Aragonit Cave - Ochtina, Slovakia (HD1080p)
Ochtinská aragonitová - Cave tour (UNESCO, Slovakia 2018)
Carpathian World Heritage - Caves of Slovak Karst - Ochtinská Aragonite Cave
Ochtinská Aragonite Cave represents a worldwide unique natural phenomenon characterized by richness and diversity of aragonite fills, particular geological evolution and distinctive genesis of underground spaces. Three generations of aragonite were determined in this treasure of the world.The second generation is the most attractive for visitors, because these aragonite fills are still growing and maintain white colour and clean appearance.This UNESCO World Natural Heritage was discovered in 1954 and opened for the public in 1972 on a length of 235m.
Ochtinská aragonitová jaskyňa
V prístupovej štôlni Ochtinskej aragonitovej jaskyne musíte zdolať 104 schodov a potom už vstupujete do sveta nádhery, akú mohla vytvoriť len všemocná matka príroda. Ide o ďalší svetový unikát maličkého Slovenska, keďže jaskyňa je jednou z mála sprístupnených aragonitových jaskýň planéty. V jaskyni nachádzame tri generácie aragonitu, prvá z nich má 121- až 138-tisíc rokov. Pestrá aragonitová výplň vo forme špirál, ihličiek a útvarov podobajúcich sa na koraly vytvára rôznorodú zmes nádherných obrazov. Za najkrajšie miesto jaskyne je považovaná Sieň Mliečnej dráhy, kde biele aragonitové strapce v pukline na strope vytvárajú vo svetle lámp dojem hviezd našej galaxie.
Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst - UNESCO World Heritage Site
The Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst UNESCO World Heritage site covers some 70 caves across southern Slovakia and northern Hungary. These caves are all unique and interesting, and in many cases only recently discovered. Unfortunately due to the time of year, many caves had closed for visitors, but we managed to visit the cave of Ochtinska, famous for its Aragonite formations.
More World Heritage sites in Hungary:
More World Heritage sites in Slovakia:
More caving and underground World Heritage sites:
Skocjan Caves:
Rock Art Caves of Altamira:
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Music: - Happiness
Jasovska Cave - Slovakia (HD1080p)
Cave Aragonite crystal stand
started using a camera rather than my go pro much better quality filming. custom stand for Cave Aragonite crystal.
Krásnohorská Cave 13/11/2015
Krásnohorská Cave, a unique karst formation, which is registered in The World Heritage List (UNESCO).
The route leads to the Dripstone of Rožňava Cavers – the giant column 32 m high (information differs from 32 m to 34 m).
Some sources says that currently, it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest sinter column in the world, but there are no information in Guinness World Records officioal web page. Although several higher columns were already found, but it is a monumental nature creation rare in caves in temperate climate zone.
SLOVAK 03/06 @ Discovering the World Mystery
Slovenský raj, Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa and Ochtinská aragonitová jaskyňa
Deux parisiens en Slovaquie - Les grottes du karst slovaque (04-08-16)
Journée souterraine avec la visite de deux grottes classées par l'UNESCO.
Première halte à la grotte de Domica, certainement la plus belle du pays, à la frontière avec la Hongrie. Longue de 22 kilomètres, 45000 tessons de poteries datés de plusieurs milliers d'années y ont été retrouvés. On a même pu y faire un petit tour en barque. Vraiment très belle.
La deuxième grotte (Ochtinská Aragonitová) est quant à elle très particulière par la présence, comme son nom l'indique, d'aragonite ! C'est une concrétion de carbonate de calcium qui donne des cristaux blancs très étonnants. Le phénomème à l'état naturel est très rare et c'est sur cette base minérale que se développent certains coraux marins. Sinon, c'est une grotte de marbre !
Fin de journée à Roznava, qui n'est pas forcément naturellement riche en magnésium !
Top 22 Slovak Things in the World & Europe
List of places & where you can see them :
1. The tallest Wooden Altar of Master Paul can be seen in Levoča, the church is open for public
2. The oldest Mint can be seen in Kremnica, open for tourists
3. Oldest and biggest Opal mine at multiple places in Prešov area, open for visitors with guides
4. The reservation of Folklore Architecture in Čičmany, Žilina district
5. First technical mining university in Banská Štiavnica
6. Tallest cave collumn in Krásnohôrská cave in Rožňava district, open for visitors with guide together with castle visit
8. Ochtinská Aragonite cave open for visitors with guide together with archaeological findings view in Revúca district
9. Garden of Janko Kráľ in Bratislava, the capital
10. Žitný ostrov / Rye island in southwestern part of the country. Close to austrian & hungarian border
11. Geyser of Herľany, near Košice
12. Europe´s densest Tourist paths, can be seen everywhere
13. Coat of Arms in Košice
14. the treasure in Košice, can be seen in Easternslovak museum in Košice
15. Sitna lookout on Sitno mountain, Banská Štiavnica district
16. 140 years old Platan Tree in Jelka, Galanta district
17. Europe´s oldest marathon in Košice, every year on first October´s Sunday, an international marathon of peace
18. Wooden church in Svätý Kríž, Liptov region
19. Spiš castle in Spiš district
20. Červený Kameň, Pezinok district
21. A toy from Bronze Age in Košice
HORNÁ NITRA - Pred jaskyňou pod Hájskou skalou
Viatge a Eslovàquia, juliol del 2016
Itinerari del viatge, tot en cotxe de lloguer, i llocs visitats: Bratislava - Terchová - Oravský Hrad - Narodný Park Malá Fatra (Parc Nacional Malá Fatra) - Leštiny - Múzeum Oravskej Dediny (Museu del Poble d'Orava) (Zuberec) - Vysoké Tatry (Alts Tatres) - Levoča - Hervartov - Bardejov - Stakčín - Narodný Park Poloniny (Parc Nacional Poloniny) - Ruská Bystra - Košice - Rožňava - Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa (cova de gel de Dobšiná) - Ochtinská aragonitová jaskyňa (cova d'aragonita d'Ochtiná) - Bratislava