Palazzo Viti Volterra
One of the finest private residential buildings in Italy, inhabited by descendants of the Viti family. Palace visited by kings and princes and directors such as Luchino Visconti. Filmed May 2017.
Easy Driver a VOLTERRA - Palazzo Viti e l'Alabastro - Rai1
Un viaggio nel mondo dellauto visto come elemento che interagisce con lambiente. Questo in sintesi è Easy Driver, il programma di Rai Uno, in onda il sabato alle ore 14 e condotto da Ilaria Moscato e Marcellino Mariucci.
In questa puntata, i nostri due conduttori on the road, sempre in giro per le strade della nostra Penisola, ci portano in Toscana, ad esplorare la Val di Cecina, in provincia di Pisa.
I nostri due amici cominceranno il loro tour settimanale partendo da Querceto, un piccolo borgo medioevale fatto di case di pietra e piccoli vicoli il tutto immerso tra le verdeggianti colline toscane.
Ilaria, questa settimana è alla guida di un super suv la FX37S, costruita dalla Infiniti, marchio di lusso del gruppo Nissan, auto grintosa e sportiva ma dallaspetto imponente.
Marcellino, invece, ci aiuta a conoscere la Chrysler Grand Voyager, arrivata alla quinta generazione, una monovolume sempre più immensa e confortevole.
Ilaria e Marcellino, a bordo delle rispettive macchine, intraprenderanno questo incantevole viaggio tra le strade toscane descrivendoci, mano a mano, non solo le impressioni di guida, ma anche i luoghi e la storia dei luoghi che attraverseranno lungo i loro percorsi.
I due si ritroveranno a fine puntata in una delle cittadine più incantevoli della Toscana: Volterra, che conserva saldamente le sue radici etrusche allinterno di una struttura tipicamente medioevale con la sua Piazza del Duomo, la cui fondazione è datata 1120.
E da qui, immersi nella più assoluta bellezza e con accanto le due auto, dopo essersi scambiati le impressioni di guida, come sempre, passeranno la parola per la pagella tecnica sulle due vetture agli esperti di Quattroruote.
La regia della puntata è affidata ad Eleonora Niccoli.
Volterra Palazzo Viti
Presentazione del palazzo museo visitabile a Volterra
Вольтерра, Палаццо Вити. Voltaire, Vitya's Palace. Volterra, Palazzo Viti.
Вольтерра, Палаццо Вити. Voltaire, Vitya's Palace. Volterra, Palazzo Viti.
Палаццо Вити, это небольшая часть дома, в котором до сих пор живут потомки владельца алебастровой мануфактуры Джузеппе Вити, отданная под музей. Палаццо богато отделан фресками, обставлен мебелью и редчайшими экземплярами из алебастра 17-19 веков. Дворец часто используется режиссёром Луккино Висконти для съёмок его фильмов.
Ich habe dieses Video mit dem Video-Editor von YouTube ( erstellt.
That Kid in Fourth Grade Who Really Liked the Denver Broncos von Chris Zabriskie ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license ( lizenziert.
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Mary Brilli at Palazzo Viti - Volterra
Widok z wieży Palazzo dei Priori w Volterra
Widok z wieży Palazzo dei Priori w Volterra. Palazzo dei Priori znajduje się przy Piazza dei Priori położonym w samym centrum średniowiecznego miasta.
Fundamenty pod Palazzo dei Priori zostały położone w 1208 roku. Obecnie jest tu ratusz miejski. Część pałacu jest udostępniona do zwiedzania. Warto wejść na wieżę, skąd mamy piękny widok na całą Volterrę i okolice. Nie należy wchodzić na wieżę w samo południe - wtedy zaczyna bić dzwon zegara umieszczony nad podestem widokowym.
Volterra Palazzo Viti
Il Palazzo Viti di Volterra è conservato dai proprietari con amore e cura. Meriterebbe di essere annoverato tra i Monumenti di interesse nazionale per la sua ricchezza culturale e per tutto quello che storicamente rappresenta per la città e il Paese. Fra queste mura Luchino Visconti girò Vaghe stelle dell'orsa, con Claudia Cardinale e Jean Sorel.
Places to see in ( Volterra - Italy ) Piazza dei Priori
Places to see in ( Volterra - Italy ) Piazza dei Priori
This Tuscan town is said to be one of the prettiest in Italy with its narrow streets, alleys, and arches and the warm, honey-colored stone of its buildings. At its heart is the Piazza dei Priori, considered to be an almost perfect example of an Italian medieval square and an excellent stopping point for coffee and a spot of people watching. The square is lined with beautiful medieval buildings that give visitors a sense of the town's history.
This Piazza has always been at the center of town life and was originally known as the Bishop's Prato or civic area from which the bishop ruled the citizens. As the town gathered its own identity a commune of townspeople gradually took over the bishop's role and the first of the grand houses and palaces that line the square began to be erected. The focus of the square was always an elm tree in the center around which the consuls and elders held meetings and formulated new laws. Several of these grand palaces are still standing and in use around the Piazza dei Priori.
The Palazzo Vescovile was originally built as a grain store, later becoming the bishop's residence in the late XV century when the Florentines destroyed the Palazzo Vescovi to make way for the city's fort. The imposing arches of this palazzo are thought to be the work of Antonio da San Gallo the Elder.
The town's local bank, Cassa di Risparmio, is housed in the old Palazzo Incontri, once belonging to the notable family of the same name. Recent renovation work has revealed that the building combines elements from both the medieval and Renaissance periods. Following the Council of Trent that saw the cathedral's reformation, the Palazzo Incontri became a seminary, remaining so until the end of the XVIII century.
The XIII century Palazzo del Monte Pio has recently been given a XXI century makeover allowing it to blend more seamlessly into the prevailing style of the Piazzo dei Priori. From Vicolo Mazzoni at the back of this palazzo, visitors can still see parts of the building's original construction. The most important building on the Piazza dei Priori and the one from which the square takes its name is the Palazzo dei Priori, dating from the early XIII century.
( Volterra - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Volterra . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Volterra - Italy
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Le Cantine del Palazzo-ristorante- Volterra + 39 0588 80033
Places to see in ( Volterra - Italy ) Palazzo dei Priori
Places to see in ( Volterra - Italy ) Palazzo dei Priori
The Palazzo dei Priori is located in the historic center of Volterra , in the homonymous square, in the province of Pisa . This is the oldest Tuscan municipal building. The palace was also the primitive seat of the city art gallery , as in its rooms many paintings were admitted during the nineteenth century , until all the works were moved to the current location of Palazzo Minucci-Solaini .
The construction of the building was begun by the will of Ildebrando Pannocchieschi , count palatine of the Empire and the task was entrusted to the maestro Riccardo da Como in 1208 ; the construction progressed a bit slowly, even if the ground floor and part of the first floor were used around 1234; however, the factory had to be completed in 1257, as an epigraph in leonini hexameters walled in the building reminds us. The municipal building was built in the most important town square, close to the Duomo , which also overlooks the Palazzo Pretorio , the bishop's palace , Palazzo Inghirami and other homes of the most influential families of the city.
The original name of the building was Domus Communis , that is, Palazzo del Comune and was used by the Elders as a residence. The original twenty-four elders in 1283 were transformed into the eighteen Priori del Popolo and then reduced to the twelve People's Defenders in 1289. The current name of the palace, of the Priors , is due precisely to the title that the Elders later assumed, following the example of similar offices of the municipality of Florence.
The palace is built entirely of stone and the façade is embellished with stringcourse cornices and is crowned with semi-circle merlons probably made in the sixteenth century . The façade, then, is decorated with enamelled terracotta plaques that represent coats of arms of Florentine families: from the fifteenth century , Volterra was governed by Florentine Commissaries having entered the orbit of the lily city .
The building has undergone changes over the centuries: the ground floor was open thanks to the three portals that can still be seen on the facade (the only one remaining is the current entrance) and accessed by a short staircase. Also on the ground floor there was a large atrium that served for meetings and meetings. On the first floor there was the most representative room of the Palace, the Council Hall for the official meetings of the Municipality. Also on this floor there was a small room for smaller meetings and a small chapel.
( Volterra - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Volterra . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Volterra - Italy
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Porta Bari e Palazzo Viti-DeAngelis (Altamura - BA)
Visitare l'interno del cortile di palazzo Viti-De Angelis e l'affaccio su corso Federico II di Svevia ad Altamura (BA)
Museo Volterra: ITALIEN – Toscana, Wiege der Renaissance im alten Kulturland der Etrusker, Teil 2
ITALIEN – Toscana, Wiege der Renaissance
im alten Kulturland der Etrusker, Teil 2
Aus der Reihe “Kulturreisen individuell”
Laufzeit ca. 90 Minuten
Florenz: Dom Santa Maria del Fiore, Piazza della Signoria, Loggia dei Lanzi, Palazzo Vecchio, Ponte Vecchio, Baptisterium, Palazzo Medici, San Marco, Piazza Annunziata, Santissima Annunziata, Archäologisches Nationalmuseum, Or San Michele; San Miniato: Museo Diocesano; Basilika San Piero a Grado; Volterra: Baptisterium, Porta all’ Arco, Piazza dei Priori, Palazzo Incontri-Viti,
Museo Etrusco Guarnacci
Ausführliche Information und viele Bilder aus den Filmen:
Volterra on the movie: Vaghe stelle dell'Orsa - L.Visconti 2
Vaghe stelle dell'Orsa...
(scena 2: le Balze, Palazzo Viti, Chiesa di S.Giusto)
Un film di Luchino Visconti. Con Michael Craig, Claudia Cardinale, Jean Sorel, Renzo Ricci, Marie Bell, Fred Williams. Genere Drammatico, b/n 100 minuti. - Produzione Italia 1965.
Trama e informazioni sul film:
Sandra Luttazzi torna con il marito Andrew da Ginevra a Volterra, nella casa natale dove incontra il fratello Gianni con cui ebbe un rapporto morboso; la madre, inferma di mente, è rinchiusa in una clinica. Il passato ritorna, anche quello del loro padre, studioso ebreo morto in un lager. Andrew chiede un chiarimento e parte, invitando la moglie a seguirlo, mentre il fratello la scongiura di restare. Sandra parte, Gianni si uccide. Dramma intimista e decadente dove, tentando di conciliare Sofocle (Elettra) con D'Annunzio (Forse che sì, forse che no), Visconti si sforza di elevare a livello tragico la vicenda e si scontra con le modeste dimensioni drammatiche dei personaggi. Scritto dal regista con Suso Cecchi D'Amico e Enrico Medioli; fotografia di A. Nannuzzi con insolito uso dello zoom; musiche di C. Franck. Una fulgida C. Cardinale. Leone d'oro alla Mostra di Venezia.
Palazzo dei Priori - Volterra Television YOUTUBE
Il Palazzo dei Priori (1208-1254) è il più antico palazzo comunale italiano e tuttora sede del Municipio. La facciata, con tre ordini di finestre bifore, è ornata dagli stemmi dei diversi capitani che si sono succeduti nell'amministrazione della città durante il dominio fiorentino. Simboli del potere di Firenze sono anche i due leoni con scudi, detti anche mazzocchi, posti su colonne ai due lati del palazzo.
Albergo Etruria *** Hotel Review 2017 HD, Volterra, Italy
Save money booking hotel Albergo Etruria in Volterra, Italy
Book now
Located in Volterra's historic centre, Albergo Etruria is just 100 metres from the Piazza dei Priori and Roman theatre. Rooms have free Wi-Fi and the gardens have views over the town.
Важнейшим памятником прошлого Вольтерры, во многом определяющим облик города, являются хорошо сохранившиеся городские стены и несколько ворот......
Главной достопримечательностью Вольтерры считается площадь деи-Приори.На ней стоят готический дворец городского совета (Palazzo dei Priori), Палаццо Преторио (Palazzo Pretorio) с древней башней, Палаццо Деманьяле (Palazzo Demaniale)
Places to see in ( Volterra - Italy ) Cathedral of Volterra
Places to see in ( Volterra - Italy ) Cathedral of Volterra
For visitors wanting to take a walk back through the art and sculpture of Tuscany and Italy as well as get a glimpse of changing styles in church architecture then there is no better place than the lavish interior of the San Giovanni Cathedral. The cathedral or Duomo can be found on the Piazza San Giovanni, a charmingly peaceful little square in the center of town. For centuries, the cathedral has been the town's main place of worship with a honey-colored but rather austere exterior that belies the richness of the colors and architecture to be discovered inside. Among its sumptuous interior visitors can travel through several centuries of work by revered Tuscan artists and sculptors and search out little quirks hidden within the building and paintings that depict local life and families.
Look out for the hermit's tomb. This unfortunate local personality was sacrificed in gratitude when an epidemic of plague left the town. Visitors enter the cathedral through its baptistry where a stone font can be seen. This is a common factor in many Catholic churches, because symbolically, of course, worshippers were unable to take their place in the rituals of the mother church without being baptized.
The origins of the site as a pagan place of worship have been lost back in the mists of time but the original Christian church here was known to be dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The present cathedral underwent major changes and was rededicated to the Assumption of Mary in the early XII century. The Cathedral's Romanesque facade dominates one side of the Piazza San Giovanni and is finished with an impressive entrance added in the XII century and worked in an attractive intarsia of different shaded marbles, thought to be the work of Nicola Pisano.
Once eyes have adjusted to the interior from the bright sunshine of the square it can be seen that the cathedral is laid out in the traditional pattern of the Romanesque Latin cross along with two side aisles flanking the central nave. This original layout is still clearly visible despite the cathedral being totally modified under the auspices of Bishop Serguidi in the late XVI century. This remodeling enthusiastically followed reforms laid down by the Council of Trent, a counter-reformation movement aimed at strengthening the Catholic church against the growing popularity of Protestantism in Europe. During the remodeling, the columns that divide the nave from the aisles were richly decorated in stucco worked by Gianpaolo Rossetti with their capitals embellished by Leonardo Ricciarelli. A sculptured frieze in Montecatini stone was left in place from an earlier period to provide a framework for the cathedral's six main altars. During this period graciously arched Romanesque windows were replaced by more severe rectangular windows befitting a serious reformation.
( Volterra - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Volterra . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Volterra - Italy
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Volterra la citta' del mistero parte seconda
Redazionale di promozione turistica con il contributo della Camera di commercio di Pisa