Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak, Open Air Ethnographic Museum ETAR, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, Kari Gröhn, karigro
The Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak, Казанлъшка гробница, Kazanlak, Bulgaria & The Open Air Ethnographic Museum ETAR, Етнографски музей на открито Етър, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, Kari Gröhn, karigrohncom
Luigi Boccherini (1743-1805) Cello Concerto in B Flat, Third Movement, Rondo Allegro, Capella Istropolitana, Peter Breiner b 1957, Ludovit Kanta b 1957
The Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak, Казанлъшка гробница, is part of a large royal Thracian necropolis. Near ancient capital of Seuthopolis more than a thousand tombs of kings and members of the Thracian aristocracy can be found.
The monument dates back to the 4th century BC. The paintings are Bulgaria's best-preserved artistic masterpieces from the Hellenistic period. To preserve the sensitive paintings, the tomb is not open to the public; a full-size replica was built nearby.
The Open Air Ethnographic Museum ETAR, Eтнографски музей на открито Етър, has the unique collection of the old-times water-driven machinery. The most important specialty to the collection is that all objects are in action as it was it the past. The craftsman trade street offers 16 models to the Balkan architecture, showing the original talent to Revival builders.
Ethnographic Museum Etar Bulgaria, Gabrovo || by Spirit of Place
Open Air Ethnographic Museum Etar is the first one of this type in Bulgaria. He was found on the 7 of September 1964 year. The museum is situated 8 km South of Gabrovo.
In Open Air Ethnographic Museum Etar is the only one and unique collection of the old-times water-driven machinery in Bulgaria .
It consist 10 objects and its one of the most riches and well kept active technical collection around the European museums on the open air. This is the reason the water wheel to be the emblem to the Etar.The most important specialty to the collection is that all objects are in action as it was it the past. The craftsman trade street offers 16 models to the Balkan architecture, showing the original talent to Revival builders.
Sony Vegas 13 Creation
Ethnographic Museum Etar, Bulgaria - Етнографски музей Етър, България
Open Air Architectural Ethnographic Museum Complex Etara Gabrovo, Bulgaria / Етнографски музей Етъра Габрово, България / Complejo arquitectónico-etnográfico Etar Gabrovo, Bulgaria / Архитектурно-этнографический комплекс Этыра Габрово, Болгария
The Open Air Architectural - Ethnographic Museum Complex Etara in Gabrovo, Bulgaria presents the Bulgarian customs, culture and craftsmanship. The park features typical Bulgarian revival houses with two floors, bay windows and a clock tower. Using original instruments and following the old traditions, locals represent around 20 characteristics of the regional crafts such as wood-carving, pottery, coppersmith crafts, furriery, cutlery making, needlework etc. There are visitors to the park, from all over the world, all the year round.
Етнографски музей на открито Етър (или Етъра) в Габрово, България представлява възстановка на българския бит, култура и занаятчийство. Той е първият по рода си музей в България. Открит е на 7 септември 1964 г. Най-важната особеност на сбирката е, че всички обекти са в действие, така както в миналото. Занаятчийска чаршия представя 16 образци на балканската архитектура, разкриващи самобитния талант на възрожденските строители. Номер 19 от 100 национални туристически обекта.
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Architectural ethnographic complex Etar Gabrovo
Architectural ethnographic complex Etar is the first one of this type in Bulgaria. He was found on the 7 of September 1964 year. The museum is situated 8 km South of Gabrovo.
In AEK Etar is the only one and unique collection of the old-times water-driven machinery in Bulgaria .
It consist 10 objects and its one of the most riches and well kept active technical collection around the European museums on the open air. This is the reason the water wheel to be the emblem to the Etar.The most important specialty to the collection is that all objects are in action as it was it the past. The craftsman trade street offers 16 models to the Balkan architecture, showing the original talant to Revival builders.
Етнографски музей на открито Етър - Габрово; Ethnographic Open-air Museum Etar - Gabrovo
Bulgaria vlog | Day 5 | Open Air Museum - Etir, Gabrovo
The Open Air Ethnographic Museum «Etar» is an open-air museum and a neighbourhood of Gabrovo in northern Bulgaria. It is located on the northern edge of the Bulgarka Nature Park, between the park and the city of Gabrovo.
IT WAS AMMAAZZIINGG. You guys should visit!
Bulgaria Etara: Ethnographical open air museum Etar
In dit museumdorp staan huizen uit Gabrovo van de 18e en 19e eeuw, vergelijkbaar met Bokrijk (België). In dit filmpje zie je allerlei watersystemen en ikonen. 4 juni 2011, cultuurreis Davidsfonds Bierbeek.
Open museum in Bulgaria - Etar
Great Bulgarian open historical museum
Architectural-Ethnographic Complex ETAR Gabrovo / Архитектурно-етнографски комплекс „Етър“
Day-3, Etara Open-Air Museum Near Gabrovo
The Etara Complex (Bulgarian: Етъра) is an open-air museum and a neighbourhood of Gabrovo. It presents the Bulgarian customs, culture and craftsmanship. It spans over an area of 7 ha and contains a total of 50 objects, including water installations and houses with craftsmen's workshops attached.
Архитектурно-етнографски комплекс Етъра
Архитектурно-етнографски комплекс Етъра (24)
Bulgaria travel - Etara Ethnographic Complex
Ethnographic Museum Etara was established in 1964 year. This open-air museum, which recreates the stages of development of handicrafts in the Balkans over the past 500 years. Ethnographic Museum Etara, which is also called the city of masters and craftsmen town, located in Bulgaria, three kilometers from the town of Gabrovo.
In the city you will see the masters of Etara architecture and way of life of the Bulgarians in the previous century.
There recreated acting Aquifer System, which is fully provided with water craft shops.
In the city you will find artisan craft shops following:
ceramist, blacksmith, weaving, baking and many others.
Also, you will see a sawmill, water mills, lathes, sharpener and other amazing facilities, given the movement of water.
For all tourists, who want to learn more about Etara, we organize individual excursions to Etara
Our contacts / Unsere Kontakte
Tel: +359898654320
Skype: constantius-vsp
More information on our website.
Ethnographische Museum Etara wurde im 1964 Jahre gegründet. Das Freilichtmuseum, das die Stufen der Entwicklung des Handwerks auf dem Balkan in den letzten 500 Jahren erschafft. Ethnographische Museum Etara, die auch als die Stadt der Meister und Handwerker der Stadt, in Bulgarien, drei Kilometer von der Stadt Gabrovo.
In der Stadt werden Sie die Meister der Etara Architektur und Lebensweise der Bulgaren sehen im vorigen Jahrhundert.
Es neu wirkende Aquifer System, das vollständig mit Wasser Kunsthandwerksläden versehen ist.
In der Stadt finden Sie Handwerker Handwerksbetriebe folgenden finden:
Keramiker, Schmied, Weben, Backen und viele andere.
Außerdem werden Sie ein Sägewerk, Wassermühlen, Drehmaschinen, Spitzer und anderen erstaunlichen Einrichtungen zu sehen, da die Bewegung des Wassers.
Mehr Informationen in unsere Website.
Architekturethnographischer Komplex Etara
Architekturethnographischer Komplex Etara (24)
Etar Gabrovo Bulgaria.AVI
Etar Gabrovo Bulgaria Ljubomir Neshkov
Etara Gabrovo
Excursion Etara Gabrovo
הכפר העתיק הייטר ליד העיר גורבבו Etar Ethnographic Village Museum
בקור בכפר אטר
Этара (Этыра, Etara, Етър) – архитектурно-этнографический комплекс Болгарии
Этара (Этыра, Etara, Етър) – архитектурно-этнографический комплекс Болгарии, музей под открытым небом, создан в 1964 году.
Расположен на окраине Габрово в 9-ти километрах от центра этого чудесного болгарского города. Целью его создания является презентация архитектуры и стиля жизни в Габрово и прилегающей области во второй половине 18-го века и в начале 19-го века.
Объявлен архитектурным и этнографическим памятником национального значения.
Многие экспонаты – действующие.
Прочутият род Калпазанови от Габрово
Тази кратка история ще ви отведе в Габрово, откъдето е прочутият род Калпазанови – известни търговци, които са помагали на бедните хора в България.Ирена Узунова, уредник в регионалния исторически музей в града, разказва историята на този род.
Complexul etnografic Etar - Gabrovo, Bulgaria
Fiind in nordul Bulgariei, aproape de Veliko Tarnovo, am dat o fuga pana la Gabrovo unde se gaseste un muzeu al satului in aer liber. Auzisem ca e interesant si interactiv, ca poti sa vezi mesteri lucrand in fata ta obiecte pe care mai apoi poti sa le cumperi si ca apa e un element central al expozitiei, insa nu m-am asteptat nici o clipa sa fie atat de spectaculos pe cat a fost.
Continuarea pe
Muzeul Satului din Bulgaria Etara, orasul Gabrovo
O mica prezentare a unui muzeu al satului din Bulgaria. Acesta se afla la doar cativa km de orasul Gabrovo si se numeste ETARA.