OKONJIMA - Home of the AfriCat Foundation.
West of the Waterberg Plateau Park, vast plains are occasionally broken by remnants of ancient Sandstone outcrops, which once covered large areas of northern Namibia. Nestled among the Omboroko Mountains lies OKONJIMA -- a Herero name meaning Place of the baboons. This is much more than just a lodge. OKONJIMA is also home to THE AFRICAT FOUNDATION. AFRICAT became internationally renowned after featuring in an award-winning documentary filmed for the Discovery Channel in 1995 &1996.
Namibia Travel Vlog: Ep 2: Waterberg Plateau - Hoba Meteorite - Mushara Bush Camp
In the second of our Namibia road trip series we head north from Windhoek to the Waterberg Plateau, go on a game drive and then journey to Etosha with a quick stop off to see the Hoba Meteorite.
Episode 1 can be found here:
Instagram for images from Namibia:
#travel #namibia #safari
Namibia 2016 - A visit to the Africat Foundation (Okonjima)
If you are ever journeying through central Northern Namibia an hour and a half visit to the AfriCat Foundation based in the bush near to Otjiwarongo is well worth the time.
Set in the Okonjima Game Reserve at AfriCat we were shown round by one of the centre’s animal carers providing us with a detailed explanation of the work the centre do to rescue, save and rehabilitate cheetahs and leopards. We were able to meet an ‘ambassador’ leopard named Lewa who had been rescued as a very young kitten and been hand-reared. Sadly, she could never be released as she was too habituated to humans! We had a mini game-drive through a huge enclosure containing cheetahs waiting to be reintroduced into game reserves. We were able to see the huge effort the charity makes in educating Namibia’s youngsters so that they grow up to see these cats as a vital resource and not as a nuisance.
It was heartening to see the massive effort being made by AfriCat Foundation to help others to understand the behaviour of leopards and cheetahs and to educate farmers and the like to see the value in keeping these species alive and well.
Waterberg Wilderness - Your world of experience at the Kalahari's table mountain
A day of your stay in the private nature reserve Waterberg Wilderness in northern central of Namibia: Enjoy the comfort and the view at the Waterberg Plateau Lodge, experience a hike onto the plateau of the Waterberg, rub shoulders with white rhinos on the 'Rhino Drive' and talk a walk to historical sites (battle of Waterberg).
Okonjima Namibia -- Home of the Africat Foundation
Okonjima -- Home of the AfriCAT Foundation.
West of the Waterberg Plateau, the vast plains are occasionally broken by the remnants of ancient Sandstone outcrops, which once covered large areas of northern Namibia. Nestled among the Omboroko Mountains lies Okonjima -- a Herero name meaning Place of the Baboons. This is much more than just a lodge. Okonjima is also home to The Africat Foundation.
Namibia 9: Waterberg & Okonjima
Endlose Ebenen, schroffe Berge, staubtrockene Wüsten, herrliche Sonnenauf- und -untergänge, ein ergreifender Sternenhimmel - mit diesen Worten können wir die Eindrücke umreißen, die wir in den drei Wochen unseres Aufenthalts in diesem Land erfahren konnten. Unvollständig wäre diese Beschreibung allerdings ohne die Erwähnung der ungeheuer freundlichen und fast immer zu einem heiteren Lachen aufgelegten Menschen - und last but not least ohne die faszinierende Tierwelt Afrikas.
Mehr hier:
Ein besonderer Dank geht an Arno Schultz in Windhoek, an unsere Guides John, Gabriel, Norman und die ungenannt bleibenden Menschen, die sich in Namibia um uns kümmerten. Ohne sie hätten diese Natur- und Tieraufnahmen nicht entstehen können.
Alle Fotos: Antje Korinek-Blessing
Musik: Joachim Lehberger (Highland Musikarchiv)
Waterberge Namibia- © NWR
- Besuchen Sie die Waterberge in Namibia mit Abendsonne Afrika - Ihre Safarispezialisten
National Parks in Namibia
Thanks for watching....
Bwabwata National Park
Dorob National Park
Etosha National Park
Khaudom National Park
Nkasa Rupara National Park
Mangetti National Park
Mudumu National Park
Namib-Naukluft National Park
Skeleton Coast National Park
Sperrgebiet National Park
Waterberg National Park
Music: Swamp Stomp,Silent Partner; YouTube Audio Library
A national park is a park in use for conservation purposes. Often it is a reserve of natural, semi-natural, or developed land that a sovereign state declares or owns. Although individual nations designate their own national parks differently, there is a common idea: the conservation of wild nature for posterity and as a symbol of national pride.
An international organization, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and its World Commission on
Protected Areas, has defined National Park as its Category II type of protected areas.
While this type of national park had been proposed previously, the United States established the first public park or pleasuring-ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people, Yellowstone National Park, in 1872. Although Yellowstone was not officially termed a national park in its establishing law, it was always termed such in practice and is widely held to be the first and oldest national park in the world. Some would say that the first official
national park to be designated as such at its creation was Mackinac Island, legislated in 1875. Australia's Royal
National Park, established in 1879, was the world's third official national park. In 1895 ownership of Mackinac Island was transferred to the State of Michigan as a state park and national park status was consequently lost. As a result Australia's Royal National Park is by some considerations the second oldest national park now in existence.
The largest national park in the world meeting the IUCN definition is the Northeast Greenland National Park, which was established in 1974. According to the IUCN, 6,555 national parks worldwide met its criteria in 2006. IUCN is still discussing the parameters of defining a national park.
National parks are almost always open to visitors. Most national parks provide outdoor recreation and camping opportunities as well as classes designed to educate the public on the importance of conservation and the natural wonders of the land in which the national park is located.
Waterberg National Park in Waterberg Plateau Namibia
The Waterberg National Park is located in central Namibia just 68km from Otjiwarongo.
Copyright to
Namibia Hohenwarte & Okuje von KultSchulz kommt e-motion-film.de
Von KultSchulz kommt e-motion-film.de
Cycling to Waterberg Plateau National Park, Namibia
Cycling Safaris in Namibia - for more information visit our facebook page at Mabaruli African Safaris or our website mabaruli.com
Namibia - Ein Reisebericht - Tag 12 - Waterberg
Heute beginnt unser letzter kompletter Tag der Tour. Am frühen Morgen geht es wieder los und wir fahren heute in Richtung Waterberg. In Outjo machen wir einen kleinen Zwischenstop und können in einem Souvenirladen noch ein paar Mitbringsel für zu Hause kaufen. Unsere Route geht nun weiter zum Waterberg. Der Waterberg ist etwa 48 Kilometer lang und 15 Kilometer breit und überragt seine Umgebung um fast 200 Meter. Auf dem Weg dorthin schauen wir uns noch einen Termitenhügel an. In der Lodge angekommen beziehen wir erst einmal unsere Zimmer.
Anschliessend machen wir bei einem Game Drive. Ein Game Drive ist eine Art Pirschfahrt in einem Auto um Tiere zu beobachten. Wir können hier ganz dicht Nashörner beobachten. Die Breitmaulnashörner werden hier sogar Tag und Nacht bewacht um diese vor Wilderern zu schützen. Noch immer gilt das Rhinohorn im asiatischen Raum als Aphrodisiakum. Furchtbar was den Tieren da angetan wird.
Nach einer kurzen Weiterfahrt machen wir eine kleine Pause und der Guide erklärt uns hier einiges zu den Nashörner und dem Naturschutzgebiet hier in der Kalahari.
Zum Abschluss des Tages lassen wir den letzten Abend wunderschön ausklingen.
Waterberg Plateau Park in Namibia | Национальный Парк Ватерберг Плато, Намибия, Африка
Waterberg Plateau National Park in Namibia, southern Africa | Национальный Парк Ватерберг Плато, Намибия, южная Африка
Waterberg Plateau Park is located around 280 km north of Windhoek in Namibia, southern Africa. The mountain owes its name to the springs surfacing on its lower slopes, and the lush vegetation that grows here contrasts sharply with the thorn savannah of the surrounding plains. The plateau itself is one of the most interesting geological sites in the country. Some features such as dinosaur tracks and petrified dunes make it almost a must stop for travellers on the way further north. The average altitude of the plateau is between 1650 and 1700 meters above sea level. A Rhenish mission station was established at the Waterberg in 1873, than later destroyed during Nama/Herero wars and rebuilt again in 1891. During 1904 in time of Herero Uprising the battle between Hereros and German Colonial forces took place at the Waterberg. As a reminder of this event a graveyard can be seen in the vicinity of the camp.
Парк Ватерберг расположен в 280 км к северу от Виндхука в Намибии, на юге Африки. Горное плато обязано своим названием родникам, расположенным на его нижних склонах, и пышная растительность, которая здесь растет, резко контрастирует с колючими мелкими деревьями саванны окружающих равнин. Само плато является одним из самых интересных геологических объектов в стране. Следы динозавров и окаменевшие дюны, делают его почти обязательным для посещения путешественников по пути на север Намибии. Средняя высота плато от 1650 до 1700 м над уровнем моря. Рейнская миссия была основана в этих местах в 1873, разрушена в войнах племен Хереро и Нама и снова восстановлена в 1891 году. В 1904 году во время восстания Хереро сражение между Хереро и немецкими колониальными войсками произошло в Ватерберге. В качестве напоминания об этом событии в окрестностях лагеря можно увидеть военное кладбище.
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Waterberg Namibia
Rich in wildlife and unique plant life in on top of the Mountain Plateau
Namibia-Reisen - Waterberg Plateau Lodge
Raini Becker von Namib Enviro Tours in der Waterberg Plateau Lodge.
Namibia Tours - Okonjima
Raini Becker of Namib Enviro Tours takes you on a journey to Okonjima, home of the AfriCat foundation:
To Waterberg Plateau Rest Camp Jowhiting's photos around Waterberg Plateau Park, Namibia
Preview of Jowhiting's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:
This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.
Learn more about these videos:
Okonjima Reserve | Namibia | Expert Africa
A video of the Okonjima Reserve in Namibia. For more information, pictures, rates and bookings please see
email: info@expertafrica.com
or even better call us on 020 3405 6666
Waterberg Plateau
Waterberg plateau tijdens onze studiereis door Namibie in 2011
AfriCat Okonjima CHEETAH RELEASE 18 May 2010.m4v
The 16 000ha NEW Okonjima, & AfriCat's Rehabilitation Nature Reserve was completed on the 17 MAY 2010
Since 1993, The AfriCat Foundation has rescued over 1000 cheetahs and leopards that have been trapped as a result of human/wildlife conflict on the farmlands in Namibia. Over 85% of these big cats have been returned to the wild.
As with most animal rescue programmes there are those individuals that cannot be released immediately. Injured as well as orphaned cheetahs and leopards, too young to be on their own in the wild without their mothers, are taken into AfriCat's care. Now some of these cats have been given their chance to return to the wild...
Frankie, Hammer, Bones, Spud & Coco were released into the private, Okonjima Nature Reserve on the 18th of MAY 2010 and this special first release of 2010, was witnessed by all the guests staying at Okonjima and the UK -- ITV film crew.
For more information visit:
okonjima.com & ww.africat.org