Clock Tower, BITOLA- Macedonia
Bitola ( Битола) ; Macedonia, Mazedonien, Makedonya Manastir, Macédoine, Македония (Македонија) ; Clock Tower ( Саат Кула)
The Clock Tower of Bitola, known as Saat Kula (Macedonian: Саат кула), is a clock tower and one of the landmarks of the Macedonian city Bitola. The Clock tower in Bitola, unlike obsolete water towers which were built by the Austro Magjar empire, is a very practical monument aiding people with the time of day.
According to the legends, even though the existence of the Clock Tower was mentioned before in the 1664 (17th century), present Clock Tower was built in the 1830s, in the same period when nearby, the Orthodox Church of St. Demetrious was built.
t is located in the immediate center of Bitola on the northern part of the main street Sirok Sokak not far away from Magnolia Square, about which there are numerous cultural and historical monuments, as well as new construction. The clock tower is 33 meters high, with sides of per 5.8 m.
Clock Tower in Bitola, Macedonia
The Clock Tower in Bitola represents city center and is situated in the north part of the most famous Macedonian street -- Sirok Sokak (Широк Сокак - Wide Street).According to some sources the Clock Tower was built in the seventeenth century. Other still insufficiently validated scientific sources and distant folk memory, indicate that the clock tower was built at the same time with the church St. Dimitrij in 1830, during the period of Turkish rule.
The basic building material from which the construction is made is well formed stone and mortar. According to the legend, during the construction, as material for connecting the blocks were used 60,000 eggs, collected from rural households in Bitola. The intent of this was to make the tower walls stronger.
The Clock tower is 33 meters high, set on a square base with sides of 5.8 meters. On the north side it has a semi-circular arched entrance through which up, go stone stairs, spiral derived. At the end of the stairs, is the clock mechanism. On all four sides are built special metal plates on which are mounted clock hands and inscribed Roman numerals from one to twelve. The top part is a small dome which sits on a square plateau, protected with an iron fence.
【K】Macedonia Travel-Skopje[마케도니아 여행-스코페]발칸반도 최대 재래시장/Old Bazaar/Market/Traditional/Old Town/Fruit
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
재래시장은 사람들의 삶을 가장 깊숙이 들여다 볼 수 있는 유리창과 같은 곳이다. 구시가지 끝에 있는 스코피예 재래시장은 발칸반도 최대의 재래시장이다. 나무로 만든 그네의 모습이 정겹고 정육점 유리창에 걸려있는 양고기가 여기가 마케도니아임을 느끼게 해준다. 이곳에서 가장 큰 규모를 자랑하는 과일, 야채시장. 구 유고연방시절부터 마케도니아는 동유럽의 주요농산물 생산 국가였다. 마케도니아에서 가장 유명한 과일은 우리나라에서 비싸기로 소문난 체리. 체리 1kg은 과연 어느 정도 양일까? 손 크게 푹푹 담는 것이 혹시 관광객이라서 더 주는 것은 아닐까? 그러나 정확히 1kg이다. “얼마죠?” “100 데나르입니다.”
[English: Google Translator]
Traditional markets such as the windshield is where you can see most deeply into people's lives. The old town at the end of the Skopje For traditional market is the largest traditional market Balkans. The appearance of a swing made of wood hanging on butcher's lamb jeonggyeopgo the window makes me feel that here in Macedonia. It boasts the largest in fruit and vegetables market. Nine days from Macedonia, Yugoslavia was a major agricultural producing countries of Eastern Europe. The most famous cherry fruit in Macedonia is rumored to be expensive in the country. Is it cherries 1kg is indeed somewhat positive? I wonder if it would greatly pukpuk hand that holds yiraseo that more tourists? But exactly 1kg. How much? 100 to carry.
[Macedonian: Google Translator]
Традиционалните пазари како што се на шофершајбната е местото каде што можете да видите повеќето длабоко во животот на луѓето. Во стариот дел на градот на крајот на Скопје За традиционалниот пазар е најголемиот традиционален пазар Балканот. Изгледот на замав од дрво виси на јагнешко месо месар jeonggyeopgo прозорецот прави да се чувствувам дека овде, во Македонија. Тоа може да се пофали од најголемите во пазарот на овошје и зеленчук. Девет дена од Македонија, Југославија беше еден од главните земји земјоделско производство од Источна Европа. Најпознатите цреша плодови во Македонија е шпекулира да биде скапо во земјата. Дали е тоа цреши 1кг е навистина нешто позитивно? Се прашувам дали тоа во голема мера ќе pukpuk рака која држи yiraseo дека повеќе туристи? Но, токму 1кг. Колку? 100 за носење.
■클립명: 유럽086-마케도니아01-04 발칸반도 최대 재래시장/Old Bazaar/Market/Traditional/Old Town/Fruit/Cherry
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 백항규 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 7월 July
유럽,Europe,,마케도니아,Macedonia,Makedonija,Republic of Macedonia,백항규,2011,7월 July
Clock tower - Prilep, Macedonia
Clock tower - Prilep, Macedonia
Саат Кула - Мустафа Пашина Џамија Скопје 2
Саат Кула - Мустафа Пашина Џамија Скопје 2
Habitat settlement Veles - Macedonia
First Habitat for Humanity Macedonia settlement in Veles
Bitola- Macedonia, City in republic of Macedonia
City in Republic of Macedonia
Bitola is a city in the southwestern part of the Republic of Macedonia. The city is an administrative, cultural, industrial, commercial, and educational centre.
Bitola ( Битола) ; Macedonia, Mazedonien, Makedonya Manastir, Macédoine, Македония (Македонија) ;
【K】Macedonia Travel-Skopje[마케도니아 여행-프릴레프]펠라고니아 고원, 마르코 요새/Markovi Kuli/Marko's Towers/Fort/Panorama
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
마케도니아인의 저항정신을 상징하는 마르코 요새다. 14세기 마케도니아 왕이었던 칼 마르코왕이 외세에 맞서 세웠던 천연의 요새다. 성 주변에는 무너진 채 방치된 성벽과 죽은 병사를 묻기 위해 돌을 파 만든 석관이 전쟁이 치열했음을 전해준다. 산 정상까지는 한 시간 거리 정상에 올라서면 프릴레프 시가 한 눈에 들어온다. 페라고냐 고원은 그리스 북부에서 마케도니아의 남부지역까지 걸쳐 있는 고원지대다. 지리적으로 그리스와 발칸 반도를 연결하는 전략적 요충지였기에 수많은 왕국들 간의 전쟁터가 된 곳이다. 고대마케도니아 왕국이 로마에 멸망한 이후 1991년 완전한 독립국이 되기까지 2000년이 훨씬 넘는 역사의 상처가 이 땅에 묻혀있다.
[English: Google Translator]
Marco fortress that symbolizes the spirit of resistance of the Macedonians. 14th century Macedonian king was the fortress of the king of swords Marco natural erected against foreign forces. The waves created by a stone sarcophagus around the castle to ask the neglected walls and the collapse of the dead soldier while ago that makes fierce war. One hours writing up until the top of the mountain in the distance comes the frills normal market Lev a glance. Tenerife is the highland plateau called Nya across to the southern region of Macedonia in northern Greece. The geographic area is a battlefield between Greece and the Balkans, the strategic location connecting to himself, numerous kingdoms. The wounds of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia in 2000 is much more than history to become fully independent country in 1991 after the fall of Rome is buried in the ground.
[Macedonian: Google Translator]
Марко тврдина, која ги симболизира духот на отпорот на Македонците. Македонскиот крал од 14 век беше тврдина на кралот на мечеви Марко природни подигната врз странските сили. На бранови создадени од камен саркофаг околу замокот да побара од запоставени ѕидови и падот на мртов војник, додека пред тоа го прави жестока војна. Еден часа пишување до врвот на планината во далечината доаѓа важничене нормални пазарни Лев прв поглед. Тенерифе е планински платото наречен Nya низ на јужниот регион на Македонија во северна Грција. Географската област е бојно поле помеѓу Грција и на Балканот, стратешката локација поврзување со себе, голем број држави. Раните на античкото кралство Македонија во 2000 година е многу повеќе од историјата за да стане целосно независна држава во 1991 година, по падот на Рим е закопано во земја.
■클립명: 유럽086-마케도니아01-05 펠라고니아 고원, 마르코 요새/Markovi Kuli/Marko's Towers/Pelagonia/Fortress/Panorama
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 백항규 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 7월 July
유럽,Europe,,마케도니아,Macedonia,Makedonija,Republic of Macedonia,백항규,2011,7월 July
Skopje (Скопје), Macedonia (Македонија) 2017 I Top Tourist Attractions, Sightseeing
Skopje (Скопје), Macedonia (Македонија) 2017
Tourist Attractions, Walking in Skopje, Driving in Macedonia
Macedonia is a landlocked Balkan nation of mountains, lakes and ancient towns with Ottoman and European architecture. The capital, Skopje, is known for its sprawling Old Bazaar quarter and historic buildings turned museums, including the National Gallery of Macedonia, housed in a 15th-century Turkish bath complex. The southern city Ohrid, on a lake of the same name, has a medieval townscape and hilltop castle.
Stone Bridge, Millennium Cross, Memorial House of Mother Teresa, Museum of Macedonia, Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Museum of the City of Skopje, Skopje Zoo, Archaeological Museum Of Macedonia, Skopje Aqueduct, Contemporary Art Museum of Macedonia, Suli An, Holocaust Memorial Center for the Jews of Macedonia, Matka Canyon, Old Bazaar, Skopje, Skopje Fortress, Vodno, Porta Macedonia, Square Macedonia, Monument Warrior on a horse, Kale Fortress, City Park, Art Bridge, Ottoman Clock Tower, The Slots Electronic Casino, Warrior on a Horse, Casino Senator
Skopje (Скопје), Mazedonien (Македонија) 2017
Sehenswürdigkeiten, Spazieren in Skopje, Autofahrt in Mazedonien
Stone Bridge, Millennium Cross, Memorial House of Mother Teresa, Museum of Macedonia, Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Museum of the City of Skopje, Skopje Zoo, Archaeological Museum Of Macedonia, Skopje Aqueduct, Contemporary Art Museum of Macedonia, Suli An, Holocaust Memorial Center for the Jews of Macedonia, Matka Canyon, Old Bazaar, Skopje, Skopje Fortress, Vodno, Porta Macedonia, Square Macedonia, Monument Warrior on a horse, Kale Fortress, City Park, Art Bridge, Ottoman Clock Tower, The Slots Electronic Casino, Warrior on a Horse, Casino Senator
Europe Tour Round Trip (Road Trip) 2017 Part 17
Germany (Frankfurt), Czech Republic (Prague), Slovakia (Bratislava), Hungary (Budapest),
Serbia (Belgrad), Bulgaria (Sofia), Turkey (Istanbul), Greece (Athens), Macedonia (Skopje),
Serbia (Belgrad), Hungary (Budapest), Austria (Vienna), Germany (Frankfurt), Belgium (Brussels),
Holland (The Hague & Amsterdam) and Germany (Frankfurt).. More than 8000 km in 3 Weaks
Europa Rundreise (Road Trip) 2017 Teil 17
Deutschland (Frankfurt), Tschechien (Prag), Slowakia (Bratislava), Ungarn (Budapest),
Serbien (Belgrad), Bulgaria (Sofia), Turkei (Istanbul), Griechenland (Athens), Mazedonia (Skopje),
Serbien (Belgrad), Ungarn (Budapest), Ostereich (Wien), Deutschland (Frankfurt), Belgien (Brüssel),
Niederland (The Hague & Amsterdam) und Deutschland (Frankfurt).. Mehr als 8000 km in 3 Wochen
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Church of St. Clement of Ohrid, Skopje, Republic Of Macedonia
Prilep Markova kula i slon
A Fast Stop in Lively Bitola, Macedonia
Bitola was an important junction connecting the south of the Adriatic Sea with the Aegean Sea and Central Europe; an important consulate city, trade center for the Roman Empire and second largest city in Macedonia.
Unfortunately, we only had one hour in lively Bitola that has many historic sights to see as well as a pedestrian street lined with restaurants and cafes. This walking area led past wonderful Art Deco architecture that is, believe it or not, undamaged.
There is an imposing Statue of King Phillip II, Clock tower, an old Bedestan, synagogue which we could not manage to locate and a Film Festival is held yearly, dedicated to the Monarki brothers who went to California in 1903-1904 and came back with the first movie camera. Definitely not enough time in Bitola.
Bitola, Macedonia (part 1)
Over 50 travel-addicted people from many countries all over the world joined the European meeting of members (VT Euromeet 2011) which took place in Bitola, Macedonia on 27th May 2011.
We had great time in restaurant Grne on Shirko Sokak that was one of the best national restaurants in Macedonia. It is situated in the Old Russian consulate (now restored & protected building) on the main Magnolija Square in Bitola right next to the Clock Tower. We enjoyed local music and dance as well as delicious hot buffet with Macedonian national dishes, salads & desert.
Bitola, Macedonia (part 2)
Over 50 travel-addicted people from many countries all over the world joined the European meeting of members (VT Euromeet) which took place in Bitola, Macedonia on 27th May 2011.
We had great time in restaurant Grne on Shirko Sokak that was one of the best national restaurants in Macedonia. It is situated in the Old Russian consulate (now restored & protected building) on the main Magnolija Square in Bitola right next to the Clock Tower. We enjoyed fantastic Macedonian and VT-like atmosphere, local music and dance as well as delicious hot buffet with Macedonian national dishes, salads & deserts.
Bitola, Macedonia (part 3)
Over 50 travel-addicted people from many countries all over the world joined the European meeting of members (VT Euromeet) which took place in Bitola, Macedonia on 27th May 2011.
We had great time in restaurant Grne on Shirko Sokak that was one of the best national restaurants in Macedonia. It is situated in the Old Russian consulate (now restored & protected building) on the main Magnolija Square in Bitola right next to the Clock Tower.
We enjoyed fantastic Macedonian and VT-like atmosphere, local music and dance as well as delicious hot buffet with Macedonian national dishes, salads & desert.
【K】Macedonia Travel-Skopje[마케도니아 여행-베프차니]공화국 마을의 고향 사랑/Vevcani Village/Bell/Passport/Store/Folk art
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
베프차니는 우연히 들른 작은 마을이었다. 마케도니아 서부산악지역 알바니아와 국경에 인접한 인구 2천7백여 명의 작은 마을이다. 마을 사람이 꼭 보여줄 게 있다며 우리를 데리고 간 곳은 마을의 기념품을 파는 민속품 가게였다. 그가 보여준 것은 베프차니공화국 여권. 그런데 관광 상품이 아닌 진짜 여권이었다고 한다. “1991년 마케도니아가 구 유고슬라비아 연방에서 독립할 때 마케도니아 서쪽은 대부분 알바니아 사람이 살고 있었어요. 그래서 알바니아 사람들은 따로 알바니아로 편입하려 시도했죠. 그때 우리 마을 사람들은 만약 알바니아로 편입하면 베프차니라는 하나의 나라를 만들고자 했습니다.” 그렇게 만든 것이 베프차니 화폐와 여권. 지금은 소용없게 됐지만 이들의 고향 사랑이 정말 특별하다. 매일 11시면 울리는 종소리. 횟수는 매일 다르다. 오늘은 세 번 울렸다. 어제 사망한 이 마을 출신들을 애도하기 위한 종소리라고 한다. “저 종소리는 어제 우리 마을 출신 세 사람이 죽었다는 것을 알리기 위한 종소리인데 이 소리를 들으면 마을 사람들이 모두 알게 됩니다.”
[English: Google Translator]
Charney best friend was accidentally dropped in a small town. The population of the western mountainous regions of Macedonia 2007 hundred people in a small town near the border with Albania. Saying the villagers to show exactly where we were to take the inter-minsokpum shops selling souvenirs of the town. His best friend Charney demonstrated Republic passport. But it was a real passport tourism products, not. Macedonia to the west independence from the former Yugoslavia in 1991 Macedonia Federal lived mostly Albanian people. So Albanian people did try to separate and transfer to Albania. When villagers then we transfer to Albania if I want to create a single country called best friend Charney, Charney best friend would do that made money and passports. Now their love of home is really special dwaetjiman useless. 11 simyeon bells ringing every day. The number is different every day. Today rang three times. The bell called to mourn those who died from the town yesterday. Yesterday, we all know that the bell is from the village three people died inde bell to signal that the villagers hear this sound.
■클립명: 유럽086-마케도니아01-08 공화국 마을의 고향 사랑/Vevcani Village/Bell/Passport/Store/Folk art
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 백항규 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 7월 July
유럽,Europe,,마케도니아,Macedonia,Makedonija,Republic of Macedonia,백항규,2011,7월 July
Amazing Places in Macedonia - Kuklica & Kratovo
Songs used:
00:00 - 00:36 - Owl Farm by Brock Berrigan
01:03 - 01:48 - CIty on Lockdown by Yellow Claw
01:51 - 05:24 - The Passenger by Iggy Pop
05:24 - 07:19 - La Grange by ZZ Top
09:13 - 10:47 - Love Love Love by Of Monsters and Men
Catholic Church - Holy Heart of Jesus in Bitola, Macedonia
In the heart of Sirok Sokak stands quiet and still. Sparkled by the sun - rays, without a word, but proud, it lasts, arouse toward the sky, toward God. It warmth the souls, it spreads the God's word. It comforts and heals, simply caresses. Only the faith in God, in Jesus Christ can give so much power.
The spiritual life of the population and the faith in God, in this region is with a long past. It can be followed from the prehistoric period until today. Polytheist, Orthodox, Catholics, Muslims one after the other but yet, side by side.
The French missioners Lazarists, from the congregation of St. Vinko Pavelski, began their duty in the region during the 18th century. With the increased number of Catholics, as a result of the opening of the numerous Consulates, foreign officials (employees), tradesman, as well as the members of their families, a need of constant presence of a priests appeared. He was supposed to take care of all the spiritual needs, spiritual and educational knowledge of the children as well as the rest of the believers. This condition brought the situation that in 1848 / 49 to be set a permanent priest whose stay in Bitola was very short.
More on
Follow The Golden Line 1/3 Bitola - Republic of Macedonia
Welcome to Bitola. The city holds many secrets from the past. Discover them!. Follow the Golden Line! Don't fail to visit the Top 10 Sites. You will remember Bitola for a long time and come back.
Bitola, Macedonia (part 4)
Over 50 travel-addicted people from many countries all over the world joined the European meeting of members (VT Euromeet) which took place in Bitola, Macedonia on 27th May 2011.
We had great time in restaurant Grne on Shirko Sokak that was one of the best national restaurants in Macedonia. It is situated in the Old Russian consulate (now restored & protected building) on the main Magnolija Square in Bitola right next to the Clock Tower.
We enjoyed fantastic Macedonian and VT-like atmosphere, local music and dance as well as delicious hot buffet with Macedonian national dishes, salads & desert.