Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren - Amersfoort 4K
Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren Amersfoort 4K - in de Mist
Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren (Amersfoort)
Amersfoort - Lieve Vrouwetoren (Drone) (Netherlands)
Filmed: DJI Phantom 2 Vision Plus
Day & Night | Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren @ Amersfoort (2017/2018)
Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren @ Amersfoort. During the day & during the night. Recorded November 2017 & April 2018.
Climbing the third highest church tower in the Netherlands for a spectacular view over Amersfoort in the province of Utrecht, The Netherlands. Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren, bij dag en bij nacht.
Zicht op het Verleden - de Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren in Amersfoort
Zicht op het Verleden is de programmaserie over markante, historische plaatsen in Amersfoort. Deze aflevering: de Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren.
Amersfoort Utrecht: Klokken van de Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren (Plenum)
Amersfoort Utrecht: Klokken van de Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren (Plenum)
für mehr Glockenvideos sehe:
Amersfoort (NL): Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren
Amersfoort (NL): Liebfrauenturm
Rechte luidassen
Gerade Jochen
c' es' g' as' bes' c'' es''
c' es' g' as' b' c'' es''
Klok 1: Rincker, 2000
Klok 2: Rincker, 2000
Klok 3: Rincker, 2000
Klok 4: Rincker, 2000
Klok 5: Rincker, 2000
Klok 6: Rincker, 2000
Klok 7: Rincker, 2000
Opname: Maandag 27 april 2015, 12.00 uur: Koningsdagluiding
© Dennis Wubs: Klokkendeskundige
© Dennis Wubs: Glockenexperte
Kanaal van Dennis Wubs over klokken en samenzang. Op dit kanaal worden video's geplaatst van samenzang die live zijn opgenomen in reguliere kerkdiensten. Organist Dennis Wubs bespeelt hierbij voornamelijk op historische orgels uit de provincie Groningen. Naast de gewone gezangen zijn op dit kanaal ook vele kerstliederen te vinden. Verder worden video's geplaatst van kerkklokken en geluien in zowel Nederland als in Duitsland. Dennis is werkzaam als klokkenadviseur in nauwe samenwerking met de RCE (voorheen Monumentenzorg)
Contact: denniswubs@gmail.com
Kanal von Dennis Wubs über Glocken und Orgel. Auf diesen Kanal werden Videos hochgeladen von Kirchenglocken und Geläute aus den Niederlanden und Deutschland. Dennis arbeitet als Glockensachverständiger in zusammenarbeitung mit der RCE (Denkmahlschütz). Videos werden Hochgeladen von Gemeindegesängen die wärend eines Gottesdinstes live aufgenommen wurden. Organist Dennis Wubs spielt haubtsachlich historische Orgeln in der Provinz Groningen. Neben normalen Kirchenliedern sind auch viele Weihnachtslieder auf diesem Kanal zu finden.
Kontakt: denniswubs@gmail.com
The Channel of Dennis Wubs with Congregational Singing and Church Bells.
On this channel you will find videos of congregational singing from actual church services. Here organist Dennis Wubs plays primarily historic organs from the Province of Groningen. In addition to the usual hymns you will also hear many Christmas songs. Also there are videos of church bells and sounds both in The Netherlands and in Germany. Dennis is employed as an adviser for church bells in conjunction with the RCE (formerly Commission on Preservation).
Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren in Amersfoort, Netherlands
Church tower in Amersfoort, Netherlands
Carillon Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren in Amersfoort
Hier hört man das Carillon in Amersfoort und man sieht die arbeitende Mechanik mit den Seilzügen zum Glockenspiel hinten. Den Blog dazu, mit mehr Wissen und Fotos von Amersfoort, gibt es hier:
Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren Amersfoort
Op zondag 15 september de Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren (ook wel bekend als Lange Jan) in Amersfoort beklommen vanwege familiedag. Deze toren is nummer drie in de rij van hoge torens, 346 treden klim je omhoog om bij de spits te komen.
Gelukkig zijn er onderweg ook rustmomenten waarbij de gids leuke wetenswaardigheden vertelt over de toren en over de geschiedenis van de toren. De moeite waard om eens te bezoeken!
Handsome Poets - Light Up The Sky (Cover Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren Amersfoort)
Beiaardier Christiaan Winter speelt Light Up The Sky op de Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren in Amersfoort.
Amersfoort, The Netherlands (City Center Tour) Walking and Cycling .. GoPro
Amersfoort [ˈaːmərsfoːrt] is a municipality and the second largest city of the province of Utrecht in central Netherlands. The city is growing quickly but has a well-preserved and protected medieval centre. Amersfoort is one of the largest railway junctions in the country, because of its location on two of the Netherlands' main east-west and north-south rail lines. It marked its 750th anniversary as a city in 2009.
Hunter gatherers set up camps in the Amersfoort region in the Mesolithic period. Archaeologists have found traces of these camps, such as the remains of hearths, and sometimes microlithic flint objects, to the north of the city.
Remains of settlements in the Amersfoort area from around 1000 BC have been found, but the name Amersfoort, after a ford in the Amer River, today called the Eem, did not appear until the 11th century. The city grew around what is now known as the central square, the Hof, where the Bishops of Utrecht established a court in order to control the Gelderse Vallei (nl) area. It was granted city rights in 1259 by the bishop of Utrecht, Henry I van Vianden. A first defensive wall, made out of brick, was finished around 1300. Soon after, the need for enlargement of the city became apparent and around 1380 the construction of a new wall was begun and completed around 1450. The famous Koppelpoort, a combined land and water gate, is part of this second wall. The first wall was demolished and houses were built in its place. Today's Muurhuizen (wallhouses) Street is at the exact location of the first wall; the fronts of the houses are built on top of the first city wall's foundations.
The Onze-Lieve-Vrouwentoren tower (The Tower of Our Lady) is one of the tallest medieval church towers in the Netherlands at 98 metres (322 ft). The construction of the tower and the church was started in 1444. The church was destroyed by an explosion in 1787, but the tower survived, and the layout of the church still can be discerned today through the use of different types of stone in the pavement of the open space that was created. It is now the reference point of the RD coordinate system, the coordinate grid used by the Dutch topographical service: the RD coordinates are (155.000, 463.000).
The inner city of Amersfoort has been preserved well since the Middle Ages. Apart from the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwetoren, the Koppelpoort, and the Muurhuizen (Wall-houses), there is also the Sint-Joriskerk (Saint George's church), the canal-system with its bridges, as well as medieval and other old buildings; many are designated as national monuments. In the Middle Ages, Amersfoort was an important centre for the textile industry, and there were a large number of breweries.
In the 18th century the city flourished because of the cultivation of tobacco,[note 1] but from about 1800 onwards began to decline. The decline was halted by the establishment of the first railway connection in 1863, and, some years later, by the building of a substantial number of infantry and cavalry barracks, which were needed to defend the western cities of the Netherlands. After the 1920s growth stalled again, until in 1970 the national government designated Amersfoort, then numbering some 70,000 inhabitants, as a growth city. In 2009 the population was 140,000 plus, with an expected 150,000 by 2012.
To see Rotterdam City Center click:
To see Leeuwarden City Center click:
To see Sneek City Center click:
To see The Hague City Center click:
To see Makkum City (Village) Center click:
To see Sneek (Winter and Snow) click:
To see Hindeloopen City Tour click:
Let me know if you got any suggestions or ideas for my film-making or places you would like me to show
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Huwelijk onze lieve vrouwen toren Amersfoort en De Observant Amersfoort www.visservideografie.nl
Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren Amersfoort
2020 01 13 Amersfoort OLV Tower NL Peregrine Falcon ~ Mom On Ledge Looks Ready
Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren (Lange Jan) & Middeleeuwse straatjes @ Amersfoort (2017/2018)
Torenbeklimming Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren Amersfoort, november 2017 & april 2018. Walking tour door de Middeleeuwse straatjes van de stadskern (Muurhuizen, Havik, Breestraat etc.) rond de toren.
Met de slechtvalken van de Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren, Museum Flehite, de Sint-Joriskerk, de Koppelpoort en de Markt in Amersfoort.
Chr. Muziek- en Showband Juliana Amersfoort, nieuwe verlichting Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren Amersfoort
Op zaterdag 1 november 2014 werd de nieuwe (led)verlichting van de Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren in Amersfoort ontstoken. Juliana verleende medewerking aan dit feestelijke moment voor de stad. Vanaf nu is de toren het stralend middelpunt van Nederland.
Dodenherdenking 2011 Onze-Lieve-Vrouwetoren Amersfoort
Het Klokkenluidersgilde Amersfoort heeft, geheel volgens traditie, op 4 mei de klok geluid. Op ingetogen manier werd de grootste klok, de Havik, gedurende 10 minuten geluid. Om de klepel van de klok waren rubberen pads gebonden om het geluid doffer te laten klinken. Na afloop, tijdens de 2 minuten stilte, was alleen het kraken van de touwen te horen.
Onze-Lieve-Vrouwetoren in Amersfoort, Netherlands
Onze Lieve Vrouwe Toren Amersfoort By Night
Hyperlapse video of Amersfoort · Beautiful city in the Netherlands
Check out this awesome hyperlapse of my hometown Amersfoort (KEISTAD). It's the best kept secret in the Netherlands.
I made this movie out of love for my hometown and to play around with the hyperlapse technique. This video features the most beautiful places of the old city centre: Koppelpoort, Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren, De Hof, Krommestraat, Monnikendam, and Kamperbinnenpoort.
Hope you'll enjoy.
Music: AShamaluev - Cinematic Piano and Strings (licensed through Audiojungle)
Awesome Wedding stories:
(We will release a live track every Monday for the coming months):
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