Svidnik open air museum, Slovakia
Svidnik open air museum (skanzen), Slovakia 2016
The open-air ethnographic exposition of SNM (The Slovak National Museum) – Museum of Ukrainian Culture in Svidník (múzeum ukrajinskej kultúry) – is stretching on the area of 10 hectares right in the vicinity of the open-air amphitheater. On the base of substantial material the complex open-air ethnographic exposition opened in 1982 and illustrates to the visitors complex image and perception of basic living conditions of Ruthenians – Ukrainians in Slovakia in the past. The most typical landmarks of folk architecture, housing and living style in this part of Slovakia are concentrated here. Historical objects and buildings have been moved here and reconstructed and there are installations of typical folklore furniture, house inventory, traditional working tools and installations of folk artworks. Besides the main types of dwellings there are also presented in expositions all types of traditional farm buildings: barn, pigsty, garner, mow buildings, cellars, wells and other smaller buildings or constructions. These historical buildings are used for installations of traditional agricultural and farm equipment – various types of farm cars, ploughs, farm gates, coffers (“súseky”), baskets for corn and other various tools and equipment.
Svidník: Mùzeum prehliadka zdarma #1
Vo Svidniku pri kupalisku je vystava lietadla,katus,a tankov.Prehliadka je zadarmo len do Muzea treba zaplatit v Muzeu je aj kratky film a su tam zaujimave veci napr.kulomety,bomby,vozidla,obleky atď
Zdielajte moje videa a nezabudnite dat like a subscribe- (odber) :-)
spev na skanzene, Svidník
Skanzen Svidník s DETMI
Slovenské národné múzeum - múzeum ukrajinsko-rusínskej kultúry vo Svidníku ponúka prechádzku v skanzene posadenom do prírody. Vývoj ľudovej architekrúry a bývania rusínsko-ukrajinského etnika na severovýchodnom Slovensku.
Priestranný 3-iz. byt - Bardejovská, Svidník (SK0507)
Priestranný 3-iz. byt - Bardejovská, Svidník
CENA: 33 000 €
Priestranný byt má 77 m2 a je na 3 poschodí s krásnym výhľadom na okolitú prírodu. Nachádza sa v najviac vyhľadávanej lokalite a to z viacerých dôvodov. Prvým je vzdialenosť do centra mesta a to len 5 min. chôdzou na pešiu zónu so zeleným parkom, dvoma fontánami, množstvom lavičiek, obchodov a kompletnou občianskou vybavenosťou. Druhým je jeho umiestnenie, keďže ide o posledné a tým aj tiché sídlisko len troch bytoviek v smere na Bardejov, pri ktorom sa nachádza múzeum taktiež s pravidelne udržiavaným parkom, lavičkami odkiaľ je to už len na skok do okolitej prírody.
Byt sa nachádza v už zateplenej bytovke s množstvom parkovacích miest. Je v pôvodnom stave čím je predurčený na rekonštrukciu podľa Vašich predstáv.
Spoločné priestory bytovky prešli rekonštrukciou. Súčasťou bytu je balkón s prístupom zo schodiska a taktiež aj pivnica.
Úžitková plocha: 77 m2
Poschodie: 4/4
Vybavenosť: balkón, pôvodné jadro
Tel.: 0907 32 00 31
Nehnuteľnosť ID: SK0507
zabíjačka, ochutnávka skanzen Svidník
Muzeum Wojskowe - wystawa plenerowa - Svidník - Słowacja
Wystawa plenerowa na której można zobaczyć : VT-34 , JT-34 , SU-100 , OT-810 , T-34/85 , AT-S , BM-13 Katiusza , Li-2 oraz haubice i armaty ...
Soviet T-34/85 crushing German PzKpfw IV - Dukla Pass monument, outside of Svidník, Slovakia
Monument of tank battle at the entrance to the Valley of Death at the Dukla Pass, outside of Svidník, Slovakia
Bystré Svidník Dukla Košice 2017
Slovenský raj, Szlovák paradicsom, Slovak Paradise trailer
Slovenský raj, Szlovák paradicsom, Slovak Paradise trailer
Our Trip To Svidnik Museum in Slovakia ! Photos
Danse Macabre by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Travel Slovakia - Exploring the Historic Town of Vlkolinec in Ruzomberok
Take a tour of Historic Vlkolinec in Ruzomberok, Slovakia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
There are few places better for Slovakian folk architecture than the town of Vlkolinec.
It dates to at least the fourteenth century, when its earliest mention was recorded.
One of the most impressive structures in the town is the eighteenth-century belfry that is located in the towns central square.
They are nearly all of entirely traditional design and are an important part of Slovakian culture.
The brightly-colored wood homes are a striking counterpoint to the tall hills and mountains of the region.
Accompanying Vlkolinec's folk architecture is the folk art of the area, including carvings and statues scattered throughout the village.
This ancient town not only holds a UNESCO world heritage site honor, but has been named as one of only ten Slovak folk architecture reservations.
Svidník Prírodné vojenské múzeum
veselo na skanzene Svidník 2018
SNM prezentacia
Slovenske narodne muzeum
Slovak National Museum
Vlkolinec Unesco village, Slovakia
Vlkolinec Unesco village, Slovakia 2016
Vlkolínec, Slovakia, is a picturesque village under the administration of the town of Ružomberok. Historically, however, it was a separate village. The first written mention of the village came from 1376 and after 1882 it became part of Ružomberok. Its name is probably derived from the Slovak word vlk, i. e. wolf.
Vlkolínec has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1993, and is one of ten Slovak villages that have been given the status of a folk architecture reservations. This status was granted because the village is an untouched and complex example of folk countryside architecture of the region of the Northern Carpathians.