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Ca’ Dario - The Cursed Palazzo House of Venice | Thomas Sheridan |
La maledizione di Ca' Dario
Parliamo del palazzo Ca' Dario e della sua presunta maledizione.
By Myuu (
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Telefono giallo - Il delitto di Palazzo Dario parte 1/3
Il conte Filippo Giordano delle Lanze, esperto darte e dantiquariato, viene ucciso a 46 anni il 19 luglio 1970 a Ca Dario, un celebre palazzo veneziano sul .
Il conte Filippo Giordano delle Lanze, esperto darte e dantiquariato, viene ucciso a 46 anni il 19 luglio 1970 a Ca Dario, un celebre palazzo veneziano sul .
Il conte Filippo Giordano delle Lanze, esperto darte e dantiquariato, viene ucciso a 46 anni il 19 luglio 1970 a Ca Dario, un celebre palazzo veneziano sul .
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Gli spiriti di Cà Dario
Francesco Peratello, imprenditore agricolo polesano ha presentato il suo terzo libro. Si chiama gli Spiriti di Cà Dario, palazzo veneziano affacciato sul Canal Grande che sembra essere colpito da una maledizione.
Palazzi Veneziani sul Canal Grande
Facciamoci un giro sul Canal Grande e veidamo i piu' maestosi e belli palazzi veneziani, un po di descrizione e un po di Storia. Dalla maledetta ca'Dario alla bellissima ca' D'oro, dal palazzo dell'universita' di Venezia ca'Foscari, per passare ai palazzi dei vari musei, fondaco dei Turchi, ca' Pesaro , ca'Rezzonico, fino ad arrivare al palazzo Grassi, spero che questo video vi sia piaciuto e fatemi sapere se volete vedere altri palazzi del Canal Grande.
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Venice, Italy - Entire Grand Canal by Boat - 4K ????????
Entire Grand Canal by Vaporetto 1 (From Arsenal to the Bus Terminal by San Marco, Famous Bridges, Palazzos, and Landmarks) in 4K UltraHD.
The banks of the Grand Canal are lined with more than 170 buildings, most of which date from the 13th to the 18th century, and demonstrate the welfare and art created by the Republic of Venice. The noble Venetian families faced huge expenses to show off their richness in suitable palazzos; this contest reveals the citizens’ pride and the deep bond with the lagoon. Amongst the many are the Palazzi Barbaro, Ca' Rezzonico, Ca' d'Oro, Palazzo Dario, Ca' Foscari, Palazzo Barbarigo and to Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, housing the Peggy Guggenheim Collection.[1] The churches along the canal include the basilica of Santa Maria della Salute. Centuries-old traditions, such as the Historical Regatta [it], are perpetuated every year along the Canal.
Because most of the city's traffic goes along the Canal rather than across it, only one bridge crossed the canal until the 19th century, the Rialto Bridge. There are currently three more bridges, the Ponte degli Scalzi, the Ponte dell'Accademia, and the controversial Ponte della Costituzione from 2008, designed by Santiago Calatrava, connecting the train station to Piazzale Roma, one of the few places in Venice where buses and cars can enter. As was usual in the past, people can still take a ferry ride across the canal at several points by standing up on the deck of a simple gondola called a traghetto, although this service is less common than even a decade ago[when?].
Most of the palaces emerge from water without pavement. Consequently, one can only tour past the fronts of the buildings on the grand canal by boat.
Venice gets flooded in late fall, typically in November. Water levels rise sometimes to over 1 meter and streets of Venice get under water. Schools and stores close at this time. Flood season is not the best time to visit Venice.
Venice Playlist -
Italy Playlist -
#Venice #Italy #GrandCanal #Boat #Vaporetto #Venezia #Italia #Travel #4k #8knext
Ca Dario
Producer: Josh Kirkwood
Palazzo Molin, Venice. Italy.
This video show cases the historical gem of Palazzo Molin. This is a stunning, luxurious property set in the beautiful city of Venice.
Venice Italy Grand Canal
for more great travel videos and pictures, visit
This video shows the Grand Canal in Venice Italy.
he banks of the Grand Canal are lined with more than 170 buildings, most of which date to 13th to the 18th century and demonstrate the welfare and art created by the Republic of Venice. The noble Venetian families faced huge expenses to show off their richness in suitable palazzos: this contest reveals the citizens' pride and the deep bond with the lagoon. Amongst the many are the Palazzi Barbaro, Ca' Rezzonico, Ca' d'Oro, Palazzo Dario, Ca' Foscari, Palazzo Barbarigo and to Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, housing the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. The churches along the canal include the basilica of Santa Maria della Salute. Centuries-old traditions such as the Historical Regatta are perpetuated every year along the Canal.
Because most of the city's traffic goes along the Canal rather than across it, only one bridge crossed the canal until the 19th century, the Rialto Bridge. There are currently two more bridges, the Ponte degli Scalzi and the Ponte dell'Accademia. A fourth, controversial bridge (Ponte della Costituzione) designed by Santiago Calatrava was recently erected, connecting the train station to the vehicle-open area of Piazzale Roma. As was usual in the past, people can still take a ferry ride across the canal at several points by standing up on the deck of a simple gondola called traghetto.
Most of the palaces emerge from water without pavement. Consequently, one can only tour past the fronts of the buildings on the grand canal by boat.
L' Agghiacciante mistero del Palazzo Ca' Dario di Venezia
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Curiosità ed eventi sul famoso palazzo di venezia
The Grand Canal in Venice from Palazzo Flangini to Campo San Marcuola, Canaletto
Canaletto's The Grand Canal in Venice from Palazzo Flangini to Campo San Marcuola, painted around 1738, puts you on a gondola in the middle of the Grand Canal, surrounded by the bustle of noblemen, merchants, and gondoliers going about their daily business. Learn how accurately Canaletto depicted Venice and compare the 18th-century city to the way it looks today in this video.
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Music: Antonio Vivaldi: Oboe Concerto in C major (RV 447), Advent Chamber Orchestra. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
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Places to see in ( Venice - Italy ) Grand Canal
Places to see in ( Venice - Italy ) Grand Canal
The Grand Canal is a canal in Venice, Italy. It forms one of the major water-traffic corridors in the city. Public transport is provided by water buses and private water taxis. As well, many tourists explore the canal by gondola. One end of the canal leads into the lagoon near the Santa Lucia railway station and the other end leads into the basin at San Marco; in between, it makes a large reverse-S shape through the central districts (sestieri) of Venice. It is 3.8 km long, and 30 to 90 m wide, with an average depth of five meters (16.5 ft).
The banks of the Grand Canal are lined with more than 170 buildings, most of which date from the 13th to the 18th century, and demonstrate the welfare and art created by the Republic of Venice. The noble Venetian families faced huge expenses to show off their richness in suitable palazzos; this contest reveals the citizens’ pride and the deep bond with the lagoon. Amongst the many are the Palazzi Barbaro, Ca' Rezzonico, Ca' d'Oro, Palazzo Dario, Ca' Foscari, Palazzo Barbarigo and to Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, housing the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. The churches along the canal include the basilica of Santa Maria della Salute. Centuries-old traditions, such as the Historical Regatta (it), are perpetuated every year along the Canal.
Because most of the city's traffic goes along the Canal rather than across it, only one bridge crossed the canal until the 19th century, the Rialto Bridge. There are currently three more bridges, the Ponte degli Scalzi, the Ponte dell'Accademia, and the controversial Ponte della Costituzione from 2008, designed by Santiago Calatrava, connecting the train station to Piazzale Roma, one of the few places in Venice where buses and cars can enter. As was usual in the past, people can still take a ferry ride across the canal at several points by standing up on the deck of a simple gondola called a traghetto, although this service is less common than even a decade ago
The Grand Canal probably follows the course of an ancient river (possibly a branch of the Brenta) flowing into the lagoon. Adriatic Veneti groups already lived beside the formerly-named Rio Businiacus before the Roman age. They lived in stilt houses and on fishing and commerce (mainly salt). Under the rule of the Roman empire and later of the Byzantine empire the lagoon became populated and important, and in the early 9th century the doge moved his seat from Malamocco to the safer Rivoaltus.
After the fall of the Republic in 1797, much of the palatial construction in Venice was suspended, as symbolized by the unfinished San Marcuola and Palazzo Venier dei Leoni (housing the Peggy Guggenheim Collection). The Patrician families, bereft of their hereditary role in governance and sometimes persecuted by revolutionary forces, sought other residences. Several historical palaces were pulled down, but many found other uses, and some restorations have saved their 18th century appearance. By the late 20th century, most of the more prominent palaces were owned by the city, state, or civic institutions.
On the first Sunday of September takes place the Historical Regatta (Regata Storica), a competition between Venetian boats watched by thousands of people from the banks or from floating stands. Competitions are preceded by a historical procession (Corteo Storico) remembering the entrance of the Queen of Cyprus Catherine Cornaro after abdication in 1489: gondoliers in costumes sail in typical 16th century boats following the Bucentaur, doge's state galley.
( Venice - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Venice . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Venice - Italy
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Jean-Paul Bourre présente Ca'Dario, la malédiction d'un palais vénitien
Nous avons rencontré Jean-Paul Bourre pour évoquer son essai sur la malédiction du Palais Dario de Venise, dans lequel la jeune Marietta Barbaro, emmurée, s'est consumée de chagrin, l'historien Rawdon Brown s'est donné la mort face à ses tableaux, Kit Lambert, le manager des Who, s'est perdu dans les fêtes et les drogues... la liste est longue, et sanglante, des propriétaires morts de façon tragique dans ce petit palais penché sur le Grand Canal. Elle faillit s'achever par Woody Allen, si celui-ci, prudent, n'avait au dernier moment renoncé à son achat... Propos recueillis par Marie-Pierre Ciric le 30 mai 2011. Le livre :
Address: Fondamenta Trapolin, 3932, 30121 Venezia VE, Italy
Phone: +39 041 522 2349
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Venice, the Golden House
The Golden House or Ca'd'Oro Palazzo. For those who love history and architecture, Palazzo was built between 1421 and 1440.
Alex Indagini Su Mondi Segreti ep. 2 - La Porta Nera La Maledizione Di Ca Dario
La serie è incentrata su Alex, una studentessa universitaria (interpretata da Romina Mondello) che mostra una morbosa curiosità per gli aspetti misteriosi del mondo che la circonda. Affiancata dal Prof. Martini (Carlo Rivolta), Alex in ogni puntata affronta un mistero che può essere legato all'attualità come ai tempi passati. In questo è aiutata dal misterioso Leo, che, comunicando con lei via e-mail, puntualmente la conduce al tema della puntata.
La porta nera - La maledizione di Ca' Dario
Esistono luoghi ad influsso negativo? Sul Canal Grande a Venezia sorge una prestigiosa e forse maledetta dimora denominata Ca' Dario dal nome del suo artefice, Giovanni Dario, che la progettò e la costruì nel 1487. Una lunga serie di proprietari, Marietta Dario, Giacomo Barbaro, Arbit Abdoll, Pippo Giordano Delle Lanze, Fabrizio e Nicoletta Ferrari, Raoul Gardini sono entrati in possesso del fabbricato prima di morire di morte violenta. C'è un legame tra questa catena di morti e suicidi con la posizione della casa e la disposizione del suo arredamento?
The Grand Canal. Venice .Italy / Canal Grande
The Grand Canal in Venice, Italy. It forms one of the major water-traffic corridors in the city. Public transport is provided by water buses and private water taxis, and many tourists explore the canal by gondola.
One end of the canal leads into the lagoon near the Santa Lucia railway station and the other end leads into Saint Mark Basin; in between, it makes a large reverse-S shape through the central districts of Venice. It is 3.8 km long, and 30 to 90 m wide, with an average depth of five meters (16.5 ft).
The banks of the Grand Canal are lined with more than 170 buildings, most of which date from the 13th to the 18th century, and demonstrate the welfare and art created by the Republic of Venice. The noble Venetian families faced huge expenses to show off their richness in suitable palazzos; this contest reveals the citizens’ pride and the deep bond with the lagoon. Amongst the many are the Palazzi Barbaro, Ca' Rezzonico, Ca' d'Oro, Palazzo Dario, Ca' Foscari, Palazzo Barbarigo and to Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, housing the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. The churches along the canal include the basilica of Santa Maria della Salute. Centuries-old traditions, such as the Historical Regatta, are perpetuated every year along the Canal.
Because most of the city's traffic goes along the Canal rather than across it, only one bridge crossed the canal until the 19th century, the Rialto Bridge. There are currently three more bridges, the Ponte degli Scalzi, the Ponte dell'Accademia
Il Canal Grande è il principale canale di Venezia. Lungo circa 3800 metri (larghezza dai 30 ai 70 m, profondità media 5 m), divide in due parti il centro storico tracciando una S rovesciata che va dall'innesto del Ponte della Libertà al Bacino di San Marco.È affiancato per tutta la lunghezza da magnifici edifici, in gran parte dei secoli tra il XII e il XVIII, che manifestano il benessere e l'arte creati dalla Repubblica di Venezia, rendendolo uno dei simboli della città. Ogni anno i veneziani vi rivivono tradizioni secolari della Serenissima come la Regata Storica.
Dopo un breve tratto in direzione sud-est, all'altezza del Ponte della Costituzione svolta a nord-est, per poi descrivere una grande ansa, lungo la quale si trovano il Ponte degli Scalzi e la confluenza del Canale di Cannaregio, la quale termina al Ponte di Rialto, l'unico antico fra i 4 ponti pedonali sul canale e famoso quanto il canale stesso.