| Sultanhisar Merkez, Sultanhisar, Aydin, Turkey
Nysa in Karien
Nysa ist eine antike nordkarische Stadt. U.a. eine Bibliothek, die Agora und das Odeon sind sehenswert. Im Theater sind außerwöhnliche Reliefs zu sehen.
Weitere Info's von Nysa in Karien auf
Archäologischer Reiseführer, Beschreibungen, Historie und Pläne. Lykien, Pamphylien, Kilikien und Pisidien im Hellenismus und in der römischen Kaiserzeit.
Miletus ruins - Turkey MVI_3760.MOV
Miletus (mī lē' təs) (Ancient Greek: Μίλητος, Milētos; Latin: Miletus) was an ancient Greek city[1] on the western coast of Anatolia (in what is now Aydin Province, Turkey), near the mouth of the Maeander River in ancient Caria. Before the Persian invasion in the middle of the 6th century BC, Miletus was considered the greatest and wealthiest of Greek cities.
Evidence of first settlement at the site has been made inaccessible by the rise of sea level and deposition of sediments from the Maeander. The first available evidence is of the Neolithic. In the early and middle Bronze age the settlement came under Minoan influence. Legend has it that an influx of Cretans occurred displacing the indigenous Leleges. The site was renamed Miletus after a place in Crete.
There is a Great Harbour Monument where, according to the New Testament account, the apostle Paul stopped on his way back to Jerusalem by boat. He met the Ephesian Elders and then headed out to the beach to bid them farewell, recorded in the book of Acts 20:17-38
Nysa is one of the Karian cityes within the borders of Sultanhisar Diistrict of Aydın. The most important information on the ctiy is from Strabon, who lived in Nysa most of his life. Strabon tells us that the city consisted of two parts. At the western side of the flood bed dividing the city into two, lies the gymnasion. At the northern side lie the Byzantine ruins and the library. To the north of the library, there is a theatre that carries significance with its embossments in the stage building. The odeon and bouleuterion are at the eastern side of the flood bed. The necropolis of the city lies on the road to Akharaka, which is a small village to the west.
Aydın iline bağlı Sultanhisar sınırları içindeki Karia kentlerindendir. Kent ile ilgili en önemli bilgileri yaşamının büyük bölümünü Nysa'da geçiren Strabon'dan almaktayız. Strabon kentin iki bölümden oluştuğunu anlatmaktadır. Şehri ikiye bölen sel yatağının batısında gymnasion yer almaktadır. Kuzeyde Bizans yapı kalıntısı ve kütüphane yer almaktadır Roma dönemi kütüphanesi iki katlı olup, Efes'teki Celsus Kütüphanesinden sonra Türkiye'nin en iyi korunmuş antik çağ kütüphanesidir. Kütüphanenin kuzeyinde ise sahne binasında görülen kabartmalarıyla ayrı bir öneme sahip olan tiyatro bulunmaktadır. Sel yatağının doğusunda ise odeon ve bouleuterion yer alır. Şehrin nekropolü batıda ufak bir yerleşme yeri olan Akharaka yolu üzerinde bulunmaktadır.
Turkey, Aphrodisias Bouleuterion (Council house)
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
The bouleuterion (council house), or odeon, is centered on the north side of the North Agora. As it stands today, it consists of a semicircular auditorium fronted by a shallow stage structure about 46 m wide. The lower part of the auditorium survives intact, with nine rows of marble seats divided into five wedges by radial stairways. The seating of the upper part, amounting to an additional twelve rows, has collapsed together with its supporting vaults.
Archaeological Sites in Turkey - Iassos
HD video of the ancient ruins at the archaeological site of Iassos in the region of Caria, Turkey. In this clip: View of the harbor, the bouleuterion (council hall) and the agora. Additional clips and photos of Iassos and other archaeological sites in Turkey and the Mediterranean basin are available at
Milet in Karien
Milet war eine wichtige antike Hafenstadt auf der Südseite des Mäanderdeltas. Mit der Verlandung des Hafens begann deren wirtschaftlicher Niedergang.
Weitere Info's von Milet in Karien auf
Archäologischer Reiseführer, Beschreibungen, Historie und Pläne. Lykien, Pamphylien, Kilikien und Pisidien im Hellenismus und in der römischen Kaiserzeit.
PRİENE -KARYA ANTİK KENTİ yürüyüşü BEŞPARMAK Dağcılık Kulübü Kuşadası
Yazdan kalma güneşli bir Pazar günü PRİENE ANTİK KENTİ Yürüyüşünü yaptık
Katılan arkadaşlara çok teşekkür ederiz.
BEŞPARMAK Dağcılık ve Doğa Sporları Kulübü Kuşadası
Yönetim Kurulu
Video Çekim ve montaj: Muzaffer Cüneyöz
Pınara Antik Kenti, Seydikemer, Fethiye
#Pınara Antik Kenti, #Seydikemer, #Fethiye
Pınara Antik Kenti'ni ziyaret etmeden önce mutlaka okumanız gereken bir gezi notu.
Bouleuterion (Council House - Cabinet) of Teos Ancient City
Teos was one of the twelve Ionian cities. The principal deity of Teos was Dionysus(god of fertility and wine, Bacchus in Rome).The Asiatic branch of the Artists of Dionysus(Poet, musician, theater and singers) performed here a particular period. Poet Anacreon, philosophers Epicurus and Nausiphanes(Epicurus was for three years a student in the Ionian city of Teos, where his teacher was Nausiphanes)and Apellicon(a wealthy Greek book collector who rescued Aristotle's manuscripts) were born or studied in Teos Ancient City.
Germany-Rome-Egypt-Turkey: Miletus #1 122209.MPG
Miletus #1 122209
Didymes jamesrnr
Temple d'Apollon, un des plus grands de l'antiquité hellenistique. D'ordre ionique il était le sanctuaire de Milet à moins de20km au nord...Anatolie occidentale, Turquie.
Miletus Ancient City.