The Best War Museum In The Netherlands: Overloon
Taking a look at the best war museum The Netherlands has to offer, Overloon!
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Are you looking for a battlefield tour guide? I'm available to guide you around the Market Garden Battlefields. For more information visit my website:
Dutch History Digger - Overloon War Museum
We visited the Overloon War Museum. This museum has a beautiful WW2 collection. Whan you have the time, you should visit it!
The website to the museum:
Just sitback and enjoy!
Militracks 2019 - Overloon War Museum
Check out Militracks in Overloon, I'm planning to attend 2020!
Weald Foundation:
Check out the Carrousel of Saumur 2019 on 19 of July, I am very possibly attending and do hope to see you there!
Musée des Blindés:
A special thanks to Sven Strobbe for recording parts of the video + thumbnail photo! Check out his photos from the event:
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War Museum Overloon Netherlands: War belongs in a Museum
War belongs in a museum!
This is the message of the Overloon War Museum. Discover the biggest war museum in Holland, “Oorlogsmuseum Overloon”.
In the museum you will experience the occupation and the persecution, the opposition, D-Day and the Battle of Overloon.
The War Museum Overloon is open almost every day the whole year.
Oorlogsmuseum Overloon 2019
Overloon Tank Museum
A walk through of the Overloon Museum in Holland
Overloon, Het GROOTSTE Oorlogs Museum van Nederland (The Biggest War-Museum of Holland)
Een dagje naar Overloon met Daan, Sandra en Jantje, naar het grootste oorlog's museum van Nederland. Ik was er voor het laatst geweest met schoolreisje, zo'n 50 jaar terug en geloof me , het is niet meer te vergelijken. Van tanks in de bossen naar zo'n mooi museum en alles binnen. Geweldig wat een verzameling.
Overloon Dutch National War Museum - Part 1
So I went to the Overloon national war museum. And here is what I saw....
Next part! :
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M4 Sherman After Hitler Overloon Walkaround Overloon War Museum/Oorlogsmuseum Overloon
On the Hattertweg Vierlingsbeek, Netherlands (4 October 1944).
This M4 received two direct hits from a 75mm gun on the lower right side of the hull, and one from the 88mm gun on the bottom right edge of the turret. There is a corresponding exit hole for one of the 75mm penetrations on the lower right side of the hull.
The crew were killed and are buried in the American cemetery of Henry-Chapelle near Verviers in Belgium.
Photos Here:
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Visit to the War Museum Overloon 2015, the Netherlands
A short overview of all the tanks found inside the War Museum at Overloon, the Netherlands on juli 2015. All of them where found in the woods and surroundings of Overloon and they where involved in the battle of Overloon. The battle damage they received is still found on these tanks.
WW2 Event - Santa Fe 2017 Overloon War Museum
World War 2 event and mock battle reenactment 'Santa Fe' at War Museum Overloon, The Netherlands.
Mock Battle starts at: 3:42
BARC Marshall Museum Overloon
BARC (Barge, Amphibious Resupply, Cargo) is a welded steel hulled amphibious cargo vehicle. It could carry up to 100 tons of cargo or 200 people, but a more typical load was 60 tons of cargo or 120 people. The vehicle was powered by four 265 hp (198 kW) GMC diesel engines positioned in the sides of the hull, each of which drove one wheel on land. Pairs of engines were coupled to drive each of the two 1.2 meter diameter propellers, which propelled the vehicle in the water. Its top speed was 20 mph (32 km/h) on land, or 7.5 mph (12.1 km/h) afloat. The operator occupied a small cab on the port side at the aft end of the vehicle.
The LARC-LX was used to transport wheeled and tracked vehicles, including beach preparation equipment and general cargo, from ship-to-shore or to inland transfer points. It was also capable of transporting 40-foot (12 m) shipping containers, which could be landed from the LARC either by crane, straddle carriers, or rollers. It was the only amphibious vehicle in U.S. Army service capable of landing on a beach through surf. Typically, the LARC-LX was carried as deck cargo on a commercial vessel or heavy lift ship to be transported overseas.
The first BARC had its maiden voyage in 1952 at Fort Lawton, Washington. The designated was changed from BARC to LARC in 1960. The LARCS first saw active service in 1967 when they were dispatched to Vietnam to support the 101st Airborne Division, and in 1968 the 1st Cavalry Division. The last amphibious company in the U.S. Army, the 309th Transportation (LARC LX) Company, 11th Transportation Battalion, was deactivated on 15 October 2001. (From Wikipedia)
More information about BARC:
Compilation of the transport of the BARC:
Website of the museum:
Танковый музей / Overloon War Museum / Нидерланды
Расположен почти на границе с Германией. В голландском городе Оверлоон.
Осенью 1944 года здесь проходили ожесточённые бои английского генерала Монтгомери против 107 танковой бригады гитлеровцев. Место, где расположен музей, - это бывшее огромное поле боя, в ходе которого город был разрушен на 90%. Этот музей был первым в мире после Второй мировой войны и начал работать уже через год после окончания боёв, в мае 1946 года.
Он состоит из двух огромных залов, один из которых буквально набит техникой времен Второй мировой, а другой посвящён европейским концлагерям и Холокосту.
Эти павильоны находятся на территории большого парка, где на каждом шагу встречается техника и сооружения военных лет включая настоящие мосты, которые строили американские сапёры. Этот парк называется либерти парк, то есть парк Свободы.
Besuch Overloon 2018
Kriegsmuseum mit Kfz-Track
Oorlogsmuseum Overloon/ War Museum Overloon/ Kriegsmuseum Overloon
Oorlogsmuseum Overloon/ War Museum Overloon
Overloon War Museum
The Overloon War Museum is located in Overloon, Netherlands.
The museum was opened on May 25th 1946, making it one of the oldest museums in Europe dedicated to the Second World War. The museum is located on the site of the Battle of Overloon, a World War II tank and infantry battle between Allied and German forces that occurred in September and October 1944, in the aftermath of Operation Market Garden.
The museum is set in 14 hectares of woodland. A feature of the museum is the large number of military vehicles and equipment on display, both German and Allied. For years these have been kept in the open air, but have recently been moved indoors in order to help preserve them. Many of the exhibited vehicles took part in the Battle of Overloon. In 2006 the collection was expanded with a large number of vehicles from a private collection.
Kriegsmuseum Overloon 2019
Am 07. August besuchten wir das Oorlogsmuseum in Overloon (Niederlande). Wir waren begeistert von der Vielfalt der gezeigten Objekte und der hervorragenden, modernen Gestaltung dieses Museums! Hier haben unsere Niederländischen Nachbarn wirklich etwas Besonderes geschaffen! Vielen Dank!
Auch eine längere Anfahrt und der Eintrittspreis lohnen sich hier auf jeden Fall. Eine Vielzahl an Rad- und Ketten-Fahrzeugen, Amphibien-Fahrzeugen, Schiffe, Flugzeuge, ein U-Boot, Objekte und Szenen des täglichen Lebens, Waffen jeder Art, Munition, Werkzeug, Maschinen, Motoren, gibt einen Museums-Shop, ein Restaurant mit Terrasse, aktuelle und auch antiquarische Bücher (auch in Deutscher Sprache), ein Außengelände...
Aber seht selbst...
Overloon Dutch National War Museum - Part 2
So I went to the Overloon national war museum. And here is what I saw....
Previous part! :
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Relics Overloon WWII
Made by TR
Some relics found in Overloon, The Netherlands.
Including 2 patchs and some cloth from the British 3rd Infantry Division!
Liberty Park in Overloon - Marshall Museum The Netherlands
Het Oorlogs Museum laat alles zien uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog 1940-1945. Heel veel Materiaal is destijds langs de wegen achtergebleven en staat nu in het museum Opgesteld Ook is er nog autentiek materiaal van de Eerste Wereldoorlog en de Koude Oorlog in het museum te zien -Een klein overzicht - Slag om Overloon - Dodenherdenking -Military during the War - Soldiers - The Army -Landmacht - Uniform - Video - Film - Luchtmacht - Onderscheiding - Inval Normandie - Hospik - D Day - Slag om Arnhem - Red Ball Highway - Fronttroepen - Panther en Sherman tanks - Kanon - Nationaal Oorlogs en Verzetsmuseum - Video - Film - Bevrijdingsdag - WW2 - Onderzeeer - Mitrailleur - Legerarts -Loopgraven - Bombardement - Educatief -Interessant - Sehenswurdigkeit Niederlande -Dutch war museum - Munitie -
Veel Originele Voertuigen - Vliegtuigen - Ambulance - War Museum - Pantservoertuigen - Duikboot - Oorlogsmateriaal - Koude Winter - Gesneuveld in de strijd - Radio -Het Leger -The Army - Die Armee - Gepanzerte Fahrzeuge - War Gallery - Army Field Kitchen - Armee - Veldkeuken - Overloon Noord Brabant - Soldaten - Munitie - Landmacht - Luchtmacht - Hevige strijd - Bevoorrading - Tanks - Afweergeschut - Tweede Wereldoorlog - Bevrijding - Authentiek Materiaal - Marshall Museum - World War Two - Bezienswaardigheid Nederland - Noord Brabant Dag Trip - War in the Netherlands Europe - Adolf Hitler - Day trip Holland - Soldaten - Gevecht - Ausflug Niederlande - Armoede - Honger - Leed - Oorlog - Internationale Hulp - Terug in de tijd - Hongersnood - Tanks - Boot - Vaartuig - - Defensie - Krijgsmacht - Militair - Rupsbanden - Geweld - Adolf Hitler war der Grosste Killer aller Zeiten - Adolf Hitler Killer all times - Jodenster - Landstreitkrafte - Luftwaffe -Land Forces - Air Force - Gaskamer - Nieuwe Generatie - Vacation Holland Europe - Urlaub Niederlande - Video - Film - Museumpark Nederland - Educatief voor alle leeftijden - Dagje uit Nederland - Day trip the Netherlands - Strijdtroepen - Europe - Europa in oorlog - Helm - Unform - Geweer - Bommen - Raketten - Bezienswaardigheid Overloon - Pantservoertuig - Leger veldkeuken - Dagje uit - Fieldkitchen Army - Oorlog voeren - Strijden - Duikboot - Rantsoen - Sightseeing the Netherlands Europe - War and Freedom - Urlaub Niederlande - Vacation the Netherlands - Dutch War Museum - WW2 museum Holland - WW1 -