brazilian baroque, Lobo de Mesquita, Salve Regina, Diamantina MG
The remote city of Diamantina in the brazilian state of Minas Gerais drives us straight backward into the 18th century.It was founded on the Royal Route (Caminho Real) which linked Minas Gerais with the ports of São Paulo so that gems,diamonds and gold were transported to reach their final destination .Portugal of course, for the glory of its kings.
The city prospered and was granted with beautiful churches,administration and military buildings,schools and the rest. It created inevitably its cultural profile (along with the other bigger cities of Minas) borrowing the baroque element of the metropolis and mingling it with the imagination of local artists and traditions. This is what also happenned in the field of music, mainly religious as it was the custom. The Barroco Mineiro,the particular style which also embraces architecture, sculpture and painting giving very touching results, was born here, too.
Jose Joaquim Emerico Lobo de Mesquita was born in Diamantina (it was called Arraial do Tejuco at that time).He appears in history in 1772 as the organist in the church of Santo Antonio ,nowadays the Cathedral,(the big white church with some grey-blue paint,first in the photos). He also worked in other churches (igreja do Carmo, the second one in the photos) before migrating, in 1798, at Ouro Preto probably for financial reasons since the diamond minning was declining. He remained professionally active in the new city and then disappeared from the stage of history in 1800 .He left 15 compositions where one can clearly see that he was a talented man who studied hard the scores of his european fellow composers.
Of course, i took lots of photos, there. In this video I present the religious side of this out this world, peaceful town.
We are listenig to the ´´antifona de nossa senhora`` or ´´salve regina`` (praises to the Virgin Mary) interpatated by the:
Associacao de Canto Coral do Rio de Janeiro
Orquestra Sinfônica Brasileira
Edoardo de Guarnieri, conductor
Have a nice time.
Pe. J. Alves: Amém! Aleluia! (Arr.: J. Amstalden)
Peça do Pe. José Alves para o Dia de Todos os Santos, com arranjo para órgão e coro de Júlio Amstalden. Coral Vozes do Carmo da Basílica N. Sra. do Carmo de Campinas.
Music from Father José Alves for All Saints Day, arranjed for organ and choir by Júlo Amstalden. Vozes do Carmo Choir of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Basilica, Campinas, Brazil.
Géssica & Matheus
Casamento de Géssica & Matheus, realizado na Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Carmo em Diamantina / MG
Imagens: Valter Lopes / Wanderson Abreu
Edição: Valter Lopes
Hoje é dia de mais um resumão, e dessa vez vamos falar sobre Minas Gerais, sua história e principalmente tudo o que você pode fazer e conhecer nesta terra. Spoiler: Não dá pra acreditar que tudo isso faz parte do Brasil.
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Academia de Ciências de Lisboa
4 de abril de 2009
J. J. Emerico Lobo de Mesquita
(Vila do Príncipe ca. 1746 - Rio de Janeiro 1805)
edição de André Guerra Cotta
Regência Julio Moretzsohn
soprano Lívia Dias
soprano Raquel Antunes
contratenor Paulo Mestre
barítono Rafael Thomas
violino Felipe Prazeres
violino Gustavo Menezes
viola Ricardo Menezes
violoncelo Marcelo Salles
órgão positivo João RIval
Lobo de Mesquita nasceu na Vila do Príncipe (atual Serro) por volta de 1746. Ali teve sua formação musical e iniciou suas atividades profissionais, como organista e como compositor. Por volta de 1776, transferiu-se para o Arraial do Tejuco (atual Diamantina), que era o centro urbano de maior importância na região, enquanto centro de controle da mineração. Ele já aparece como organista na Matriz de Santo Antônio em fins de 1783 ou início de 1784, passando a tocar na Igreja da Ordem Terceira do Carmo em 1789. Sua atuação certamente incluía todas as obrigações de um Mestre de Capela (ou de Mestre de Música, para utilizar a distinção estabelecida pelo musicólogo Padre Jaime Diniz): compor as obras para as festas contratadas, arregimentar cantores e instrumentistas para a execução da obra, ensaiar, reger (provavelmente do console do órgão, que era seu instrumento) e provavelmente ensinar (preparando jovens para o exercício da profissão de músico). Foi também Alferes do Terão da Infantaria dos Homens Pardos (não se sabe se atuando na banda de música). Tranferiu-se para a Vila Rica, passando a atuar na Matriz de Nossa Senhora do Pilar e na Ordem Terceira do Carmo, em 1798. Dois anos depois, passou o cargo a Francisco Gomes da Rocha e transferiu-se para o Rio de Janeiro, tocando na Igreja da Ordem Terceira do Carmo entre 1801 e 1805, quando faleceu.
José Joaquim Emerico Lobo de Mesquita (Vila do Príncipe, MG, ca. 1746 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 1805), one of the most emblematic Brazilian composers from the colonial period. He was born in Vila do Principe (currently Serro) around 1746. That is where he started his professional activities as an organist and composer. Around 1776, he moved to Arraial do Tejuco (currently Diamantina), the most important urban center in the region, and where all the mining activities were based. He was already featured as the organist at Saint Anthony's Church in early 1784. His functions certainly included all the obligatory tasks expected from a Master of Chapel (or Master of Music, utilizing the distinction established by music scholar Father Jaime Diniz). He would compose music for the special feasts, come up with arrangements for singers and musicians, rehearse, conduct (more than likely from the organ, his instrument of choice) and also teach (preparing youngsters to follow as musicians). He was also a low-ranking officer (Alferes) at a local infantry (Infantaria dos Homens Pardos). It is not known whether he played on the infantry's band. He then moved to Vila Rica, where he started to work at Our Lady of Pilar's Church and at Carmo's Third Order in 1798. After two years, he yielded to Francisco Gomes da Rocha and transferred to Rio de Janeiro, where he also played at Carmo's Third Order from 1801 to 1805, when he passed away.
Orgão de Tubos centenário (Daniela)
Excerto do concerto para orgão na igreja matriz da Horta Açores
Ajolivae Waltz 03
In 1985 I was in New York, the first thing it I used to do when in town was buying the Village Voice, newspaper informing all varieties, everything! Ads in general, musical instruments, concerts, events etc.
I could see that the next day at St. Patrick's Cathedral was going rehearsal for acoustic testing, and eventual, recording classics of
Brahms and Johann Sebastian bah, the Pipe organ. (Pipe Organ) 100% free!
Of course ! I was an hour earlier, at the church door!
Released entry! I walked in, I settled, suddenly sits to my side !
Little lady, beautiful kind that makes you want to take home was holding her umbrellas, asked how he learned of the test? I replied! I saw in the newspaper soon after! A request for silence by the organizers because it would start the tests!
Always loved the sound of the pipe organ I simply mind-divene I!
When ended toccata in D minor!
The old lady, nudged me said! This is just divine what do you think?
Replied! Agree a million times ! that marked me for life !
Tests Ended she said goodbye to me, and before leaving
He left another Phrase ! This is more than is Divene the presence of God!
Never forgot that!
There is the tip ! If you can! It is rare, very rare, but also take place
in Brazil in some cathedrals
especially in São pulo! It is to take the tears of so beautiful !
shiver even hair in the nails !
Em 1985 eu estava em New York , a primeira coisa que eu fazia quando chegava na cidade Era comprar Village Voice, jornal de variedades que informava tudo, tudo mesmo !Anúncios em geral, instrumentos musicais, acontecimentos shows etc
Pude ver que no dia seguinte na St Patrick Catedral estaria acontecendo ensaios para testes acústicos, e eventual, gravação de clássicos de Brahms, e Johann Sebastian bah, no Pipe organ. (Orgão de tubo)
100 % Free !
Claro ! eu estava uma hora antes , na porta da igreja !
Liberada entrada! Entrei, me acomodei, derrepente se senta ao meu
lado senhorinha mesmo, linda dessas que dá vontade de levar para casa Segurava firmemente seu guarda chuvas, perguntou como ficou sabendo do ensaio? respondi! Vi no jornal Logo depois !Um pedido de silencio pelos organizadores, pois iria dar inicio aos testes!
Sempre amei o som do orgão de tubo ! ( Pipe Organ)
Acho simplesmente DIVINO !
Quando encerrou tocata em ré menor ! (Tocatta in D minor )
A senhorinha, me cutucou, disse !This is just divine what do you think? Isso é divino que você acha ? Respondi ! Concordo um milhão de vezes (agree a million times )Foi uma coisa que me marcou pelo resto da vida Encerrado testes ela se despediu de mim , e antes de ir embora
deixou mais uma frase! This is more than divene is a presence of God !
( isso é mais que divino é a presença de DEUS ) Numca esqueci isso !
Fica ai a dica ! Se puderem! É raro , raríssimo, mas acontecem também no brasil em algumas catedrais
principalmente em são Paulo ! É de levar as lagrimas de tão lindo !
De arrepiar até pelos das Unhas !