Fluefiske / fly fishing in Nordmarka, Oslo, Norway
- Noen ganger glemmer man litt hva fluefiske handler om. Denne filmen ble til et sted på Krokskogen en gang i juni. Velg HD kvalitet og vurdér å slå av teksting på CC knappen hvis den popper opp og du er norsk språkkyndig.
- Sometimes you forget what fly fishing is all about. This story is from somewhere in Nordmarka sometime in june. Press subs button/CC for english subtitles.
Visit Oslomarka - The Østmarka Forest in Oslo
Oslo is in a remarkable situation with wild nature at sea and land, only minutes from the city core. Here you get to see how close the untouched and authentic nature is to Norways Capital, Oslo. People in Oslo call the forest around Oslo, Oslomarka. Oslomarka is Norways most important area for outdoor activities. The forest covers only 0,4% of Norways land area, but represents outdoors activities and hiking trips for more than 25% of the people living in Norway. People are enjoying this wonderful resource all year around, winter as summer. As much as 3 out of 4 people living in Oslo are using the forest at least once a week or once a month. Please enjoy, comment and share!
Feel free to join one of our so called easy-acces tours and experience the authentic nature yourself. Book your tour now at visitoslomarka.no for a quick, yet unique experience.
VisitOslomarka is a new and exiting service with one goal, we want to make OsloMarka more available for people in and around the Oslo area. This includes everyone from locals to tourists that is visiting our beautiful city. In order to achieve this we create and gather emotive content that inspires people to get out in the beautiful forest surrounding Oslo. Feel free to join one of our so called easy-acces tours and experience the authentic nature yourself. Book your tour now at visitoslomarka.no for a quick, yet unique experience.
Feel free to check out any of our other channels as well; on Instagram and Facebook. We love it when people share theire experience, so dont hesitate tagging your instagram pictures with #visitoslomarka.
Production: KTONE by Kim André
Drone Operator: Kim André M. Andersen (Licensed RPAS-01 operator)
Music: Lost Drone - Mirror Lake
Country: Norway
City/State: Oslo
Area: Nøklevann
Season: Autumn
Year: 2016
For questions or requests, contact us on post@visitoslomarka.no.
©All rights reserved ™VisitOslomarka
Nordmarka (Oslo, Norway)
Song: Paul Mottram - Evolving Dawn
Shot on Dji Mavic Pro
Oslomarka in Oslo, Norway
Oslomarka in Oslo, Norway
Explore the wilderness within the city at Oslomarka, a vast natural area within Oslo set aside for recreation. The sloping, wooded lands include eight separate sections: Vestmarka, Barumsmarka, Krokskogen, Nordmarka, Romeriksasene, Lillomarka, Ostmarka, and Sormarka. Together, they take up an area twice the size of New York City. Head here to enjoy the natural wonders that Norway has to offer, located just outside the city center. Mostly undisturbed forests and hills, these areas make great places for walking, hiking, jogging, biking, and cross-country skiing. Enjoy the extensive network of routes here, as well as swimming and fishing in the lakes. Stop by one of the several cabins dispersed throughout for fresh cinnamon buns and hot coffee.
Like us and Join us at Xtreme Collections for more fun and knowledge.
Spring Skiing in Nordmarka, Oslo, Norway.
We tagged along JC, T and Harald for some Spring Skiing in Nordmarka, Oslo, Norway.
Music by Alan Gogoll // Song; Good Ol’Days
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Travel vlog Episode 5 - Oslo Norway. Hiking in the forest. Beautiful outdoors. Great things to do and visit in Oslo Norway. I visited Oslo Norway in May which is still early spring in Norway. Hiking around Oslo, Oslomarka, was great experience. Norwegians love outdoors and spend a lot of time in the nature. There are a lot of hiking trails, well marked and maintained. At Norwegian Trekking Association - DNT you can get great advice and thing like maps, hiking, camping and tourist equipment. In Oslo DNT office is in the city center and across a street there is big sport equipment store XXL where you can buy anything you might need for camping, hiking, hunting and fishing in Norway. Hiking is a wonderful adventure and a chance to see beautiful Norway.
Cameras: Sony RX100Mark III; Sony HX90V
Matt's Blues by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Long Road Ahead B by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Green Leaves by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
YouTube audio library
Lots of great pics on my Instagram -
Reise Vlogg Episode 5 - Oslo Norge. Vandring i skogen. Vakre utendørs. Store ting å gjøre og besøke i Oslo Norge. Jeg besøkte Oslo Norge i mai som fortsatt er tidlig vår i Norge. Vandring rundt Oslo, Oslomarka , var flott opplevelse. Nordmenn elsker utendørs og tilbringer mye tid i naturen. Det er mange turstier, godt merket og vedlikeholdt . På norske Turistforening - DNT kan du få gode råd og kart som ting, fotturer, camping og turist utstyr. I DNT Oslo-kontoret er i sentrum av byen, og over en gate det er stor sport utstyr butikken kan du kjøpe XXL der du kanskje behov for noe camping, fotturer, jakt og fiske i Norge. Turgåing er en fantastisk eventyr og en sjanse til å se vakre Norge.
Reisen Vlog Episode 5 - Oslo Norwegen. Wandern im Wald. Schöne im Freien. Große Dinge zu tun und in Oslo Norwegen besuchen. Ich besuchte Oslo Norwegen Mai die noch zeitigen Frühjahr in Norwegen ist. Wandern rund um Oslo, Oslomarka, war große Erfahrung. Norweger lieben, im Freien und viel Zeit in der Natur verbringen. Es gibt viele Wanderwege, gut markiert und gepflegt. Auf norwegische Wanderverein - DNT können Sie tolle Tipps und Karten wie Sache, Wandern, Camping und touristische Ausrüstung. In DNT Oslo Büro befindet sich im Zentrum der Stadt und über eine Straße gibt es große Sportgeräte Laden Sie XXL kaufen können, wo Sie für etwas Camping benötigen könnten, Wandern, Jagen und Angeln in Norwegen. Wandern ist ein wunderbares Abenteuer und eine Chance, schöne Norwegen zu sehen.
Путешествия Видеолог Эпизод 5 - Осло Норвегия. Пешие прогулки в лесу. Красивые на открытом воздухе. Большие вещи, чтобы сделать и посетить в Осло, Норвегия. Я посетил Осло, Норвегия в мае, который все еще ранней весной в Норвегии. Пешие прогулки вокруг Осло, Oslomarka, был большой опыт. Норвежцы любят на открытом воздухе и тратить много времени на природе. Есть много пешеходных маршрутов, хорошо заметны и поддерживаются. В норвежской ассоциации Trekking - ДНТ вы можете получить большой совет и карты, как вещь, пеший туризм, кемпинг и туристического снаряжения. В DNT Осло офис находится в центре города и через улицу есть большое спортивное оборудование магазина вы можете купить XXL где Вам может понадобиться для что-нибудь кемпинг, пеший туризм, охота и рыбалка в Норвегии. Походу это удивительное приключение и возможность увидеть прекрасную Норвегию.
Oslo wilderness VI, cross country skiing Oslomarka
Just another movie of us skiing in Oslomarka, Frognersæteren and Lillomarka to be presice.
EXTREME XC-SKIING in Oslo, Norway // My Drone Settings
[Norwegian Vlog - Norsk Vlog] from Nordmarka in Oslo, XC skiing with Sindre- & Truls Fjellheim Jorde + Drone tips -My drone settings + talking..
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Nordmarka, Oslo, Norway. DJI Mavic Pro
DJI Mavic Pro drone.
Raw film str8 from the camera, so no corrections
1080p/60fps setting
VLOG #9 Nordmarka, Oslo
Vlog fra verdens fineste skog!
Ferieuke. Det vil si reise til en koie og gjøre mye av det samme som ellers i året. Bare med vedovn og uten strøm:-)
Inneholder produktplassering (contains product placement). #reklame
På tur i Oslomarka - Opplev Oslo
Denne videoen er en del av kampanjen #OpplevOslo som gir tips til steder og aktiviteter hvor du kan ha det morsomt og være aktiv. Her ønsker vi å vise frem hvorfor vi er så glade i Oslomarka.
Du kan lese mer om marka og andre steder i Oslo på vårt sosiale nyhetsrom:
Moorlands and views: Late summer in Nordmarka – the outback of Oslo, Norway
One of my first videos from Norwegian nature. Middle August, 2011. The woods of Nordmarka, Oslo, were warm and quiet. I walked all day and into the soft, mild darkness of night, still with the scents from the day that had been.
I midten av august 2011 var det varm og stille seinsommer i Marka. Jeg gikk fra Åneby over Varingskollen mot Karlshaug og videre forbi Rottungen og Kamphaug til Skjærsjødammen, Ullevålseter og Sognsvann. Men da var det for lengst blitt fullmånenatt. Her er noen glimt av det fineste som turen hadde å gi meg - av myrer og utsyn. Dette er mine landskap. Her faller jeg til ro.
Visit Oslomarka - The First Springsun
Please enjoy, comment and share!
Feel free to join one of our so called easy-acces tours and experience the authentic nature yourself. Book your tour now at visitoslomarka.no for a quick, yet unique experience.
VisitOslomarka is a new and exiting service with one goal, we want to make OsloMarka more available for people in and around the Oslo area. This includes everyone from locals to tourists that is visiting our beautiful city. In order to achieve this we create and gather emotive content that inspires people to get out in the beautiful forest surrounding Oslo. Feel free to join one of our so called easy-acces tours and experience the authentic nature yourself. Book your tour now at visitoslomarka.no for a quick, yet unique experience.
Feel free to check out any of our other channels as well; on Instagram and Facebook. We love it when people share theire experience, so dont hesitate tagging your instagram pictures with #visitoslomarka.
Production: KTONE by Kim André
Drone Operator: Kim André M. Andersen (Licensed RPAS-01 operator)
Drone: DJI Phantom 3 Profesional
Country: Norway
City/State: Oslo
Area: Østmarka, Hellerudtoppen
Season: Spring
Year: 2017
For questions or requests, contact us on post@visitoslomarka.no.
©All rights reserved ™VisitOslomarka
Sunday Hike | Lillomarka | Oslo, Norway | GoPro
Spent a sunny Sunday in Oslomarka exploring some new trails. Hiking in Lillomarka Oslo, Norway - from Steinbruvann to Lilloseter. If you are visiting Oslo, make sure to visits one of the many trails around the city. They are easy to access with public transportation and you will find them in the east, west, north and south.
Tur i Lillomarka fra Steinbruvann til Lilloseter.
Filmed with GoPro Hero 5.
Music: Before The Dawn (COE Remix) - Wild Beaches feat. Niklas Ahlström
Visit Oslomarka - The Autumn Arrives Østmarka
VisitOslomarka has tried to capture the feeling of the autumn arriving Oslomarka, in the Østmarka region; more spesific Nøklevann, Ulsrudvann and Sarabtåren. Please enjoy, comment and share!
Feel free to join one of our so called easy-acces tours and experience the authentic nature yourself. Book your tour now at visitoslomarka.no for a quick, yet unique experience.
VisitOslomarka is a new and exiting service with one goal, we want to make OsloMarka more available for people in and around the Oslo area. This includes everyone from locals to tourists that is visiting our beautiful city. In order to achieve this we create and gather emotive content that inspires people to get out in the beautiful forest surrounding Oslo. Feel free to join one of our so called easy-acces tours and experience the authentic nature yourself. Book your tour now at visitoslomarka.no for a quick, yet unique experience.
Feel free to check out any of our other channels as well; on Instagram and Instagram. We love it when people share theire experience, so dont hesitate tagging your instagram pictures with #visitoslomarka.
Production: KTONE by Kim André
Drone Operator: Kim André M. Andersen (Licensed RPAS-01 operator)
Drone: DJI Phantom 3 Advance
Country: Norway
City/State: Oslo
Area: Østmarka, Ullsrudvann, Nøklevann og Sarabråten
Season: Autumn
Year: 2016
For questions or requests, contact us on post@visitoslomarka.no.
©All rights reserved ™VisitOslomarka
Året i Marka / A year in the woods north of Oslo, Norway
Nyttårshilsen til alle mine venner. Resultatet av mange markaturer, og med ønske om flere i årene som kommer! / New Year´s Greetings to all my friends. This is the result of many hikes in the Nordmarka woods north of Oslo, Norway, with good wishes for all of you. And remember where we came from!
Visit Oslomarka - A Magical Sunset In Oslo
Hellerudtoppen offers a magnifisant view over Oslo. The comunity area merges into the forest, also know as Oslomarka. This is a perfect location for us to show how close our capital is to the magnificent Oslomarka, one of Norways most important outdoors areas. Please enjoy, comment and share!
Feel free to join one of our so called easy-acces tours and experience the authentic nature yourself. Book your tour now at visitoslomarka.no for a quick, yet unique experience.
VisitOslomarka is a new and exiting service with one goal, we want to make OsloMarka more available for people in and around the Oslo area. This includes everyone from locals to tourists that is visiting our beautiful city. In order to achieve this we create and gather emotive content that inspires people to get out in the beautiful forest surrounding Oslo. Feel free to join one of our so called easy-acces tours and experience the authentic nature yourself. Book your tour now at visitoslomarka.no for a quick, yet unique experience.
Check out our other channels as well; you can find us on both Instagram and Facebook. We love it when people share theire experience, so dont hesitate tagging your instagram pictures with #visitoslomarka.
Production: KTONE by Kim André
Drone Operator: Kim André M. Andersen (Licensed RPAS-01 operator)
Drone: DJI Phantom 3 Advanced
Music: n/a
Country: Norway
City/State: Oslo
Area: Hellerudtoppen
Season: Winter
Year: 2016
For questions or requests, contact us on post@visitoslomarka.no.
©All rights reserved ™VisitOslomarka
Mushing, Trekkhund, Nordmarka, Oslo, Norway
Bikejoring in Nordmarka Norway.
Fisketur i kano på Bjørnsjø Nordmarka - Fishing, Norway
went on a short fishing trip to Bjørnsjø in nordmarka, north of Oslo the other day. Tried our luck with the trout.
But no.
Speaking Norwegian. Oslo, Norway.
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Norsko (Norway) - Oslomarka 11. - 16. červen (June) 2014
malá ochutnávka z našeho norského putování