Nørre Vosborg is a manor house located near Vemb, 19 km west of Holstebro in the west of Jutland, Denmark. The original building dates from c. 1532 with additions in 1640, 1750 and the mid-19th century. In 1946, restoration of the complex began under the leadership of H.H. Engqvist. The work was completed by Realdania in 2008, leading to a hotel with conference facilities. Continue reading... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Attraction Location
Norre Vosborg Videos
NOrre Vosborg - Vemb Hotels, Denmark
NOrre Vosborg 3 Stars Hotel in Vemb, Denmark Within US Travel Directory Set in a traditional manor house in West Jutland, this hotel offers free Wi-Fi and wired internet. Its individually decorated rooms feature flat-screen TVs and tea/coffee facilities. Seasonal Danish and international dishes are served at Hotel NOrre Vosborg’s restaurant. During summer, guests can relax in the garden oron the terrace. The lobby shop sells snacks, gifts and tobacco. The Nissum Fjord is within 15 minutes’ drive. Hiking and fishing are popular in the surrounding area. Vemb town centre is only 2. 5 km away. Free private parking is offered on site at NOrre Vosborg Hotel.
Hotels Located in : NOrre Vosborg - Vemb Hotels, Denmark Location in : Vembvej 35, 7570 Vemb, Denmark
Booking Now :
Hotels list and More information visit U.S. Travel Directory
Nørre Vosborg (1)
Første afsnit i serien om restaureringen af den gamle herregård, Nr. Vosborg.
First episode in the documentary about the restoration of the old manor, Nr. Vosborg in West Jutland, Denmark
Den gamle herregård Nørre Vosborg i Holstebro Kommune
Den gamle herregård Nørre Vosborg ved Vemb vest for Holstebro er gennemrenoveret og fungerer nu både som turistattraktion samt konference- og kulturcenter med hotel og restaurant.
Herrenhaus Norre Vosborg /DK
Norre Vosborg wurde erstmals um 1299 schriftlich erwähnt. Die Besitzer wechselten mehrfach - heute sind in der Anlage, neben dem alten Herrenhaus, ein Konferenzzentrum und ein Hotel untergebracht. In den 56 Zimmern findet man ausschließlich beste dänische und italienische Designer-Möbel. Im Jahre 1859 hat sich der Dichter Hans Christian Andersen zwei Wochen hier aufgehalten und an seinen Werken gearbeitet. Ruhig, und etwas abgelegen, aber immer einen Besuch wert . . .
Forårs stemning på Nørre Vosborg
Hør og mærk den skønne forårsstemning på Nørre Vosborg. Parken er åben hele året rundt. Rundvisning på borgen hver søndag og helligdage kl. 13.30. Kombiner med søndagsbrunch.
Træklatring af Jerking ved Nørre Vosborg Event 15-09-2012
Jerking i et træ ved Nørre Vosborg 15-09-2012
Pla & Bo - June 6th 2015
Pla & Bo were married on June 6th 2015 in Holstebro, Denmark. This video shows you the highlights from their wedding day:
The ceremony in Holstebro Kirke (Holstebro Church) The traditional rice tossing The Rolls Royce and horse carriage ride to the manor Nørre Vosborg. Cutting the wedding cake at the reception at Nørre Vosborg Beheading the champagne bottle (the 3rd time is the lucky one ;-)
The video includes interview with bridegroom and guests. Congratulations! ;-)
Holstebro Regatta 2015
Holstebro roklub inviterede Vestjysk Drone Studie på besøg under Holstebro Regatta 2015, søndag den 9. august. Det fik vi en masse film og billede materiale ud af. Noget af det har vi klippet sammen til denne kortfilm.