Bucharest In Your Pocket - Palatul Parlamentului (Parliament Palace; Casa Poporului)
What is unquestionably Romanias most famous building, Palatul Parlamentului (known universally as Casa Poporului, House of the People) was built during the darkest days of the Nicolae Ceauşescu regime. Standing 84m above ground level on 12 floors, the building has long been shrouded in mystery, rumour and hyperbole. Originally designed to house almost all the organs of the communist state, it today plays host to the Romanian parliament and a modern, well equipped conference centre, as well as Romanias Museum of Contemporary Art. Much of the building, however, remains unused.
The public tour of the building is thoroughly recommended (it is the only way to see the building, in fact) though the commentary consists of little more than a bored guide reeling off endless superlative statistics. Youll see plenty of grand staircases, marble-plated halls and conference rooms, while - depending on the mood of the guide - you may also have the chance to go on to the balcony, which offers the defining view of central Bucharest.
For more about the key sites in Bucharest check out Bucharest In Your Pocket:
Bucharest: 2nd Largest Building in the World - Michael Palin's New Europe - BBC
Discover key moments from history and stories about fascinating people on the Official BBC Documentary channel:
After the Pentagon, the Romanian parliament building is the second largest building in the world. In this clip from the BBC travel documentary, Michael Palin visits the Bucharest building with an astonishing 1,000 rooms.
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Palace of The Parliament Bucharest Tour | Casa Poporului
Come take a tour of the Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest with us. The Palace of the Parliament in Romanian is called Casa Poporului which means The Peoples House. The Palace of Parliament in Bucharest is the second largest building in the world after the Pentagon. You do need a reservation to take the tour, so if you want to see this magnificent building in person make sure to plan ahead.
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Who is Mihaela Gimlin?
I am an artist. Since I was a child I was fascinated with shapes and colors. I started drawing and painting a very young age and never stopped. I received my bachelor's degree in Art from the University of Bucharest. I truly believe that art makes the world a better place. My youtube channel is my outlet to add a little more value to the world thru my art.
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#Romania #TravelRomania #CasaPoporului
Bucharest In Your Pocket - Palatul Parlamentului (Parliament Palace; Casa Poporului)
What is unquestionably Romanias most famous building, Palatul Parlamentului (known universally as Casa Poporului, House of the People) was built during the darkest days of the Nicolae Ceauşescu regime. Standing 84m above ground level on 12 floors, the building has long been shrouded in mystery, rumour and hyperbole. Originally designed to house almost all the organs of the communist state, it today plays host to the Romanian parliament and a modern, well equipped conference centre, as well as Romanias Museum of Contemporary Art. Much of the building, however, remains unused.
The public tour of the building is thoroughly recommended (it is the only way to see the building, in fact) though the commentary consists of little more than a bored guide reeling off endless superlative statistics. Youll see plenty of grand staircases, marble-plated halls and conference rooms, while - depending on the mood of the guide - you may also have the chance to go on to the balcony, which offers the defining view of central Bucharest.
For more about the key sites in Bucharest check out Bucharest In Your Pocket:
Bucharest Romania 2011. The Palace of the Parliament Palatul Parlamentului.
28 March 2011
Palatul Parlamentului si B-dul Unirii - filmare aeriana
The Palace of the Parliament is the seat of the Parliament of Romania. Located on Dealul Arsenalului in central Bucharest, it is the second largest administrative building in the world, after The Pentagon in the United States
Bucharest In Your Pocket - Palatul Parlamentului Tour
Join the official tour of Romania's most famous building, Palatul Parlamentului (Parliament Palace) with guide Raluca Mitu.
Palatul Parlamentului (known universally as Casa Poporului, House of the People) was built during the darkest days of the Nicolae Ceauşescu regime. Standing 84m above ground level on 12 floors, the building has long been shrouded in mystery, rumour and hyperbole. Originally designed to house almost all the organs of the communist state, it today plays host to the Romanian parliament and a modern, well equipped conference centre, as well as Romanias Museum of Contemporary Art. Much of the building, however, remains unused.
The public tour of the building is thoroughly recommended (it is the only way to see the building, in fact) though the commentary consists of little more than a bored guide reeling off endless superlative statistics. Youll see plenty of grand staircases, marble-plated halls and conference rooms, while - depending on the mood of the guide - you may also have the chance to go on to the balcony, which offers the defining view of central Bucharest.
For more about the key sites in Bucharest check out Bucharest In Your Pocket:
Bucharest: 2nd Largest Building in the World - Michael Palin's New Europe - BBC
After the Pentagon, the Romanian parliament building is the second largest building in the world. Michael Palin visits the Bucharest building with 1,000 rooms in his BBC travel documentary Palin's New Europe. Watch more high quality videos on the Explore YouTube channel from BBC Worldwide here:
Palace of the Parliament Bucharest-Romania Minecraft
All rights reserved!~~~~~~~~~by anto007 SHARE IT PLEASE!
Palatul Parlamentului Bucuresti-Minecraft
Patatul Poporului Bucuresti,Romania-Minecraft
The Palace of the Parliament Romanian: Palatul Parlamentului
The Palace of the Parliament (Romanian: Palatul Parlamentului) is the seat of the Parliament of Romania. Located on Dealul Arsenalului in the national capital city of central Bucharest (Sector 5), it is the second largest administrative building in the world.
Tour of Palatul Parlamentului Part 3 Bucharest Romania November 2014
Tour of Palatul Parlamentului Part 1 Bucharest Romania November 2014
Tour of Palatul Parlamentului Part 6 Bucharest Romania November 2014
Palatul Parlamentului
Palatul Parlamentului din București, România (cunoscut înainte de revoluție sub numele de Casa Republicii sau Casa Poporului), măsoară 270 m pe 240 m, 86 m înălțime, și 92 m sub pământ. Are 9 nivele la suprafață și alte 9 subterane. Conform World Records Academy, Palatul Parlamentului este cea mai mare clădire administrativă pentru uz civil ca suprafață din lume, cea mai scumpă clădire administrativă din lume și cea mai grea clădire din lume. Clădirea Palatului Parlamentului se află situată în partea centrală a Bucureștiului (sector 5), pe locul care astăzi se cheamă Dealul Arsenalului, încadrat de strada Izvor la vest și nord-vest, Bulevardul Națiunile Unite spre nord, Bulevardul Libertății la est și Calea 13 Septembrie la sud. Aceasta se află la 10 minute distantă de Piața Unirii și 20 de minute de Gara de Nord (cu autobuzul 123).
Dealul pe care se află astăzi Palatul Parlamentului este în general o creație a naturii, având o înălțime inițială de 18 m, dar partea dinspre Bulevardul Libertății este înălțată în mod artificial. (Wikipedia)
The Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest, Romania - Palatul Parlamentului
Outside Palatul Parlamentului Bucharest Romania November 2014
Tour of Palatul Parlamentului Part 5 Bucharest Romania November 2014
In vizita la Palatul Parlamentului Bucuresti, Romania.
O casa asa de mare.
Casa Poporului, Casa Republicii, Palatul parlamentului.
Casa Poporului a fost construita in cadrul proiectului Bucuresti, inceput în anul 1978, ca o replică a oraşului stat Phenian din Coreea de Nord. După cutremurul din 1977, Nicolae Ceauşescu a ordonat reconstruirea Bucureştiului cu un nou oraş, un stat in stat, aşa că, începând cu anii 1978-79, a avut loc concursul la nivel naţional pentru reconstruirea Bucureştiului. După un concurs ce a durat aproape 4 ani, arhitecta Anca Petrescu a câştigat postul de arhitect şef al celui mai controversat proiect construit până acum în România.
Tour of Palatul Parlamentului Part 2 Bucharest Romania November 2014