Tartu Vana Anatoomikum - Old Anatomical Theatre
The historical building of the Old Anatomical Theater and surroundings of Toome hill (Toomemägi) in Tartu, Estonia.
Estonia - Tallinn - Tartu Sightseeing
Sightseeing video of attractive Estonia. Video is shot 2013.
List of sights:
-Port of Tallinn
-Kadriorg park & palace
-President's castle
-Kumu art museum
-Lauluväljak - Tallinn song festival grounds
-Parliament of Estonia
-Old town
-National Opera and Ballet
-Emajoki - Mother river
-City Hall of Tartu
-Statue of Kalevipoeg
-Statue of Fr.R Kreutzwald
-Tartu Ülikool - University of Tartu
-University's institute of archeology and history
-Angel's bridge
-Devil's bridge
-Old anatomical theatre of Tartu
Tartu 1974
Video autor: А. Арабок
Muusika: Guess Who by Kevin MacLeod;
litsensi URL:
Medical Program at the University of Tartu
Promo I did for the Medical Program at the University of Tartu in Estonia.
Tartu, Estonia: Toomemägi
This was supposed to be a short Tartu tourism video but I went off the deep end about REAL towns vs spots where groups of people overnight permanently. Uhh... Sorry! Oh well whaddaya gonna do...
University of Tartu Museums and the Toome Hill
A cool animation video introducing the museums of the University of Tartu, the Botanical Garden, and the Toome Hill.
Rara Bibliothecae Universitatis Tartuensis -- Rarities in the University of Tartu Library
Pearl of January 2012: heading illustration of Tarto maa rahwa Näddali-Leht
(Tartu Peasants´ Weekly). Woodcut; plate 5,6x7,6 cm. [1806?] Graphic arts collection of the University of Tartu Library, ÜR 1054
Compiled by Kristiina Tiideberg, designed by Eve Valper
Tarto maa rahwa Näddali-Leht was the earliest known Estonian-language newspaper, which appeared from March 1806 to January 1807. The newspaper was published by Gustav Adolph Oldekop (1755‒1838), pastor in Põlva; Johann Philipp von Roth (1754‒1818), pastor in Kanepi; and Karl August von Roth (1756‒1835), syndic and inspector of the school district in Võru, brother of Pastor Roth.
This publication can be considered one of the earliest newspapers in the world meant specifically for peasants.
The weekly newspaper was printed by Tartu university printer Grenzius in Tartu. It derived most of its news from the German-language press of the period, primarily from the „Dörptsche Zeitung.
The heading illustration of the weekly in the Library´s graphic arts collection is probably the only preserved fragment of the first Estonian-language newspaper
in Estonia.
The newspaper could appear for a very short time only, since it was closed by the order of the czarist government and the whole impression was destroyed. Not a single copy is known to exist in Estonian libraries and archives.
As late as 1995, the historian Tõnu Tannberg found ten issues of the newspaper in the Russian State Historical Archives in St.Petersburg. These were published as a facsimile edition in 1998.
The woodcut depicting the Estonian peasant´s living conditions and church came to the Library from the University of Tartu Art Museum. The 1808 inventory book of the Art Museum lists this work as „A Small Landscape in Livonia (Eine kleine Livländische Landschaft).
The engraving has manuscript signatures Senff del. (Karl August Senff (1770‒1838), Baltic-German artist; drawing teacher and copper engraver at Tartu university since 1803) and Schulz fec. Dorpati (supposedly Samuel Benjamin Schultz (1787‒1825), xylographer and copper engraver active in Riga)
Valguse festival Tõraveres
Produtsent: Heli Lätt (Tartu Observatoorium)
Lavastaja: Jaan Ulst
Helikujundus: Ardo Ran Varres
Heli- ja valgustehnika: Ringo Muhhin (Eventech)
Osalised: segakoor Vega, tantsuklubi Triiniks, Alar Tamm, Jan Kulbin, Henry Timusk, Eneli Raud, Kaja Lindal, Triin Marts
Lavastuses kasutati kunstnik Timo Tootsi loomingut “Maagiline tokk” (2014) MAAJAAMA kollektsioonist. Rohkem infot maajaam.ee.
31. oktoobril 2015 kell 18:00-21:00 toimus Tõraveres Tartu Observatooriumi ruumides ja teleskoopide vaatluspargis UNESCO poolt väljakuulutatud “Valguse ja valguspõhiste tehnoloogiate aasta Eesti tähtsündmus.
【K】Estonia Travel-Tartu[에스토니아 여행-타르투]19세기 천문대/Observatory/Telescope/Struve
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[한국어 정보]
자정이 다 된 시간. 난 타르투 천문대를 찾았다. 1824년, 세계적인 천문학자 스트루베의 감독 하에 만들어진 이 천문대는 천문학의 역사를 새롭게 써 간 기념비적인 장소라고 한다. 19세기 당시 세계 최대였던 이 망원경으로 스트루베는 수많은 별을 관측하고 찾아냈다. 오늘이 토성을 볼 수 있는 좋은 기회라는 말에 관측대로 올라갔다. 스트루베가 쓰던 것과 거의 똑같은 망원경이 나를 기다리고 있었다. 관측대는 여전히 19세기 그대로다. 사람의 손이 닿자 검푸른 하늘이 별을 가득 품고 모습을 드러낸다. 천문학자의 익숙한 손놀림에 100살도 더 먹은 망원경이 다시 눈을 뜬다. “지금도 이 망원경으로 어렵지 않게 별을 볼 수 있는데요, 혹성들과 달, 목성, 금성 등을 주로 보고요, 가끔 혜성도 관찰할 수 있어요.” 과연 토성을 볼 수 있을까? 그러나 짙게 드리운 구름은 끝내 토성을 내어주지 않았다.
[English: Google Translator]
This is the time to midnight. I found the Tartu Observatory. In 1824, the observatory was created under the supervision of world-class astronomer host Roubaix is called a monumental place between newly written the history of astronomy. 19th Century at the time was the world's largest telescope in the text Roubaix is observed and found a number of stars. Today went up, as observed at the end of a good opportunity to see Saturn. Almost the same telescope as the host Roubaix sseudeon was waiting for me. Gwancheukdae the 19th century are still intact. Man's hand touched the dark blue sky look reveals the harbor full of stars. The astronomers 100 years old are more familiar with her hands eaten telescope opens his eyes again. I'm still not difficult to see the stars with a telescope, the planet and the Moon, Jupiter, Venus, etc. mainly bogoyo, sometimes I can also observe the comet. Can I really see Saturn? However, densely valance clouds did not finish taking the Saturn.
[Estonian: Google Translator]
See on aeg keskööd. Leidsin Tartu Observatoorium. 1824. observatooriumi loodi järelevalve all maailmatasemel astronoom host Roubaix nimetatakse monumentaalne vahel äsja kirjutatud ajalugu astronoomia. 19. sajandi ajal oli maailma suurim teleskoop teksti Roubaix on täheldatud ja leitud tärnide arvule. Täna läks, nagu märkis lõpus hea võimalus näha Saturn. Peaaegu sama teleskoobiga kui vastuvõtva Roubaix sseudeon ootas mind. Gwancheukdae 19. sajandil on veel puutumata. Mehe käsi puudutanud tumesinine taevas pilk näitab sadam täis tähti.Astronoomid 100 aastat vana on rohkem kursis kätega süüakse teleskoop avab ta silmad uuesti. Ma olen ikka veel raske näha tähti teleskoop, planeedi ja Kuu, Jupiter, Veenus, jms peamiselt bogoyo, mõnikord võin ka jälgida komeet. Kas ma tõesti näha Saturn? Kuid tiheda Kappa pilved ei lõpetanud võttes Saturn.
■클립명: 유럽109-에스토니아01-16 19세기 천문대/Observatory/Telescope/Struve
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 박현민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2008년 6월 June
,유럽,Europe,유럽,에스토니아,Estonia,Eesti Vabariik,Eesti,박현민,2008,6월 June,타르투 주,Tartu County,Tartu Maakond,Tartu
University of Tartu
Welcome to a unique university town of Tartu a city full of young people where roughly one fifth of the 100,000 inhabitants are university students. Find out more here:
Why the University of Tartu?
Interview with Dia Abdul-Hadi, Iraq, Medicine studies.
The Adventures of Tartu (1943) 6/11
Terence Stevenson (Robert Donat), a British soldier fluent in Rumanian and German, goes undercover to sabotage a German poison-gas factory.
Sügisõhtu Toomemäel / The autumnal evening in Tartu 15 oktoober 2015
Лето в Тарту. Официальный трейлер. Summer in Tartu, trailer, 2012 (HD).
Официальный трейлер документального фильма «Лето в Тарту», снятого TourPressTV.
The official trailer of the documentary film Summer in Tartu, made by TourPressTV.
Tartu Observatory Visitor Center
Telliskivi välikino 2017
24.-29. juulil linastub Telliskivi loomelinnakus suvine kinoprogramm vabas õhus. Tutvu filmidega videos ja osta pilet juba eelmüügist:
Esmaspäev 24.07 Kedi - dokfilm Istanbuli tänavakassidest
Teisipäev 25.07 Teispool lootust - Aki Kaurismäe surmtõsiselt humoorikas lugu Süüria põgenikust Helsingis
Kolmapäev 26.07 Tondipüüdjad - komöödiaklassika aastast 1984
Neljapäev 27.07 Petetud - Sofia Coppola intrigeeriv linateos sõdurist, kes leiab varju tütarlaste koolis
Reede 28.07 Toorelt - sensuaalne ja õõvastav festivalide hitt verisest rebaseaastast veterinaariakoolis
Laupäev 29.07 Jaht metslastele - metsikult naerutav komöödia Mida me pimeduses teeme režissöörilt Taika Waititilt
Kõikide seansside algusaeg on 22:45
Pilet 6€
Piletid eelmüügis: