Orinoco Basin. Venezuela - Full Documentary
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Venezuela is the land of the tepuis and of exotic beaches. But inland there is another treasure of nature, still largely undiscovered – the basin of the Orinoco, lying between the Andes to the west, the coastal mountain range to the north and the Guyana massif to the south-east. It is so completely flat that it has been named the ‘Region of the Plains’.
Almost all the rains fall in a single season, and so the ecosystem of the plains alternates between extremes of flood and drought. It is a land of contrasts, a little-visited paradise of surprisingly rich and varied fauna and flora.
The Apure river runs across the plain, flanked by thick vegetation. Here, ever alert, lives the wood ibis, also know as the American ibis or forest stork. Every year they build their nests along the banks of the river and feed on the animals that live in its waters.
In the water, the alligators and the piranhas.
Most of the soil on the plains is clay, which prevents drainage. With the coming of the rains, the level of the rivers rises and, because the land is so flat, and the soil non-porous, many marshes are formed. The majority of them will disappear in the dry season. As the ground is flooded, the seeds that had been left buried in the mud the year before spring to life, covering the waters in dense vegetation.
Water hyacinths rapidly coat the surface of the lagoon.
The hyacinths don’t bury their roots in the soil, but rather float, feeding on the nutrients carried along by the water. In this way, they can drift with the current, and so easily colonise new territories.
The lack of roots is an advantage not only for the plants. It also means that fish and reptiles can move about freely below the surface of the water. Like the anaconda.
The number of water hyacinths is kept in check above all by this rodent, the capybara.
The capybara, weighing in at fifty kilos, is the largest rodent on earth.
After a gestation period of four months, the capybaras give birth to between two and eight young. The mating season is timed to ensure that they are born at the end of the rainy season, when conditions are at their best, and the chances of survival greatest. Around 50% do survive, which gives us some idea of the demographic potential of these rodents.
The dry season is also a time of plenty for the alligators. As water becomes scarce, the pools shrink, the fish are trapped and so are easy to catch.
The forests along the banks of the rivers are home to one of the strangest birds in the world, the hoatzin.
The hoatzin is totally unique. It is so extraordinary that it is believed to be related to the archaeopteryx, the oldest pre-historic bird known to man. It is herbivorous, living almost exclusively on the young shoots, leaves and fruit of two trees, the arum and the white mangrove.
So, the tributarieas of the Orinoco offer both protection and food. These waters form the marshes, and are the real source of life here on the plains, the guarantee that this will remain in the future what it is today, a paradise in the centre of Venezuela.
Morichal Largo River - Orinoco Delta - Venezuela - August 2010 (Part I)
August 26, 2010: Boat trip with a motorised Curiara, a long Indian dugout canoe, on the Morichal Largo River (Rio Morichal Largo), one of the flows of the Orinoco River (Rio Orinoco) from a pier at a bridge near the city of Maturin, the capital of the Venezuelan state of Monagas, to Camp Boral. Starting in the early afternoon with heavy rain, the weather gets better after some time and you can see a lot of vegetation including the typical Moriche palms which are described as the trees of life by the natives of this region, the Warao indians. We are passing some of their wall-less thatched-roof huts built upon stilts in the beginning. The term Warao translates as The Boat People after their lifelong and intimate connection to the water. They continue living like their ancestors and dedicate themselves to the fishing, hunting, fruit collection and artisan work making baskets, hammocks and figures carved in balsa wood famous for its quality and beauty. Our two-hour boat trip to the camp was guided by Felix (you can hear some of his explanations in the background) of Línea Turística Aerotuy (LTA).
Warao Indians. Orinoco Delta, Venezuela. Aerial 360 video in 4K
Don't forget that this is 360 video: you can change the angle of view. The Warao Indians live in the valley of the Orinoco river. Boats are the main mean of transport for the Warao: there is not so much land in the places they inhabit. The delta of the river is mainly a swamp with mangrove forests...
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Virtual tour to the delta of the Orinoco River:
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Avion Channel, Orinoco Delta, Venezuela
The Orinoco Delta, also known as the Deltaic System (Sistema Deltaico), is a vast river delta of the Orinoco River, located in eastern Venezuela.
The Orinoco Delta is fan-shaped, formed by the Orinoco River as it splits into numerous distributaries, called caños, which meander through the delta on their way to the sea. The main distributary is called the Rio Grande, which empties south-southeast through the southern portion of the delta, and the second major distributary is Caño Manamo, which runs northward along the western edge of the delta.
The delta includes large areas of permanent wetlands as well as seasonally-flooded freshwater swamp forests. The river margins of the delta are fringed with mangroves. Also, daily tides bring upstream -- the caños -- sea water which is responsible for the macareo or pororoca and also for inversion of flow direction of water, at least, on its surface.
The Orinoco Delta is characterized by being non-centric, lagoon lacking, and oceanic, somewhat similar to the delta of the Niger River. It is divided into two sections: the principal, at the northernmost part of the system, located between Caño Manamo and the left shore of Caño Araguao, where the majority of villages are established, including the state capital, Tucupita; and the secondary, between the right shore of Caño Araguao and Río Grande.
The Deltaic System is one of the nine geographical regions into which Venezuela is divided. It is located in the whole extension of Delta Amacuro State and a few kilometers of Monagas State, comprising the totality of the mouths of the Orinoco.
The Warao people live in the region.
Venezuela Orinoco Delta - Amazing Doku deutsch
Der Film zeigt das Orinoco-Flussdelta am Amazonas, eines der größten Deltas der Welt. Seine Bewohner sind die Waroa oder auch „Kanu Leute“. Die Buriti-Palme ist für dieWaroa von besonderer Bedeutung und findet in allen Alltagsbereichen Verwendung, so zum Beispiel bei der Fertigung von Hängematten (Chinchorros), sowie für die Fußböden ihrer Häuser .
Die Camps befinden sich absolut idyllisch im Orinoko Delta. In der Umgebung leben meist Familien der Warao-Indianer
Die Hütten stehen direkt am Ufer des Flusses. Man ist lediglich durch ein paar Palmwedel, vom Dschungel getrennt.
Zum Fluss hin sind die Hütten offen. Die Einrichtung ist spartanisch. Zwei sehr bequeme Betten, Baumstümpfe als Hocker und ein kleiner Tisch mit Kerze.
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The Orinoco River. Rio Orinoco. Venezuela.
Tarpon Fishing in The Orinoco Delta Lodge, Venezuela.
Fishing Adventurer With Cyril Chauquet.
Tarpon, Orinoco River Delta.
Operation Warao Orinoco Delta, Venezuela
The Orinoco Delta is the home of mesmerizing flora, fauna and The Warao indians. The Orinoco Delta Lodge aims to provide services to the Warao's to improve their way of life. In this case it means a group of doctors are able to volunteer with the Warao's to provide basic health care which would otherwise not be available for them.
Warao Palafito in the Orinoco Delta, Venezuela
A palafito is a stilt village or dwelling erected on bodies of water.
On the wide Orinoco River and its fertile delta composed of islands and marshes, Warao people inhabit wall-less thatched-roof huts built upon stilts for protection against floods. These houses are usually built on the highest ground to avoid the annual floods. Sometimes a group of houses is built upon a single large platform of trees. The huts each possess a clay cooking pit or oven located in the center, with sleeping hammocks encircling it. Besides the hammocks, the only other furniture sometimes present are wooden stools, sometimes carved in the shapes of animals.
Warao use canoes as their main form of transportation. Other modes, such as walking, are hampered by the hundreds of streams, rivulets, marshes, and high waters created by the Orinoco. Warao babies, toddlers, and small children are famed for their ability to hold tight to their mothers' necks, as well as to paddle. They often learn to swim before they learn to walk.
The Warao use two types of canoes. Bongos, which carry up to 50 people, are built in an arduous process that starts with the search for large trees. When an old bongo is no longer usable, a consensus is reached by the male leaders of each household on which tree is best. At the start of the dry season, they find the tree and kill it. At the end of the dry season, they return to cut it down. It is then hollowed out and flattened with stone tools traded from the mountains (or local shell tools) along with fire.
Tucupita Fish Market, Orinoco Delta, Venezuela
Tucupita is the capital city of the Venezuelan state of Delta Amacuro.
It is the base for those who intend to see Orinoco Delta
Morichal Largo River - Orinoco Delta - Venezuela - August 2010 (Part II)
August 27, 2010: Leaving Camp Boral located at the Morichal Largo River (Rio Morichal Largo), one of the flows of the Orinoco River (Rio Orinoco), with a motorised Curiara, a long Indian dugout canoe, in the early morning and enjoying a nice sunrise and colourful sky. Our capatin seems to have some problems with his outboard motor in the beginning, but he's able to get this under control so that we can continue our trip.
Life on the Orinoco River
The Orinoco River is one of the longest rivers in the world and many lives depend on this river. However, things are changing on the Orinoco. Why ?
Morichal Largo River - Orinoco Delta - Venezuela - August 2010 (Part III)
August 27, 2010: Leaving Camp Boral located on the Morichal Largo River (Rio Morichal Largo), one of the flows of the Orinoco River (Rio Orinoco), with a motorised Curiara, a long Indian dugout canoe, in the early morning and enjoying a nice sunrise and colourful sky. After a two-hour trip we eventually arrive at a pier at a bridge near the city of Maturin, the capital of the Venezuelan state of Monagas.
Venezuela Orinoco-Delta Teil 6
Peter Menzel PMMedia1: Seit Generationen leben die Warao an den Flussläufen des Deltas, eine Umwelt, die sie geformt und geprägt hat. Wegen des sumpfigen Untergrunds bestehen ihre kleinen Dörfer zumeist aus halboffenen hölzernen Pfahlbauten. Auf den ersten Blick erscheint das Leben im Einklang mit der Natur die Warao- Indianer zufrieden und glücklich zu machen. Das Wohnen in offenen Pfahlbauten ohne jeglichen Luxus und das Schlafen in Hängematten wäre für uns auf Dauer aber nicht vorstellbar.
Venezuela - Orinoco delta
Venezuela - Orinoco delta
Venezuela Orinoco-Delta Teil 4
Peter Menzel PMMedia1: Das weit verzweigte Mündungsgebiet des Orinoco bildet ein riesiges Labyrinth von Flüssen, an dessen Ufern die Warao-Indianer wohnen. Eine Siedlung am Ufer erweckt unsere Aufmerksamkeit und alle Exkursionsteilnehmer möchten mit den Bewohnern Kontakt aufnehmen. Schon von weitem wird unser Boot gesichtet. Sofort beginnt im Dorf ein hektisches Treiben. Der Dorfhäuptling erteilt uns die Erlaubnis, an Land zu kommen. Zahlreiche Dorfbewohner versammeln sich am Landesteg und begrüßen uns mit neugierigen Blicken. Die Kinder wissen, dass fremde Besucher oft Süßigkeiten mitbringen. Beim Verteilen der Bonbons bildet sich sofort eine lange Schlange.
Venezuela - Orinoco Delta - Piranha Angeln
Peter Menzel (PMMedia1): Orinoco Warao Siedlung:
Orinoco Dschungeltour:
Während unserer Venezuela-Reise unternehmen wir eine Exkursion in das weit verzweigte Mündungsgebiet des Orinoco. Das riesige Delta wird von mehr als 300 Flussarmen durchzogen. Dazwischen liegen unzählige kleine Inseln, die mit dichten Sumpf- und Mangrovenwäldern überzogen sind. In diesem Labyrinth von Flüssen wollen wir die sagenumwobenen Piranhas aufspüren. An einem von Mangroven gesäumten Flussufer legen wir an und hoffen, die sagenumwobenen Piranhas zu entdecken. Mit einfachen Angelruten wollen wir die kleinen Ungeheuer fangen. Ihr Appetit scheint unersättlich zu sein. Man braucht nur einen Köder ins Wasser halten und schon beißen die gefräßigen Piranhas an. Zum Abschluss unsere Bootsfahrt besuchen wir eine Siedlung der Warao. Obwohl die moderne Welt immer weiter vordringt, konnten die Warao-Indianer ihre traditionelle Lebensweise beibehalten. Diese Menschen wollen ihr Leben im Einklang mit der Natur nicht aufgeben.
Warao Kids, Orinoco Delta, Venezuela
On the wide Orinoco River and its fertile delta composed of islands and marshes, Warao people inhabit wall-less thatched-roof huts built upon stilts for protection against floods. These houses are usually built on the highest ground to avoid the annual floods. Sometimes a group of houses is built upon a single large platform of trees. The huts each possess a clay cooking pit or oven located in the center, with sleeping hammocks encircling it. Besides the hammocks, the only other furniture sometimes present are wooden stools, sometimes carved in the shapes of animals.