【K】Mongolia Travel-Uvurkhangai[몽골 여행-아르항가이]어기호수, 수평선/Ogii Lake/Freshwater/Ramsar Convention/Fishing
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[한국어 정보]
드넓은 땅, 가도 가도 끝없던 몽골 여행도 어느새 막바지를 향하고 있다. 수도 울란바토르에서 350km 떨어진 어기 호수를 들렀다 가기로 했다. 이 길은 마치 천국으로 향하는 하늘 길 같다. 람사르 협약으로 주요 습지에 등재된 어기 호수. ‘어기’라는 말은 손 위 여성을 부르는 존칭이자 ‘내준다’는 의미라고 한다. 풀이하자면 ‘어기호수’는 ‘내어주는 어머니 호수’라는 뜻이다. 천혜의 자연 환경을 자랑하는 어기호수는 그 둘레 길이가 무려 24.7km. 바다가 없는 몽골에서 수평선을 볼 수 있는 귀한 장소다. 조류 탐사지로 유명한 이곳은 어종도 풍부하다. 전국의 낚시광들이 어기 호수를 찾아 손맛을 제대로 즐긴다. 어기호수 몽골사람들이 손꼽는 최고의 휴양지다. “어기 호수는 친구들과 함께 매년 오고 싶은 곳입니다. 제가 낚시를 좋아하거든요. 그리고 어기 호수의 ‘어기’는 ‘준다’는 의미입니다. 이곳은 풍요로운 곳이고 공기도 좋아서 도시를 벗어나 친구들과 쉬기 좋은 곳입니다. 수도인 울란바토르에서 가까워서 친구들과 항상 이곳에 와서 쉽니다.” 다시 배를 타고 고기를 잡으러 호수로 나서는 사람들. 드넓은 어기호수는 마치 바다처럼 사람들에게 끝없이 베풀고 어머니처럼 온화하다. 어기 호수에서 나는 몽골여행의 정수를 체험한 것 같았다.
[English: Google Translator]
Mongolian journey to endless land and endless roads are heading towards the end. I decided to stop by Uggi Lake, 350km away from the capital Ulaanbaatar. This road is like a heavenly way to heaven. It is a lake that was listed on the main wetland by the Ramsar Convention. The term 'era' means the honorific name for the woman on hand and the meaning of 'give'. In other words, 'Lake Lake' means 'giving mother lake'. Proud of its natural environment, Lake Uji is 24.7km long. It is a precious place to see the horizon in Mongolia without sea. Famous for bird exploration, this area is rich in fish species. Fishing lights from all over the country enjoy a delicious taste of the lake. Lake Mongolia is the best resort in Mongolia. Yogi Lake is a place I want to visit with my friends every year. I like fishing. And the word era in the Lake of Yogi means give. This place is rich and airy, so it is a good place to relax with friends outside the city. I am close to Ulaanbaatar, the capital city, and always come here with my friends. People who go back to the lake to catch fish again. The widespread lake is endlessly served to people like the sea and mild as a mother. I felt like I was experiencing the essence of Mongolian travel.
[Mongolia: Google Translator]
Төгсгөлгүй газар, төгсгөлгүй замаар аялж байгаа монголчууд эцэс төгсгөл хүртэл явж байна. Нийслэл Улаанбаатараас 350 км-ийн зайд орших Уггийн нуурыг зогсоохоор шийдсэн. Энэ зам бол тэнгэр рүү тэнгэрлэг замтай адил юм. Энэ нь Рамсарын конвенцоор голын ус намгархаг газар орсон нуур юм. Эрин гэсэн нэр томъёо нь эмэгтэй хүний нэр хүндийн нэр ба 'өгөх' гэсэн утгыг хэлнэ. Өөрөөр хэлбэл, нуур нуур гэдэг нь эх нуурыг өгч гэсэн утгатай. Ужи нуур нь 24.7 км урттай. Энэ нь далайгүйгээр Монголд хүрэх газрыг харахад хамгийн үнэтэй газар юм. Шувуу хайгуулын ажилд алдартай энэ бүс нутагт загасны төрөл зүйлээр баялаг. Бүх улс орны загасчлалын гэрэл нуурын амттай амттай байдаг. Монгол орны нуур бол Монголын хамгийн сайн амралт юм. Yogi нуур бол жил бүр найзуудтайгаа уулзахыг хүсдэг газар юм. Би загасчлах дуртай. Yogi нуурын эрин гэсэн үг нь өгөх гэсэн утгатай. Энэ газар нь баян, чөлөөтэй байдаг учраас хотын гадна найз нөхөдтэйгээ амрах сайхан газар юм. Би нийслэл Улаанбаатар хотод ойрхон байдаг бөгөөд үргэлж найзуудтайгаа хамт энд ирдэг гэж нэмж хэлэв. Цөлөрхөг нуур нь тэнгис, хүмүүст амар амгаланг хүмүүст хүргэдэг. Би монгол аялалын мөн чанарыг мэдэрч байгаагаа мэдэрч байсан.
■클립명: 아시아025-몽골04-19 몽골의 수평선을 볼 수 있는 어기호수
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 전영건 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 6월June
호수,lake,volcanic, crater, caldera, mountain,낚시,체험,,fishing,아시아Asia아시아몽골Mongolia전영건20176월아르항가이 주ArkhangaiJune걸어서 세계속으로
Nomadic family caddle, Arkhangai Province, Mongolia
Nomadic family caddle, Arkhangai Province, Mongolia
Chuluut River, Arkhangai Province, Mongolia
The Best of Mongolia - Монгол орны гайхамшиг
Capturing bar-headed geese at Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake, Arkhangai province, Mongolia
Lake Ugii, Mongolia - Traiathlon
View Coach Shannyn's Mongolian Experience Blog:
Mongolia: The central highlands - Khuisiin Naiman Nuur
Located in the central highlands of Mongolia is the beautiful and remote Khuisiin Naiman Nuur (lake). I was here in July and the ground was a carpet of wild flowers.
Naki tour at the bank of Terkhiin white lake in Arkhangai province of Mongolia
Feeling satisfaction at the bank of Terkhiin white lake in Arkhangai province of Mongolia. More about it to send an e-mail to nakitour99054921@gmail.com
Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur
Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur also known as White Lake is a lake in the Khangai Mountains in central Mongolia. The Khorgo volcano is located near the eastern end of the lake and the Suman River springs from lake.
Catching a pike at Lake Ugii. Ugiin Nuur sum. Arhangai province.Mongolia
22 aug 2012
Naiman nuur travel.MP4
2010 August travel to Naiman Nuur, Uvurkhangai, Mongolia. First day +24C, next day -2C and snowing, go down from mountain, welcomes green steppe.
Mongolia drone video - Khorgo Volcano & Lake Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur - By Mongolia Travel & Tours
We took our drone to Arkhangaï in Central Mongolia ... Discover Khorgo Volcano and Lake Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur from the sky!
Video by
Lake Terkhiin Tsagaan and Khorgo Volcano are in a very remote part of Arkhangaï province, north of the world famous Orkhon Valley, in Central Mongolia.
You can reach the summit of the extinct volcano during a short hike. The view are impressive on the lava fields all around, with Lake Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur (White Lake) in the background.
This video also shows our gercamp (ger is the word for yurt in Mongolia), where you will spend the night on the lakeshore if you visit this region.
2 of our tours in Mongolia visit Arkhangaï province and spend at least one day in this place:
- 20 days Best of Mongolia Tour -
- 20 days Transmongolia horse riding tour -
Архангай - Arkhangai
2014 Mongolia 41 Ider gol Jargalant Terkhiin Tsagaan nuur
2014 Mongolia Safari 41
Zavkhan aimag Ider gol Phalacrocurax carbo Aalscholver Cormorant
Khövsgöl aimag Ider gol Jargalant
Arhangai aimag Terkhiin Tsagaan nuur
Ugii lake.wmv
Khatan Ugii Tourist camp, Ugii lake, Arkhangai aimag, Mongolia
Arkhangai province
Mongoliatourism. Arkhangai province. Khorgo volcano
Ogii nuur. ganbold
Ogii nuur. ganbold
Arkhangai literally means North Khangai, and the Arkhangai Aimag (province) seats slightly west to the country's center, on the northern slopes of the Kangai Mountain. Sandwiched between the Gobi in the south, and the Siberian Taiga in the north, it is quite an oasis with forest steppes. For this journey, Arkhangai was approached from Khövsgöl via Shrine Ider and Jargalant, arriving at Terkhin Tsagaan Nuur – The White Lake. According to a legend, the lake was created when a giant took a large rock and threw it away, looked back and he saw a white surface. The rock ended up farther to the east and is called Taikhar Chuluut.
The journey continues southeast towards Tsetserleg leading to Tsenkher hot springs. The pastures in the area are home to many herder families who rear horses for their milk, producing Mongolia’s favorite drink Airag. Airag are made from Mare’s (female horses) milk and are fermented to be slightly alcoholic. It is here that I encountered Losang Tseveg and family, and I was told that it a dry year and for the month of June, grasses from the steppes are still inadequate to produce good milk; they will only start milking the horses at the end of June. Horses in Mongolia are semi-wild, and they need to be subdued for milking. They would have to catch a foul, then a mare; fouls sucking on mare is an essential process for the release of milk by a mare.
Turning northeast from Tsenkher leads to Ogii Nuur, a much smaller lake by comparison. The main reason to be here is its proximity to the northern end of the Orkhon Valley – cradle of nomadic empires.
ugii nuur jet ski2
Enjoy time