Discover: The Ontario SCIENCE CENTRE (Toronto ON)!
The Ontario Science Centre delights, informs and challenges our communities, offering hands-on experiences and engagement with science of local, national and global relevance.
The Science Centre has welcomed more than 52 million visitors since it opened in 1969, implementing an interactive approach adapted by science centres around the world.
The Science Centre is the public centre for innovative thinking and the prime venue for public dialogue about science, technology and society. As a publicly assisted organization, the Science Centre relies on generous individuals, corporations and foundations who share a commitment to science and education for additional operating support.
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(Filmed and Edited by Gold MEDIA)
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Ontario Science Centre in Canada Toronto by SanSanychTV
Ontario Science Centre in Canada Toronto by SanSanychTV.
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A Visit to the Ontario Science Centre with Kids
The Ontario Science Centre is one of the best places in Toronto to take kids for a fun afternoon. It's a great place for them to learn about the planet, the human body, and to get a little creative. In this video, we visit Discovery Way, Kidspark, the Omnimax, and the Living Earth, just to name a few. If you're looking for things to do in Toronto with kids, read more here
This is a sponsored post in partnership with the Ontario Science Centre.
A Fun day at Ontario Science Centre | Toronto
Ontario Science Centre is a great place for all ages (especially for kids) to be exposed to different areas of science. Hair raise caused by static electricity was the best part to the kids.
Ontario Science Centre , Toronto , 2018
This video is about our family trip to Ontario Science Centre. A very informative and educational trip for everyone.
Toronto | Ontario Science Centre | Travel Guide | Episode# 13
Ontario Science Centre museum in Toronto is covered in this travel guide by Hipfig.
1). How to reach Ontario Science Centre in Toronto
2). Directions and Toronto TTC Subway line route with bus route numbers and Stop info for Ontario Science Centre museum in Toronto for visitors
3). Information, tips and things to do in Toronto Ontario Science Centre – Science Museum in Toronto
4). Travel tips for visiting visit the Ontario Science Centre museum Toronto (Toronto travel guide)
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2019-1-12 Vlog 16 安大略科技馆-Ontario Science Centre -Toronto
拍摄器材-Go Pro 7 Black, Rode Micro Mic, iPhone 8 Plus, Osmo Pocket
Wonderful Fun & Learnings at Science Centre| Ontario
Kids are so curious always and the best way for them to learn is to learn with fun and enhance their curiosity and questioning abilities. Enjoy this wonderful science centre expedition with Diya and her friends !
Ontario Science Centre, Toronto,Canada
Ontario Science Centre, Toronto,Canada
Toronto Ontario Science Centre 2018
Trip to Toronto Ontario Science Centre 2018
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Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, Canada | Tourist Places Attractions | Full Tour Video
Ontario Science Centre located in Toronto, Canada, Full Tour Video, JL Tourist Places, Tourist Places, Tourist Destinations, Tourist Attractions, travel channel, Touristic Places, Touristic Destinations, Touristic Attractions, Travel Guide.
The Ontario Science Centre is a science museum in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, near the Don Valley Parkway about 11 kilometres northeast of downtown on Don Mills Road just south of Eglinton Avenue East in the former city of North York.
Address: 770 Don Mills Rd, North York, ON M3C 1T3, Canada.
******************************************************************************** This Original Videos was Recorded, Created and Edited by JL Tourist Places. Copyright JL Tourist Places. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************************************
Fun with kids vlog
Ontario Science Centre, Toronto,Canada
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Ontario Science Centre in Canada
A short tour of Ontario Science Center. This place is huge and there are so many interesting stuff and games. More for kids but I still enjoyed all the cool fun stuff in there. Stop by to visit if you're in Toronto, it's worth it.
Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, Ontario. Canada
The Telus Rain Forest is one of the areas that should be visited at the Ontario Science Centre.
I think the staff did an Excellent Job in making it look so Realistic!
Believe It or Not! It even Rains Inside from time to time so be prepared during your visit.
I want to personally Thank Jefferson Darrell, Media Relations Officer for Inviting ME down to the Ontario Science Centre as well as Sonya for providing ME with an Excellent Tour and Description of their Telus Rain Forest in which I enjoyed very much!
Narrated By Howard Paul Shore
Friday, January 5, 2018
The Ontario Science Centre
Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, Ontario Canada
In this video, I am standing in front of one of my favorite exhibits that I remember when I was a child back in the 70's - 80's and this exhibit is called Coffee!
It is so Cute!
You just adjust the buttons below and it will say the word Coffee to You with various Voices and Voice Speeds...
I am just so Amazed that they were able to keep and preserve this Very Special Exhibit for so many years and it is still here with us today!
If You want to check out this exhibit, then please come out to the Ontario Science Centre and look for the Weston Family Innovation Centre which is located on Level 6.
I want to personally Thank Jefferson Darrell, Media Relations Officer for Inviting ME to one (1) of My Favorite Science Centres in the World!
Narrated By Howard Paul Shore
Friday, January 5, 2018
Canada 51 - Ontario Science Centre Toronto
Trip we made in August and September 2015 across Canada. Viagem que fizemos em Agosto e Setembro de 2015 pelo Canada. 13/09/2015
The Ontario Science Centre (French: Centre des sciences de l'Ontario) is a science museum in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, near the Don Valley Parkway about 11 kilometres (6.8 mi) northeast of downtown on Don Mills Road just south of Eglinton Avenue East in the former city of North York. It is built down the side of a wooded ravine formed by one branch of the Don River located in Flemingdon Park.
Le Centre des sciences de l'Ontario (en anglais :Ontario Science Centre) est un musée scientifique situé à Toronto en Ontario, à proximité de l'autoroute Don Valley Parkway et de la rivière Don. Le musée fut fondé en 1969 et le bâtiment fut conçu par l'architecte Raymond Moriyama.
Das Ontario Science Centre in der kanadischen Stadt Toronto ist ein Science Center. Es befindet sich im Stadtteil North York rund 11 km nordöstlich der Downtown. Im Jahr 2009 feiert das Museum sein 40-jähriges Bestehen. Seit seiner Eröffnung hat es über 40 Millionen Besucher verzeichnet.[1]
Erste Planungen für das Museum gab es 1961, drei Jahre später wurde der kanadisch-japanische Architekt Raymond Moriyama damit beauftragt, Entwürfe für den Neubau zu machen. Das Design sah drei verschiedene Gebäudetrakte vor, die über Brücken und Rolltreppen miteinander verbunden werden sollten. Die Bauarbeiten begannen 1966 und sollten mit den Feierlichkeiten 1967 Canadian Centennial verbunden werden. Der erste offizielle Name des Museums lautete Centennial Centre of Science and Technology. Da die Arbeiten jedoch nicht rechtzeitig beendet werden konnte, eröffnete das Museum erst am 27. September 1969. Im Laufe der Jahre erfuhr das Museum verschiedene Erweiterungen und Renovationen. 1996 wurde ein IMAX Dome eröffnet.
Das Museum hat mehrere hundert passive und interaktive Exponate zum Thema Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technik. Einen Schwerpunkt der Ausstellung bildet dabei die Raumfahrt. Das Museum eröffnete dazu am 9. Juni 2008 eine große Ausstellung zum Thema des bemannten Marsflugs. Neben den festen Ausstellungen bietet das Ontario Science Centre in seinen Räumlichkeiten auch Platz für Kongresse, Festivals und wechselnde Ausstellungen. Im Jahr 2002 fand das IFCT Festival im Ontario Science Centre statt. Zwischen dem 30. September 2005 und dem 26. Februar 2006 wurde dort die Ausstellung Körperwelten gezeigt.
ஒன்ராறியோ அறிவியல் நடுவம் (Ontario Science Centre ) என்பது ரொறன்ரோ, ஒன்ராறியோ, கனடாவில் அமைந்துள்ள ஒரு அறிவியல் காட்சியகம் ஆகும். 1969 ம் ஆண்டு இது திறக்கப்பட்டது. அறிவியல் கண்காட்சிகள், நிகழ்ச்சிகள், பரிசோதனைகள் எனப் பல தரப்பட்ட ஈர்ப்புகள் இங்கு உள்ளன. பள்ளி மாணவர்கள் இதைப் பெரிதும் பயன்படுத்துகிறார்கள்.
O Ontario Science Centre é um museu de ciências localizado em Toronto, Ontário, Canadá, perto da Don Valley Parkway, a cerca de 11 quilômetros a nordeste do centro de Don Mills Road, ao sul da Eglinton Avenue East, na antiga cidade de North York.
Descobrir o funcionamento de um músculo, simular a atividade de um pulmão, competir em um remo, fingir um mergulho no fundo do mar, assistir a filmes, participar de uma corrida de aviões de papel-essas são apenas algumas das atividades do Ontario Science Centre, um centro voltado para a tecnologia e a ciência.
O Ontario Science Centre é enorme, com diversas atividades interativas ligadas à ciência e à tecnologia. O lugar é sensacional para crianças-mesmo aquelas que não entendem inglês-e ótimo para quem está em família e quer fazer uma atividade junto com os filhos. A quantidade de atrações no centro é grande e diversificada, até mesmo os adultos curtem participar das exibições. Além de ser interativo e permitir conhecer mais sobre física, música e sobre o corpo humano, por exemplo, o centro ainda tem salas do cinema IMAX, que tem uma resolução muito melhor do que os cinemas normais.
Para quem tem filhos e procura uma atividade para entreter os pequenos ou para quem se interessa por ciência e experiências, é uma excelente opção de passeio.
Dica: não vá ao lugar com pressa, pois há uma enorme variedade de atividades. Reserve ao menos 3h para passear pelo centro.
770 Don Mills Rd, Toronto - CEP: M3C 1T3
Telefone: (416) 696-1000
Horário: Seg–Sex: 10:00–16:00nSáb–Dom: 10:00–17:00n
Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, Ontario. Canada
I have Not been to the Ontario Science Centre since probably the 70's or 80's and boy has it Changed!
I do remember some of the exhibits that I experienced growing up and fortunately they have kept many of them and this happens to be One Of Them which is called the Van de Graaff Electrostatic Generator which will definitely Make Your Hair On Your Whole Body Stand Up!
I really enjoyed this attraction and so will You!
I want to personally Thank Jefferson Darrell for Inviting ME to the Ontario Science Centre and all of the Staff for Providing ME with a Fantastic, Memorable Ontario Science Centre Experience!
Narrated By Howard Paul Shore
Friday, January 5, 2018
Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, Ontario Canada
Welcome Back To The Ontario Science Centre in
Toronto, Ontario Canada!
In this video, I am sitting in one (1) of their laboratories with Sonya who is explaining to ME exactly what they do in there and she even discusses the ongoing education classes that they hold as well for students to gain extra credit(s) towards their diplomas.
I want to personally Thank Sonja , Science Communicator for taking the time out of her day to do an Interview with ME!
Narrated By Howard Paul Shore
Friday, January 5, 2018