Shark Diving with Ocean Fox Cotton Bay in Eleuthera, Bahamas
Highlights from our August shark dive in Eleuthera. This are Caribbean Reef Sharks on a dive site located near Cape Eleuthera on the southern end of the island. Notice the interest the sharks are taking in one of our diver's white fins. Look for more videos from this great week of diving!
Reef Police visit with Ocean Fox Cotton Bay
diving with Sue, Linda, Chad, Daryl and Al, one of the many visitors on our dive; we also Number 572, again, a tagged reef shark.
Eleuthera Diving
Great wall and shark dive with Ocean Fox Cotton Bay in Davis Harbour, Eleuthera. Patty's first real open water dive.
Boiling Hole Eleuthera Bahamas
small under water boiling hole dive site by Ocean Fox Cotton Bay, Davis Harbour marina, Eluthera Bahamas. Great coral formation and marine life; cave diving?
Eleuthera Diving 2
Christmas Tree Reef, Eleuthera, Bahamas with Ocean Fox Cotton Bay
Lighthouse beach in Eleuthera island, Bahamas
Eleuthera Scuba Dive 2014
My family and I dive the beautiful tropic waters off the southern coast of the Island of Eleuthera, The Bahamas. We made two dives on the day, a deep wall dive and a shallow boiling hole dive.
We dove with Ocean Fox Cotton Bay Dive shop, a great outfitter. click here to visit their site:
The video was shot with a GoPro hero3+ with a red Polar Pro filter for the underwater shots.
Watch our snorkeling adventures from later that week here:
Night diving with sharks, Eleuthera, Bahamas
Night diving with sharks here in the Bahamas with Ocean Fox Cotton Bay dive centre. Great fun! I love the way sharks eyes light up like cat's eyes at night!
Shark diving is awesome fun, as long as it is done responsibly.
We teach responsible shark interaction here at Ocean Fox Cotton Bay dive centre. Come join us for shark school!
Diving with Sharks in Eleuthera
We went on a boat dive with Al Curry. Normally you never get this close to sharks in the wild, but Al has conditioned these Caribbean Reef Sharks by feeding them chum-sicles - frozen 5 gallon chucks of chum.
He also taught the sharks to recognize that Lionfish are edible by spearing a bunch of Lionfish and letting the sharks eat them after they are wounded and can't get away. Lionfish are an invasive species in this area and are causing a lot of damage by eating all the native baby fish. Now that the reef sharks eat the Lionfish, there are far fewer Lionfish and the native species are starting to thrive again.
Bahamas: Scuba Diving with Sharks
Au sud d'Eleuthera, à Cape Eleuthera (24.834986, -76.343117), plongée avec Ocean Fox Cotton Bay, parmi une vingtaine de requins de recif.
South of Eleuthera, in Cape Eleuthera (24.834986, -76.343117), diving with Ocean Fox Cotton Bay, among about twenty reef sharks.
Shark TV - freedivers and divers hang out with sharks in Eleuthera - 360° video - fly360
Shot with the fly 360fly 4k camera. Not a virtual reality video, but extreme wide angle covering 360° of the surrounding. Produced during a SHARKSCHOOL
with Erich Ritter in Eleuthera, Bahamas in December 2016.
Thanks to Al Curry - Ocean Fox Cotton Bay who hosted the event. We love sharks!
Also big THANX to WiroDive Dive Travels who organized the FUN!
And we are underwatercam
Eleuthera Bahamas
Vacation at Conch'd Out North Palmetto Point, Eleuthera Bahamas.
Shark Diving with Daryl & Thelma, Ocean Fox Cotton Bay, Davis Harbor.
Awesome Beaches & Other Things.
Diving Exumas and Eleuthera Bahamas 2018
Diving Exumas and Eleuthera from the Aquacat in December of 2018.
Royalty Free Music from
Glass Bridge Eleuthera
Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea
Bahamas or Bust #5- Scuba Shark Dive; S1K challenge; Vote @ 1:18 mark, In time for Shark Week!
Janis and I are on our 2nd day in Eluethera and we want to thank Ocean Fox Cotton Bay for making this day an experience of a lifetime!
Soooo, just in time for SHARK WEEK
A little friendly banter/vote/competition/challenge with Steveo1Kinevo at the 1:18 mark.
Steveo1Kinevo's video is linked at the 1:18 mark as well;
FACING MY FEARS! - TBM850 Bahamas Flight VLOG
His video on facing his fears, was diving with sharks in a cage off a dock...
Well, isn't that like seeing; Lions, Tigers & Bears behind cages at the zoo? - HA!
OURS, well, watch and see!!
So, please vote, as to who did their shark dive better!!!
Steveo, being the aviator; “King of the Hill” on YouTube, I guess everybody is gunning for ya – HA!
As P1D has challenged Steveo to a landing competition as well, Steveo you should feel Special
NOW; considering Steveo has over 1,000 times the subscribers that Parr 4 the Course has…
Do we go with the; “Popular” vote or Weighted Mean Averages based on subscriber count?
NOTE: You may have to have the YouTube app downloaded in order to vote on a mobile device.
Ocean Fox Cotton Bay Web-Site:
Double Bay Beach - Ocean Fox Cotton Bay, Cape Eleuthera
Canon S95 with WP-DC38 underwater housing
Nikon D3500
Pinnacle Studio 22
Lightroom 6
Mahi-mahi Eleuthera
Catching Mahi-mahi 40 lbs Eleuthera Bahamas with the pro Chad Melton from Ocean Fox Cotton bay
Lighthouse Beach Eleuthera
Lighthouse Beach Eleuthera
Shark School:Level 2
Learning the safe way to interact with sharks has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Caribbean Reef Sharks are intelligent, curious m, and a blast to interact with. I can’t wait to get back to Eleuthera to spend more time with them and the good folks at Ocean Fox Cotton Bay.
Shark School is taught by shark expert Dr. Erich Ritter and the diving operator is Ocean Fox Cotton Bay. I cannot recommend this experience enough!
Family Sharks
Treat sharks like family ... and we are all better off. If you want to learn how to interact with sharks, we recommend to hook up with Ocean Fox Cotton Bay ( and/or book a course with Erich Ritter SharkSchool ( here on Eleuthera in the Bahamas. It's a life changing experience. Meanwhile join the family on an exciting day on the water.
Idea, Camera, Edit: Florian Fischer
Special thanks to the Fischer family.
Float with us: