North Town Gate - Trogir, Croatia
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#Croatia #Davidsbeenhere
About Me:
My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.
I focus a great deal on food and historic sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, whether it’s casual Street food or gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning the local history and culture.
North Town Gate - Trogir, Croatia
North city gate (Trogir)
The northern city gate or porta terrae fermae is located on the north side of town. Built around 1660, during the reign of...
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Sjeverna gradska vrata ili porta terrae fermae smještena su na sjevernoj strani grada. Ona su malim kamenim mostom...
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Town center of Trogir, Croatia
Fortress Kamerlengo - Trogir, Croatia
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5858 SW 81 ST
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#Croatia #Davidsbeenhere
About Me:
My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.
I focus a great deal on food and historic sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, whether it’s casual Street food or gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning the local history and culture.
Fortress Kamerlengo - Trogir, Croatia
Bus 37 - Trogir, Croatia
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5858 SW 81 ST
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#Croatia #Davidsbeenhere
About Me:
My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.
I focus a great deal on food and historic sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, whether it’s casual Street food or gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning the local history and culture.
Bus 37 - Trogir, Croatia
Croatia, Salona Ancient City - Roman Amphitheatre
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
The remains of Roman amphitheatre indicate that gladiator fights were held in the city of Salona just as in any part of Roman empire, until the fifth century when they were finally banned. The building was ellipsoidal in shape, with three floors on the south side and one floor on the north side, which was conveniently laid down on a natural hillside. Despite its relatively small size (125 by 100 meters outer shell and 65 by 40 meters the arena), Salonitan amphitheatre could have been occupied by 15.000 up to 18.000 spectators.
Croatia north of Trogir
Recorded on June 6, 2010 using a Flip Video camera.
Хорватия: Трогир, город с 2000-летней историей
1 часть фильма - Прогулка по ночному городу Трогир - смотрите:
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Трогир (хорв. Trogir, итал. Traù, лат. Tragurium, гр. Tragurion) — город в Хорватии, в Далмации.
Центральная историческая часть г. Трогир внесена в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.
Исторический старый город расположен на небольшом островке, отделенном узкой протокой от материка и протокой пошире от большого острова Чиово. Основная часть населения Трогира живет в материковой части города и на Чиово.
Туризм приносит более половины доходов города. Кроме туристического обслуживания население занято рыболовством, строительством яхт и кораблей, а в окрестностях города также виноградарством.
Трогир (Трагурион) был основан в III веке до н. э. греческими колонистами с острова Вис. Город успешно развивался, однако в римский период оказался в тени близкорасположенного и процветающего города Салона (Сплит). В VII веке на далматинское побережье пришли славяне, и вскоре город оказался под властью хорватских королей. В XI веке в городе учреждена епархия.
В 1123 г. город был захвачен и полностью разрушен сарацинами, однако быстро был восстановлен, достигнув пика своего процветания в XIII веке.
В 1420 г. вместе со значительной частью далматинских прибрежных городов и островов Трогир перешел под контроль Венеции.
После падения венецианской республики в 1797 г. город стал частью Австрии.
Во время первой мировой войны и второй мировой войны город оккупировали итальянцы, после обеих войн Трогир становился частью Югославии.
После распада последней в 1990 г. город стал частью независимой Хорватии.
Старый город — даже среди многочисленных и хорошо сохранившихся старинных прибрежных и островных городов Далмации небольшая по площади историческая часть Трогира выделяется уникальным скоплением дворцов, храмов, башен, старинных зданий. Романская архитектура здесь органично сочетается с архитектурой ренессанса и барокко, оставшейся от венецианцев. Улочки старого города, сплетающиеся в лабиринт и пересекающие друг друга под разными углами делают Трогир непохожим ни на один другой город хорватского побережья.
Собор Святого Лаврентия — самое большое здание старого города (XIII—XVI век) с высокой колокольней. Жемчужиной внутреннего убранства собора является резной портал мастера Радована (1240 г.).
Северные ворота (XVII век) — центральный вход в город со стороны материка. Рядом с воротами — статуя св. Ивана Урсини, покровителя города.
Городские стены (XIV—XV век) — фрагменты мощных средневековых городских стен можно увидеть с северной и западной части города.
Крепость Камерленго — крепость XV века, расположенная на западной оконечности старого города. С неё открывается живописный вид на старый город.
Княжеский дворец (XIII век).
Романский храм Святого Иоанна Крестителя (XIII век).
Готическая церковь доминиканцев на набережной (XIV век).
Неоготический дворец Чипико (XV век).
Городская ратуша (XV век).
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Наш маршрут на 7 дней путешествия по Средней Далмации:
«Москва - аэропорт Сплит - Трогир - Сплит - Хвар - остров Брач (Бол и Сумартин) - Макарска - Брела - Башка-Вода - Промайна - Биоково (вершина Св Юрия) - Омиш - аэропорт Сплит – Москва»
Погода в конце сентября была замечательная: +22-25, вода в море +21-22 гр.
P.S. Пока все свежо в памяти моей – готов ответить на Ваши вопросы по маршруту!
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Exploring Trogir Area Croatia
We had amazin afternoon in this amazing wind farm just above Trogir ( 10 km driving ) from Plano to Bristivica.
From this amazing view you can see local islands (Solta, Brac, Hvar, Vis, Drvenik Mali, Drvenik Veli), Ciovo , Seget, Trogir and Split.
Thank you for watching and see you next week in our new weekend getaway.
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Au sommet de la cathédrale Saint-Laurent à Trogir, Croatie -
Par Monts et Par Vaux : Tour du Monde à Vélo - Vidéo réalisée par Anthony Bray, le 25 novembre 2011, à Trogir, en haut de la cathédrale Saint-Laurent (Croatie). Site inscrit au Patrimoine Mondial de l'Humanité par l'U.N.E.S.C.O. (
10 Game Of Thrones Locations That Exist In Real Life
Amazing pictures of the real locations behind the Game Of Thrones series.
As soon as “Game of Thrones” premiered on HBO back in 2011, it instantly became one of the most popular shows on TV. The series takes place in various fictional locations in the continents of Westeros and Essos, and fans have discovered that many of these places actually exist in real life! If you’ve ever dreamed of taking a trip to these real-life settings, why not take a trip with us instead? We’ll be showing you the real-life King’s Landing, Dorne, the Haunted Forest, and more. This is: 10 Game of Thrones Locations That Exist In Real Life.
One of the most eye-catching scenes in the television show is Daenerys throne room. It includes a massive staircase and a bench for the powerful woman to sit on. While the stairs were built by the show’s production crew, the actual location is called Diocletians Palace in the city of Split, Croatia. And above the city of Split is a place called Fortress of Klis. But “Game of Thrones” fans may recognize it as the shows city-state of Meereen.
We’ll also be showing you the monastery that was inspired by the Eyrie, and the actual staircase and surrounding city that the show’s fans know as the Great Sept of Baelor. If that doesn’t excite you, just wait until we show you what the House of the Undying looks like to local residents and tourists. If you’d like to see even more “Game of Thrones” locations that exist in real life, including the caves in The Stormland and Pyke, make sure to watch our video. Let us know in the comments which of these locations you’d like to visit!
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【K】Croatia Travel-Zagreb[크로아티아 여행-자그레브]로트르슈차크 타워, 대포/Lotrscak Tower/Uspinjaca/Cable car/View/gun
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
나는 우선 도시 전체의 모습을 보고 있어 광장의 북쪽 로트르슈차크 타워에 오르는 케이블카를 타기로 했다. 수백 년 전 물건을 오르내리기 위해 사용됐다는 케이블카는 겉모습을 바꾸고 이젠 관광객을 실어 나르고 있었고, 바깥 풍경은 조금씩 구시가지의 운치 있는 모습을 드러내기 시작했다. 자그레브 시내를 360도로 조망할 수 있다는 로트르슈차크 타워. 설레는 마음으로 타워에 오르자, 내부에 있는 커다란 캐넌포 하나가 눈에 들어왔다. “옛날에 시계가 없었을 때 무척 불편했었죠. 그래서 종을 울리게 되었어요. 130년 전에 자그레브에선 정오에 그리스 대포를 발포했습니다. 그 후부터는 대포소리와 함께 모든 종이 울리기 시작했고, 사람들은 쉽게 정오라는 것을 알게 되었죠.” 매일 정오 포를 쏴야하는 이의 삶은 어떤 것일까. 시간을 놓치지 않으려는 듯, 타워 안에는 여러 종류의 시계와 라디오까지 있었다. 귀마개가 없던 나는 귀가 아팠다. 굉음을 내뿜으며 캐넌포가 정오를 알리자 뒤이어 수많은 종소리가 시내 전체에 울려 퍼진다. 아름다운 수도, 자그레브의 정오. 나의 이번 여행은 이렇게 시작됐다.
[English: Google Translator]
I'm looking at the first appearance of the whole town was in a cable car to climb the north tower of the Plaza Lot reusyu chakeu to ride. Hundreds of years ago, changing the appearance dwaetdaneun cable car used to make the climb stuff now put the visitors was carrying was the outer landscape is lifted appearance flavor with a little bit of the old town. Lots Zagreb city that overlooks a 360 Tower Road reusyu chakeu. Throbbing heart ohreuja the tower is located inside a large kaeneonpo one caught my eye. Aced very uncomfortable when the clock not have been in the past. So doeeoteoyo ring the bell. 130 years ago it has expanded to Greece In Zagreb the noon cannon. Hubuteoneun that began to ring with all paper cannon sounds, people easily became known that the midday. What does that every day their lives noon shoot the artillery. Seemed not to miss the time, there were up to several kinds of clocks and radios inside the tower. The unprecedented earplugs I hurt the ears. Alrija emits a roar that followed was a lot of bells at noon kaeneonpo reverberate in the entire city. Beautiful capital, at noon in Zagreb. My trip was thus started.
[Croatian: Google Translator]
Gledam prvog pojavljivanja na cijeli grad bio u žičarom popeti sjeverni toranj Plazi Lotove reusyu chakeu za vožnju. Stotine godina, mijenja izgled dwaetdaneun žičarom koristi da bi uspon stvari sada staviti posjetitelji nosio je vanjski krajolik se podiže izgled okus uz malo starog grada. Mnogo Zagreb grad koji gleda 360 Tower Road reusyu chakeu. Lupanje srca ohreuja Kula se nalazi unutar velikog kaeneonpo jednom zatečen moj oko. Aced vrlo neugodno kada sat nije bio u prošlosti. Tako doeeoteoyo prsten zvono. Prije 130 godina je proširio na Grčku u Zagrebu podne top. Hubuteoneun koji je počeo zvoniti sa svim top papir zvuči, ljudi jednostavno postalo je poznato da u podne. Što da svaki dan im životi u podne pucati topništvo. Činilo se da ne propustite put, bilo je do nekoliko vrsta satova i radio unutar tornja. Nezapamćeni čepići za uši sam ozlijedio uši. Alrija emitira buku koja je uslijedila bila je puno zvona u podne kaeneonpo odjekuju u cijelom gradu. Lijepa kapital, u podne u Zagrebu. Moj put tako je počelo.
■클립명: 유럽114-크로아티아01-02 로트르슈차크 타워, 정오를 알리는 대포/Lotrscak Tower/Uspinjaca/Cable car/View/Midday gun
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김군래 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2006년 7월 July
,유럽,Europe,,크로아티아,Croatia,Hrvatska,Republika Hrvatska ,김군래,2006,7월 July,,,,
Croatia 2008
This is a trailer of our 18 day trip through one of the most incredible countries in Europe Croatia. We visited all these locations (Rovinj, Fazana, Pula, Zagreb, Split, Trogir, Island of Brac, Island of Hvar, Mali Ston, Ston and Dubrovnik). One of my favorite countries on earth. I love Croatia!
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5858 SW 81 ST
Miami, FL 33143
About Me:
My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.
I focus a great deal on food and historic sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, whether it’s casual Street food or gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning the local history and culture.
Croatia 2008
Хорватия: Прогулка по ночному городу Трогир
Я давно заметил, что любой город ночью и днем - две большие разницы! :-) Поэтому, пока я монтирую фильм о прогулке днем, посмотрите, что же там ночью происходит! :-)
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2 часть фильма о городе Трогир смотрите:
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Трогир (хорв. Trogir, итал. Traù, лат. Tragurium, гр. Tragurion) — город в Хорватии, в Далмации.
Центральная историческая часть г. Трогир внесена в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.
Исторический старый город расположен на небольшом островке, отделенном узкой протокой от материка и протокой пошире от большого острова Чиово. Основная часть населения Трогира живет в материковой части города и на Чиово.
Туризм приносит более половины доходов города. Кроме туристического обслуживания население занято рыболовством, строительством яхт и кораблей, а в окрестностях города также виноградарством.
Трогир (Трагурион) был основан в III веке до н. э. греческими колонистами с острова Вис. Город успешно развивался, однако в римский период оказался в тени близкорасположенного и процветающего города Салона (Сплит). В VII веке на далматинское побережье пришли славяне, и вскоре город оказался под властью хорватских королей. В XI веке в городе учреждена епархия.
В 1123 г. город был захвачен и полностью разрушен сарацинами, однако быстро был восстановлен, достигнув пика своего процветания в XIII веке.
В 1420 г. вместе со значительной частью далматинских прибрежных городов и островов Трогир перешел под контроль Венеции.
После падения венецианской республики в 1797 г. город стал частью Австрии.
Во время первой мировой войны и второй мировой войны город оккупировали итальянцы, после обеих войн Трогир становился частью Югославии.
После распада последней в 1990 г. город стал частью независимой Хорватии.
Старый город — даже среди многочисленных и хорошо сохранившихся старинных прибрежных и островных городов Далмации небольшая по площади историческая часть Трогира выделяется уникальным скоплением дворцов, храмов, башен, старинных зданий. Романская архитектура здесь органично сочетается с архитектурой ренессанса и барокко, оставшейся от венецианцев. Улочки старого города, сплетающиеся в лабиринт и пересекающие друг друга под разными углами делают Трогир непохожим ни на один другой город хорватского побережья.
Собор Святого Лаврентия — самое большое здание старого города (XIII—XVI век) с высокой колокольней. Жемчужиной внутреннего убранства собора является резной портал мастера Радована (1240 г.).
Северные ворота (XVII век) — центральный вход в город со стороны материка. Рядом с воротами — статуя св. Ивана Урсини, покровителя города.
Городские стены (XIV—XV век) — фрагменты мощных средневековых городских стен можно увидеть с северной и западной части города.
Крепость Камерленго — крепость XV века, расположенная на западной оконечности старого города. С неё открывается живописный вид на старый город.
Княжеский дворец (XIII век).
Романский храм Святого Иоанна Крестителя (XIII век).
Готическая церковь доминиканцев на набережной (XIV век).
Неоготический дворец Чипико (XV век).
Городская ратуша (XV век).
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Наш маршрут на 7 дней путешествия по Средней Далмации:
«Москва - аэропорт Сплит - Трогир - Сплит - Хвар - остров Брач (Бол и Сумартин) - Макарска - Брела - Башка-Вода - Промайна - Биоково (вершина Св Юрия) - Омиш - аэропорт Сплит – Москва»
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TROGIR, CROATIA (September 2011)
Short visit to Trogir, Croatia
Croatia: Adriatic Delights
Rick Steves' Europe Travel Guide | A fascinating land with a hard-fought history in a complex corner of Europe, Croatia is emerging as one of Europe's top destinations. Sampling the very best of Croatia, we start by exploring the fabled Dalmatian Coast from dramatic Dubrovnik to crusty Adriatic island ports. Heading inland, we hike through Plitvice Lakes National Park and enjoy the thriving capital city Zagreb. Our Croatian finale: the Istrian Peninsula and its enchanting port town of Rovinj.
© 2010 Rick Steves' Europe
Diocletian's Palace, Split, Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia, Europe
Diocletian's Palace is a building in Split, Croatia, that was built by the Roman emperor Diocletian at the turn of the fourth century AD. Diocletian built the massive palace in preparation for his retirement on 1 May 305 AD. It lies in a bay on the south side of a short peninsula running out from the Dalmatian coast, four miles from Salona, the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. The terrain slopes gently seaward and is typical karst, consisting of low limestone ridges running east to west with marl in the clefts between them. After the Romans abandoned the site, the Palace remained empty for several centuries. In the 7th century nearby residents fled to the walled palace to escape invading barbarians. Since then the palace has been occupied, with residents making their homes and businesses within the palace basement and directly in its walls. Today many restaurants and shops, and some homes, can still be found within the walls. After the Middle Ages the palace was virtually unknown in the West until the Scottish neo-classical architect Robert Adam had the ruins surveyed and, with the aid of French artist and antiquary Charles-Louis Clérisseau and several draughtsmen, published Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia (London, 1764). Diocletian's palace was an inspiration for Adam's new style of Neoclassical architecture and the publication of measured drawings brought it into the design vocabulary of European architecture for the first time. A few decades later, in 1782, the French painter Louis-François Cassas created drawings of the palace, published by Joseph Lavallée in 1802 in the chronicles of his voyages. This palace is today, with all the most important historical buildings, in the centre of the city of Split. Diocletian's Palace far transcends local importance because of its degree of preservation. The Palace is one of the most famous and complete architectural and cultural features on the Croatian Adriatic coast. As the world's most complete remains of a Roman palace, it holds an outstanding place in Mediterranean, European and world heritage. he ground plan of the palace is an irregular rectangle (approximately 160 meters x 190 meters) with towers projecting from the western, northern, and eastern facades. It combines qualities of a luxurious villa with those of a military camp, with its huge gates and watchtowers. The palace is enclosed by walls, and at times, it housed over 9000 people. Subterranean portions of the palace feature barrel vaulted stonework. Only the southern facade, which rose directly from, or very near to, the sea, was unfortified. The elaborate architectural composition of the arcaded gallery on its upper floor differs from the more severe treatment of the three shore facades. A monumental gate in the middle of each of these walls led to an enclosed courtyard. The southern sea gate (the Porta Aenea) was simpler in shape and dimensions than the other three, and it is thought that it was originally intended either as the emperor's private access to the sea, or as a service entrance for supplies. The design is derived from both villa and castrum types, and this duality is also evident in the arrangement of the interior. The transverse road (decumanus) linking the eastern gate (the Silver Gate or Porta argentea) and western gate (the Iron Gate or Porta ferrea) divided the complex into two halves. In the southern half were the more luxurious structures; that is, the emperor's apartments, both public and private, and religious buildings. The emperor's apartments formed a block along the sea front and were situated above a substructure because the sloping terrain demanded significant differences in level. Although for many centuries almost completely filled with refuse, most of the substructure is well preserved, and indicates the original shape and disposition of the rooms above. A monumental court, called the Peristyle, formed the northern access to the imperial apartments. It also gave access to Diocletian's mausoleum on the east (now Cathedral of St. Domnius), and to three temples on the west (two of which are now lost, the third having become a baptistery, originally being the temple of Jupiter). There is a temple just to the west of the Peristylum called The Temple of the Aesculapius, which has a semi cylindrical roof made out of hand carved stone blocks which did not leak until the 1940s, and was then covered with a lead roof. The temple was restored recently. The northern half of the palace, divided in two parts by the main north-south street (cardo) leading from the Golden Gate (Porta aurea) to the Peristyle, is less well preserved. It is usually supposed that each part was a residential complex, housing soldiers, servants, and possibly some other facilities. Both parts were apparently surrounded by streets. Leading to perimeter walls there were rectangular buildings, possibly storage magazines.
Mali Dalmatinski gradić za pravi letnji,veliki odmor.
U njemu su očuvane kamene kućice i crkvice oko kojih je izraslo pitomo urbano okruženje.
Njegujući tradiciju guštanja života, ovde svaki kafić ima svog konobara i svoj krug vernih posetilaca, te uvijek spreman osmeh za nova poznanstva.
Konobe, pizzerije i poslestičarnice pružaju priliku za uživanje u mediteranskim ukusima na dalmatinski način.
Letnji noćni život grada krase bogata kulturna događanja, no čak i bez njih šetnja rivom predstavlja trenutak razbibrige i opuštanja.
U okolini se nalazi više vrsta plaža. Neke su plitke i peskovite, neke šljunkovite, a neke stenovite sa kamenim pločama za sunčanje.
Za one željnje otkrivanja okoline i upoznavanja prirodnih lepota zanimljivo je posetiti Nacionalni park Kornati i Nacionalni park Krka.
Croatia ต่อที่เมือง Trogir เมืองเล็ก ๆ น่าเที่ยว