体験レポート/Experience Reports
体験レポート/Experience Reports
ツアー内容/Tour Schedule
①東松島市/Higashi-Matsushima City
●JR仙石線 野蒜駅:スタート/JR Seiseki Line Nobiru Station: Start
●東松島市震災復興伝承館(旧野蒜駅舎):防災学習/Higashi-Matsushima City Earthquake Museum(former JR Nobiru Station): Disaster Preparedness Learning
②松島町/Matsushima Town
●瑞巌寺 五大堂:文化財の見学と参拝/Zuiganji Temple Godaido Temple: Visiting an important cultural asset
●西行戻しの松公園:観光/Saigyo Modoshi No Matsu Park: Sightseeing
●松島さかな市場:昼食/Matsushima Fish Market: Lunch
●松島蒲鉾本舗:笹かまぼこの手焼き体験/Matsushima Kamaboko Honpo: Cooking Sasakamaboko (bamboo-leaf-shaped fish cake) experience!
③仙台市/Sendai City
●荒浜地区 深沼海岸 東日本大震災慰霊碑/Arahama Area Fukanuma Beach The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Memorial Monument
●震災遺構 仙台市立荒浜小学校:防災学習/Ruins of the Great East Japan Earthquake Sendai Arahama Elementary School: Disaster Preparedness Learning
④多賀城市/Tagajo City
●末の松山:災害の言い伝えを聞く/Suenomatsuyama: Hearing disaster-experience stories
Torii Are Part of Life (鳥居は生活の一部だよ) 【JAPAN TRAVEL GUIDE】
Location: Kyoto, Osaka, Tokyo, etc. (京都 大阪 東京ほか)
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Some businesses ignore orders not to rebuild in tsunami inundated area of city
(8 Mar 2012) STORYLINE:
Enterprising Japanese are working hard to get things back to normal after the massive earthquake and tsunami flattened communities along Japan's eastern coastline almost one year ago, killing as many as 25-thousand people.
In the months following the 9.0-magnitude quake, in the neighbouring port cities of Ofunato and Rikuzentakata, frustrations were running particularly high among people like 63-year-old construction company president Fumio Konno.
With business activity at very low levels, many younger residents had left to seek jobs outside of the region leaving the elderly behind.
Fumio Konno, president of Konno Construction, was keen to get on with the task of re-building his community and re-created his workshop where it was before the tsunami swept everything away.
Konno could not wait for decisions from the Japanese government on the restructuring process, and restored his workshop by April last year.
He now firmly believes it was the right decision, saying on Thursday: If I hadn't started, there would have been no reconstruction.
The cement floor was intact but he was left with no wood to work with or any equipment to manoeuvre.
Immediately, he bought in the necessary machinery and cleaned up the debris with the help of his employees.
Rebuilding his workshop was a means for him of giving people their jobs back.
It doesn't matter what the local government says, he commented. It was the obvious solution to the problem that people needed to gain their lives back and for us to quickly start constructing peoples' homes and necessary buildings.
Once they were up and running, Konno's company and his subcontractors immediately received orders from people in the region to fix their homes, and rebuild hospitals and stores.
Some families who had been living in shelters were able to take a tentative step towards normalcy moving from temporary houses to bigger wooden Japanese-style homes on a hilltop safe from tsunami attacks.
Ahead of the anniversary, Konno still lives in a small shelter home and doesn't expect to move out any time soon until he finishes getting everyone else settled.
I need to considers others who don't have homes too. I can't build mine before theirs. Konno said, Mine will be last.
Hidemi Kamiya, an expert on city planning, has been advising local communities in Rikuzentakata since April last year.
Nearly a year after the quake, Kamiya believes that the elements necessary for reconstruction are only beginning to come together.
The city has decided on a reconstruction policy. The government has decided on various support measures. Now, the local communities will need to figure out how to put them together and decide what to do. They're now finally at the starting point, he said on Thursday.
The main roads have been cleared and much of the debris has been cleared and is ready for removal.
Hotel Fukutomi survived the 12-metre tsunami, although it had completely washed away the first two floors.
Hotel attendants escaped to the top floor - the third floor - and had to spend the night there before being rescued.
Reopening the hotel by summer helped keep up morale in an area devastated by the disaster that flattened a vast swathe of the Ofunato coast.
But Ofunato benefited from people who restarted their businesses without waiting for the authorities to give the green light.
All I could think of was how to restore the hotel in this same place without relocating, says hotel owner Tadakazu Sasaki, who got the help of Konno Constructions in rebuilding the hotel. That was the only way to regain the livelihood in the area.
Reconstruction also could be an opportunity to create jobs if the processing and sales of fish and farm products can be expanded.
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[3.11] 津波にのまれた旧野蒜駅プラットホームの今 / NOBIRU
#東日本大震災 #旧野蒜駅プラットホーム #震災遺構
In Miyagi prefecture, 14 disaster areas have been proposed for the Earthquake Disaster Ruins. 2018年現在、宮城県内で14箇所の東日本大震災の震災遺構の対象となっております。 Both the ARAHAMA Elementary School Building and the Former NOBIRU Station PlatformIn are ready to see. このうち荒浜小学校と、旧野蒜駅舎の2箇所に震災遺構が完成しております。Today, I’m visiting Nobiru in the city of Higashi-Matsushima. 本日は東松島市野蒜に見学に来ております。
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Please check my composition 'Revival from the Disaster' which is a back ground music.
Music Title : 復興曲 / Revival from the Disaster
Composer : Coda
Performer : Coda
Instrument : KAWAI L51
Links: I have 7 divisions of my channel currently.
Special Talking:
Coda Plays Charms:
Composition Lessons:
Coda Visits Disaster Area:
Coda’s Holiday:
Naruse #2 Junior High School.AVI
One of us returned to one of his former schools, Naruse #2 Junior High School, and found it ruined. There was no one around despite the fact that he'd been told it had been used as an evacuation center.