Mysteries of ancient Orikum [ Albania ] 2014 Episode 3 OCEAN71 Mag.
Following a crew of Swiss and Albanian archaeologists, OCEAN71 Magazine went back to the antique village of Orikum, in Albania. This long-abandoned small port was a key location in Julius Caesar’s rise to absolute power. It’s not surprising that the scientists are amazed by the local discoveries. In this second season, follow the archaeologists who will attempt to unravel the mysteries of this unique excavation site.
Mysteries of ancient Orikum [ Albania ] 2014 Episode 2 OCEAN71 Mag.
Following a crew of Swiss and Albanian archaeologists, OCEAN71 Magazine went back to the antique village of Orikum, in Albania. This long-abandoned small port was a key location in Julius Caesar’s rise to absolute power. It’s not surprising that the scientists are amazed by the local discoveries. In this second season, follow the archaeologists who will attempt to unravel the mysteries of this unique excavation site.
Mysteries of ancient Orikum [ Albania ] 2014 Episode 4 OCEAN71 Mag.
Following a crew of Swiss and Albanian archaeologists, OCEAN71 Magazine went back to the antique village of Orikum, in Albania. This long-abandoned small port was a key location in Julius Caesar’s rise to absolute power. It’s not surprising that the scientists are amazed by the local discoveries. In this second season, follow the archaeologists who will attempt to unravel the mysteries of this unique excavation site.
Mysteries of ancient Orikum [ Albania ] 2014 Episode 1 OCEAN71 Mag.
Following a crew of Swiss and Albanian archaeologists, OCEAN71 Magazine went back to the antique village of Orikum, in Albania. This long-abandoned small port was a key location in Julius Caesar’s rise to absolute power. It’s not surprising that the scientists are amazed by the local discoveries. In this second season, follow the archaeologists who will attempt to unravel the mysteries of this unique excavation site.
Phoenice Archaeological Park - Albania 4k
Phoenice or Phoenike was an ancient city in Epirus and capital of the Chaonians. It was also the location of the Treaty of Phoenice which ended the First Macedonian War, as well as one of the wealthiest cities in Epirus until the Roman conquest. The city is an archaeological park of Albania and is located on a hill above a modern town which bears the same name, Finiq, in southern Albania.
Video: A Daily Odyssey (Sokol Ballaci Hila & Anita Hendrieka)
© A Daily Odyssey 2019
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Archaeological finding in Oricum, Albania
The Albanian government has been accused of illegally taking works of art out of the country's museums and offering them as gifts to foreign leaders.
A former museum director claims hundreds of precious and priceless artefacts dating as far back as the Ottoman and Roman Empires have gone missing from Albanian Museums since the fall of the communist dictatorship.
Some of the looted treasures have surfaced in England, where the unwitting recipients of gifts from the Albanian President Berisha include Queen Elizabeth and Britain's Prime Minister John Major.
Nestled in the Albanian hills, the Historical Museum of Kruja is one of dozens of in the country dedicated to housing the country's national heritage.
Albania's a country rich in cultural and religious history.
These icons date back as far as the 14th century.
And so far these pieces have escaped the fate of many other of Albania's national treasures.
Looting of the country's museums began in a frenzy during the political turmoil that stirred the country in 1990-91 when the former Communist regime fell.
Since then it has continued unabated - whole museums around the country emptied as buyers in Europe, Japan and the U-S provide a lucrative market.
The former director of the National Archaeological Museum and now leader of a political opposition party, claims government officials including the President are some of the most active participants in the trafficking of stolen Albanian artefacts.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
Only the council of ministers have the right to give the final decision for the objects to be moved out of Albania. And as I know, it was not done for the art objects that President Berisha and his staff gave as a gift to some personalities in England
SUPER CAPTION: Neritan Ceka, former director of National Archaeological Museum
Neritan Ceka says Britain's Queen Elizabeth allegedly received an inlaid silver box as a gift from President Berisha during an official visit to London in 1994.
Britain's Agriculture Minister Douglas Hogg got a silver dagger similar to this piece, while Prime Minister John Major allegedly accepted an antique pistol.
The director of the Albanian National Museum in Tirana denies that government officials have helped themselves to treasures in his museum, while admitting that some artefacts deemed to have less historical value are for sale.
SOUNDBITE: (Albanian)
It is absolutely impossible to take something out of this museum. There is currently no law that permits this, and as the director of this museum I never heard that any high ranking official has taken art from any museum with, or following, an order from the government or someone in power. It is totally impossible, these are our treasures. What we have discovered through the years has been put in museums, other archaeological art with less historical value can be bought. They have artistic value, it's antique
SUPER CAPTION: Vilson Kuri, Director National Museum, Tirana.
The plundering of Albania's history and art has continued unchecked for six years.
The National Museum's former director believes flow should be stemmed starting with those pieces given away as gifts.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
For the people who receive presents in England it will be in their honour to bring back these presents, these gifts to the Albanian people
SUPER CAPTION: Neritan Ceka, former director of National Archaeological Museum
Judging by the current level of treasure looting, it won't be too long before Albania will have lost forever all of the treasures that embody its cultural heritage.
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Albania's Underwater Treasure: Govt struggles to preserve cultural heritage
The waters off Albania are the resting place of centuries of cultural heritage - however, until 1990, only archaeologists and soldiers were permitted to explore its shipwrecks and relics. But now, the sites became a magnet for treasure hunters looking for big profits. Nick Davies Jones has the story.
#Albania #CulturalHeritage #UnderwaterTreasure
2,500 yo amphoras found off Albanian coast
Saturday, 11 January 2020
2,500 yo amphoras found off Albanian coast | Famous Mother
A joint Albanian-American underwater archaeology project says it has found amphoras that are at least 2,500 years old in the Ionian Sea off the Albanian coast, which might yield an ancient shipwreck.
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Oricum or Orikos was an ancient Greek city in the northern part of Epirus , at the south end of the Bay of Vlorë.The city is an Archaeological Park of Albania.
About the author(s): MaryroseB54
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ULPIANA DOCUMENTARY - author Arben Llapashtica
Arben Llapashtica - Author
Ulpiana documentary
Some time ago there was an ancient town in Dardania, a town called Ulpiana. The walls of this almost lost town were rebuilt in their entirety by Emperor Justinian. After decorating it grandiosely and ornamenting it beautifully, this ancient town of Ulpiana was renamed to Justiniana Segunda.
Ulpiana is one of the biggest ancient urban centers in Kosovo and is located approximately 7 km in the southeast to Prishtina, positioned in lands which today belong to villages of Gracanica, Ajvalija and Laplje Selo. The archeological site is located west to the Gracanica monastery, in an idyllic plane bordered on the north by the river Gracanka and the south by Drenoc hills.
Ulpiana was one of the most important centers in the Balkans, and this is due to the enviable geostrategic position close to several sites rich with underground mines. As an ancient, Roman-Byzantine, site Ulpiana was discovered just by chance in 1953.
According to archeologists and based on historical sources found in ecclesiastical-theological and epigraph letterings and archeological findings, we can say that Ulpiana was the main administrative, political religious and cultural centre of Dardania for centuries. But is Dardan Ulpiana treated properly by the respective institutions today?!
In ancient Dardania there was a town of Ulpiana ... This town, covered by dirt and dust for centuries finally saw the sunlight. With better institutional care Ulpiana could become the biggest cultural tourism attraction in Kosovo.
Various architectural and architectonic structures, military garrison, ceramics, monochrome and polychrome mosaics with different motives, cemetery, churches and belfries are a proof of an ancient civilization of great archeological value.
We are leaving ancient Ulpiana hoping that this documentary will ring a bell in modern Prishtina.
Oricum - Mara Trefaș
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Watch: Pipeline construction workers find dozens of ancient sites in Albania
Construction workers building a gas pipeline from Albania to Italy have stumbled upon some 30 ancient sites that contain treasures from as far back as 1100 BC…
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Plazhet me te bukura ne Rivieren Shqiptare
Some of the best beaches on Albanian Riviera .
#Albania #ionianSea #adreaticSea
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TOP 5 Archaeological sites in ALBANIA
Monastery Beach Saranda Albania
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One of the best beaches tourists can visit in this area is Monastery Beach. This one is located to the south of the main town of Saranda. A 15 to 20 minute drive can easily get tourists to this beautiful beach with white sandy shores and blue waters that give it a more Caribbean appearance. Monastery Beach is perfect for relaxing and is often strewn with beach chairs where visitors can sunbathe. There is restaurant and bar in the area that offer drinks and good food at affordable rates. This beach is closer to the Greek island of Corfu than any of the others on the stretch. Monastery Beach is also relatively close to the UNESCO World Heritage site of Butrinti. This park is located about 25 kilometers south of the city of Saranda. It has high scientific, tourist, archaeological, social and recreational values, also combined with a significant biodiversity. The area of the park is 2500 hectares. It is an area of particular importance to the country's tourism. It is distinguished primarily for cultural tourism in the ancient city of Butrint, protected by UNESCO, blue tourism in the region of Ksamil, and ecotourism in the lake of Butrint.
Qyteti i Sarandës është qendra më e madhe e banuar e “ Rivierës Shqiptare”. Është një prej pikave turistike më të rëndësishme të vendit, e preferuar historikisht nga çiftet e sapomartuara “honey mooners”. Qyteti dhe zona rreth tij ofrojnë një rrjet hotelesh që nga ata me 5 yje deri në hotele për “budget travelers” si dhe, shtëpi me qera. Qyteti ka një pozitë mjat të favorshme mbasi ndodhet vetëm 9 km larg nga ishulli turistik grek i Korfuzit. Tragetet sigurojnë lidhje të përditshme me Korfuzin dhe në këtë mënyrë, Saranda është një pikë mjaft e frekuentuar edhe nga turistët evropianë dhe ndërkombëtarë që vijnë nga Korfuzi. Kjo për shkak të bukurive natyrore dhe atyre arkeologjike ku vend të rëndësishëm zë pika arkeologjike e Butrinit e përfshirë në listën e UNESCO-s, që ndodhet 18 km në jug të qytetit. Në qytetin e Sarandës ndodhen plazhet e vogla të Centralit, Pllakave dhe Limanit. Zakonisht turistët që preferojnë detin udhëtojnë në jug të qytetit ku pika më e frekuentuar është ajo e Ksamilit, i cili ndodhet midis gadishullit me të njëjtin emër dhe lagunës së Butrintit. Përballë tij shtrihet ishulli i Korfuzit ndërsa fare pranë plazhit të Ksamilit gjenden 4 ishujt të vegjël të mbuluar krejtësisht nga bimësi gjithnjë e gjelbërt mesdhetare. Sipërfaqja e tyre arrin në 8.9 hektarë.
Në Ksamil gjenden disa hotele dhe restorante. Një eko sistem i rëndësishëm natyror me vlera turistike është laguna e Butrintit, i cili quhet liqen për shkak të origjinës së tij tektonike. Ai ka një sipërfaqe prej 16 km2 dhe komunikon në ujërat e detit nëpërmjet kanalit të Vivarit 3.6 km i gjatë. Liqeni ka një thellësi maksimale prej 20 metrash. Si rezultat i drejtimit të favorshëm të erërave ky është një vend mjaft i përshtatshëm për ushtrimin e sportit të varkave me vela.
Nga pikëpamja e faunës aty jetojnë rosa e egër, rosa qafëzezë, bajza, shqiponja e fushës, skifteri kthetra zi, shqiponja bishtbardhë, lakuriqi i natës, lakuriqi hundëpatkua etj. Është e zhvilluar bota e amfibëve dhe zvarranikëve që shumohen në zonën e kallamishteve që gjenden në bregun veri – lindor të liqenit. Për t’u përmendur është prezenca e bretkocës epirote, e cila gjendet vetëm në këtë vend, në Shqipëri. Eko – sistemi është gjithashtu i përshtatshëm për observimin e shpendëve. Vetëm në pyllin e zonës arkeologjike pranë brigjeve të liqenit gjenden 90 lloje shpendësh ujorë.
Ekstremi më jugor i bregdetit Shqiptar deri në kepin e Stillos përbëhët nga plazhe të ulët të tipit të marsheve, të cilët janë krejtësisht të virgjër.
The Holy Grail found in Albania???
Was discovered a mysterious cup in Albania by treasure hunters.This video is from 2003.Inside the cup was found a strange stone and 3 coins .In video you can see and one old map .It is believed that the cup is over 2000 years old.The cup was hidden there by St. Kosma Etoliani friends after his death ..St Cosma Etoliani (1714-1779)
The ancient city of Apollonia, Albania (English Subs)
Butrint (Buthrotum) - Albania
Parku antik i Antigonese - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Qyteti antik i Antigonese ne Gjirokastër i ndërtuar nga mbreti Pirro dhe qe mori emrin, për nder te gruas se tij Antigona, tërheq vizitore nga shume vende te botes, ku një vend te rëndësishëm zëne turistet angleze. Si udhërrëfyes për grupin e pare për këtë vit, nga Britania e Madhe shërbente një nga personalitetet e njohura te arkeologjisë angleze, qe ka realizuar gërmime e studime prej vitesh si ne Luginën e Drinosit ashtu edhe ne parkun e Butrintit, Oliver Gilkes.
Antigonea është një pike fantastike ne Shqipëri sepse është ne qytetin shume te madh dhe shume te rendesishem te arkeologjisë. Por ajo vlerësohet edhe për natyrën sepse është një pike e magjishme. Grupi i sotëm është një grup Anglez i cili është i interesuar për arkeologjinë jugore te Shqipërisë dhe unë mendova: Është një oportunitet shume i madh këtu ne Shqipëri për arkeologjinë sepse sigurisht Arkeologjia, është si Nafta për Shqipërinë Jugore ka thënë Oliver Gilkes. Por për turistet nuk janë te mjaftueshme vetëm zbulimet arkeologjike dhe bukuritë natyrore. Ato tërheqin vëmendjen për me shume shërbime brenda parkut. Mungesa e energjisë elektrike ne parkun arkeologjik ka larguar bizneset nga kjo zone duke mos ofruar shërbim edhe gjate sezonit turistik. Megjithatë qyteti antik i Antigonese, me një sipërfaqe prej 45 hektarësh, vijon te mbetet një nga resurset me te njohura dhe te preferuara ne jug te vendit. Për shkak te mungesës se fondeve, gërmimet dhe zbulimet kane qene te pakta ne Antigone. Një varr monumental, segmente te mureve rrethuese si dhe sende qeramike, qe i takojnë kryesisht enëve te kuzhinës janë nxjerre ne drite gjate gërmimeve qe rinisin ne vitin 2006.
The ancient city of Antigonea in Gjirokastra built by King Pyrrhus and was renamed in honor of his wife Antigona, attracts visitors from many countries, where an important place is the English tourists. As a guide to the first group this year, from the UK serving one of the names of British archeology, who has conducted excavations and studies for many years as we both Drino Valley in Park Butrint, Oliver Gilkes.
Antigonea is a fantastic point in Albania because the town is very big and very important to archeology. But it also considered the nature because it is a magical point. Today's group is a group of English who is interested in archeology southern Albania and I thought: It's a very big opportunity here in Albania for archeology because archeology course, is like oil to southern Albania, said Oliver Gilkes. But tourists are not only sufficient archaeological and natural beauties. They attract more attention to services within the park. Lack of electricity in the archaeological park has left businesses in this area by not providing the service during the tourist season. However Antigonea ancient city, with an area of 45 hectares, continues to remain one of the most popular and most preferred in the south of the country. Due to lack of funding and the excavations and discoveries have been few in Antigone. A monumental tomb, parts of walls and ceramic items, which belong mainly to culinary vessels have been unearthed during excavations to resume in 2006.