GET EVEN - gra z Gliwic, która podbije Świat?
Dzięki hiperrealistycznej grafice oraz rewolucyjnemu podejściu do kwestii wirtualnej rzeczywistości, gra gliwickiej firmy The Farm 51 ma szansę stać się prawdziwym hitem.
Choć gra jest jeszcze w fazie produkcji, a swoją premierę powinna mieć w przyszłym roku, to już teraz rozpisują się o niej branżowe serwisy za całego świata...
Zdjęcia, montaż: Łukasz Gawin,
Promo Open The Door Gorzów Wlkp.
Przedstawiamy pierwszy escape room w Gorzowie Wlkp.
Czy jesteś gotów podjąć wyzwanie?
Chcesz dobrze zabawić się z przyjaciółmi? Sprawdźcie się w pokojach zagadek. Masz wyobraźnię, lubisz pokonywać problemy i rozwiązywać łamigłówki? Pokoje zagadek są dla Ciebie. Ważne, by były bezpieczne, jak Open the Lock w Gorzowie. Jest po wszystkich kontrolach i próbnej akcji ewakuacyjnej, która przebiegła wzorowo.
Do Teatru! Open the door / Koszt Życia / Teatr Śląski
Na starcie szybowcowym Gliwice 1990 r.
Film ten nie pokazuje w zasadzie nic nowego, ponieważ startujące szybowce prezentowano już wielokrotnie. Po dłuższym zastanowieniu zdecydowaliśmy się jednak go opublikować, ponieważ zawiera on pewne godne przypomnienia elementy stanowiące już historię Aeroklubu Gliwickiego, między innymi postacie kolegów, którzy już odeszli już od nas na zawsze, jak również nieistniejące już elementy otoczenia lotniska gliwickiego, takie jak kominy i zabudowania Kopalni Gliwice, nad którymi lataliśmy znajdując dobre wznoszenia (tzw. PKO), i które towarzyszyły lotnisku gliwickiemu do roku 2000.
23 Flis Odrzański wyruszył z... Gliwic. Dlaczego?!
Komentuj i zobacz więcej na stronie:
produkcja: Telewizja IMPERIUM
The 2019 Junior Eurovision Song Contest will take place in Gliwice Silesia
Motorist Cheats Death as His Engine EXPLODES into Flames in Poland
Motorist Cheats Death as His Engine EXPLODES into Flames
Motorist Cheats Death as His Engine EXPLODES into Flames
Motorist Cheats Death as His Engine EXPLODES into Flames
Motorist cheats death as his engine EXPLODES into flames at a red light in Poland.
Terrifying moment car explodes in the middle of the road and the driver manages to escape unhurt - despite stopping to remove canisters of GAS from the boot
A motorist escaped his exploding car unhurt despite bravely emptying his boot of butane gas canisters to avert an even worse catastrophe.
Instead of running for cover, Tomasz Morawski, 34, leapt from his burning vehicle, opened his boot and carried the explosive canisters to safety at the side of the road.
With help from a passing motorist, he guaranteed the safety of other drivers who recklessly continued to pass his burning car, and that of firefighters who arrived to extinguish the flames.
'I'm just glad I was able to get the gas canisters out in time otherwise this could have been a lot, lot worse,' Mr Morawski said.
CCTV footage shows Mr Morawski's vehicle quickly engulfed in flames after he stopped at a red light on the way to work in Gliwice, southern Poland.
As the fire quickly spreads, he jumps out of the driver side door, pops open the boot and begins emptying it of propane and butane gas canisters.
Fellow motorist Michal Bukowski, 29, was quoted by Central European News as saying: 'I was going in the opposite direction and was waiting for the lights to change when I saw the car suddenly go up in flames with a massive whoosh.
'It was like it had been hit with a rocket.
'The driver got out and I saw him running back and forth across the road taking canisters to the pavement.
'I quickly dialled the fire brigade and then pulled over to help.'
As black billowing smoke filled the sky the two men unloaded the car as a fire engine pulled up. Vehicles continued to drive past the fire until emergency services were able to block the road.
A spokesman for Gliwice's fire brigade said: 'We sealed off the road as at that point traffic was still going by and we had no idea if or when the engine would exploded.
'We then doused it with water ensuring the flames are well and truly out.
'We are now examine the car to try and identify the cause of the explosion.'
A major industrial and scientific hub, Gliwice is part of a wider metropolis of 2.7million in southern Poland called the Katowice urban area.
Escape room - pokój pełen zagadek
Escape room to nowy pomysł na zabawę ze znajomymi. Gra polega na tym, by wydostać się z zamkniętego pokoju pełnego zagadek. Drużyny mają na to tylko godzinę.
Ekipa odwiedziła dwa warszawskie escape roomy: Escape Plan Warsaw i Quest Hunt.
I think i spent more time trying to park the****** than driving it!,but I wasn't going to give up:):):)
Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector
Post by BenganJ
Escape room “Open yourself for global challenges”
'Escape room expended my knowledge about globalisation in a very funny and memorable way, more than a book could.' Agnieszka Łęgowska (student, Elementary School in Bobrowo)
'The escape room really engaged everybody. What was unique is that, at first teams were competing against each other, but overall they were cooperating to achieve their goal.' Anna Kertyczak (Education for Democracy Foundation)
Project co-financed within the framework of the Polish development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
Translation: Oskar Dobrowolski (student of Management Technical College in Toruń)
Jak dbać o zabytki? Gliwice dają przykład
Czy jest lepsze miejsce do rozmów o dziedzictwie sztuki inżynieryjnej niż Nowe Gliwice? To właśnie tutaj niegdyś funkcjonowała Kopalnia Gliwice, a dziś działa centrum edukacji i biznesu oraz oddział gliwickiego muzeum. Forum Dziedzictwa Sztuki Inżynieryjnej to otwarta platforma współpracy, którą w zamierzeniu tworzyć będą muzea oraz inne instytucje kultury i podmioty programowo zajmujące się dziedzictwem technicznym i poprzemysłowym. Wszyscy chcą wypracować i wdrożyć działania na rzecz ochrony, zarządzania i promocji dziedzictwa sztuki inżynieryjnej.
Wakacje w Gliwicach
W wakacje w Gliwicach nie ma mowy o nudzie i gliwiczanie dobrze o tym wiedzą. A my podsuwamy kolejne pomysły na to, jak spędzić sierpniowe weekendy.
Girl Slides Past Door of Dormitory Room
This University student was trying to slide past the door of a dorm room in South Dakota State University. But her slide didn’t end up as smooth as she hoped and she landed face-first onto the floor!
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Credit: Katie Lucas via Storyful
Original video: zapraszamy !!
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Polish Celebrations at Baltic Barracks
On 13 August 2013, all members of the Multinational Corps Northeast (MNC NE) community gathered at Baltic Barracks in Szczecin to celebrate the Polish Armed Forces' Day. This most important military event for a Polish soldier was organised by the Polish staff of the Corps.
IKF - Poland instructor course Day 3
The International Kapap Federation (IKF) is going globally where we will take our partner and sponsor FIGHTER with us on this journey. The IKF was co-founded by Chaim Peer (Soke) and is headed by Amit Himelstein where they both served in the IDF at the highest level, however Amit Himelstein is currently serving as a reservist where he overseeing the training operations for 6 IDF units.
The IKF philosophy is to share knowledge and for this reason we have a open door policy which means we are open to all organisations who are willing to expand and share their knowledge.
IKF offers Seminar/workshops in CQB to civilians and to Security Companies, Military and Law Enforcement Agencies. If you would like to have top tier instruction then make contact, we also provide VIP Protection services for hire.
Look forward hearing from you
IKF - Poland instructor course day2
IKF - Poland instructor course 04/03/2018
The International Kapap Federation (IKF) is going globally where we will take our partner and sponsor FIGHTER with us on this journey. The IKF was co-founded by Chaim Peer (Soke) and is headed by Amit Himelstein where they both served in the IDF at the highest level, however Amit Himelstein is currently serving as a reservist where he overseeing the training operations for 6 IDF units.
The IKF philosophy is to share knowledge and for this reason we have a open door policy which means we are open to all organisations who are willing to expand and share their knowledge.
IKF offers Seminar/workshops in CQB to civilians and to Security Companies, Military and Law Enforcement Agencies. If you would like to have top tier instruction then make contact, we also provide VIP Protection services for hire.
Look forward hearing from you