Trans architectural - Transarquitetônica (Henrique Oliveira) - (BRAZIL)
Transarquitetônica (Henrique Oliveira).
Não teve como deixar de visitar no MAC (Ibirapuera) a obra Transarquitetônica do artista Henrique Oliveira . É um trabalho de arquitetura que reúne escultura e pintura, oferecendo estímulos diversos que o visitante recebe ao percorrer o trabalho.
Transarquitetônica (Henrique Oliveira). Reconhecido internacionalmente por suas instalações que despertam as mais distintas sensações nos visitantes, Henrique Oliveira propõe uma discussão poética sobre a história da arquitetura, do racionalismo das últimas décadas aos abrigos e cavernas do passado, vencendo o desafio de ocupar os 1600 m² do edifício com forte marca da escultura moderna de Niemeyer.
E o que é melhor, o Mac está situado ao lado do Parque do Ibirapuera, no antigo prédio do Detran, basta atravessar a passarela. Além disso, a entrada é franca e possui 8 andares com obras e exposições.
We had to stop visiting the MAC ( Ibirapuera ) Transarquitetônica the work of the artist Henrique Oliveira. It is an architectural work that brings together sculpture and painting, offering various incentives that the visitor gets to go work. Internationally recognized for its facilities that arouse the most distinct sensations in visitors , Henrique Oliveira proposes a poetic discussion of the history of architecture, rationalism in decades to shelters and past caves , overcoming the challenge of occupying 1600 m² building with strong brand of modern sculpture Niemeyer.
And what is better, the Mac is situated next to Ibirapuera Park , in the old building of the Detran , just across the walkway . In addition, admission is free and has 8 floors with works and exhibitions.
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Paleoterritório e biodiversidade - Rogério Oliveira. English Subtitles
Paleoterritório e biodiversidade - Rogério Ribeiro de Oliveira
projeto: Delimitação espacial em história ambiental - video 2.
Paleo Territory and Biodiversity - Rogério Ribeiro de Oliveira
Project: Spatial Delimitations in Environmental History - Video 2
English subtitles added 1 October 2015. Click the icon for Subtitles/CC in the lower right corner of the video to view.
Henrique Oliveira: Excerpts from Gallery Talk
Artist Henrique Oliveira uses tapumes, which in Portuguese can mean fencing, boarding, or enclosure, as a title for many of his large-scale installations. The term makes reference to the temporary wooden construction fences seen throughout the city of São Paulo where Oliveira lives. It also refers to the weathered wood Oliveira uses as the primary material in his installations. In this video, the Brazilian artist discusses his work with Rice Gallery student attendants.
3 - IPCO e atuação no Brasil - A Marcha da Contra Revolução - 2015 a 2017
Assista todos os vídeos desta série:
Parte 3 do audiovisual sobre a marcha da Contra-Revolução de 2015 a 2017 apresentado em uma sessão no Hotel Pestana por ocasião das comemorações do IPCO e das TFP's do exterior e associações afins pelo Centenário das Aparições da Santíssima Virgem em Fátima.
O evento contou com a presença de delegações de vários estados brasileiros e de diversos países que encheram o auditório.
A apresentação foi mais uma amostra expressiva da expansão e atualidade dos ideais que o Prof. Plinio sustentou e impulsionou durante toda a sua vida e que ainda hoje continuam florescendo através de entidades espalhadas em 30 países.
Logo após a apresentação foi servido um coquetel no qual os participantes tiveram ocasião de manter uma conversa animada com seus irmãos de ideal e buscar o aprimoramento da luta ideológica Contra-Revolucionária.
O audiovisual proporcionou aos convidados conhecer mais de perto o estilo de luta dos filhos do Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira: Luta pacífica e ordeira, porém enérgica, aguerrida e entusiástica a serviço da Civilização Cristã, estilo esse definido brilhantemente pelo Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira: “No idealismo, ardor; no trato, cortesia; na ação, devotamento sem limites ao ideal; na presença do adversário, circunspeção; na luta, altaneria e coragem. E pela coragem, vitória!”
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In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.)
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Marcelo Fagerlande in Museum Imperial
Brazilian and Portuguese music of the Century XVIII
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School of Drawing and painting from Fortaleza, Brazil
Designers scholars Museum Louvre in Paris, France
Participation of academic artists and art students from Fortaleza - Brazil
Teacher: Edu Oliveira
Academic Art Students
Aurelia Simplicio, Aurelia Alencar, Cezarina Duvalee, Eliete Barreto, Paula Franklin, Nereide Alves, Sarah Bastos, Marcelo Silva, Lucas Goes, Mana Cellani, Margarete Zanetti, Lucia Cavalcante, Antonieta Campos, Michele Souza, Seila Brito, Vitoria Marques, Silânia Cavalcante, Ligia Mesquita, Graça Mendonça, Sonia Cavalcante.
Brazilian Vlog into Gasparilla 2017
Thank you City of Tampa.
Part of this Vlog it's in Portuguese so I'm sorry if you don't understand... lol i'm going to work on the subtitles later but thanks for watching anyway
The Gasparilla Pirate Festival is a large parade and a host of related community events celebrated almost every year since 1904 in Tampa, Florida. It is held in late January and hosted by Ye Mystic Krewe of Gasparilla and the City of Tampa, and it celebrates the apocryphal legend of José Gaspar (also known as Gasparilla), a mythical Spanish pirate who supposedly operated in Southwest Florida in the early 1800s. As of the 100th edition in 2015, the parade was the 3rd largest in the United States and had an economic impact of $23 million on Tampa's economy.
The entire video was film with a go pro hero 3 and I phone 6S with the Irig pre for the microphone with a karaoke microphone lol...
And it was my first video editing on Final Cut Pro X
Museum of Palazzo Vecchio, Florence-Italy
School of Drawing and painting from Fortaleza, Brazil
Drawing class at the Davi Florence-Itália
Participation of academic artists and art students from Fortaleza - Brazil
Teacher: Edu Oliveira
Academic Art Students
Aurelia Simplicio, Aurelia Alencar, Cezarina Duvalee, Eliete Barreto, Paula Franklin, Nereide Alves, Sarah Bastos, Marcelo Silva, Lucas Goes, Mana Cellani, Margarete Zanetti, Lucia Cavalcante, Antonieta Campos, Michele Souza, Seila Brito, Vitoria Marques, Silânia Cavalcante, Ligia Mosque, Graça Mendonça, Sonia Cavalcante.
Pelé e Clodoaldo desfilando por Paris
Em março de 1971, na véspera de um Santos x Saint-Étienne/Olympique de Marseille, os tricampeões Pelé e Clodoaldo desfilaram pelas ruas de Paris com a taça Jules Rimet até a central da tv Télé 7 Jours, para delírio dos franceses!!
Na Câmara Municipal de Paris, onde lá estavam outros santistas do grupo, Ramos Delgado, Léo Oliveira, Douglas Franklin, Turcão, Edevar, Joel Mendes... Pelé recebeu a Medalha Grand Vermeil, a maior honraria concedida pela cidade.
Dirk Messner und Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti im Gespräch – Intern. Fachkonferenz ESD Expert Net
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Neben einer Auswahl an Workshops und Präsentationen, bot sich den teilnehmenden ebenso ein interessantes Bühnenprogramm. Dazu gehörte auch ein von Ralph Caspers moderiertes Zweiergespräch zwischen Herrn Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner (Direktor des Deutschen Instituts für Entwicklungspolitik) und Frau Prof. Dr. Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti (Professorin am Department of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia). In der Diskussion beschäftigten sich die Wissenschaftler/innen mit der Fragestellung „Global Citizenship Education und Klimawandel – erfordert der Umgang mit einem Weltrisiko Weltbürgertum?“.
Mehr Informationen unter:
Long Way Home | Trailer | NDNF19
The everyday takes on a profound and touching resonance in André Novais Oliveira’s sophomore feature. Juliana (an excellent Grace Passô) moves from her Brazilian hometown of Itaúnas to the larger and more sprawling Contagem to take a job within a public-health program combating the spread of dengue fever. While waiting for her husband to join her, she sets about making the rounds, inspecting people’s homes for mosquito hiding places and becoming acquainted with a new cast of characters who will lead her to look beyond her past and toward an uncertain future. A deft and deeply felt character study, Long Way Home establishes Oliveira as a great emerging talent of contemporary Brazilian cinema.
New Directors/New Films 2019 tales place March 27-April 7 at the Film Society of Lincoln Center and the Museum of Modern Art. Tickets and full schedule:
Celebrating its 48th edition in 2019, the New Directors/New Films festival introduces New York audiences to the work of emerging filmmakers from around the world. Throughout its rich, nearly half-century history, New Directors has brought previously little-known talents like Spike Lee, Chantal Akerman, Bi Gan, Valerie Massadian, Gabriel Mascaro, RaMell Ross, and Kelly Reichardt to wider audiences. We hope you’ll join us in celebrating a group of filmmakers who represent the present and anticipate the future of cinema: daring artists whose work pushes the envelope and is never what you’d expect. Presented by the Film Society of Lincoln Center and the Museum of Modern Art.
The Film Society of Lincoln Center is devoted to supporting the art and elevating the craft of cinema. The only branch of the world-renowned arts complex Lincoln Center to shine a light on the everlasting yet evolving importance of the moving image, this nonprofit organization was founded in 1969 to celebrate American and international film. Via year-round programming and discussions; its annual New York Film Festival; and its publications, including Film Comment, the U.S.’s premier magazine about films and film culture, the Film Society endeavors to make the discussion and appreciation of cinema accessible to a broader audience, as well as to ensure that it will remain an essential art form for years to come.
More info:
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