A bird's-eye view on Nurek. Tajikistan
Nurek Dam
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nurek dam
Nurek, Tajikistan
Join us driving up the huge Nurek dam in Tajikistan made during the Sovjet Union - and exploring the enormous reservoir including swimming in the clear, blue water.
Nurek Dam in Tajikistan
Only Private Tour Guide in Tajikistan from can arrange slightly illegal tour to Nurek Dam in Tajikistan
The Nurek Dam, Tajikistan - the tallest dam in the world!
The Nurek Dam with its 300 meters is the tallest dam in the world. Here you can see just one picture of dam and a short movies presenting water falling out of dam under big pressure.
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Photos by Radek Byczkowski, Krzychu Mularski, Kuba Sokołowicz.
Höchste Talsperre der Welt Nurek Tadschikistan
Der Nurek-Staudamm in Tadschikistan in Zentralasien ist mit 300 m Höhe die zurzeit höchste Talsperre der Erde und könnte nach Fertigstellung des Rogun-Staudamms die zweithöchste werden, falls dieser so hoch gebaut wird, wie ursprünglich geplant.
Der Nurek-Staudamm staut den Fluss Wachsch, einen Nebenfluss der Amudarja, etwa 50 km östlich der tadschikischen Hauptstadt Duschanbe unterhalb des in Bau befindlichen Rogun-Staudamms. Er wurde zwischen 1961 und 1980 erbaut. Die Talsperre hat einen 704 m langen Steinschüttdamm mit Kerndichtung und ein Bauwerksvolumen von 54 Mio. m³ (laut anderen Quellen 58 Mio m³). Der Staudamm ist mit einem inneren Kern aus Lehm/Ton abgedichtet, der 16 m unter die Flusssohle reicht. Das Gebiet ist sehr erdbebengefährdet, weswegen ein Schüttdamm gewählt und kein Beton verwendet wurde.
Der Speicherraum des Stausees beträgt 10,5 Milliarden m³, die Wasseroberfläche ist 98 km² groß. Eine alternative Angabe für die Wasserfläche ist 106 km² oder sogar 185 km².
Ein Wasserkraftwerk mit neun Turbinen erzeugte eine Gesamt-Nennleistung von zunächst 2.700 Megawatt, nach einem Umbau inzwischen sogar 3.000 Megawatt. Dies reicht aus, um nahezu ganz Tadschikistan mit Strom zu versorgen.
Das Reservoir dient auch der Bewässerung von 70.000 Hektar landwirtschaftlicher Fläche.
The Nurek Dam vol. 2
The Nurek Dam is the tallest dam (300m) in the world (however, there is other dam being under construction in Tajikistan - the Rogun Dam, which will be even higher - 330 m). The construction started in 1961 and was concluded in 1980.
Tajikistan's Roghun dam set to be world's tallest
When all six turbines turbines come online, the facility will generate a total of 3,600 megawatts of power.
It is a unique hydroelectric station, not everyone is capable of constructing such a structure in the mountains, Senior Engineer Sherali Imomaliev said.
The project itself can trace its roots back to the 1959, with ground being broken in 1976. However, following the collapse of the Soviet Union the project suffered numerous setbacks. With the assistance
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Nurek Dam
The Nurek Dam in Tajikistan is the world's highest rock-filled dam wall in the world. In this video, the outflow of water flowing from the dam's nine underground generators is shown.
Interview with Deputy Minister - Nurek dam, Tajikistan
Tajikistan: Construction on the Rogun Dam begins on the Vakhsh River
Courtesy: Tajikistan State TV
The opening ceremony of the construction on the Rogun Dam, which authorities say will provide electricity for the entire country, took place on the Vakhsh River in southern Tajikistan, Saturday.
Video ID: 20161029 033
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Нурек. Nurek reservoir, Tajikistan
Nurek / Нурек / Норак (Б Сафаров) HD TAJIKISTAN
Nurek / Нурек / Норак (Б Сафаров) HD TAJIKISTAN
Hydropolitics Academy visited Nurek Dam
Hydropolitics Academy visited Nurek Dam (Tajikistan)
11 June 2015
Aqua Club - Nurek, Tajikistan
The Nurek Dam Tajikistan
The Nurek Dam TajikistanThe Nurek Dam Tajikistan
Sanatoriums in Tajikistan and Nurek Hydro Power Plant
The mountainous land of Tajikistan provides a variety of health improvement options. The Tajik Government is promoting the idea of searching for ways to remain healthy rather than healing diseases.
There are more than 20 sanatoriums in Tajikistan aimed to prevent various diseases. There is a modern-equipped health improvement facility at the foot of the Hissar Mountains.
Today, more than half of the consumed power source comes from the Nurek station located on the Vakhsh River. The river’s name means ‘light rays.’ The energy capacity is 3,000 megawatts. The work of the strategically important facility is supervised by nearly 70 specialists.
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21/04/2018, Nurek, Tajikistan, bus terminal
Tajik Adventures at Nurek Lake
While we were chilling in the land of Tajik we took a swift jont up to Nurek Lake. Things got intense at Nurek to say the least. Especially when Bill fell off a cliff.
We have compiled the top 10 emergency discharges from different dams! Biggest Dam! Largest Dam! Emergency drain ladies is due to the overflow of the rivers and lakes of water. Water from the dam breaks at very high speeds (millions of cubic meters per hour). If perelёtsya water through the dam, it can cause very great harm to the base of the dam. Accidents (crash) at dams yuyvayut very rarely. (translate.google)
댐에서 긴급 배수
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noodsituatie waterafvoer van de dam
Notfall-Wasserabfluss aus dem Damm
scarico dell'acqua di emergenza dalla diga
la descarga de agua de emergencia de la presa
neyðar rennsli vatns frá stíflunni
scaoilte uisce éigeandála ón damba
debit air darurat dari bendungan
απαλλαγή του νερού έκτακτης ανάγκης από το φράγμα
تصريف المياه في حالات الطوارئ من السد
nødsituation vandudledning fra dæmningen
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