Chamada Tadashi
Chamada para a culminância do Workshop de Tadashi Endo no dia 14 de Maio às 17h no Largo de Santa Rita, Paraty - RJ
Em 2017, o bailarino de Butoh Tadashi Endo completou 70 anos de vida e 15 anos de uma relação afetiva e criativa com o Brasil. Este grande artista difunde o Butoh em todo mundo, tornando-se uma das maiores referências da cena contemporânea. O Centro Cultural Sesc Paraty celebrou este artista com uma intensa programação no período de 01 a 14 de maio, promovendo: ação formativa de introdução ao Butoh que culminou em uma apresentação com os participantes da oficina. A programação contou com apresentações dos espetáculos “Fukushima Mon Amour” e “MA” que integram o repertório do artista construído no decorrer de sua carreira; participação de Tadashi Endo no Seminário Intercâmbios em Artes Cênicas: desterritorialidades, interfaces e pertencimentos, parte da programação do Palco Giratório 20 anos.
Programação Tadashi Endo 70 anos
Oficina de Butoh com Tadashi Endo – 1ª. etapa
01 a 05/05 – segunda-feira a sexta-feira - 13h às 18h
Núcleo de Mídias, Artes e Tecnologia
Espetáculo: MA
06 e 09/05 – sábado, 20h
Sesc Silo
Oficina de Butoh com Tadashi Endo – 2ª. etapa
07 a 10/05 e 12/05 – domingo a sexta-feira, 13h às 18h
Núcleo de Mídias, Artes e Tecnologia
Espetáculo: Fukushima Mon Amour
11 e 13/05 – sábado, 20h
Sesc Silo
Espetáculo montado com os participantes da oficina de Butoh
14/05 – domingo, 17h
Largo de Santa Rita
Brazylia - W rytmach samby i lambady [fragment]
Travelfan w podróży zaprasza na kolejną video-opowieść. Tym razem podróżniczy szlak zawiódł mnie do Brazylii.
To kraj pełen kontrastów. Znajdziemy tu zarówno zatłoczone miasta, jak też dziewicze obszary nie skalane ludzką działalnością. Mówiąc Brazylia myślisz Rio. Symbolami miasta są posąg Chrystusa oraz tzw. Głowa Cukru. Słynna Copacabana uznawana jest za jedną z najpiękniejszych plaż na świecie.
Przybyszów, oprócz samby, przyciąga do Brazylii także ciepły klimat, oraz liczne unikalne w skali światowej atrakcje. Jedną z nich to Wodospady Iguazu. Uznaje się je za jedne z siedmiu nowych cudów natury.
Serdecznie zapraszam do obejrzenia zaprezentowanego fragmentu filmu „Brazylia - W rytmach samby i lambady.
Jeżeli to co zaprezentowałem w niniejszym programie to dla Ciebie za mało, serdecznie zachęcam do zapoznania się z całym filmem, który możesz zamówić w wersji dvd/ blu-ray. W ten sposób możesz przyczynić się do wsparcia mojego warsztatu filmowego, ale także do dalszego rozwoju mojego kanału.
Travelfan, Adventure Starts Here.
???? Zostaw napiwek:
???? Wszelkie przychody uzyskane z powyższych źródeł
inwestowane są w utrzymanie oraz rozwój kanału!
Subskrybuj kanał (kliknij w dzwoneczek), to dla mnie WAŻNE:
EMEC 4 - Oficina de Dança Cênica
Real Combo Lisbonense traz Carmen Miranda ao palco do CCVF | 13 dezembro
O Grande Auditório do Centro Cultural Vila Flor transforma-se com cores e ritmos exóticos para receber no seu palco um espetáculo dedicado a Carmen Miranda!
Guimarães é a primeira cidade a ouvir, ao vivo, “Saudade de Você – às voltas com Carmen Miranda”, o primeiro álbum do Real Combo Lisbonense, cinco anos depois do EP inaugural, homónimo, que assinalou a estreia do coletivo em torno da música portuguesa dos anos 1950 e 1960, tocada por conjuntos e orquestras. Editado no passado dia 24 de novembro, este trabalho tem como objetivo renovar e reinterpretar as canções popularizadas por Carmen Miranda. O álbum apresenta onze temas, entre sambas e marchas, a maioria em língua portuguesa, como “Na baixa do sapateiro”, “Adeus batucada”, “O que é que você fazia?” e “Saudade de você”, que dá nome ao disco. Quase 60 anos depois da sua morte, o legado de Carmen Miranda continua ausente da música feita em Portugal. É essa falha que o Real Combo Lisbonense vem colmatar, com um espetáculo totalmente novo que atravessa quase três décadas de história musical da cantora mais internacional alguma vez nascida em Portugal. O primeiro concerto de apresentação do álbum acontece em Guimarães, no Centro Cultural Vila Flor, seguindo-se Lisboa.
De onde nós vem apresentação Casa de Cultura Nova Iguaçu
Esquete teatral do coletivo Ramal.
De onde nós vem .
Sinopse : Ainda existe luz na periferia. Com inspiração no livro Mães de Acari, a cena conta um pouco da busca de 11 mães em busca dos corpos dos filhos desaparecidos na chacina em Magé.
Concepção de direção: A direção optou por levar a cena uma linguagem contemporânea que possibilitasse aos atores extrair das palavras a sua expansão fora das palavras, de desenvolvimento no espaço , de ação e vibratória sobre a sensibilidade de forma totalmente experimental
As cenas são fragmentadas , costuradas e conduzidas por música.
Concepção de encenação : Não utilizamos de material físico para complementar o cenário, apenas os corpos compõe o elemento cênico desta.
Teatro do Oprimido
Vídeo introdutório da sequência de aulas sobre Teatro do Oprimido, escrita pela professora Rosane Christina. Esse vídeo faz parte dos materiais pedagógicos desenvolvidos para professores da Rede Estadual de Educação de Goiás. Você encontra esses e outros materiais na revista digital WebZine Ciranda da Arte (
Performance Eu preciso ser bonita de Sid Manequim
O encerramento do I Seminário de Gênero e Diversidade, II Colóquio Comunicação e Arte e III Simpósio sobre Gênero e Diversidade se deu na sexta-feira, 11, com a magnífica performance 'Eu preciso ser bonita' de Sid Manequim.
O performer trouxe em sua apresentação retratos do exagero praticado por pessoas na estética, e ao final foi recebido por muitos aplausos e se emocionou ao falar dos preconceitos enfrentados pela família por ser performer de rua, e recebeu do público ajuda de custo em reconhecimento ao seu trabalho.
Cia de Teatro Soluar - “A nóia” - 3 - Teatro na praça - Santa Rita - PB
Professores e alunos da Escola Flávio Ribeiro - teatro na praça - momento de questionamento para os jovens, como também para o público em geral
“A NÓIA ” - O espetáculo é um resultado do processo compartilhado de pesquisa cênica, tendo como base o tema norteador o “CRACK”. O tema é tratado de forma crua, sem compaixão, mostrando assim os caminhos que o usuário pode escolher ao se envolver com a pedra, e ao mesmo tempo é um espetáculo de prevenção, podendo ser apresentado para todos os públicos em especial a jovens a partir de 15 anos.
7 gatinhos -leitura Dramatica-Nelson Rodrigues escola Recriarte-grupo Peter Brook-Fevereiro2012
7 Gatinhos -Nelson Rodrigues -grupo Peter Brook-Escola Recriarte de teatro-16 de Fevereiro 2012-Leitura dramatica.-Diretor-Paulo.
Era Preciso Ouvir Outras vozes
Um documentário sobre Impro, Teatro de Improviso pelo Projeto Visando Impro
PARTES (Minutagem)
1) O que é Impro para Você? (00:00:00-00:17:01)
*Que es Impro para ti?
**What’s is Improv to you?
2) Existe uma diferença entre Impro e Improvisação? (00:14:30-00:25:28)
* Hay diferecia entre Impro y Improvisación?
** Is there a difference between Improv and Improvisation?
3) Quais são os princípios/regras da Impro para você? (00:25:28-01:11:36)
* Cuales son los principios/reglas de la Impro para ti?
* What are The principles/rules of improv to you?
4) Como você ensina Impro? (01:11:36-01:44:24)
* Como usted enseña Impro?
** How do you teach Improv?
5) Uma mensagem para o mundo em 30 segundos. (01:44:24-01:54:30)
* Una mensaje para el mundo en 30 segundos.
* One message to the world in 30 seconds.
6) Créditos Finais e uma Coisinha Extra (01:54:30-01:55:50)
* Créditos Finales y una Cosita Extra
** Final Credits and an Extra Little Something
Direção, Edição e Montagem: Luana Proença
Elenco de Entrevistas (País)
Alejandra Chamorro (Colômbia)
Alexandra Băjan (Romênia)
Aman Adumer (EUA)
Anderson Bizzocchi (Brasil)
André Sobral (Portugal)
Andrés Mellizo (Colômbia)
Angélica Rogel (México)
Bogdan Untilă (Romênia)
Billy Kissa (Grécia)
Carito Delgado (Venezuela)
Charna Halpern (EUA)
Cíntia Portella (Brasil)
Claudio Amado (Brasil)
Chris Trovador (Porto Rico/EUA)
Craig Cackowski (EUA)
Damien Fontaine (Ilha da Reunião)
Daniel Nascimento (Brasil)
Davi Salazar (Brasil)
David Moncada (Colômbia)
Edson Duavy (Brasil)
Elídio Sanna (Brasil)
Federico Santelmo (Venezuela)
Felipe Ortiz (Colômbia)
Feña Ortalli (Argentina/Espanha)
Gael Doorneweerd-Perry (França)
Gary Schwartz (EUA)
Giannina Pavone (Venezuela)
Gigio Giraldo (Colômbia)
Gonçalo Sítima (Portugal)
Gonzalo Piñán (Espanha/Alemanha)
Gustavo Miranda (Colômbia/Brasil)
Holly Laurent (EUA)
Inbal Lori (Israel)
James Gangl (Canadá/EUA)
Jorge Emanuel Berrios (Cuba/EUA)
José Luis Saldaña (México)
Kasia Chmara (Polônia)
Keng-Sam Chane Chick Té (Ilha da Reunião)
Lee White (Canadá/Alemanha)
Luana Proença (Brasil)
Marcio Ballas (Brasil)
Mario Barra (México/EUA)
Marta Borges (Portugal)
Nathan Keates (Reino Unido)
Nick Byrne (Austrália)
Omar Argentino Galván (Argentina/Espanha)
Paola Benjumea (Colômbia)
Paula Galimberti (Espanha/Alemanha)
Pedro Borges (Portugal)
Rhena de Faria (Brasil)
Ricardo Behrens (Argentina)
Ricardo Zárraga (México)
Rich Baker (EUA)
Rodrigo Amém (Brasil)
Saulo Pinheiro (Brasil)
Tim Stoltenberg (EUA)
Tomaz Pereira (Brasil)
Verónica Mosquera (Colômbia)
Viviana Gallardo Magallan (Chile)
Xexéu Vaulêz (Brasil)
Xoshil Rose (Guatemala)
Edição Assistente e Mixagem de Som: Alexandre Heládio
Produção do Projeto: Guinada Produções
Secretário de Produção de Projeto: Guilherme Angelim
Revisões ortográficas de Legendas: Feña Ortalli (espanhol), e Luana Proença (português e inglês)
Equipe voluntária de entrevistas (Cidades):
Anna Salles (Los Angeles)
Alexandre Heládio (Bogotá e Brasília)
Luana Proença (Los Angeles, Cidade do México, Bogotá, Atenas, Brasília, São Paulo, Lisboa, Rio de Janeiro e Sintra)
Mariana Bouhon (Sintra)
Solange Ros (Madri)
Imagens Plano Detalhe e Trilha Sonora Original: Luana Proença
Contribuintes da Vakinha - Apoio viagem para Colômbia
Ana Vaz, Camila Somavilla, Cláudio Gabriel, Daniel Kuwae, Diego de León, Édi Oliveira, Edson Duavy, Filipe Lima, Glycério Proença Neto, Guilherme Angelim, João Henrique Veloso, Larissa Rosa, Leila Rabelo, Luís Humberto Beltrão, Luís Proença, Lupe Leal, Maíra Carvalho, Marcelo Nenevê, Marcelo Veras, Marie Maftoum, Mateus Ferrari, Maurício Chades, Maux Ferreira, Nando Villardo, Néia Paz, Paola Lis Citraro, Pedro Pradines, Raphael Balduzzi, Ricardo Makoto, Roberta Rangel, Roniere Souza e Silva, Rulian Maftum, Tati Ramos, e Wilson Maftoum.
Este projeto foi realizado com recursos do Fundo de Apoio a Cultura do DF (Brasil).
Primeira Noite Fora do Eixo Itajubá
Noite Fora do Eixo Itajubá
Responsável pela circulação de vários artistas independentes pelo Brasil agora também em Itajubá com as bandas:
GUI OLIVEIRA - Itajubá -
TUPI BALBOA - Santa Rita -
LISABI - Campinas -
Varal da Arte com ilustrações, fotos e poesias de artistas de Itajubá e região.
Dia 30/06 às 22h no Bar Cultural. Preço único R$ 10,00.
Se Carlos Drummond de Andrade estivesse vivo, completaria hoje 115 anos. É quase a mesma idade de Belo Horizonte, que vai completar 120 ainda este ano. O escritor e a cidade. Uma dupla que nos encher de orgulho e gratidão...
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Uma produção: Estúdio Maíra Lemos
Ator: Valmir Cavalcante
Cursos Livres de Teatro no CAC Walmor Chagas
Alunos do CAC falam sobre suas experiências no teatro.
Mais informações:
Rua Netuno, 41, Jardim da Granja - São José dos Campos/SP
(12) 3941-7631 ou
Carl Sandburg's 79th Birthday / No Time for Heartaches / Fire at Malibu
Carl Sandburg (January 6, 1878 -- July 22, 1967) was an American writer and editor, best known for his poetry. He was the recipient of three Pulitzer Prizes: two for his poetry and another for his biography of Abraham Lincoln. H. L. Mencken called Sandburg indubitably an American in every pulse-beat.
Sandburg was born in the three-room cottage at 313 East Third Street in Galesburg, Illinois, to parents of Swedish ancestry. At the age of thirteen he left school and began driving a milk wagon. From the age of about fourteen until he was seventeen or eighteen, he worked as a porter at the Union Hotel barbershop in Galesburg.[1] After that he was on the milk route again for eighteen months. He then became a bricklayer and a farm laborer on the wheat plains of Kansas.[2] After an interval spent at Lombard College in Galesburg,[3] he became a hotel servant in Denver, then a coal-heaver in Omaha. He began his writing career as a journalist for the Chicago Daily News. Later he wrote poetry, history, biographies, novels, children's literature, and film reviews. Sandburg also collected and edited books of ballads and folklore. He spent most of his life in the Midwest before moving to North Carolina.
Sandburg volunteered to go to the military and was stationed in Puerto Rico with the 6th Illinois Infantry during the Spanish--American War, disembarking at Guánica, Puerto Rico on July 25, 1898. Sandburg was never actually called to battle. He attended West Point for just two weeks, before failing a mathematics and grammar exam. Sandburg returned to Galesburg and entered Lombard College, but left without a degree in 1903.
He moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and joined the Social Democratic Party, the name by which the Socialist Party of America was known in the state. Sandburg served as a secretary to Emil Seidel, socialist mayor of Milwaukee from 1910 to 1912.
Sandburg met Lilian Steichen at the Social Democratic Party office in 1907, and they married the next year. Lilian's brother was the photographer Edward Steichen. Sandburg with his wife, whom he called Paula, raised three daughters.
The Sandburgs moved to Harbert, Michigan, and then to suburban Chicago, Illinois. They lived in Evanston, Illinois, before settling at 331 S. York Street in Elmhurst, Illinois, from 1919 to 1930. Sandburg wrote three children's books in Elmhurst, Rootabaga Stories, in 1922, followed by Rootabaga Pigeons (1923), and Potato Face (1930). Sandburg also wrote Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years, a two-volume biography in 1926, The American Songbag (1927), and a book of poems called Good Morning, America (1928) in Elmhurst. The family moved to Michigan in 1930. The Sandburg house at 331 W. York Street, Elmhurst was demolished and the site is now a parking lot.
Sandburg's collection, The War Years was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1940. His Complete Poems won him a second Pulitzer Prize in 1951.[4]
In 1945 he moved to Connemara, a 246-acre rural estate in Flat Rock, North Carolina. Here he produced a little over a third of his total published work, and lived with his wife, daughters, and two grandchildren until dying of natural causes in 1967.
Sandburg had his ashes interred under Remembrance Rock, a 5-foot-high granite boulder located behind his birth house.[5][6]
Sandburg supported the civil rights movement, and contributed to the NAACP.
3000+ Portuguese Words with Pronunciation
3033 most frequent brazilian portuguese used words, presented randomly.
Based on the book A Frequency Dictionary of Portuguese by Mark Davies et al.
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São Paulo | Wikipedia audio article
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São Paulo
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
São Paulo (; Portuguese pronunciation: [sɐ̃w̃ ˈpawlu] (listen)) is a municipality in the Southeast Region of Brazil. The metropolis is an alpha global city (as listed by the GaWC) and the most populous city in Brazil, the Western Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere, besides being the largest Portuguese-speaking city in the world. The municipality is also the Earth's 11th largest city proper by population. The city is the capital of the surrounding state of São Paulo, one of the most populous and wealthiest states in Brazil. It exerts strong international influences in commerce, finance, arts and entertainment. The name of the city honors the Apostle, Saint Paul of Tarsus. The city's metropolitan area, the Greater São Paulo, ranks as the most populous in Brazil and the 12th most populous on Earth. The process of conurbation between the metropolitan areas located around the Greater São Paulo (Campinas, Santos, Sorocaba and the Paraíba Valley) created the São Paulo Macrometropolis, a megalopolis with more than 30 million inhabitants, one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world.Having the largest economy by GDP in Latin America and the Southern Hemisphere, the city is home to the São Paulo Stock Exchange. Paulista Avenue is the economic core of São Paulo. The city has the 11th largest GDP in the world, representing alone 10.7% of all Brazilian GDP and 36% of the production of goods and services in the state of São Paulo, being home to 63% of established multinationals in Brazil, and has been responsible for 28% of the national scientific production in 2005. With a GDP of US$477 billion, the São Paulo city alone would have ranked 26th globally compared with countries by 2017 estimates.The metropolis is also home to several of the tallest skyscrapers in Brazil, including the Mirante do Vale, Edifício Itália, Banespa, North Tower and many others. The city has cultural, economic and political influence both nationally and internationally. It is home to monuments, parks and museums such as the Latin American Memorial, the Ibirapuera Park, Museum of Ipiranga, São Paulo Museum of Art, and the Museum of the Portuguese Language. The city holds events like the São Paulo Jazz Festival, São Paulo Art Biennial, the Brazilian Grand Prix, São Paulo Fashion Week and the ATP Brasil Open. The São Paulo Gay Pride Parade rivals the New York City Pride March as the largest gay pride parade in the world. It is headquarters of the Brazilian television networks Band, Gazeta, and RecordTV.
São Paulo is a cosmopolitan, melting pot city, home to the largest Arab, Italian, and Japanese diasporas, with examples including ethnic neighborhoods of Mercado, Bixiga, and Liberdade respectively. São Paulo is also home to the largest Jewish population in Brazil, with about 75,000 Jews. In 2016, inhabitants of the city were native to over 200 different countries. People from the city are known as paulistanos, while paulistas designates anyone from the state, including the paulistanos. The city's Latin motto, which it has shared with the battleship and the aircraft carrier named after it, is Non ducor, duco, which translates as I am not led, I lead. The city, which is also colloquially known as Sampa or Terra da Garoa (Land of Drizzle), is known for its unreliable weather, the size of its helicopter fleet, its architecture, gastronomy, severe traffic congestion and skyscrapers. São Paulo was one of the host cities of the 1950 and the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Additionally, the city hosted the IV Pan American Games and the São Paulo Indy 300.
7º FEMUSC - Alex Klein na regência musical erudita
Em Jaraguá do Sul [SC], no Bairro Czerniewicz, na SCAR, 7º FEMUSC - Alex Klein na regência musical erudita .
Ademir Pfiffer - Historiador
Young Love: The Dean Gets Married / Jimmy and Janet Get Jobs / Maudine the Beauty Queen
Janet Waldo (born February 4, 1924) is an American actress and voice artist with a career encompassing radio, television, animation and live-action films. She is best known in animation for voicing Judy Jetson, Penelope Pitstop and Josie McCoy in Josie and the Pussycats. She was equally famed for radio's Meet Corliss Archer, a title role with which she was so identified that she was drawn into the comic book adaptation.
Waldo appeared in several dozen films in uncredited bit parts and small roles, although she was the leading lady in three Westerns, two of them starring Tim Holt. Her big break came in radio with a part on Cecil B. DeMille's Lux Radio Theater. In her radio career, she lent her voice to many programs, including Edward G. Robinson's Big Town, The Eddie Bracken Show, Favorite Story, Four-Star Playhouse, The Gallant Heart, One Man's Family, Sears Radio Theater and Stars over Hollywood. She co-starred with Jimmy Lydon in the CBS situation comedy Young Love (1949--50), and she had recurring roles on The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet (as teenager Emmy Lou), The Red Skelton Show and People Are Funny.
However, it was her eight-year run starring as teenager Corliss Archer on CBS's Meet Corliss Archer that left a lasting impression, even though Shirley Temple starred in the film adaptations, Kiss and Tell and A Kiss for Corliss. The radio program was the CBS answer to NBC's popular A Date with Judy. Despite the long run of Meet Corliss Archer, less than 24 episodes are known to exist. Waldo later turned down the offer to portray Corliss in a television adaptation.
In 1948 the Meet Corliss Archer comic book, using Waldo's likeness, published by Fox Feature Syndicate, appeared for a run of three issues from March to July 1948, using the original scripts. The same year, Waldo married playwright Robert Edwin Lee, the writing partner of Jerome Lawrence. The couple had two children, and remained married until his death in 1994.
Waldo made a rare on-screen television appearance when she appeared as Peggy, a teen smitten with Ricky Ricardo on a 1952 episode of I Love Lucy titled The Young Fans with Richard Crenna. Ten years later, Waldo again worked with Lucille Ball, this time playing Lucy Carmichael's sister, Marge, on The Lucy Show. That episode, Lucy's Sister Pays A Visit also featured actor Peter Marshall. She also appeared on an episode of The Andy Griffith Show as Amanda. In addition, Waldo reprised the role of Emmy Lou for some early TV episodes of The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet. Later, she was the female lead opposite Anthony Franciosa in the short-lived sitcom Valentine's Day (1964).
Shirley Mitchell (born November 4, 1919) is an American film and television actress.
After moving to Chicago, she appeared in the network broadcast of The First Nighter and played small parts in various soap operas including The Story of Mary Marlin and The Road of Life. After moving to Los Angeles, she played opposite Joan Davis in The Sealtest Village Store. She also starred as Louella in The Life of Riley and joined the cast of Fibber McGee and Molly as Alice Darling in 1943. Her most prominent radio role was that of the charismatic Southern belle Leila Ransom on The Great Gildersleeve radio show beginning in September 1942. In 1953, Shirley joined the cast of I Love Lucy playing the part of Lucy Ricardo's friend Marion Strong. As of 2012, she is the only recurring adult cast member still living following the deaths of Doris Singleton in 2012 and Peggy Rea in 2011. In 1962, she played Mrs. Colton on the CBS-TV comedy series Pete and Gladys, and between 1965--1967, she appeared as neighbor Marge Thornton on NBC-TVs Please Don't Eat the Daisies. In the same year she appeared in Episode 13, Season 2 of The Dick Van Dyke Show when she played Shirley Rogers opposite Bob Crane as Harry Rogers in Somebody Has to Play Cleopatra. In 1963, she appeared on the television program The Beverly Hillbillies as Opal Clampett (the wife of Jake Clampett, an out-of-work actor). In 1966, she appeared in Green Acres as a nurse and as Oliver's old friend Wanda. Between 1967 and 1968, she portrayed Kate Bradley's cousin Mae Belle Jennings on Petticoat Junction. In 1968, she appeared in the Season 1 finale of The Doris Day Show as Mrs. Loomis, a woman who accuses Billy of stealing $5.00 from her purse after she dropped it.
In 1972, she was the voice of Laurie Holiday on the Hanna-Barbera cartoon series, The Roman Holidays.
In 1994, Mitchell voiced the Sneetches, cousins, Thidwick's mother and Sue the Second Fish in Storybook Weaver and later in 2004, deluxe version in Storybook Weaver Deluxe.
In 2012, she voiced her guest star as Betty White in MAD episode, Betty White & the Huntsman / Ancient Greek Mythbusters.