarhus has been selected as European Capital of Culture along with Paphos in Cyprus. In August 2018, Aarhus will host the Hempel Sailing World Championships
To see Rotterdam City Center click:
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To see The Hague City Center click:
To see Makkum City (Village) Center click:
To see Sneek (Winter and Snow) click:
To see Hindeloopen City Tour click:
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Gokart Viborg Kommune
Produceret af:
Leif Style Film Produktion &
Leif Style Drone Flyvning
Lars Justesen: Viborg er et hold ligesom os
Vendsyssel FF - Viborg FF 1-0 Nord Energi Arena i Hjørring 23. November 2019
Game Streetmekka - Viborg RENOVER Prisen 2019
Udtjent fabrik bliver til gade- og idrætskulturhus placeret midt imellem Viborgs ghetto og villakvarterer.
Vibstock Festival på Søndersø 2013
Da der blev afholdt 24 timers løb i Viborg lørdag den 10 august 2013 havde Vibstock planlagt et lille stunt for at give noget musik til løberne og tilskuerne.
Omkring 18:30 kunne de første tilskuere høre bandet Beat Machine spille fra båden Margrethe, hvor efter bandet spillede i en time. Det hele var for at promovere Vibstock 2013 den 31 august i Nordisk park.
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Last Video Before Leaving For Denmark
When this video is up I have left for denmark and will be celebrating xmas there. I can't make any videos (since I don't have my setup here) however there wil lbe pre-made uploads postet until I get back home. Stream will start up early jan.
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Song: T-Mass & Enthic - Can You Feel It [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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BMX 'N' Dirt In The Local Spot - Hullerne Denmark
Some BMX And Dirt, in the local spot Hullerne In Denmark
Lidt BMX og Dirt i det lokale spot Hullerne I Danmark