02/10/2019 T. Vladimirov in a concert in State Concert Hall n.a. A.M. Katz, Novosibirsk (1-st part)
02/10/2019 Timofey Vladimirov in a concert as part of the subscription Stars of the 21st Century. Piano Evenings on the Big Stage, State Concert Hall named after A.M. Katz, Novosibirsk (1-st part)
- I.-S. Bach - F. Busoni Chaconne
- F. Liszt Gretchen am Spinnrade & Erlkönig from 12 Lieder von Franz Schubert, S.558
- F. Schubert “Wohin?” from vocal cycle “Die schöne Müllerin”, D.795 arranged for piano solo by L. Godowsky
- R. Schumann Toccata in C major, op.7
Performed: Timofey Vladimirov
10.02.2019 Тимофей Владимиров в концерте в рамках абонемента Звезды XXI века. Фортепианные вечера на большой сцене, Государственный Концертный зал имени А.М. Каца, Новосибирск (I-е отделение)
- И.-С. Бах – Ф. Бузони Чакона
- Ф. Лист Гретхен за прялкой и Лесной царь`из Фортепианные транскрипции 12 песен Франца Шуберта, S.558
- Ф. Шуберт «Куда?» из вокального цикла «Прекрасная мельничиха» , D.795 в обработке для фортепиано Л. Годовского
- Р. Шуман Токката для фортепиано до мажор, соч.7
Исполняет: Тимофей Владимиров
Composer SATOKO in Novosibirsk / Channel 49 (NSK 49)
SATOKO had a great time working with Russian Academic Orchestra of Novosibirsk State Philharmonic Society (Русский академический оркестр).
The oldest musical ensemble of Novosibirsk was founded in 1927. Российское телевидение NSK 49 (49 канал) транслировало новости с участием японского композитора САТОКO (Японский композитор Сатоко Исидзэ), который предоставил свою оркестровую пьесу в город Новосибирск, Россия, по случаю своего 120-го
ComIn Novosibirsk music video (trailer)
Chopin Piano Concerto No.2 -2 Artemis Yen / Palishuk / Novosibirsk Phil Chamber Orchestra
F. Chopin: Piano Concerto No.2 in f minor Soloist: Artemis Yen (Taiwan); Conductor: Alexander Palishuk (Russia), Chamber Orchestra of Novosibirsk State Philharmonic Society Recorded live: October 8, 2005, Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk.Russia.Victory Parade. Victory Day parade May 9, 2015
The Russian Victory Parade held in honor of the 70th anniversary of the victory over Germany in WWII
The Second World War (1.09.1939-3.09.1945 gg.) - The greatest tragedy of all humanity. It killed more than 54 million people, 90 million wounded, 28 million of whom were disabled.
During II world has been drawn 61 countries with a population of 1.7 billion people. From fighting the fascist terror and suffered especially Europe, which killed 40 million people, including 30 million in the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition of them, more than 50% were killed by the Nazi terror.
The victims of the war and occupation in Europe are:
- Soviet Union - over 27 million people; (40% of all victims);
-Poland - 6 million;
-Yugoslaviya - 1.7 million;
- France - more than 600 thousand people;
- Greece - more than 400 thousand people;
- Netherlands - 200 thousand people;
-Belgiya - 8000 people;
- Albania - more than 7.5 thousand people;
- Luxembourg - 5000 people.
In the fight against Germany and Japan lost 360,000 British, more than 400 000 Americans, more than 40,000 Australians and New Zealanders, over 30,000 Canadians.
During the war with Germany and Japan, the USSR Supreme Soviet (Red Army) suffered irretrievable losses of 11 million 944 thousand people.
Among the missing and captured 5,059,000 people - 1,783,300 did not return from captivity (killed, died, emigrated to other countries).
Prisoners of war Nazi Command believed all men aged 16 to 55 years old who are in occupied territory (Directive Hitler from 08.08.1943 city).
The rest of the non-combat losses of the State Statistics Committee of the USSR: 13millionov 684,000 Soviet citizens were killed by the Nazi executioners (7.2 million exterminated intentionally; 2,16millionov died from
forced labor in Germany; 4.1 million people - from the brutal conditions of occupation).
Most of the tragedy experienced soldiers were captured. For 40 months the first world war (1914-1917 years), the Russian army lost 3,638,000 people captive, including 65 generals.
During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) turned out to be a prisoner of 4,559,000 soldiers. Captivated by Red Army soldiers was preceded a major defeat of Soviet troops. According to the German scientist Streit - author of the book They are not comrades of the 3.4 million Soviet prisoners of war, captured by the Germans in 1941, the end of January 1942, survived 1.4 million. The remaining 2 million were
victims of shootings, epidemics, hunger and cold. According to the Office for Prisoners of War Wehrmacht to May 1, 1944 the number of exterminated Soviet prisoners amounted to 3,291,157 persons. (Shot - 1,030,157 people died in 1981 thousands of people were killed in the way - 280 thousand people).
During the war with Germany and Japan, the Soviet Armed Forces had suffered irretrievable losses of 11 million 944 thousand people.
Great sacrifices demanded by the Red Army liberation of the peoples of Europe and Asia. Irrecoverable losses were as follows:
- Poland - 600212 people;
- Czechoslovakia - 139918
- Hungary - 140004 people;
- In Germany - 101,961 people;
- Romania - 68,993 people;
- Austria - 26006 people;
- Yugoslavia - 7995 people;
- Norway - 3436 people;
- Bulgaria - 977 people;
- China - 9272 people;
- Korea - 691 people.
Total: 1099465 soldiers, and taking into account the sanitary losses - about 4 million people. That's the price of freedom of these people, paid the blood of Soviet soldiers (!).
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11.11.2018 Timofey Vladimirov' performance at Moscow Philharmonic Society
11.11.2018 Timofey Vladimirov' performance at season ticket concert Curious alphabet, Moscow Philharmonic, Concert complex Philharmonic-2, Concert Hall named after S. V. Rachmaninov
- D. Shostakovich The Concerto №1 in c minor for Piano, Trumpet, and String Orchestra, op.35 (III-th & IV-th parts)
Cycle author and moderator: Artyom Vargaftik
Performed by: Moscow chamber orchestra Musica Viva
Conductor: Alexander Rudin
Soloist: Timofey Vladimirov (piano)
Soloist: Vassiliy Popov (trumpet)
Encore: D. Shostakovich Prelude №10 in c sharp minor from 24 Preludes, op.34
11.11.2018 Тимофей Владимиров в концерте Абонемента Любопытный алфавит, Московская Филармония, Концертный комплекс Филармония-2, Концертный зал имени С. В. Рахманинова
- Д. Шостакович Концерт № 1 для фортепиано, трубы и струнных (III-я и IV-я части)
Автор цикла и ведущий: Артём Варгафтик
Оркестр: Московский камерный оркестр Musica Viva
Дирижёр: Александр Рудин
Солист: Тимофей Владимиров (фортепиано)
Солист: Василий Попов (труба)
Бис: Д. Шостакович Прелюдия №10 до диез минор из 24 прелюдии, соч.34
D. Shostakovich: Piano Concerto No.1 Mov.1-Artemis Yen / Novosibirsk Phil Chamber
D. Shostakovich: Piano Concerto No.1 Mov.1 Soloist: Artemis Yen ; Conductor: Alexander Palishuk, Chmaber Orchestra of Novosibirsk State Philharmonic Society Recorded live: October 8, 2005, Novosibirsk, Russia
02/10/2019 T. Vladimirov in a concert in State Concert Hall n.a. A.M. Katz, Novosibirsk (2-nd part)
02/10/2019 Timofey Vladimirov in a concert as part of the subscription Stars of the 21st Century. Piano Evenings on the Big Stage, State Concert Hall named after A.M. Katz, Novosibirsk (2-nd part)
- M. Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition
Promenade [I]
1. Gnomus
[Promenade II]. Moderato commodo assai e con delicatezza
2. Il Vecchio Castello
[Promenade III]. Moderato non tanto, pesamente
3. Tuileries (Dispute d'enfants après jeux)
4. Bydło
[Promenade IV]. Tranquillo
5. Балет невылупившихся птенцов [Balet nevylupivshikhsya ptentsov] - Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks
6. Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuÿle
Promenade [V]
7. Limoges, le marché (La grande nouvelle)
8. Catacombæ (Sepulcrum romanum) Cum mortuis in lingua mortua
9. Избушка на курьих ножках (Баба-Яга) [Izbushka na kuryikh nozhkakh (Baba-Yagá)] - The Hut on Fowl's Legs (Baba-Yagá)
10. Богатырские ворота (В стольном городе во Киеве) [Bogatyrskiye vorota (V stolnom gorode vo Kiyeve)] The Knight's Gate (in the Old Capital of Kiev) or The Great Gate of Kiev
- P. Tchaikovsky Piece №5 Romance from 6 Pieces, op.51
- G. Catoire Piece №1 En rêvant from cycle Chants du crépuscule, op.24
Performer: Timofey Vladimirov
10.02.2019 Тимофей Владимиров в концерте в рамках абонемента Звезды XXI века. Фортепианные вечера на большой сцене, Государственный Концертный зал имени А.М. Каца, Новосибирск (II-е отделение)
- М. Мусоргский «Картинки с выставки», цикл пьес для фортепиано
Promenade (Прогулка)
№ 1. Gnomus (Гном)
Promenade (Прогулка)
№ 2. Il vecchio castello (Старый замок)
Promenade (Прогулка)
№ 3. Tuileries. Dispute d`enfants après jeux (Тюильрийский сад. Ссора детей после игры)
№ 4. Bydlo (Скот)
Promenade (Прогулка)
№ 5. Балет невылупившихся птенцов
№ 6. Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuÿle (Самуэль Гольденберг и Шмуйле)
Promenade (Прогулка)
№ 7. Limoges. Le marché. La grande nouvelle (Лимож. Рынок. Большая новость)
№ 8. Catacombae. Sepulcrum romanum (Катакомбы. Римская гробница) Cum mortuis in lingua mortua (С мёртвыми на мёртвом языке)
№ 9. Избушка на курьих ножках (Баба-Яга)
№10. Богатырские ворота. В стольном городе во Киеве
На бис:
- П.Чайковский Пьеса №5 Романс из 6 пьес для фортепиано, соч.51
- Г. Катуар Пьеса №1 В сновидении из цикла В сумерках, соч.24
Исполняет: Тимофей Владимиров
Chopin Piano Concerto No.2 -1 Artemis Yen / Palishuk / Novosibirsk Phil Chamber Orchestra
F. Chopin: Piano Concerto No.2 in f minor Soloist: Artemis Yen (Taiwan); Conductor: Alexander Palishuk (Russia), Chamber Orchestra of Novosibirsk State Philharmonic Society Recorded live: October 8, 2005, Novosibirsk, Russia
Mysticism of Sound in Novosibirsk 2012
Markell Voices choir ensemble. Conductor - Igor Tjuvayev. Filarmonica- quartet: Valery Karchagin, Oxana Anisimova, violins, Ilya Tarasenko, viola, Stanislav Ovchinnikov, cello; Natalia Baginskaya, organ, Andrey Turygin, saxofon. Vladimir Kaluzhsky, leading. Novosibirsk State Philharmonic society 24.03.2012
NOVOSIBIRSK Arnold Katz State Concert Hall
THE QUEEN SYMPHONY, part VI, Novosibirsk Philharmonic, 03.11.2010
Толга Кашиф - КВИН-СИМФОНИЯ, Новосибирский академический симфонический оркестр, Камерный хор Новосибирской филармонии, Хор Новосибирской государственной консерватории, дирижёр - Гинтарас Ринкявичус, 03.11.2010 г.
Tolga Kashif - THE QUEEN SYMPHONY, Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra, Chamber choir Novosibirsk State Philharmonic Society, Chorus of Novosibirsk state conservatory, conductor - Gintaras Rinkevičius, 03.11.2010
Novosibirsk, Lenin square
Concert Suite in G Minor, Op. 28: IV. Theme and Variations
Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises
Concert Suite in G Minor, Op. 28: IV. Theme and Variations · State Symphony Orchestra of Novosibirsk Philharmonic · Igor Oistrakh · Arnold Katz · Alexander Taneyev
Taneyev: Concert Suite in G Minor, Op. 28 (Digitally Remastered)
℗ 2015 Essential Media Group LLC
Released on: 2015-08-14
Music Publisher: Public Domain
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Dagamba - Star Wars vs Games of Throne (Novosibirsk)
Dagamba (Latvia):
Valters Pūce, cello
Antons Trocjuks, cello
Hamidreza Rahbaraalam, vocal
Dainis Tenis, piano
International music festival «Classics»
4 december, Arnold Kats State Concert Hall
【K】Russia Travel-Novosibirsk[러시아 여행-노보시비르스크]오페라 발레극장/Opera Ballet Theatre/Novosibirsk State Academic
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
러시아에서 가장 큰 오페라 발레극장. 1945년 완공되어 지금까지 이 시를 상징한다. 35미터 높이의 돔은 지지대 없이 스스로 서있다. 노보시비르스크 사람들의 자존심이다. 지난 60여 년간 350편이 넘는 작품이 이 무대에 올려졌다. 가격은 좌석에 따라 우리 돈 3,500원에서 4만3천원까지. 현재 발레와 오페라 각 30개 이상의 고정 레퍼토리를 가지고 있다. 가을에 시작되는 시즌에는 세계 최정상급 오페라와 발레를 매일매일 새로운 레퍼토리로 감상할 수 있다.
[English: Google Translator]
The biggest opera ballet theater in Russia. Completed in 1945 it is a symbol of the city until now. The dome 35 meters high stands by itself without support. Novosibirsk is the pride of the people. The past 60 years, more than 350 works were put on the stage side. Price is 40,000 won to 3,000 won from 3,500 depending on seating us money. Currently has more than 30 ballet and opera each fixed repertoire. Season beginning in autumn, you can enjoy the world-renowned ballet and opera repertoire with new daily basis.
[Russian: Google Translator]
Большой оперы балета в России. Завершенный в 1945 году не символом города до сих пор.Купольные 35 метра стоит сама по себе без поддержки. Новосибирск гордость народа. Прошедшие 60 лет, более чем 350 работ были выставлены на сцене стороне. Цена 40000 вон до 3000 вон с 3500 в зависимости от сидения нам деньги. В настоящее время имеет более чем 30 балет и оперу каждом фиксированном репертуар. Сезон начинается осенью, вы можете наслаждаться всемирно известный балет и оперу репертуар новой ежедневной основе.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아07-12 러시아 최대 오페라 발레극장/Opera Ballet Theatre/Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김병수 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 7월 July
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,김병수,2011,7월 July
Shostakovich Violin Concerto No 1 Burlesque (fragment)
Vadim Repin, violin
Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra
Arnold Cats State Concert Hall
Trans-Siberian Art Festival
13.10.2019 Rani Calderon & Timofey Vladimirov: concert at the Tchaikovsky Concert hall, Moscow
13.10.2019 Timofey Vladimirov in the subscription concert National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia, Tchaikovsky Concert hall, Moscow
- C. Saint-Saens Piano Concerto No.5 `Egyptian' in F major, op.103
National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia (NFOR)
Conductor: Rani Calderon (Israel)
Soloist: Timofey Vladimirov, piano
13.10.2019 Тимофей Владимиров в абонементном концерте Национальный филармонический оркестр России», Концертный зал имени П.И. Чайковского, Москва
- К. Сен-Санс Концерт для фортепиано с оркестром № 5 `Египетский` фа мажор, соч.103
Национальный филармонический оркестр России (НФОР)
Дирижер: Рани Кальдерон (Израиль)
Солист: Тимофей Владимиров, фортепиано
Novosibirsk, In The Theatre
Novosibirsk, In The Theatre
Когда мы были на войне - Василий Пьянов
Исполняет Заслуженный артист России Василий Пьянов (баритон - Москва)
Концерте Русское Раздолье совместно с Русским Академическим оркестром Новосибирской государственной филармонии.
Художественный руководитель и главный дирижер, народный артист России - Владимир Гусев.
Performed by Honored Artist of Russia Vasily Pyanov (baritone - Moscow)
The concert Russian expanse in conjunction with the Russian Academic Orchestra of the Novosibirsk State Philharmonic.
Artistic Director and Chief Conductor, People's Artist of Russia - Vladimir Gusev.