HOLLOKO is a Paloc ethnographic village in Hungary/Europe, part of the WORLD HERITAGE. It's name means 'RAVEN STONE' in Hungarian. The village considered the MOST photographed village in Hungary, located approximately 57 miles from Budapest, the capital of Hungary. This remarkable place has traditionally been in habited by PALOC people. PALOC speak an old dialect of Hungarian and have preserved their characteristic architecture and their fold costumes. Recognition of the cultural significance of the settlement was given in 1987 when Holloko was the first village in the WORLD to be added to UNESCO's world Heritage List. The village, which lies in a small valley, has burned down several times ( the last time was back in 1909 ) but each time the inhabitants rebuilt their houses in almost the same shape and forms. Of the nearly 60 houses around the originally 14 century wooden-towered church a museum village has been made. Several of the buildings, some of which have traditional carved wooden porticoes, serve some kind of public function. On traditional holidays, notably at Easter and Corpus Christi, the villagers wear their local folk custumes and there are various festivities and activities. Graded with FilmConvert, the best coloring tool on the market today....
Hollókő Magyarország egyetlen faluja, amely az UNESCO világörökségi listán szerepel, és így világszerte ismert. A Világörökség Bizottság 1987-ben a magyarországi várományos helyszínek közül Budapest mellett elsőként a Nógrád megyei palóc falut, Hollókőt vette fel a Világörökségi Listára. A legfontosabb feltételnek, azaz az egyedi és egyetemes jelentőségnek Hollókő azzal tesz eleget, hogy a 17-18. században kialakított falu a hagyományos településformáját, a tradicionális építészet és a 20. századot megelőző falusi élet páratlan példája, melyet sikerült eredeti állapotában megőrizni. Hollókő szelíd és harmonikus szimbiózisban fejlődött a természettel és napjainkra sem vált Szabadtéri Múzeummá: mindmáig élő, lakott település. Hagyományőrző lakói az épületek nagy részét jelenleg is rendeltetésszerűen használják. Kiss József volt az a műemlékvédő építész, aki kezdeményezte Hollókő azon belül is Ófalu műemlékké nyilvánítását.
122 Sály Lintel of an old wine cellar from 1882. Régi pince szemöldökfa 1882-ből
magyarul lsd. lejjebb
Sándor shows us the entrance to a wine cellar in Sály.
Sály, like the whole of the Bükk foothills region from Miskolc to Eger, was an important wine-growing region before it was stricken with an infestation of phyloxera, and was equal in status to the Tokaj region.
Recently a French vintner visited the village, and commented that the area is uniquely suited to the growing of grapes for sparkling wine. In contrast, not long ago several hundred hectares of vineyard were cut down at the edge of Sály.
Sanyi bácsi a pince bejáratát mutatja meg Sályban.
Sály, mint az egész Bükkalja Miskolctól Egerig, a filoxéra vész előtt fontos szőlőtermesztő vidék volt Tokajhegyaljával egyenrangú.
Nemrégiben egy francia szőlész járt a faluban, akinek nyilatkozata szerint a vidék egyedülállóan alkalmas lenne pezsgőalapanyag szőlő termesztésre. Ennek kontrasztja, hogy Sály határában a közelmúltban többszáz hektár szőlőt vágtak ki.
Hungarian Greek Catholic Church | Wikipedia audio article
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Hungarian Greek Catholic Church
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The Hungarian Greek Catholic Church (Hungarian: Magyar görögkatolikus egyház) or Hungarian Byzantine Catholic Church is a Metropolitan sui iuris (autonomous) Eastern Catholic particular Church in full communion with the Catholic Church. It is headquartered in Debrecen. Its liturgical rite is the Byzantine Rite in Hungarian.
Transylvanian Castle Gardens, Budapest (HUNGARY)
Category 2 - Research
350 Mályinka cemetery Anthropomorphic grave markers. Emberprofilú sírjelek
magyarul lsd. lennt The reformed-church cemetery in Mályinka still contains many carved wooden grave markers, which, in scientific jargon, are referred to as anthropomorphic that is they form the profile of a human face. The small ones usually mark a child's grave. If a husband and wife are buried alongside each other, then you can tell from their positioning which was the man's and which was the woman's.
The cemetery isnt fenced in, so it blends seamlessly with the natural environment. It also commands a stunning view of the village, in its picturesque north Bükk setting.
Mályinka református temetőjében még sok fából faragott sírjel van, melyek oldalról emberalakot (arcot) formáznak, tudományos nyelven antropomorfak. A kis fejfa általában gyereké volt. Ha egy házaspár fekszik egymás mellé, akkor az elhelyezkedésből ki lehet olvasni, melyik a férfié és melyik a nőé.
A temető nincs bekerítve, szépen beleolvad a természeti környezetbe. Szép kilátás nyílik innen a gyönyörű fekvésű Észak Bükki falura.
131 Ernő Barsi on the grave markers in Sály cemetary. Ref. templomkert sírkövek.
magyarul lsd. lejjebb
In the protestant communities of the region there was a tradition of carving anthropomorphic human-shaped) wooden grave markers (the old cemetery in Miskolc also contains examples). Later stone came to be used instead of wood, but the tradition of carving anthropomorphic grave markers continued. Ernő draws our attention to some shamanistic carvings on an old gravestone.
A környék reformátussága körében (még Miskolcon is az Avason is látni egyet a régi temetőben) hagyomány volt az emberprofilú fejfák készítése, a fa helyett később már sírköveket faragtak, de az emberprofil áthagyományozódott. Ernő bácsi az egyik régi sírkövön előforduló samanisztikus emlékre hívja fel a figyelmet, melyen szerepelt a rejtezés szó.
Blessed Assurance
Title: Blessed Assurance
by: Fanny J. Crosby & Phoebe P. Knapp (1873)
Derived from an anonymous live-to-MIDI sequence.
Instrument: Hauptwerk Walcker Organ from Miskolc
From: Augustine's Virtual Organs
Another beautiful hymn tune!
The Walcker Organ is from Miskolc, Hungary. The hymn is registered to give an idea of some of the flute sounds of the organ.
From Wikipedia:
Blessed Assurance is a well-known Christian hymn. The lyrics were written in 1873 by blind hymn writer Fanny J. Crosby to the music written in 1873 by Phoebe P. Knapp.
Crosby was visiting her friend Phoebe Knapp as the Knapp home was having a large pipe organ installed. The organ was incomplete, so Mrs. Knapp, using the piano, played a new melody she had just composed. When Knapp asked Crosby, What do you think the tune says?, Crosby replied, Blessed assurance; Jesus is mine.
The hymn appeared in the July 1873 issue of Palmer's Guide to Holiness and Revival Miscellany, a magazine printed by Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Palmer of 14 Bible House, New York City. It appeared on page 36 (the last page) with complete text and piano score, and indicated it had been copyrighted by Crosby that year. It is not certain that this was the first printing of the hymn, but it certainly helped to popularize what became one of the most beloved hymns of all time.
The popular song reflects Crosby's walk of faith, as expressed by the apostle Paul in Philippians 1:21, For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Because of Crosby's lyrics, the tune is now called Assurance.
(Headphones will give the best listening results.)
123 Sály wine cellar A ballad: ...cover the tracks of the stolen horsebetyárnóta
We were invited into Sándor's ancient cellar, after being introduced by Ernő Barsi. Here, they also sang this ballad.
Sanyi bácsi ősrégi pincéjébe hívtak meg minket Barsi Ernő bácsi közreműködésével. Itt énekelték ezt a betyárnótát is....takard el a lopott ló nyomát
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