Noyon, ville d'art et d'histoire
Lieu du couronnement de Charlemagne, du sacre de Hugues Capet et ville natale du réformateur Jean Calvin, Noyon a conservé son riche patrimoine millénaire avec ses grands monuments et des ensembles architecturaux uniques ; comme la cathédrale (une des premières cathédrales gothiques) et son cloître, le quartier canonial, l’Hôtel de Ville ou encore la bibliothèque du Chapitre construite en 1506. Théâtre important de la Grande Guerre, ce
sont véritablement 2 000 ans d’histoire à découvrir en un même lieu. A visiter absolument.
Visites guidées : se renseigner auprès de l’Office de tourisme.
Office de tourisme du Pays noyonnais en vallées de l’Oise
Bureau d’information touristique de Noyon
Place Bertrand Labarre (Hôtel de Ville)
60400 Noyon
Tél. : +33 (0) 3 44 44 21 88
Plus d'info. sur :
Walk in the steps of Calvin as a boy in Noyon
Notre Dame, Noyon Cathedral, where John Calvin grew up. A Catholic service in progress where Calvin would have gone to church as a boy and where his father served the bishop; walking tour of cloister, cathedral nave and ambulatories, and 360 degrees around exterior including the library established in 1506.
Les cathédrales dévoilées
Né au Moyen-âge, au coeur du royaume de France, l'art gothique a dominé l'Europe et initié une révolution en matière d'architecture. Son monument emblématique est la cathédrale. En moins de deux cents ans, des dizaines d'édifices monumentaux ont surgis au nord de la Loire, transformant à jamais le paysage d'une France qui s'urbanisait.
Au cours des siècles, ces gigantesques vaisseaux de pierre sont devenus si familiers que nous pensions tout savoir des mystères de leur construction.
Mais que savons-nous vraiment ?
Depuis une dizaine d'années, les découvertes se succèdent. Des chantiers des cathédrales de Chartres et Beauvais aux laboratoires du CNRS et du CEA, nous suivons des archéologues et scientifiques dans leur étude de la pierre, du bois, du verre et du fer gothique. Nous voyons comment la modélisation des cathédrales de Noyon, Amiens et Notre-Dame de Paris permet de percer les secrets des maitres d'oeuvres médiévaux, afin de comprendre comment ils purent construire si grand et si vite et reconstituer ce moment unique du génie des hommes et le plus beau témoignage de leur science : les cathédrales.
L'Armarium - La bibliothèque numérique des Hauts de France
L’Armarium est une bibliothèque numérique donnant accès à des documents numérisés. C’est un service numérique d’intérêt général innovant qui, grâce aux nouvelles technologies proposées, offre un accès direct et gratuit à une grande diversité de ressources (manuscrits, imprimés, cartes et plans, photographies, etc.) pour les publics et une valorisation grandissante des collections recensées en région.
Vidéo réalisée par Synopsis, communication audiovisuelle pour l’Agence régionale du Livre et de la Lecture Hauts-de-France à l’occasion de la sortie de son portail, L’Armarium, la bibliothèque numérique du patrimoine écrit, graphique et littéraire des Hauts-de-France en mai 2018.
Avec le concours de :
Emilie Bergogne, graphiste de l’Armarium -
Laboratoire de fabrication numérique etoele -
Clément Saudemont et Cécilien Djerard -
Nathalie Rost, chargée de communication
Maelle Ubico, attachée à l’information et à la communication
Julie Proust, chargée de mission Patrimoine
Amandine Haslin, assistante Patrimoine pour l’AR2L Hauts-de-France
La vidéo est la propriété de l’Agence régionale du Livre et de la Lecture Hauts-de-France (AR2L Hauts-de-France).
Toute reproduction ou utilisation doit préalablement faire l’objet d’une demande écrite à
Crédits iconographiques :
Le Roman de Troie, par Benoît de Sainte-Maure.
Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des manuscrits, Français 782
Amiens - Le cirque municipal.
Archives municipales et bibliothèque patrimoniale d'Abbeville. CP_PIC_06_0858
Villers-Cotterêts - La statue et la place Alexandre-Dumas. Villers-Cotterêts-Musée Alexandre Dumas. 2003-1-10
Basilique de Brebières. L'Abside.
Archives municipales et bibliothèque patrimoniale d'Abbeville. CP09699
Amiens - Ecole de natation.
Archives municipales et bibliothèque patrimoniale d'Abbeville. CP_PIC_06_0799
Réseau des médiathèques du Beauvaisis. GR-000000000019
S'ensuyt le Bestiaire damours : moralisé sur les bestes & oyseaulx.
Le tout par figure et hystorie. Bibliothèque du Musée Condé. III-F-026 Valesium Ducatus.
Valois. Bibliothèque municipale de Senlis. 6061262012_PL_0014
Amiens, flanc septentrional de la cathédrale d'Amiens.
Bibliothèques d'Amiens métropole. Vue d'Amiens 061.jpg
Alexandre Dumas père.
Villers-Cotterêts-Musée Alexandre Dumas. 2007.0.2
J. Boucher de Perthes.
Archives municipales et bibliothèque patrimoniale d'Abbeville. 1FI 8/20
Jeanne Laisné surnommée, Hachette, citoyenne de Beauvais, marié à Colin Pilon en 1473.
Réseau des médiathèques du Beauvaisis. GR_000000000011
[Recueil de motets, messes et magnificats édité par Pierre Attaignant - Voix ténor].
Médiathèque du Chevalet, Noyon. RES_XXVII_000000000044
Litterae indulgentiarum pro regno Cypri
[Lettre d'indulgence du Pape Nicolas V en faveur du Roi de Chypre].
Bibliothèque Musée Condé. XX-(1)-D-012-(01)
Evangiles [Evangiles d'Hildegarde].
Bibliothèque municipale de Laon. Ms 63
[Vue de la collégiale Saint-Vulfran depuis le Guindal].
Réseau des médiathèques du Beauvaisis. GR-000000000026
La Cathédrale de Laon
On l'appelle la Cathédrale aux boeufs, parce qu'il a bien fallu compter sur eux pour emmener la pierre tout en haut de la commune de Laon. La cathédrale de Laon surplombe la ville depuis le 12ème siècle. Cathédrale intime, que l'on voit à des kilomètres à la ronde...
Loïc Paillier, de l'office du tourisme, nous emmène pour un aperçu des richesses patrimoniales de la ville : la Cathédrale bien-sûr, du sol jusqu'en haut de ses tours, puis les souterrains de la citadelle, la chapelle des Templiers, la ceinture fortifiée pour 6 km de balades, l'Abbaye Saint-Martin, qui abrite la bibliothèque municipale...
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Compiegne - vidéo aérienne par Drone
Image aérienne par Drone de la ville de Compiègne - Oise - Picardie
Prises de vue aériennes réalisées par
- Hôtel de ville
- Bibliothèque Saint Corneille
- Eglise Saint Jacques
- Port de Compiègne
- Pont neuf
- Hippodrome
- Ancienne caserne militaire
- Le jardin de Remparts
- Parc de Bayser - Maison de Coco Chanel
- Résidence du Parc -
- Parc du Château
- Le Palais de Compiègne
Musique: The Outrunners - Cool Feeling (Anoraak remix)
Appartement à vendre à NOYON (60400) - 6 pièces - 150m²
Urgent - Oise - Appartement rez-de-chaussée : belle surface, facile à aménager dans résidence trés calme, à deux pas du centre-ville. Vue imprenable sur cathédrale.local à aménager.
Zoom - Patrick Demouy : Tout sur le sacre des Rois de France - New 2017
Patrick Demouy est professeur émérite d’histoire médiévale à l’Université de Reims et à l’Institut catholique de Paris. Ses travaux portent sur les cathédrales, les évêques, les rois et leur sacre. Et il vient de publier le merveilleux récit sur les origines et le sens de la royauté sacrée. Dans un somptueux livre qui fait référence et qui est destiné au grand public, Patrick Demouy évoque les acquis de la monarchie française sans vision politique ou apologétique. Adossée au baptême de Clovis, l’auteur décrit, par le menu, une cérémonie qui a permis d’asseoir la légitimité de 50 rois de Pépin Le Bref à Charles X. Il permet de lever le voile sur le mystère de la Sainte Ampoule, sur le choix de Reims après Sens, Noyon, Laon et Orléans, sur les pouvoirs surnaturels du Roi et sur le sacre - ou non - des reines de France. L’historien médiéviste a fait avec cet ouvrage une incursion dans plus de 1 000 ans d’histoire célébrant l’union du Roi et de la Nation.
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The Battle of Ivry, from The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre, by Henry Martyn Baird
Library of the World's Best Literature (Audio book), Ancient and Modern volume 3
by Charles Dudley Warner, ed.
The Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern, is a work of enormous proportions. Setting out with the simple goal of offering American households a mass of good reading, the editors drew from literature of all times and all kinds what they considered the best pieces of human writing, and compiled an ambitious collection of 45 volumes (with a 46th being an index-guide). Besides the selection and translation of a huge number of poems, letters, short stories and sections of books, the collection offers, before each chapter, a short essay about the author or subject in question. In many cases, chapters contemplate not one author, but certain groups of works, organized by nationality, subject or period; there is, thus, a chapter on Accadian-Babylonian literature, one on the Holy Grail, and one on Chansons, for example.
The result is a collection that holds the interest, for the variety of subjects and forms, but also as a means of first contact with such famous and important authors that many people have heard of, but never read, such as Abelard, Dante or Lord Byron. According to the editor Charles Dudley Warner, this collection is not a library of reference only, but a library to be read.
This third volume contains chapters from Augier to Bancroft. (Summary by Leni)
The Sacred Relics of Notre-Dame (English) - Toute l'Histoire
Saved by the firefighters during the tragic night of Tuesday, the sacred Relics of Notre-Dame are some of the most treasurable.
Extract from the movie At the Heart of Notre-Dame : One of the most famous icons of one of the most famous cities in the world, the Cathedral of Notre Dame now welcomes more than 13 million visitors a year. This film, with unprecedented access to the inner workings of this most sacred of monuments, tells the story of the building and of those who work in it who are part of a tradition dating back to more than 8 centuries!
Toute L'Histoire vous entraîne dans la marche bouillonnante de l'Histoire.
Revivez les grands événements qui ont bouleversé notre Histoire.
Enquêtes, témoignages, récits; Toute L'Histoire revient sur ces périodes de conflits et décrypte les évolutions et tendances de notre société.
► Abonnez-vous à Toute l'Histoire :
4 of 8 Calvin's Battle for the Reformation, Part II: The Geneva Years
Calvin's Battle for the Reformation - The Geneva Years, the second of Rev. Angus Stewart's two lectures in 2009 (the 500th anniversary of Calvin's birth) describing Calvin's work of reforming the church's preaching, sacraments, discipline and worship according to God's Word.
Timeline of John Calvin (1509-1564)
(modified from one produced by Marcus Serven)
1509 — Born in Noyon, Picardy, France, the second of six children (10 July)
1523 — Starts studies at the University of Paris
1528 — Starts studies in law at the University of Orleans
1529 — Starts studies in law at the University of Bourges
1531 — Returns to Paris to study theology, after death of his father
1532-1533 (approx.) — Converted to Christ
1533 — Flees Paris soon after his friend, Nicolas Cop, delivers an unwelcome reformatory address to the university
1534 — “The Affair of the Placards” (17-18 October) increases persecution of French Protestants
1536 — Publishes his first edition of the Institutes of the Christian Religion in Basle
1536 — Enlisted as a Reformer in Geneva by William Farel
1536 — The Genevan Confession is adopted by the City Council (10 November)
1537 — A Protestant Statement of Faith is presented to the City Council
1538 — Banished from Geneva with Farel and Elie Corault (25 April)
1538-1541 — Labours in Strasbourg
1539 — Replies to Bishop Jacopo Sadolet’s letter to Geneva
1540 — Publishes his first commentary on a biblical book, Romans
1540 — Marries the widow Idelette de Bure (6 August)
1541 — Returns to Geneva (13 September)
1541 — The Ecclesiastical Ordinances are established in Geneva
1542 — Birth and death of John and Idelette Calvin’s son, Jacques
1543 — Plague in Geneva; the City Council votes to spare Calvin from “plague duty”
1549 — Calvin’s wife Idelette dies after a brief illness (29 March)
1553 — Michael Servetus is executed by burning at Geneva (27 October)
1555 — A public riot instigated by the “Libertines” fails (16 May), and the key leaders are arrested or flee the city
1559 — Founding of the Genevan Academy with Theodore Beza as Rector (5 June)
1559 — Publishes the final edition of the Institutes of the Christian Religion in Geneva
1562 — The whole 150 Psalms are put to music in a French Psalter
1564 — Carried to church for the last time and receives the Lord’s Supper from Beza (2 April)
1564 — Makes moving address to the Genevan rulers (26 April)
1564 — Makes farewell address to tearful, local ministers (28 April & 19 May)
1564 — Dies peacefully (27 May)
1564 — Buried in Genevan cemetery in an unmarked grave (28 May)
Calvin Quotes
The heretic Arminius on Calvin’s commentaries: “Next to the perusal of the Scriptures … I exhort my pupils to peruse Calvin’s commentaries, which I extol in loftier terms than Helmich himself [a Dutch theologian, 1551-1608]; for I affirm that he excels beyond comparison in the interpretation of Scripture, and that his commentaries ought to be more highly valued than all that is handed down to us by the library of the fathers; so that I acknowledge him to have possessed above most others, or rather above all other men, what may be called an eminent gift of prophecy.”
Calvin on his conversion: “… since I was too obstinately devoted to the superstitions of Popery to be easily extricated from so profound an abyss of mire, God by a sudden conversion subdued and brought my mind to a teachable frame, which was more hardened in such matters than might have been expected from one at my early period of life. Having thus received some taste and knowledge of true godliness, I was immediately inflamed with so intense a desire to make progress therein.”
Calvin on catechetical instruction of the youth: “It has ever been the practice of the church, and one carefully attended to, to see that children should be duly instructed in the Christian religion … it was a received public custom and practice, to question children in the churches on each of the heads, which should be common and well known to all Christians. To secure this being done in order, there was written out a formula, which was called a catechism … What we now bring forward, therefore, is nothing else than the use of things which from ancient times were observed by Christians, and the true worshippers of God, and which never were laid aside until the church was wholly corrupted.”
Calvin on congregational singing: “… what St. Augustine said is true, that one can sing nothing worthy of God save what one has received from him. Wherefore though we look far and wide we will find no better songs nor songs more suitable to that purpose than the Psalms of David, which the Holy Spirit made and imparted to him. Thus, singing them we may be sure that our words come from God just as if He were to sing in us for His own exaltation.”
For more quotes accompanying this lecture, see
For more on Calvin, see
Merovingian | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:34 1 Origins
00:03:26 2 History
00:04:05 2.1 Division of the kingdom
00:04:45 2.2 Reunification of the kingdom
00:05:32 2.3 Eventual weakening of the kingdom
00:06:20 2.4 Return to power
00:07:51 3 Government and law
00:10:38 4 Religion and culture
00:13:22 4.1 Significant Merovingian saints
00:13:32 4.1.1 Kings
00:13:56 4.1.2 Queens and abbesses
00:15:54 4.1.3 Bishops and abbots
00:16:47 5 Historiography and sources
00:19:50 6 Numismatics
00:20:54 7 Language
00:22:02 8 Merovingians in literature and popular culture
00:23:59 9 Notes
00:24:08 10 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Merovingians () were a Salian Frankish dynasty that ruled the Franks for three centuries in a region known as Francia in Latin, beginning in the middle of the 5th century. Their territory largely corresponded to ancient Gaul as well as the Roman provinces of Raetia, Germania Superior and the southern part of Germania. The semi legendary Merovech was supposed to have founded the Merovingian dynasty, but it was his famous grandson Clovis I (ruled c.481–511) who united all of Gaul under Merovingian rule.
After the death of Clovis, there were frequent clashes between different branches of the family, but when threatened by its neighbours the Merovingians presented a strong united front.
During the final century of Merovingian rule, the kings were increasingly pushed into a ceremonial role. The Merovingian rule ended in March 752 when Pope Zachary formally deposed Childeric III. Zachary's successor, Pope Stephen II, confirmed and anointed Pepin the Short in 754, beginning the Carolingian monarchy.
The Merovingian ruling family were sometimes referred to as the long-haired kings (Latin reges criniti) by contemporaries, as their long hair distinguished them among the Franks, who commonly cut their hair short. The term Merovingian comes from medieval Latin Merovingi or Merohingi (sons of Merovech), an alteration of an unattested Old Dutch form, akin to their dynasty's Old English name Merewīowing, with the final -ing being a typical patronymic suffix.
Merovingian dynasty | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Merovingian dynasty
00:01:34 1 Origins
00:03:25 2 History
00:04:04 2.1 Division of the kingdom
00:04:44 2.2 Reunification of the kingdom
00:05:32 2.3 Eventual weakening of the kingdom
00:06:19 2.4 Return to power
00:07:49 3 Government and law
00:10:37 4 Religion and culture
00:13:20 4.1 Significant Merovingian saints
00:13:30 4.1.1 Kings
00:13:54 4.1.2 Queens and abbesses
00:15:52 4.1.3 Bishops and abbots
00:16:45 5 Historiography and sources
00:19:48 6 Numismatics
00:20:52 7 Language
00:21:59 8 Merovingians in literature and popular culture
00:23:56 9 Notes
00:24:05 10 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Merovingians () were a Salian Frankish dynasty that ruled the Franks for three centuries in a region known as Francia in Latin, beginning in the middle of the 5th century. Their territory largely corresponded to ancient Gaul as well as the Roman provinces of Raetia, Germania Superior and the southern part of Germania. The semi legendary Merovech was supposed to have founded the Merovingian dynasty, but it was his famous grandson Clovis I (ruled c.481–511) who united all of Gaul under Merovingian rule.
After the death of Clovis, there were frequent clashes between different branches of the family, but when threatened by its neighbours the Merovingians presented a strong united front.
During the final century of Merovingian rule, the kings were increasingly pushed into a ceremonial role. The Merovingian rule ended in March 752 when Pope Zachary formally deposed Childeric III. Zachary's successor, Pope Stephen II, confirmed and anointed Pepin the Short in 754, beginning the Carolingian monarchy.
The Merovingian ruling family were sometimes referred to as the long-haired kings (Latin reges criniti) by contemporaries, as their long hair distinguished them among the Franks, who commonly cut their hair short. The term Merovingian comes from medieval Latin Merovingi or Merohingi (sons of Merovech), an alteration of an unattested Old Dutch form, akin to their dynasty's Old English name Merewīowing, with the final -ing being a typical patronymic suffix.
John Calvin | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
John Calvin
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
John Calvin (;French: Jean Calvin [ʒɑ̃ kalvɛ̃]; born Jehan Cauvin; 10 July 1509 – 27 May 1564) was a French theologian, pastor and reformer in Geneva during the Protestant Reformation. He was a principal figure in the development of the system of Christian theology later called Calvinism, aspects of which include the doctrines of predestination and of the absolute sovereignty of God in salvation of the human soul from death and eternal damnation, in which doctrines Calvin was influenced by and elaborated upon the Augustinian and other Christian traditions. Various Congregational, Reformed and Presbyterian churches, which look to Calvin as the chief expositor of their beliefs, have spread throughout the world.
Calvin was a tireless polemic and apologetic writer who generated much controversy. He also exchanged cordial and supportive letters with many reformers, including Philipp Melanchthon and Heinrich Bullinger. In addition to his seminal Institutes of the Christian Religion, Calvin wrote commentaries on most books of the Bible, confessional documents, and various other theological treatises.
Originally trained as a humanist lawyer, he broke from the Roman Catholic Church around 1530. After religious tensions erupted in widespread deadly violence against Protestant Christians in France, Calvin fled to Basel, Switzerland, where in 1536 he published the first edition of the Institutes. In that same year, Calvin was recruited by Frenchman William Farel to join the Reformation in Geneva, where he regularly preached sermons throughout the week; but the governing council of the city resisted the implementation of their ideas, and both men were expelled. At the invitation of Martin Bucer, Calvin proceeded to Strasbourg, where he became the minister of a church of French refugees. He continued to support the reform movement in Geneva, and in 1541 he was invited back to lead the church of the city.
Following his return, Calvin introduced new forms of church government and liturgy, despite opposition from several powerful families in the city who tried to curb his authority. During this period, Michael Servetus, a Spaniard regarded by both Roman Catholics and Protestants as having a heretical view of the Trinity, arrived in Geneva. He was denounced by Calvin and burned at the stake for heresy by the city council. Following an influx of supportive refugees and new elections to the city council, Calvin's opponents were forced out. Calvin spent his final years promoting the Reformation both in Geneva and throughout Europe.
Escales & Paysages - Salle Gaveau
Le 24 mars 2011 à 20h30, salle Gaveau, concert de Dominique Preschez et Thierry Pélicant, Escales et paysages, au profit de la Fondation Hôpitaux de Paris - Hôpitaux de France.
Concerto casquette pour piano et orchestre de Francis Poulenc, pianiste Raphaël Drouin et orchestre André Messager.
Toccata Gabrielli Denis Frémin orgue Bénédictines
Concert Ekaterina Colin et Denis Frémin à l'Abbaye Bénédictine de #Valognes le lundi 9 juillet 2018.
Toccata Gabrielli Denis Frémin orgue Bénédictines
L’Association Culturelle de Valognes tient à remercier :
pour leur participation : La ville de Valognes, La Communauté d’agglomération
du Cotentin (Pôle de proximité du Cœur du Cotentin) et leurs services
techniques, Le Conseil Départemental de La Manche, Le Conseil Régional
de Normandie, Le Service Culturel, le CCAS et le Service Enseignement Éducation
et Aide à la Réussite scolaire ainsi que L’École Municipale de Musique
de Valognes, la Médiathèque Julien de Laillier, Les Offices de Tourisme, SARL
Sylvie Royer architecte DPLG et Associés, La Presse de la Manche, France
Bleu Cotentin, FR 3 Normandie, TEVI TV, le Pays d’Art et d’Histoire du Clos du
Cotentin et tout particulièrement Julien Deshayes, Les Amis du Donjon, Le
Crédit Agricole, Mécènes et Annonceurs, Valognes Commerces, HelloAsso,
la librairie d’Alauna à Valognes, la Librairie Ryst à Cherbourg
pour leur hospitalité : Messieurs les Maires de Flottemanville-Bocage, Sauxmesnil-Ruffosses,
Valognes et Yvetot-Bocage, la Communauté des Sœurs
Bénédictines de Valognes, Monsieur le Curé de Valognes, Madame et Monsieur
les propriétaires du Château de Flottemanville-Bocage, La direction de
l’hôpital de Valognes,
Steffi Marie pour la conception graphique, Patrick Ledot pour le site Internet,
Jean-Marie Varin – sympathique garde-champêtre, ainsi que toute l’équipe
des bénévoles pour tout le travail effectué.
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- soit par courrier à Association Culturelle de Valognes
Mairie – Place du Général de Gaulle 50700 Valognes.
L’Association Culturelle de Valognes tient à remercier :
pour leur participation : La ville de Valognes, La Communauté d’agglomération
du Cotentin (Pôle de proximité du Cœur du Cotentin) et leurs services
techniques, Le Conseil Départemental de La Manche, Le Conseil Régional
de Normandie, Le Service Culturel, le CCAS et le Service Enseignement Éducation
et Aide à la Réussite scolaire ainsi que L’École Municipale de Musique
de Valognes, la Médiathèque Julien de Laillier, Les Offices de Tourisme, SARL
Sylvie Royer architecte DPLG et Associés, La Presse de la Manche, France
Bleu Cotentin, FR 3 Normandie, TEVI TV, le Pays d’Art et d’Histoire du Clos du
Cotentin et tout particulièrement Julien Deshayes, Les Amis du Donjon, Le
Crédit Agricole, Mécènes et Annonceurs, Valognes Commerces, HelloAsso,
la librairie d’Alauna à Valognes, la Librairie Ryst à Cherbourg
pour leur hospitalité : Messieurs les Maires de Flottemanville-Bocage, Sauxmesnil-Ruffosses,
Valognes et Yvetot-Bocage, la Communauté des Sœurs
Bénédictines de Valognes, Monsieur le Curé de Valognes, Madame et Monsieur
les propriétaires du Château de Flottemanville-Bocage, La direction de
l’hôpital de Valognes,
Steffi Marie pour la conception graphique, Patrick Ledot pour le site Internet,
Jean-Marie Varin – sympathique garde-champêtre, ainsi que toute l’équipe
des bénévoles pour tout le travail effectué.
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John Calvin
John Calvin (French: Jean Calvin French pronunciation: [ʒɑ̃ kalvɛ̃], born Jehan Cauvin: 10 July 1509 -- 27 May 1564) was an influential French theologian and pastor during the Protestant Reformation. He was a principal figure in the development of the system of Christian theology later called Calvinism. Originally trained as a humanist lawyer, he broke from the Roman Catholic Church around 1530. After religious tensions provoked a violent uprising against Protestants in France, Calvin fled to Basel, Switzerland, where he published the first edition of his seminal work Institutes of the Christian Religion in 1536.
In that year, Calvin was recruited by William Farel to help reform the church in Geneva. The city council resisted the implementation of Calvin's and Farel's ideas, and both men were expelled. At the invitation of Martin Bucer, Calvin proceeded to Strasbourg, where he became the minister of a church of French refugees. He continued to support the reform movement in Geneva, and was eventually invited back to lead its church.
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Concert Pinocchio
L'orchestre d'harmonie de Cluses a présenté Samedi 7 Juin son concert de printemps. Un spectacle racontant l'histoire de Pinocchio au son de la voix de Stéphanie Vargas, bibliothécaire à la médiathèque de l'Atelier. Une prestation accompagnée par les dessins des plus petits, qui étaient projetés sur grand écran.
Un reportage de Canal C TV, la télévision locale et Web TV du bassin clusien, Haute-Savoie.
Canal C TV devient… Cluses TV ! Abonnez-vous à notre nouvelle chaîne ClusesTV :
Mgr Sylvain Bataille, nouvel évêque de Saint-Étienne
Le Pape François a nommé Mgr Sylvain Bataille évêque de Saint-Étienne, jusqu'à présent vicaire général du diocèse de Beauvais. Ordonné en 1989 pour le diocèse de Beauvais (Oise), Mgr Sylvain Bataille est devenu membre de la Société Jean-Marie Vianney en 1990. Entre 1990 et 2000, Mgr Bataille fut vicaire de la paroisse Saint-Pierre Saint-Étienne de Beauvais; membre du service diocésain des vocations et aumônier de l'aumônerie de l'enseignement public de Beauvais (1990-1995). Puis, il est nommé curé de la paroisse Notre-Dame de Picardie Verte à Grandvilliers et responsable du secteur missionnaire de l'Oise normande entre 1995 et 2000. Il devint membre du Conseil épiscopal du diocèse de Beauvais entre 1999 et 2000 avant d'être nommé Supérieur du 1er cycle du Séminaire de la Société Jean-Marie Vianney à Ars de 2000 à 2003. En 2003, il fut Supérieur du Séminaire, fonction qu'il occupera jusqu'en 2009. Puis, il fut envoyé à Rome où il devint recteur du Séminaire pontifical français (2009-2014). En 2014, il revient en France et est nommé curé de la paroisse Saint François du Vexin (diocèse de Beauvais). Depuis 2015 il était vicaire général du diocèse de Beauvais. La date d'ordination épiscopale de Mgr Bataille est prévue pour le dimanche 3 juillet à 15h30 au Zénith de Saint-Étienne. L'installation est prévue le lundi 4 juillet à la cathédrale Saint-Charles de Saint-Etienne.
Portrait d'Évêque du 18/05/2016.