Nuraghe di Palmavera - Alghero, Sardinia, Italy
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Nuraghe Di Palmavera Alghero
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- Alghero, Sardinia, Italy
Photos in this video:
- Me at Nuraghe di Palmavera, ancient village by Kate_and_kane from a blog titled Alghero, Sardinia
- Nuraghe di Palmavera, ancient village by Kate_and_kane from a blog titled Alghero, Sardinia
Nuraghe Palmavera (Alghero) - Porto nuragico?
Poco lontano da un mare paradisiaco si trova questo nuraghe. La sua prossimità alla baia denominata porto conte ne aumenta l'interesse: infatti proprio da lì partivano le imbarcazioni verso la penisola iberica. Spagnoli, romani, punici e probabilmente nuragici fecero di quella baia un luogo strategico. Porto Conte fu una delle prime borse merci del mediterraneo, luogo di scambio internazionale da tempi immemorabili.
Complesso nuragico di Palmavera - Sardegna
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Il Nuraghe Palmavera di Alghero
In 1905, following the will of the Superintendent A. Taramelli to investigate a site close to the sea to capture elements of the import of domestic products, it was decided to excavate the Nuraghe Palmavera. This choice was motivated by the fact that the area devastated by the enormous mass of stones, held a dominant position, but at the same time it appeared sheltered and easily accessible from the main road. The investigations carried out, made to mark the limits of construction and the parts that made it up, It found a structure formed originally by a Mastio (Tower A) and from a few huts around, built around the sixteenth century. B.C., all in limestone. The second phase of construction, which is identified between the twelfth and tenth century. BC, should coincide with the time of building the tower B, also in limestone, which was included via the rifascio in sandstone, in a single body with the ancient tower and with a kind of courtyard interposed between the two structures. At the same time the village grew and were built numerous huts and other structures, including the meeting hut. At the moment it is still possible to see a clear break between the turreted structure and the rest of the village. The separation is made dall'antemurale pentagonal in shape, with towers arranged in various summits are free, except for the south west side, occupied by the meeting hut. The latter is the only structure incorporated into a particular 'temenos', a sacred or inviolable anyway. The main tower has two trapezoidal niches of light and it is still turned on spinner, while adding the tower, originally in limestone as the photos show old, was discovered almost literally razed and rebuilt by those who performed the excavation, incorporating many elements sandstone from rifascio. The meeting hut, perhaps the greatest of the settlement, he showed during excavation of having a counter seat - which partially followed the circular profile of the structure. The point where not indicated the presence of the seat was opposite the entrance and corresponded to a large niche on the threshold of which was placed a seat - throne in sandstone, probably for the power figure in the community. On the right side of the seat of command was a space delimited by square orthostatic slabs - framed as bathtub - while at the center of the room was a bed with a bethel that, probably, acted as a support for the symbol of justice and divinity: the ax ax. In relation to the area investigated we report an abundant amount of exhibits: from ceramics made with the lathe and decorated with a stampiglio in bovine bone, with real instruments (not votive) in bronze and copper, through the substantial amount of pottery restored staples of lead. All elements that, for consistency and variety, we suggest a mixed economy: agriculture, livestock, hunting, fishing, metallurgy and trade. A set of resources for a way of life more than decent.
Alghero Nuraghe Palmavera
In una baia che i Romani chiamavano porto delle Ninfe, nell’estrema parte nord-occidentale della Sardegna, c’è un villaggio di quasi quattromila anni fa, avvolto dalla leggenda, tra i più importanti che la civiltà nuragica ci abbia lasciato in eredità
L’architettura della costruzione testimonia la straordinaria abilità dell’affascinante e misteriosa civiltà nuragica. Il complesso di Palmavera si trova sul promontorio omonimo a un chilometro e mezzo dal mare, all’interno del parco di Porto Conte, nel territorio di Alghero. È costruito con blocchi di calcare e arenaria, composto da un corpo centrale con due torri e corredato da un antemurale e dalle capanne di un villaggio: oggi se ne contano meno di 50, in origine si stima fossero tra 150 e 200.
Venne edificato in più fasi. Alla prima (XV-XIV sec. a.C.) risale la torre principale, alta otto metri con diametro di dieci, all’interno della quale c’è una camera centrale con copertura a tholos. Una scala conduceva a piano superiore e terrazzo. In una fase successiva (IX sec. a.C.) fu aggiunta un’altra torre, collegata alla prima con un cortile e un corridoio. Venne realizzata, inoltre, la grande capanna delle riunioni. Al suo interno, il rotondo sedile del capo. Tra i vari arredi dell’abitazione, è stato ritrovato un modellino di nuraghe, un reperto d’arte preistorica caratteristico di altri complessi della Sardegna (a Mont’e Prama ne sono stati ritrovati ben 16). Oggi dentro Palmavera ammirerai una copia del modellino, mentre l’originale è conservato al museo G.A. Sanna di Sassari. Durante la terza fase di realizzazione (IX-VIII sec. a.C.), fu eretto un muro perimetrale con quattro torri. Dopodichè il villaggio fu distrutto da un incendio e ripopolato in epoca punica e romana.
Attorno a Palmavera si snoda un percorso praticabile in mountain bike, attraverso cui proseguire il viaggio nel tempo. Nella baia di Porto Conte – per i Romani portus Nympharum - potrai visitare un altro sito nuragico: Sant’Imbenia (XV-VIII sec. a.C.), il più antico scalo marittimo fenicio dell’Isola, sede di traffici col mondo orientale. Rimase al centro delle rotte commerciali di fenici, etruschi e greci fino al VII secolo. A breve distanza, ecco i resti di una villa romana, costruita per l’otium del proprietario, con attorno un latifondo. È costituita da residenza con stanze decorate e ambienti di servizio. A nord ci sono i resti di un impianto termale.
(Dal web)
Alghero- Nuraghe - Palmavera
Nurgaghe Palmavera in Alghero
Alghero: Complesso nuragico Palmavera
Palmavera complesso nuragico.
BIn una baia che i Romani chiamavano porto delle Ninfe, nell’estrema parte nord-occidentale della Sardegna, c’è un villaggio di quasi quattromila anni fa, avvolto dalla leggenda, tra i più importanti che la civiltà nuragica ci abbia lasciato in ereditàellezze della Sardegna! Palmavera complesso nuragico.
Alghero...Nuraghe Palmavera...
+39 3385899550
Alghero, villaggio nuragico Palmavera.
Performance del TEATRO d'Inverno (Elementos)
Cooperativa S.I.L.T.
Places to see in ( Alghero - Italy )
Places to see in ( Alghero - Italy )
( Alghero - Italy ) is a town of about 44,000 inhabitants in the Italian insular province of Sassari in northwestern Sardinia, next to the Mediterranean Sea. Part of its population descends from Catalan conquerors from the end of the Middle Ages, when Sardinia was part of the Kingdom of Aragon. That is why the Catalan language is co-official in the city, unique in Italy, taking the name of alguerès dialect. The name Alghero comes from the medieval Latin Aleguerium, meaning stagnation of algae (Posidonia oceanica) .[2]
Alghero is the fifth university center in the island, coming after Cagliari and Sassari. It hosts the headquarters of the Università degli Studi di Sassari’s Architecture and Design department. In 2012 it was the 10th most visited city by tourists in Italy.
The Palazzo d’Albis is a worthwhile historical site.
Don't miss Neptune's Grotto located at Cappo Caccia, a vast grotto reachable by boat trip. However, on bad weather days you can`t take the boat. Hiring a scooter is a fun way of getting there! It takes about 45 minutes, and on the way there, you should stop for lunch at Ristorante La Nuvola (about 35-minute drive from Alghero towards the Cappo Caccia, just on the right side of the road). When you arrive at the Cappo Caccia, it takes about 10 minutes to walk down to Neptune`s Grotto, and it is worth the view! 13 euros entry is paid at the entrance of the cave, and you get a half-hour guided tour in the cave in Italian, English and German. There is also the necropolis of Anghelu Ruju and Nuraghe Palmavera, two of the most important archeological sites of Sardinia.
This historic town has become one of the most popular destinations for visitors to Sardinia. The car free narrow lanes of the atmospheric old town contain numerous bars and cafes whilst the restaurants are renowned for excellent seafood. There are also two farmers markets in town, one for meat, bread and fish and the other for vegetables at Via Sassari 12, just opposite each other. Open daily 07-13.
If you want to good produce as well as cheese and a multitude of other things you didn't know you needed, there is the Mercatino every wednesday (9-14) in the area surrounding Via Corsica. This is where the locals go.
The surrounding area brings many delights for those who venture out of the city. These include the famous beaches at La Pelosa - Stintino, the eerily abandoned mining town of Argentiera and the ancient palace complex at Nuraghe di Palmavera. The coastal road south of Alghero is beautiful, an unspoilt and protected panorama of sparkling sea, lush vegetation, and rocky mountains. It leads to Bosa, a small medieval town, which has a distinctive and living historic center and many points of interest. Bosa is an ideal spot for a relaxing holiday, as it is friendly and has a character and economy which is not based solely on tourism.
( Alghero - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Alghero. Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Alghero - Italy
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Nuraghe Palmavera. Extraterrestrial contact?
The nuraghe Palmavera is an archaeological site located in the territory of Alghero, Sardinia. It is classified as a complex nuraghe, that consists of several towers joined together. The nuraghe and the surrounding village were built in various phase during the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.On the territory of the nurag were found strange sculptures in the form of aliens or people in spacesuits.
Nuraghe Orolo Sardinia/Italy
Civiltà Prenuragica e Nuragica - Sardegna
Rassegna dei principali siti archeologici del quadrante Nord-Ovest della Sardegna. Manca il sito di Monte d'Accoddi.
Foto (Agosto-Settembre 2008) e montaggio (26/04/2012): Edoardo Pone.
Musica: Trencitos de los Andes; Album: Overdrive; Titolo: Alturas.
- Demartis G.M. (1986) La necropoli di Anghelu Ruju;N° 2; Delfino Editore
- Contu E. (1988) Il Nuraghe di Santu Antine; N° 6; Delfino Editore
- Melis P. (1991) La domus dell'Elefante; N° 15; Delfino Editore
- Antona Ruju A.-Ferrarese Ceruti M.L. (1992) Il Nuraghe Albucciu e i
monumenti di Arzachena; N° 19; Delfino Editore
- Moravetti A. (1992) Il complesso nuragico di Palmavera; N° 20; Delfino Editore
- Moravetti A. (2003) Il santuario nuragico di Santa Cristina; N° 32; Delfino Editore
- Melis P. (2003) Civiltà Nuragica; Carlo Delfino Editore
Videoclip consigliate:
- I Nuraghi
- La civiltà nuragica
- Santu Antine: Anima dei Nuraghi
- Anghelu Ruju
- Nuraghe Palmavera - Alghero
Link utili:
Bunker e Nuraghe sa Domo nei pressi di Alghero (SS)
Questa è una parte del Caposaldo XXV della fortificazione di Alghero della seconda guerra mondiale
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Complesso nuragico di Palmavera 2015
Complesso nuragico di Palmavera 2015
Timelapse Nuraghe Palmavera
Sardegna, Alghero, complesso Nuragico Palmavera. Timelapse effettuato con Gopro hero4
Nuraghe Orolo - Bortigali | Sardinia
Nuraghe Orolo - Bortigali, Sardegna, Italy ????????
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Il Nuraghe Su Nuraxi - Tesori Archeologici della Sardegna
Episodio 7
Il Nuraghe Su Nuraxi
Tesori Archeologici della Sardegna
In questo episodio visitiamo il nuraghe Su Nuraxi, vicino a Barumini nel centro-sud della Sardegna. Questo nuraghe è stato classificato dall UNESCO come patrimonio mondiale dell'umanità.
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