Lancha de controle remoto, pura diversão! ( RC Speedboat, so much fun! )
Lancha de controle remoto super divertida. Essa foi a sua estréia na praia de Nishio, Japão. Ela utiliza uma bateria 2S lipo (1500 mAH ) e possui um motor relativamente grande se comparado ao tamanho da lancha. Possui um sistema de resfriamento à água ( utilizando a própria água do mar, rio ou lago em que ela estiver ) e um sistema eficaz de proteção que desativa o motor quando a lancha não se encontra em contato com a água, evitando assim qualquer dano ao usuário. ........................................... Super fun RC Speedboat. That was its debut in Nishio beach, Japan. It runs a 2S lipo battery (1500 mAH) and has a relatively large motor compared to the size of the boat. It has a water-cooling system and an effective protection system that disables the motor when the boat is not in contact with water, thus avoiding any damage to user.
佐久島/イメージ #5 「佐久島の記憶」 Sakushima Island Image #5 Memories of Sakushima Island
Sakushima Kobo's little temple Souun Ji-Temple Village of black-walled houses Shonen ji Temple/ Kaijin-sama (God of the sea) MATSUOKA, Toru Yamatoya Kannon (Yamatoya Goddess) MATSUOKA, Toru Oura beach East House MINAMIKAWA, Yuki Ohirune House (Ohirune Nap House) MINAMIKAWA, Yuki Kamome-no-Chushajoh (Seagulls Carpark) KIMURA, Takahito
Sakushima Island Image #5 Memories of Sakushima Island Project name:Mikawa-Sakushima Art Plan 21 Sponsorship:Nishio City Co-Sponsorship:Shima-wo-utsukushiku-tukuru kai Planning:Office Matching Mole, Inc. Cinematography:IMAI, Yoshiro (Studio i) Editing:KURONO, Satomi (Studio i)
EXPLORING BALI 2016 / GoPro Hero + Dji Phantom 3 Standard / Living The Dream
8 day - 8 night Gopro Hero 4 silver 1080p Dj phantom 3 standard 1080p Bali city Legian -kuta - seminyak Beach - ubud - uluwatu temple pandang pandang Beach -kuta Beach - sanur Beach - Lembongan Beach - Dream Beach - Hard Rock cafe - Hotel champlung mas - Mokey florest ubud - Jimbaram Beach - La plancha - b9