Best Attractions & Things To Do in Paranagua, Brazil
Paranagua Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Paranagua. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Paranagua for You. Discover Paranagua as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Paranagua.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Paranagua.
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List of Best Things to do in Paranagua, Brazil
Gruta das Encantadas
Parque Estadual Ilha do Mel
Aquario Marinho
Fortaleza N. S Dos Prazeres
Federal University of Parana Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
Pontal Do Sul Beach
Santuario Nossa Senhora do Rocio
Mercado Municipal do Cafe
Ilha das Pecas
Nossa Senhora do Rosario Church
Railroad, Brazil's Atlantic forest
Traveling along 110 km of a railroad with 125 years of history through the largest preserved area of Brazil's Atlantic forest. The Mountain Range Train of Paraná departs from the city of Curitiba to Morretes everyday and on Sundays it also arrives at Paranaguá. The trip takes approximately 3 hours.
Curitiba is the capital of the state of Paraná, where Serra Verde Express headquarters are and it is internationally recognized for providing differential treatment to socio-environmental issues. The effort to recycle garbage, dedication to environmental education (the city has a record green area per capita comparing to the other capital cities) and the public transportation system, which is a model for the world, make the city one of the most requested of the country as a destination for Brazilian and foreign tourists.
What to see: Oscar Niemeyer Museum, Botanical Garden, Barigüi Park, Graciosa Road, Santa Felicidade, Wire Opera House, Panoramic Tower (Telepar)
Events: Theatre Festival and Christmas of Light
The city of Morretes was founded in 1721. It is in the middle of the Mountain Range of Paraná, between the capital and the coast. The bucolism of its routine, the pleasant climate, the options for ecotourism, the gastronomic attractions and historic buildings attract hundreds of citizens from Curitiba (Curitibanos) to the city every weekend. Morretes is being discovered by tourists who love nature and seek, through ecotourism, an interaction with the environment.
What to see: Typical Food, Graciosa Road, Mountain Range tracks, Historical Center, Marumbi Park, Porto de Cima, Nhundiaquara River.
Events: Sugar Cane Party, bike rides, Agricultural Fair and Crafts Festival, Winter Festival, Barreado Festival.
As Morretes and Antonina, Paranaguá is a historical city of Paraná's coast. The city had its development stimulated by the railroad construction which connected it with Curitiba. Thus, the Port of Paranaguá became the second of Brazil in terms of volume and the first in terms of grain transportation. Founded in 1648, the city is rich in historical buildings to explore such as museums, churches, colonial mansions, monuments, among others.
What to see: Art Market, Colonial Houses, Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
Events: Nossa Senhora do Rosário Party, Nossa Senhora do Rocio Party, Christmas Auto
Video do casamento
Filmagem feita por meu amigo, cujo nome não posso declinar agora, pois é um homem marcado em Paranaguá
Auto da Paixão de Cristo 2013 Ariquemes-R0 - As Dores de Maria
Auto da Paixão de Cristo 2013 Ariquemes-R0 - As Dores de Maria
Igreja abandonada - parte 4.
Santuário Nossa Senhora de Lourdes 01/02/08 - parte 5/5
Padre Reginaldo Manzotti celebra o primeiro dia do novenário
Santuário Nossa Senhora de Lourdes, praça Itália, 183 Jardim Botânico - Curitiba - Paraná
Parte 5 -
Subindo na torre da igreja São Sebastião de Limeira - SP.
Imagens exclusivas para quem é curioso e tem vontade de saber como é a torre por dentro da igreja São Sebastião no Bairro Boa Vista em Limeira - SP. Assista até o fim, é muito interessante. Imagens feitas dia 21/07/2012.
Take pictures for anyone who is curious and wants to know how the tower inside the church in San Sebastian Neighborhood Boa Vista in Limeira - SP. Watch till the end, is very interesting. Images taken on 21/07/2012.
Igreja de São Francisco-Séc. XVIII - Paranaguá-PR.maio/2014
Em estilo Barroco, muito simples, a igreja está erguida em alvenaria de pedra, o que define uma característica marcante da ocupação do litoral paranaense no século XVIII.
Um mergulho na história e no tempo com os seus sinos badalando !!!
Alguns momentos do 6º Aniversário do Circulo de Oração Renovadas em Cristo da Igreja Evangélica Petencostal Renovo do Senhor em Aquidauana, nos dias
24 e 25 de Maio/2019.
As Igrejas Mais Bonitas que eu Acho do Brasil!(católica)
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Uma escavação conduzida no bairro da Liberdade, em São Paulo, expõe sete ossadas de um século e meio no antigo cemitério dos aflitos, onde até pouco tempo, existia um prédio.
Quer saber mais?
Insta: @archaeoloddity
Ouro Preto/MG - Igreja São Francisco de Assis
Gravado em 07/07/2018