Ропшинский дворец / Ropsha Palace - 1899-1912
Россия на дореволюционных фотографиях
Ропшинский дворец
Russia in pre-revolutionary photographs
Ropsha Palace
Большой вальс из балета 'Анюта' - Валерий Александрович Гаврилин
Grand Waltz from the ballet 'Anyuta' by Valery Aleksandrovich Gavrilin
Ropsha Palace is located in Lomonosovsky District of Leningrad Oblast, , about 20 km ( 12 mi) south of Peterhof.
The settlement was first mentioned in the documents of the Novgorod Republic in the 15th century, when its name was spelled as Khrapsha. It passed to Sweden following the Treaty of Stolbovo but was recaptured by Peter the Great during the Great Northern War. Upon hearing about the curative properties of Ropsha's mineral springs, the tsar planned to make it his summer retreat; a timber palace and small church were built there. Subsequently, when he discovered a more favourable location of Strelna he abandoned his previous plans for Ropsha and made a present of it to his senior associate, Prince Fyodor Romodanovsky...
Later, under Tsar Paul I, Ropsha palace was rebuilt in a Neoclassical style to a design by Georg von Veldten. A large paper factory was built nearby and the English gardener Thomas Gray laid out an English park with a mosaic of ponds full of fish....Paul apparently planned to rename Ropsha, in commemoration of the dramatic events of 1762, but was assassinated himself before this came to pass.
Emperor Nicholas II turned Ropsha Palace and parks into his favorite hunting and fishing retreat. Ropsha also had a military garrison and an Imperial cavalry division was stationed here until 1918.
During the Russian Civil War Ropsha saw some heavy fighting, as General Yudenich wrested it from the Bolsheviks on two occasions and later the Soviet Government nationalised the estate...
From September 1941 to January 1944, during the Siege of Leningrad, Ropsha was occupied by the troops of Nazi Germany. At the end of hostilities, the palace was restored and used to house a military unit, who kept the place in good order... In 1977-1978, the military vacated the building, the parquet flooring and wooden doors were removed and the windows were boarded up...
During the 1980 and early 1990s a series of fires swept through the building, causing the roof to collapse and weakening the external walls. In early 2010, the facade collapsed completely...
in Ropsha and Pulkovo Observatory Pulkovo heights, St Petersburg
the cycle of St. Petersburg - a Russian gem. Pulkovo Observatory Pulkovo heights St. Petersburg, the Palace and Park ensemble in Gostilitsa, the Palace and Park ensemble in Ropsha, the Old part of the town of Kronstadt, FORTS of Kronstadt, Pulkovo Observatory Pulkovo heights, St. Petersburg
цикл Санкт Петербург - русская жемчужина. Пулковская обсерватория Пулковские высоты г. Санкт Петербург, Дворцово-парковый ансамбль в Гостилицах, Дворцово-парковый ансамбль в Ропше, Старая часть города Кронштадт, Форты Кронштадта, Пулковская обсерватория Пулковские высоты г. Санкт Петербург
Стрельна / Strelna: 1880-1914
Дореволюционная Россия в фотографиях
Окрестности Санкт-Петербурга
Pre-revolutionary Russia in photographs
Neighbourhoods of St. Petersburg
Music by S. Rachmaninov
Allegro from Prelude No. 12 in G sharp minor
Prelude in C minor, Op.23, No.7
Both played by Moura Lympany
Sterna is a settlement of federal significance within the confines of St. Petersburg, Russia.
Sterna is located on the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland , on the Strelka and Kikenka rivers.
At the beginning of the XVIII century, Peter I decided to create here a country residence, a “Russian Versailles”. In the times of Peter the Great , the wooden palace of Peter the Great, the Konstantinovsky Palace and park, were founded. . In 1722 Peter I presented the palace to his daughter Elizabeth . The role of the suburban residence goes to Peterhof , and Strelna is assigned the role of “travel residence”, but until 1917 it belonged to the imperial family. The Peterhof Road passes through Sterna and by the end of the 18th century, Sterna had become the favoured location of the Imperial Grand Dukes…..
Мраморный дворец / Marble Palace
Marble Palace is one of the first Neoclassical palaces in Saint Petersburg, Russia. It is situated between the Field of Mars and Palace Quay, slightly to the east from New Michael Palace.
Currently, the palace accommodates permanent exhibitions of the Russian State Museum, notably Foreign Artists in Russia (18th and 19th centuries) and the Peter Ludwig Museum at the Russian Museum, featuring canvases by Andy Warhol and other Pop Art idols.
#1. 100 Чудес России. Петергоф
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Из-за нарушений авторских прав на музыкальную композицию, делаю перезалив ролика. Петергоф — дворцово-парковый ансамбль на южном берегу Финского залива в 30 км от Санкт-Петербурга. В переводе с нидерландского слово означает «двор Петра». Находится на территории города Петродворец. До революции Петергоф служил императорской резиденцией. В 1918 г. дворцы были превращены в музеи. Во время войны Петергоф был оккупирован немецкими войсками. После войны началось восстановление Петергофа, которое продолжается до сих пор. Центр ансамбля — Большой дворец, построенный на приморской террасе и обращенный к морю. Первый дворец сооружен в стиле «петровского барокко» в 1714-1725 годах, а затем достроен в стиле «зрелого барокко». Важная часть ансамбля — парки с фонтанами: Верхний парк (с южной стороны) с пятью фонтанами и Нижний парк, где находится крупнейший в мире комплекс фонтанов. Площадь нижнего парка — более 100 га. Фонтаны питаются от ключей в районе реки Ропши по водоводу длиной более 20 км, построенному в первой половине XVIII века. Декоративным подножием дворца служит Большой грот с обрамляющими его каскадами (Большой каскад). Большой каскад спускается к бассейну и морскому каналу. В центре бассейна — фонтан со скульптурой «Самсон, разрывающий пасть льва» (1802, скульптор М. Козловский) с высотой струи 20 м. По сторонам «ковша» расположены Большие (Итальянский и Французский) фонтаны и колоннады; в восточной части парка — «Шахматная гора» и два Римских фонтана, в западной — каскад «Золотая гора» (Марлинский) и два больших (Менажерных) фонтана. От Большого Дворца к Финскому заливу ведет Морской Канал. В 2007 году вдоль Морского канала была вырублена аллея голубых елей. Большой Петергофский дворец — основное здание Петергофского дворцово-паркового ансамбля. Первоначально довольно скромный царский дворец, затем был перестроен Елизаветой по модели Версаля. В Петергофе ежегодно празднуются два события: праздник открытия фонтанов и праздник их закрытия. Пробный пуск осуществляется 9 мая, в этот день вход в парк свободный.
At the Spit of Vasilievsky Island in Saint Petersburg. LGBT TRAVELS ©
The Spit of Vasilievsky Island in Saint Petersburg where the Old Saint Petersburg Stock Exchange and Rostral Columns are situated. EUROPE, SPb.
Catherine Palace, St. Petersburg, 20th July 2014
Around the Catherine Palace in Pushkin (Tsarskoye Selo), just outside St. Petersburg, Russia.
Императорский дворцово-парковый ансамбль.сентябрь 2013 г.
Triumphal arch 凱旋門 day 9 - 4 ( Russia )
Санкт-Петербург. Адмиралтейство.Парк. St. Petersburg. Admiralty.Park.
Возможно многие были в этом парке, там уютно и красиво. Представляю обзор этой парковой зоны.
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Russia, Saint Petersburg, Palace Square.(Россия,Санкт-Петербург, Дворцовая площадь)
#СанктПетербург #Дворцоваяплощадь #Россия #DJONDO
Предыстория площади связана с закладкой 5 ноября 1704 года Адмиралтейской крепости-верфи. Согласно требованиям военного времени Адмиралтейство окружили валами и рвом. Перед ним простиралось обширное открытое пространство — гласис, необходимый для действий крепостной артиллерии в случае вражеского нападения с суши. Вскоре после основания Адмиралтейство утратило функцию боевой крепости и вместе с ней постепенно ушло в прошлое и фортификационное значение гласиса. Первое время его территорию использовали для складирования и хранения строительного корабельного леса, больших якорей, других адмиралтейских припасов. Примерно с 1712 по 1717 годы на части бывшего гласиса находился Морской рынок, а территория заросла травой и превратилась в Адмиралтейский луг.
В 1721 году по инициативе Петра I была заложена основная планировочная схема Санкт-Петербурга в виде трелучника, исходящего от Адмиралтейства. Два луча (нынешние Невский и Вознесенский проспекты) возникли при Петре I, а третий луч (современная Гороховая улица) появился в 1736—1737 годах. Лучи этих трёх магистралей разделили огромный Адмиралтейский луг на несколько частей. Со времени царствования Анны Иоанновны в этом месте за казённый счёт устраивались празднества с фейерверками и народными гуляньями. На лугу на время торжеств по высочайшим указам возводили потешные павильоны, дворцы, устраивали винные фонтаны, жарились гигантские туши быков, которые затем отдавались на съедение народу.
Background The area is connected with the laying of November 5, 1704 the Admiralty fortress shipyard. According to the requirements of wartime Admiralty was surrounded by ramparts and a moat. Before them stretched a vast open space - glacis, required for fortress artillery action in the event of an enemy attack by land. Soon after the founding of the Admiralty fortress lost its function of fighting and with it gradually thing of the past and fortification value of the glacis. The first time its territory was used for warehousing and storage of ship timber construction, large anchors and other supplies Admiralty. From about 1712 to 1717 years on the part of the former glacis it was Marine market [3], and the area is overgrown with grass and turned to the Admiralty meadow [4].
In 1721 on the initiative of Peter I laid the main planning St. Petersburg circuit in the form treluchnika emanating from the Admiralty. Two beams (current Nevsky and Voznesensky prospectuses) emerged under Peter I, and the third beam (modern Gorokhovaya Street) appeared in the 1736-1737 years. The rays of these three roads divided the huge Admiralty meadow into several parts. Since the reign of Anna Ivanovna in this place at public expense were held celebrations with fireworks and folk festivals. In the meadow at the celebrations of the highest decrees erected amusement halls, palaces, fountains arranged wine, grilled giant carcass bull, which then were given at the mercy of the people.
Царскосельский вокзал (Витебский вокзал) / Tsarskoye Selo Station (Vitebsky railway station) 1909
Царскосельский вокзал
(Витебский вокзал)
Пассажирское здание
Tsarskoye Selo Station
(Vitebsky railway station)
Passenger building
St. Petersburg
Barcarole Op. 46 by S. Lyapunov
Moscow Triumphal Gate Timelapse, Saint Petersburg, RU
Timelapse of the Moscow Triumphal Gate in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The Moscow Triumphal Gate was erected in 1834 to 1838 to pay tribute to the Russian victory in the Russo-Turkish War (1828-1829).
Shot by our own team, Combat Films Archive has over 1,500 hours of high quality, unique footage from around the world since 1993. Our collection consists of SD, HD, 2k and 4k footage. For information on licensing or to see our catalogue of films, please contact us at info@combatfilms.com
Yelagin Island, St Petersburg
Этот ролик обработан в Видеоредакторе YouTube (
The Battle of Narva 1944 | Ep.1 - The Oranienbaum Front
Hello, welcome to The AceDestroyer and welcome to the first part of the Narva 1944 series. This first part will be all about the introduction to the campaign as well as the battles on the Oranienbaum front, where the Narva 1944 campaign started. As usual with my WW2 series we will see the battles primarily through the eyes of one unit. This time it is the 3rd SS Panzer Corps of Felix Steiner. I have chosen this unit mainly because of the information available about the unit. Unfortunately Soviet sources are extremely scarce, but I have done my utmost to also mention names, units on their side as well, in order to come to a good whole. I hope you’ll enjoy this first episode! Don’t forget to like and subscribe and do leave a comment down below! Cheers!
Landwehr, R. (1981). Narva 1944: The Waffen-SS and the Battle for Europe. Great Britain: Bibliophile Legion Books.
[Handle this book with great care! Filled with SS Bias, but it gives the reader a good overview of the dispositions of the units involved. It also gives a brief overview of the fighting, but as mentioned, filled with SS bias.
United States Airforce. (1984). Soviet Military Thought
My homemade maps
All WW2 footage come from ‘Die Deutsche Wochenschau’ which has largely been banned on YouTube. The ones used in this video are: No. 692 (December 12, 1943) and No. 705 (8 March 1944)
Pictures are from Wikipedia and TracesOfWar
MUSIC: All music is from the YouTube Audio Library (
Russian dance
Dark Forest
Your Suggestions
Реконструкция Ропшинского дворца: сюжет канала Россия 1
подробнее о восстановлении Ропшинского дворца:
источник видеосюжета:
ALEXANDRA PALACE : restoration
Руины Благовещенской церкви в Ропше. Аэросъемка. Трагические кадры
Руины Благовещенской церкви в Ропше. Аэросъемка. Трагические кадры
Церковь Благовещенья постройки первой половины XVIII века. Разрушилась в последние годы. Северная стена упала в конце 90-х, южная совсем недавно.Включена в список Юнеско
Государственный банк / The State Bank of Russia - 1909
Государственный банк
(наб. Екатерининского кан., д.30-32).
The State Bank of Russia
(30-32, Catherine Canal Embankment)
Saint Petersburg
From the Grande Fantasie by M. Balakirev
Also known as the Assignation Bank, the bank was founded inn 1769 on the orders of Empress Catherine II and was the source of the first paper money to be circulated in Russia. The architect chosen was the Italian architect Giacomo Quarenghi and was one of his first major commissions in St. Petersburg....
As gold and silver were required for expenses on foreign wars, Russia found itself flooded with copper rubles, making anything larger than day-to-day payments extremely inconvenient. It was therefore decided to follow foreign models and issue assignation rubles, promissory notes tied to the copper currency (the silver ruble was a parallel currency, and quite soon had a much greater value than the assignation ruble).
Quarenghi's building was designed for the issuance of these notes, the storing and minting of copper coins, and for providing savings and loans banking to the Petersburg public.The Neo-classical design included a central three-storey building that housed the bank and surrounded by a horseshoe-shaped building for storage, printing and minting...
The back of the building faced the Catherine Canal (now Griboedov Canal), making it easier to bring metal coins to the bank by barge....
The building today houses the Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance
Manor house
A manor house is a large country house, which was historically the capital residence or messuage within a manor, the basic unit of territorial organisation in the feudal system in Europe, in which dwelled the lord of the manor. It formed the administrative centre of a manor and within its great hall were held the lord's manorial courts, communal meals with manorial tenants and great banquets. The term is today loosely applied to smaller country houses, frequently dating from the late medieval era, which formerly housed the gentry. They were often fortified, but this was frequently intended more for show than for defense. Manor houses existed in most European countries where feudalism existed, where they were sometimes known as castles, palaces, and so on. Many buildings, such as schools, are named Manor; the reason behind this is because the building was or is close to a manor house.
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