Omsk. The third capital. 300-year anniversary. / Омск. Третья столица. 300-летний юбилей.
Omsk is one of the largest cities of Russia, the administrative center of Omsk oblast, located at the confluence of the Irtysh and the Om rivers, in southwestern Siberia, 2,236 kilometers (1,389 mi) from Moscow. Omsk is multi-million-strong city (1 079 178 people in 2016), the second largest population in Siberia and eighth in Russia. A major transport hub: from West to East passes through the city railway TRANS-Siberian railway, with its construction, Omsk became known as the Gate of Siberia. The navigable Irtysh River runs from South to North, is the longest tributary in the world (a tributary of the Ob River).
The territory of Omsk were of great importance since ancient times. Here were settlements and burial grounds of many developed Nations that lived from the VI Millennium BC to the XIII century. In XVII century the need for the Russian city at the mouth of the Om was so great, that many people repeatedly asked the Tsar Peter I about its Foundation. Omsk was founded by I. D. Buchholz in 1716 as a fortress defending the southern border of the state. Omsk was the only city along with St. Petersburg and Moscow in Russia, to whom was granted the right to raise the state flag of the Russian Empire in Siberia and Asia. In the 19th century in Omsk exiled revolutionaries (the Decembrists) were serving sentences, including the famous Russian writer F.M. Dostoevsky. Omsk State University and a library was named in honour of Dostoevsky. The main development of the town received in the XX century. After the 1917 revolution, during the civil war and the confrontation between the White and Red movements, Omsk was the official capital of the Russian Empire (White Russia) under the leadership of Admiral Kolchak (1918 - 1920). The city has expanded considerably in the years of the Great Patriotic War (WW2) when many factories was evacuated from the European part of Russia, until the collapse of the Soviet Union was known as the Garden City, City of Youth, City of Sciences. Omsk awarded the honorary title of City of labor glory, is a major industrial center with enterprises of different industries, including Petro-chemical, defense and aerospace. Planet Omsk is in international catalog of minor planets.
Omsk remained a major cultural and sports center of Siberia: active theatre and exhibition activities, major national and international festivals, the famous Siberian International Marathon, international hockey tournaments, national competitions in equestrian sports, etc. have been taking place here. Cathedral of the Assumption is the hallmark of the city of Omsk. In 2016 Omsk celebrated its tercentenary.
The streets of Omsk. Series 1
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OMSK - SIBERIA, RUSSIA | Beautiful country and very helpful people (Part 3)
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Hello Friends,
In this video, i have started my journey from Astana International Airport after small layover of around 4 hours. Flight time from Astana to Omsk, Siberia Russia is just about 50 minutes.
Weather in Omsk was quite pleasant as it was around 20 degree C. As soon as i landed in Russia, i was amazed by such kind people who are always there to help. I found people keen to help at every point of my journey in Russia.
From Omsk airport, i used bus service to travel to my hostel that i have booked online via I had to change 2 buses to reach to my hostel and all this was possible only because of the help that i got from local Russian people.
Russian is the language that is mostly spoken all over Russia and its hard to find people with English speaking skills easily but still i am amazed that inspite of this, Russian people are so warmth and have best hospitality qualities. I met one lady who helped me from airport specially to reach to my hostel.
There are unlimited instances that i can count of the greatness of the Russian people.
Please watch the entire video and i hope you will like the video and please do share and subscribe to my channel for more future updates.
Positive Happy by PeriTune Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music promoted by Audio Library
Acoustic/Folk Instrumental by Hyde - Free Instrumentals
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library
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Омск - RUSSIA - Moscu Rusia
Омск - RUSSIA - Moscu Rusia
Rusia Omsk, la ciudad de Omsk fue fundada en 1716, es la capital administrativa de la provincia de Omsk. Omsk (en ruso Омск, Omsk) es una ciudad ubicada en el centro-sur de Rusia, en el distrito federal de Siberia, es la séptima más poblada del país.
La ciudad de Omsk tiene 1.253.971 habitantes.
Omsk limita al sur con Kazajstán y al norte, con la provincia de Tiumen.
Omsk se encuentra en la intersección de la línea ferroviaria transiberiana con las grandes arterias fluviales del río Irtysh. Además, es la mayor refinería de petróleo en Rusia (y la tercera en Europa) y hoy pertenece a Gazprom Petroleum, S.A. En la ciudad se desarrolla la industria de la construcción de maquinarias, metalurgia, industria ligera, poligráfica, química y petroquímica.
Omsk es una importante ciudad de transporte y circulación donde se pueden encontrar las principales líneas ferroviarias, autopistas, la línea Transiberiana, un puerto fluvial y un aeropuerto.
Esta situación económica y geográfica especial ha hecho posible el rápido desarrollo del área en toda la esfera económica.
Uno podría pensar que es una ciudad congelada debido a su ubicación en Siberia, pero de hecho, la temperatura máxima promedio es de 17 ° C en el mes de julio y la temperatura mínima es de solo -20 ° C en los meses de enero; Sin embargo, hay una mayor presencia de nieve durante el año.
Los lugares importantes para visitar son:
La catedral de san nicolás
La catedral de la ascensión
Omsk City Russia Омск Россия
Schumann, Carnaval-Papillons
OMSK TRAIN STATION : Russian Railways through an Indian traveler's eyes - RZD
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This is the first time I saw a Russian train station. In this video, you will see Omsk railway station, an important transit point on the Trans-Siberian railway. How does the station look from inside? How to buy a ticket at a Russian train station? How did I find the mobile charging points, waiting area & toilets?
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Landras Dream by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (
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Omsk (Russia)
Omsk Highlights.
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Uplifting - John Berry
Tour de Siberia Omsk 2019
Omsk State Academic Drama Theater. Omsk, Russia, From Dron, Point of interest
Omsk State Academic Drama Theater. Omsk, Russia, From Dron, Point of interest
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OMSK VLOG Леднева - Я одна? Счастлива в Омске? Май 2016
Russia. The streets of Omsk. Morning of 10/08/2017
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The Installation оf the Deities оf Sri Sri Radha Govinda - Omsk - Russia
Улицы Тары Омской области
Тара — город в Омской области России, административный центр Тарского района Омской области. Самый северный город Омской области
Расположен на левом берегу Иртыша, в 302 км от Омска, в 285 км от ж.д. станции Любинская.
Ближайшая железнодорожная станция — станция Любинская 285 км от Тары
Tara is a town in Omsk Oblast Russia, located at the confluence of the Tara and Irtysh Rivers at a point where the forested country merges into the steppe, about 300 kilometers (190 mi) north of Omsk, the administrative center of the oblast.
Города России #16. Зимняя сказка. Омск
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Омск – один из самых крупных и красивых городов Западной Сибири. На месте впадения Оми в Иртыш в 1717 г. была основана первая деревянная Омская крепость под командованием подполковника И.Д. Бухольца для защиты границ Руси от кочевников и в качестве опорного пункта дальнейшего освоения Сибири. В 1768-1771 гг. обветшалую деревянную крепость сменила красивая каменная, вокруг нее постепенно разросся город. Город славится интересными местами, идеальными для пеших прогулок. Обязательно стоит пройтись по Парку Победы – уголку природы прямо в центре Омска, который настолько велик, что без карты в нем сложно понять, как добраться до той или иной точки. Сквер у санатория Восход, где особенно красиво во второй половине лета; дендрарий городского Дворца детского и юношеского творчества, в котором вы увидите множество сосен, ручных белок, птиц и прочей живности. Из тех интересных мест в городе, куда пойти стоит всей семьей в хорошую погоду, можно упомянуть Парк 300-летия Омска – тут непередаваемо красиво, эффектным дополнением к пейзажу служит местное озеро. Ну и, само собой, обязательно стоить пройтись по побережью Иртыша, где открыто множество магазинчиков, кафе и ресторанов.
Trans Siberian Road trip| Omsk | Day 47| Kanyakumari to St Petersburg Russia
Omsk | Day 47| Kanyakumari to St Petersburg Russia | Trans Siberian Road trip
രാത്രിയിൽ പലപ്പോഴും 6 മുതൽ 10 ഡിഗ്രി വരെയാണ് കാലാവസ്ഥ. അതുകൊണ്ട് രാവിലെ നല്ല തണുപ്പ് തന്നെയാണ് അനുഭവപ്പെടുന്നത്.
ഓംലെറ്റും ചീസ്കേക്കും ബ്രീക്ഫസ്റ്റ് കഴിച്ച ശേഷം 8 മണിയോടെ ഞങ്ങൾ സൈബീരിയയിലെ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ പള്ളികളിൽ ഒന്നായ ഉസ്പെൻസ്കി കഫെഡ്രൽ സോബോർ അസംപ്ഷൻ ചർച്ച് എന്ന ഓംസ്കിലെ പള്ളിയിലേക്ക് ഞങ്ങൾ പോയി. വളരെ മനോഹരമായി അലങ്കരിച്ച ഒരു പള്ളിയായിരുന്നു അത്. ശെനിയാഴ്ച ആയിരുന്നിട്ടു കൂടി അവിടെ കാര്യമായ തിരക്കനുഭവപ്പെട്ടു. പള്ളിമണികളുടെയും പ്രാർത്ഥനയുടെയും ശബ്ദം നിറഞ്ഞു നിന്നു. ഒരുപാട് ആളുകൾ മെഴുകുതിരി കത്തിക്കുന്നു, അൾത്താരബാലന്മാർ ഓടിനടന്ന് പലതും ചെയ്യുന്നു, എന്തോ വിശേഷദിവസമാണ് ഇന്ന് എന്ന് തോന്നുന്നു. ഗൂഗിൾ ട്രാൻസ്ലേറ്റർ ഉപയോഗിച്ച് ഒരു സ്ത്രീയോട് തിരക്കിയപ്പോൾ മനസ്സിലായത് ഇന്നു മദർ മേരി ജനിച്ച ദിവസം ആഘോഷിക്കുകയാണെന്നാണ്. അതിനിടെ പുറത്ത് കുറേയാളുകൾ ആരെയോ കാത്ത് നിൽക്കുന്നത് കണ്ടു. അല്പസമയത്തിനകം അവിടെ ആർച്ച് ബിഷപ്പ് കാറിൽ വന്നിറങ്ങി പള്ളിയിലേക്ക് പോയി.
FlexGym Party | ANGAR | Omsk
Грандиозный День Рождения FlexGym, который прошёл в клубе ANGAR. Не забыли ещё этот день? Теперь Вы можете всё вспомнить, посмотрев это видео. Ждите продолжение!!!
Flex Gym Media представляет Вашему вниманию Flex Gym Party, смотрим и оцениваем!!!
Distressing moment Russian mum hands over her baby for just £34
THIS is the distressing moment a tearful poverty-stricken mum hands over her newborn baby forever - for just £34 - to a wannabe mother.
CCTV video shows distraught Inna Petrova, 25, clutching her nine-day old daughter at Omsk airport in Russia.
She walks around seemingly counting every last precious second she has with her tiny girl.
The unemployed painter at one point turns her back on Natalia Zhdanova, 43, who has flown 1,970 miles from St Petersburg to collect the baby.
Inna kisses her daughter for the last time and hands over the child, kept warm in a bright pink wrap.
Natalia then used a faked birth certificate - which listed the baby as hers - to show airport security before flying back to her home city with the child.
Inna - who later said she was “hysterical” at giving away her child - is seen wiping tears from her eyes on the video, released by the Investigative Committee, which probes serious crimes in Russia.
She now admits she was wrong and says she wishes she could wind back the clock.
Now both women have been detained as a criminal probe is launched under Russia’s child trafficking laws and each could face up to ten years in jail.
Investigators say Natalia was “desperate to raise another child after her adult son left home.
She posted an online ad saying: “Hi everyone! My husband and I would very much like to get a baby aged 0 to 3 months.
“All the documents for adoption are ready. Please send a private message for details. Girls, darlings, please help.”
Inna - at the time pregnant after a short relationship with a man she met at a local cafe - replied: “Hello, I would like my daughter to be adopted.
“Please do so, I am not able to raise her, no chance.”
She told police she lived with her mother and sister in a cramped apartment and the other two women were furious when she became pregnant.
Omsk prosecutor Vasily Gumenyuk said: “During our interrogation, the biological mother of the baby explained that she lived in a rented apartment with her mother and sister.
“Both were strongly against the baby and put strong psychological pressure on the future mother.”
The baby deal would have remained secret but for Inna and her mother telling their landlady - who immediately informed police.
She admitted she could have given the child up at her maternity hospital but chose not to and instead to hand the baby to Natalia who she had not previously met.
She said she was paid 3,000 roubles – just £34 - sent in advance allegedly to cover the cost of nappies.
But she claimed Natalia also promised to help her and her family find jobs in St Petersburg.
Asked about the moment she handed over the child, she said: “Of course it was hard.
“I was in hysterics in the airport when it happened.
“But Natalia’s return flight has already been announced - I had to give her my daughter so (she and her friend) could catch their plane.”
Inna added: “The father of the baby was not interested before but now he says, ‘give me the baby, I will take care of her’.
“But he is not serious. He is 23, there are no babies in his life plans.”
She said: “Most likely, I will never see my baby again…
“If only could I go back over everything, I would not have given her away.”
The child is now likely to be put in an orphanage.
Natalia told police that she had planned to try and legally adopt another baby.
But she said the rules on her living conditions and salary would have meant she was not qualified.
The women were both detained as suspects under Russia’s child trafficking laws.
They are held under house arrest pending completion of the criminal investigation.
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Journey from Omsk - Moscow- Volgograd: nice experience. Keep watching and keep in touch , happy guys
Hello fellas ,
Trip started from Omsk - Moscow- Volgograd: Have a look , nice view from inside .
Subscribe my channel. Keep in touch with me , you will see good world from my point of side .
Happy to all .
Enjoy your life .
Keep motivated your self .
Don’t give up at cost .
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Ajay - solo travelers
E knowledge corner
Travelling on tram 6 route 4 in Omsk Siberia Russia Pt 2
Travelling on tram 6 route 4 Pt 2 in Omsk Siberia Russia in HD.
At 6:24 in Pt 1 on the bridge we do pass a tram going the other way!
It was late in the evening & at this point only the route 4 comes this way, whereas there are 2 routes at the point I got on & The view shows the divergence/convergence of the routes & at 1:51 we join another route which I have also filmed separately.
Trans Trip - Day 9 - Through Siberia, passing Omsk
Here we are with all of our closest un-showered friends passing through Siberia. The closest city at this point is Omsk, omsk, omsk