Romania: The Railway Line ORAVITA - ANINA Rearview [July, 2014]
Vizionare plăcută! / Enjoy!
(c) 2014 AndreyCFR -
Calea ferata Oravita - Anina. Traseu întreg!
Calea ferată Oravita - Anina. Traseu întreg!
La 5:10 iese o căruță în fața trenului, dar căruțașul apucă să dea cu spatele în siguranță.
Calea ferata Oravita - Anina
Muzica: Vali Rotari - ”Just A Question”
Linia ferată Anina Oravita este a cincea cale ferată de pe teritoriul României, respectiv prima cale ferată montană şi mulţi vor fi de acord, poate şi cea mai frumoasă. Construita in timpul Imperiului Austriac, reprezintă un monument cultural unic in România precum şi o realizare tehnică deosebită. A primit supranumele de ”Semmeringul bănățean” fiind construită doar câţiva ani după faimoasa cale ferată ”Semmering” din Austria.
Informatii de pe site-ul:
Oravita-Anina Romania - Historical 19th Century Railway with old Train
Hear pure train sounds in this video and watch beautiful nature in Romania and historical constructions from the 19th century from an old train called Mocanita (but without the steam engine locomotive because it is broken). This train does roundtrips everyday since 1863 even without travelers and it consume 600 liters of diesel for a roundtrip and a roundtrip ticket costs only $5 !!.
The route is nicknamed the Semmering of Banat because of its similarity to the railwaySemmering in Austria, built between 1845-1854. A parallel may be draw, taking into consideration the technical characteristics of the two railways and the mountain landscape they cross. The Semmering railway has a total length of 40 Km between Glognitz-Mürzuschlag) over a level difference of 388 m; in Romania the level difference is of 340 m over a length of 34 km. In Austria 15 tunnels were built, here 14 tunnels. The highest viaduct of the Semmering railway has 47m, Jitin viaduct has 37 m. A significant difference consists in the tunnel length. The longest is of 1428 m, while on the track Oraviţa-Anina the longest is of 660 m (Gârlişte).
more info
Calatorie cu Trenul pe Ruta/Train Ride on Route Oravita - Anina [Autumn Edition] - 23 Ocotober 2015
Calatorie cu Trenul pe Ruta/Train Ride on Route Oravita - Anina [Autumn Edition] - 23 Ocotober 2015
1:In R9695 - Oravita - Anina - LD 69-0003-9 RO-SNTFC
[Autumn Edition]
23 October 2015
© LDEGM Trainspotter
Full Train Backview pe Linia Montana Oravita-Anina Mountain Railway - 15 February 2019
Full Train Backview pe Linia Montana Oravita-Anina Mountain Railway - 15 February 2019
1:Manevra/Shunting - 040-DF/LDE1250 69-0005-9 RO-SNTFC
2:In R9695 Oravita-Anina - LDE1250 69-0005-9 RO-SNTFC~Oravita-P.O. Bradisoru de Jos
3:In R9695 Oravita-Anina - LDE1250 69-0005-9 RO-SNTFC~P.O. Bradisoru de Jos-P.O. Dobrei
4:In R9695 Oravita-Anina - LDE1250 69-0005-9 RO-SNTFC~P.O. Dobrei-Lisava
5:In R9695 Oravita-Anina - LDE1250 69-0005-9 RO-SNTFC~Lisava-P.O Ciudanovita
6:In R9695 Oravita-Anina - LDE1250 69-0005-9 RO-SNTFC~P.O. Ciudanovita-Garliste
7:In R9695 Oravita-Anina - LDE1250 69-0005-9 RO-SNTFC~Galiste-Anina
15 February 2019
© LDEGM Trainspotter
CFR Oravita - Anina with 69 0003
A unique railway experience can still be found in south Banat, close to Serbia's border, in the Anina mountains. The oldest railway in Romania was built to transport coal from Anina to the Danube river in Baziaş, and is in use today between Anina and Iam. The most beautiful section from Anina to Oraviţa, also known as Banat's Semmering, is still operated by the state railway company CFR, which owns locos and carriages fit to go through the narrow bends and tunnels. The video was shot in 2013, the line is still in daily service (passengers only). It is a must see for any railway enthusiast.
Calea ferata Oravita - Anina (documentar)
Linia ferata Oravita-Anina este a cincea cale ferata de pe teritoriul Romaniei, respectiv prima cale ferata montana si multi vor fi de acord, poate si cea mai frumoasa.
NARATOR: Motateanu Eugen
FOTOGRAF: Plesa Andrei
INTERVIURI: Sava Ciprian, Plesa Andrei, Cazacu Razvan
MUZICA: Diaconu Miro
O productie ANTIDEPRESIV 2014 -
Oravita - 150 - Anina
Aniversarea a 150 ani de la deschiderea cai ferate Oravita - Anina, prima si cea mai veche linie montana din Romania
1863 - 150 - 2013
RO: Linia montana Oravita-Anina (33,4 km, diferenta de nivel de 339 m), construita intre anii 1861-1863, sub condurcerea ing. Karl Dulnig, completeaza tronsonul Oravita-Bazias (in functiune, astazi doar pe distanta Oravita-lam).
Traseul, inaugurat la 25 noiembrie 1863 pentru transport de marfa si la 18 noiembrie 1869 pentru transport de calatori, cuprinde lucrari de arta inginereasca deosebite: 14 tuneluri (lungimea totala, 2.084 m), 10 viaducte (lungimea totala, 843 m), 10 km de ziduri de sprijin, 21,2 km taietura in munte. Cel mai mare viaduct: Racovita (115 m lungime, 26,5 m inaltime, 11 m deschidere); cel mai lung tunel: Garliste (660 m lungime); cea mai mica deschidere la portalul de la intrare (3,76 m), tunelul de langa statia Garliste.
Datorita razelor de curbura mici, unele de numai 114 m si a rampelor mari, ramane cea mai dificila linie de cale ferata din Romania, comparabila cu linia austriaca din pasul Semmering (1854). Ansamblul caii ferate Anina-Oravita-Bazias este inscris in Lista Monumentelor Istorice din Romania, cod CS-ll-a-A-10949.
EN: The mountain route Oraviţa - Anina (33,4 km, level difference of 339 m), built between 1861and 1863, under the supervision of eng. Karl Dulnig, completes the section Oraviţa - Baziaş (still in use today, only the route Oraviţa - lam). The route, inaugurated on November, 25th, 1863 for goods transport and on November, 18th, 1869 for passenger transportation, represents an outstanding piece of engineering: it has 14 tunnels (total length, 2.084 m), 10 viaducts (total length, 843 m), 10 km of support walls, 21,2 km of mountain cuts. The largest viaduct: Racoviţa (115m of length, 26,5 m high, 11m opening): the longest tunnel: Gârlişte (660 m of length); the smallest opening at the entrance (3,76 m). the tunnel near the Gârlişte station.
Because is has small curving range, some of only 114 m and larger ramps it is still the most difficult route in Romania, comparable to the Austrian route in Semmering mountain pass (1854). The railway Anina - Oraviţa-Baziaş is included in the List of Historical Monuments in Romania, code CS-ll-a-A-10949.
Oravita - Anina backside view Iulie 2012
Linia CFR 925: Oravita - Anina FullHD backside view Iulie 2012
Un site dedicat acestei lini:
Oravița–Lișava–Anina, (Calea ferată) România (The Oraviţa-Lişava-Anina railway ) september 2017
Its construction began in 1861 and was a difficult engineering work because it was located in a mountainous region (the western part of the Banat Mountains), hard to reach on the 33,4 km of the route, 339 m, having no less than 14 tunnels with a total length of 2.1 km and 9 viaducts.
The construction of this line was a result of mining operations in South Banat. The exploitation of this coal created the necessity of its transport to the Danube, where it was to be loaded into ships, and from there into the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Construcția ei a început în anul 1861 și a fost o lucrare inginerească dificilă pentru că se situa într-o regiune muntoasă (partea de vest a Munților Banatului), greu accesibilă urcând pe cei 33,4 km ai traseului, 339 de m, având nu mai puțin de 14 tunele cu o lungime totală de 2,1 km și 9 viaducte.
Construcţia acestei linii a fost un rezultat al exploatărilor miniere din ţinutul Banatului de Sud. Exploatarea acestui cărbune a creat necesitatea transportului acestuia către Dunăre, unde urma a fi încărcăt în vapoare, iar de acolo, în Imperiul Austro-Ungar.
oravita - anina partea 1
Calatorie cu masina pe o ruta foarte frumoasa. Aceasta este prima parte
Oravita Anina Part1
Oraviţa - Anina, is the oldest railway in Romania, built in 1856 to transport the coal from the Anina Mountains to the city of Resiţa, the former capital city of the romanian steel. Today it serves almost exclusevely passenger trains, between the city of Oraviţa and the small and old mining city of Anina. I also dedicate this movie to Dan E. Cerneavschi, one of my best friends wich passed away this year... Oraviţa - Anina, este cea mai veche linie ferată din România, construită în anul 1850 pentru a transportul carbunelui din Munţii Aninei către oraşul Reşiţa, fostă capitală a oţelului românesc. Astăzi linia deserveşte aproape exclusiv curse de pasageri, între Oraviţa şi micul şi vechiul oraş minier Anina. Dedic acest film unuia dintre cei mai buni prieteni ai mei, Dan E. Cerneavschi, care a plecat dintre noi anul acesta...
Se inchide Semmeringul României? Calea ferată Anina- Oravița
Această linie ferată Oraviţa - Anina constituie pe drept cuvânt o artă inginerească a construcţiilor de căi ferate montane. Este un unicat în ţara noastră şi în Sud-Estul Europei. Citeste tu mai departe pe
Oravita Anina Part3
Part3 / Partea a III-a. Oraviţa - Anina, is the oldest railway in Romania, built in 1856 to transport the coal from the Anina Mountains to the city of Resiţa, the former capital city of the romanian steel. Today it serves almost exclusevely passenger trains, between the city of Oraviţa and the small and old mining city of Anina. I also dedicate this movie to Dan E. Cerneavschi, one of my best friends wich passed away this year... Oraviţa - Anina, este cea mai veche linie ferată din România, construită în anul 1850 pentru a transportul carbunelui din Munţii Aninei către oraşul Reşiţa, fostă capitală a oţelului românesc. Astăzi linia deserveşte aproape exclusiv curse de pasageri, între Oraviţa şi micul şi vechiul oraş minier Anina. Dedic acest film unuia dintre cei mai buni prieteni ai mei, Dan E. Cerneavschi, care a plecat dintre noi anul acesta...
Anina - Oravita 2010 P2
Bazias - Iam - Oraviţa - Anina, is the oldest railway in Romania, built in 1856 to transport the coal from the Anina Mountains to the Danube in the former Austrian Empire (in fact the sector between Oravita and Anina was opened on 15th of december 1863). The old name of the Anina city (in the Austrian Empire days) was Steierdorf. Today the line serves almost exclusevely for passenger trains, between the city of Oraviţa and the small and old mining city of Anina. The last part of our trip will end at Oraviţa. Enjoy!
Soundtrack: DREAM THEATER These walls & ANATHEMA Infinity Pt. 2.
Oravita - Anina, Caras Severin
Alternative route from Oravita to Anina, following the somewhat famous Banat Semerring railway.
Calea ferata Oravita-Anina // Oravica-Anina vasutvonal A CFR 69-0005-4 psz. mozdonnyal
Az Oravica-Anina az ország első hegyi vasútvonala. Az aninai bányákból származó szenet szállította a báziási dunai kikötőig. A 62,5 kilométer hosszú Oravica-Báziás vasútvonal, már 1847-1854 között megépült. Az Oravica-Anina szakasz 1863-ra készült el a teherforgalom számára, 1869-ben pedig a személyszállításra is. A sínpár 337,7 méter szintkülönbséget mászik meg, 14 alagúton és 10 viadukton át...
Road Oravita - Anina, Romania, by yamaha