Norman Fosters Elefanthus
Norman Fosters Elefanthus
Norman Fosters Elefanthus
Norman Fosters Elefanthus
Norman Fosters Elefanthus
Norman Fosters Elefanthus
Norman Fosters Elefanthus
Norman Fosters Elefanthus
Norman Fosters Elefanthus
Phone:+45 72 20 02 00
Address:Kobenhavns 32, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen 2000, Denmark
Attraction Location
Norman Fosters Elefanthus Videos
Norman Foster and the elephant house
Den 10 juni 2008 slog zoologisk have, København, dørene op for deres nye elefanthus. Huset er tegnet af den kendte arkitekt, Norman Forster, og det er indrettet efter elefanters adfærd. Her er snigpremiere optaget to dage før den officielle åbning.
Hunelefanten Kungrao snakker til ungen | Copenhagen Zoo
Hunelefanter støtter hinanden tæt både før, under og efter en fødsel. Her kan du se hunelefanten Kungrao, der i morges ”snakkede” til ungen i Surins mave via en dyb brummen. Surin viser tydeligt tegn på at tiden er nær da slimen, der smører fødselskanalen, er blevet meget tykkere.
Female elephants support each other closely before, during and after birth. Here the female elephant Kungrao is seen communicating to the calf in Surin's stomach with a deep hum. Surin shows clear sign that the time is near, as the mucus, which lubricates the birth canal, has become much thicker.
Zoologisk Have / Copenhagen Zoo:
Social media:
Instagram: copenhagenzoo, official hashtag: #cphzoo
Nyhedsbrev / Newsletter:
SLA has recently designed the elephants and visitors landscape in Copenhagen Zoo in close cooperation with the architects of the new Elephant House, Foster + Partners.
Following this, the Danish Architecture Centre has invited SLA to create the spatial installation ELEPHANT in connection with the exhibition Foster+Partners Working with History. A seducing meeting with the sensuous universe of the elephants.
This video is part of the installation and features clips of the visitors to the elephants' new surroundings. It should be watched - preferably simultaneously - with ELEPHANT, the other video in the installation, and therefore has no sound, please see
Produced by SLA Architects. Filmed and directed by Martin Søberg, SLA Architects
Det gamle Elefanthus skæbne afgjort
Mange Frederiksbergborgere og politikerne fra Frederiksberg, Jan E Jørgensen Venstre og Thyge Enevoldsen fra Enhedslisten, ønsker at genopføre Det gamle Elefanthus udenfor Zoologisk Have, men Zoologisk have er ikke interesserede i det, idet de selv skal betale gildet.
Elephant pushed over
An elephant in Copenhagen zoo suddenly pushed over by another elephant.
But it's back on it's feet quickly.
Elefant i zoologisk have der pludselig blev væltet af en anden elefant. Heldigvis var den hurtig og let på benene igen.
Noa i KBH ZOO 2006
Noa i KBH Zoo 2006
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