Viterbo, la città dei Papi -
L'Aula del Conclave Palazzo dei Papi a Viterbo
A Viterbo c'è il Palazzo dei Papi con l'Aula del Conclave. Non tutti sanno che il primo conclave si tenne proprio a Viterbo quando Gregorio X fu eletto dopo oltre due anni di tribolazioni in quanto i cardinali non riuscivano a raggiungere un accordo per l'elezione. Per i primi 20 mesi i cardinali si riunivano nella sala solo per le votazioni ma visto che non si arrivava ad alcun risultato il Podestà di Viterbo ordinò l'isolamento coatto per accelerare l'elezione, dopo ulteriori dieci mesi decise per la rimozione del tetto e mise i cardinali a pane ed acqua. L'accordo per Tebaldo Visconti avvenne dopo 33 mesi ma non essendo cardinale non era a Viterbo ma in Terra Santa. Dopo alcuni mesi tornò in Italia e divenne finalmente Papa Gregorio X ponendo fine alla più lunga sede vacante della storia della Chiesa.
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Viterbo, Italy Palazzo dei Papi
Viterbo Palazzo dei Papi, Polo Colle del Duomo 2018
Viterbo: Palazzo dei Papi
La città della Tuscia ai tempi d'oro
Places to see in ( Viterbo - Italy ) Palazzo dei Papi
Places to see in ( Viterbo - Italy ) Palazzo dei Papi
Palazzo dei Papi is a palace in Viterbo, northern Latium, Italy. It is one of the most important monuments in the city, situated alongside the Duomo di Viterbo. The Papal Curia was removed to Viterbo in 1257 by Alexander IV, due to the hostility of the Roman commune and constant urban violence: the former bishop's palace of Viterbo was enlarged to provide the Popes with an adequate residence. The construction, commissioned by the Capitano del popolo (People's Captain) Raniero Gatti, provided a great audience hall communicating with a loggia raised on a barrel vault above the city street. It was completed probably around 1266.
The massive façade, facing the central piazza San Lorenzo which is dominated by the Duomo, is approached by a wide staircase completed in 1267. The top of the palace walls is decorated with square merlons. On the right is a wide roofless loggia with a seven-bay arcade, supported by slender doubled columns and decorated with crests and reliefs. Within the loggia is a 15th-century fountain, made with material of various ages, sporting the coat of arms of the Gatti family.
Viterbo remained the papal seat for twenty-four years, from 1257 to 1281. After Alexander IV, the palace was the seat of Urban IV, the Papal election, 1268-1271 that elected Gregory X (the longest papal election in Church history), John XXI (who died in the building in 1277 when his study collapsed), Nicholas III and Martin IV, who moved to Orvieto in 1281. They were all elected in the most famous hall of the palace, the Sala del Conclave so called because it was home to the first and longest conclave in history.
( Viterbo - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Viterbo . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Viterbo - Italy
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Palazzo dei Papi a Viterbo
Palazzo dei Papi a Viterbo
Da anni l'Aeronautica Militare ha dato disponibilità per un Aeroporto civile a Viterbo. Invano. Ci vogliono 2 ore per fare Viterbo-Roma in treno e viceversa. Dopo aver dato dritte a chi di dovere in loco, ho suggerito ad un Generale dell'Arma Azzurra di farlo fare a TARQUINIA. Lì c'è ancora il vecchio Aeroporto, usato durante la Seconda Guerra mondiale e nel quale nacquero i Paracadutisti della Folgore (prima torre di lancio). Oggi gli aerei civili girano a vuoto in zona, scesi di quota ma in attesa di poter atterrare a Fiumicino. Giri inutili e pericolosi. Il sindaco di Fiumicino non vuole saperne di allargare l'Aeroporto Leonardo da Vinci, intasato e ad alto rischio. Così Ciampino, già militare e destinato ai voli low cost, jet privati e pubblici ecc. Dice che l'area di Maccarese, prevista per allargare le piste, è d'interesse agricolo e ambientale. Sua moglie, come lui ex amministratrice pubblica al Comune di Roma, è passata dai Canili romani e Diritti degli Animali alle leggi sul GENDER e diritti GAY/LESBO/TRANS ecc. Il Ministero Infrastrutture e Trasporti, per il quale lavorai da militare e poi civile, avrebbe tutto il diritto d'imporre strategie costruttive. In ogni modo, pure coattivo se necessario. Così come usare Controllori di Volo e Piloti militari se necessario. Come io partivo da Torino Caselle coi C130 Lockheed dell'Aeronautica Militare per prendere in mano le Linee Ferroviarie FS in Sicilia in caso di scioperi generali. Oggi l'Italia è PARALIZZATA...
Viterbo. Palazzo dei Papi
Viterbo, la storia e le bellezze del Palazzo dei Priori
Gianni Concu, conoscitore e appassionato viterbese della storia della sua città, e Cristina Pallotta, ci illustrano le bellezze di questo Palazzo, utilizzato anche per le riprese del Maresciallo Rocca.
Visita al Palazzo dei papi con il museo e alla Viterbo sotterranea
Fine settimana e ponte del 25 nel ❤ dell'Italia ... nel Lazio!
Il palazzo dei papi di viterbo
Il palazzo dei papi di viterbo
Places to see in ( Viterbo - Italy )
Places to see in ( Viterbo - Italy )
Viterbo is a city in central Italy. The Palazzo dei Papi, a palace with an elegant loggia, was the seat of the popes in the 13th century. Nearby is San Lorenzo Cathedral, with a Gothic bell tower, frescoes and a 15th-century baptismal font. The Colle del Duomo Museum houses archaeological artifacts and a sacred art collection. The frescoed Palazzo dei Priori, Viterbo’s city hall, is on Piazza del Plebiscito.
Viterbo is famous for the trasporto della Macchina di Santa Rosa, a procession which takes place on the evening of 3rd September, to commemorate the relocation of the body of Saint Rosa from the Church of Santa Maria del Poggio to the church of San Damiano (the Sanctuary of Santa Rosa). The Macchina di Santa Rosa is a gigantic structure, nearly 30 metres high, which is carried through the streets by a large team of strong local men. Contests are held to select designs for the Macchina, which is replaced every five years. The porters who bear the Macchina are organised in an association, the Sodalizio dei Facchini di Santa Rosa, which has its own little museum.
Apart from the churches which are dotted around Viterbo, the town's sights tend to be concentrated around two squares: Piazza del Plebiscito, the municipal heart of town, and Piazza San Lorenzo, the religious centre. The two are not far apart, and it's easy to explore central Viterbo on foot.
Located in the attractive Piazza San Lorenzo, the Palazzo dei Papi or Palazzo Papale (Papal Palace) is a striking reminder of this town's former importance. Built between 1255 and 1267 to house the popes who had sought refuge in Viterbo, its most striking feature is an elegant seven-arched loggia. The small courtyard behind these interlocking arches is also pretty, with a lion-bedecked fountain and views out towards the city walls.
Viterbo's cathedral is dedicated to one of the town's two patron saints, St Laurence (the other is Rosa, the focus for the town's biggest religious festival). The campanile shows striped Tuscan/Umbrian influences. The cathedral was badly damaged by Allied bombing in 1944, and the roof and nave were subsequently rebuilt to an earlier design. Next door, the small Museo del Colle del Duomo (Cathedral hill museum) has displays of the cathedral's relics and treasures: paintings, vestments and many reliquaries. Look out for a sixteenth-century reliquary which claims to contain the chin of St. John the Baptist (San Giovanni Battista), surely one of the most popular and widely-distributed of all saints. The museum is closed at lunchtimes.
The two connected buildings of the Palazzo dei Priori and Palazzo del Podestà dominate Piazza del Plebiscito. These have been the centre for the town's civic authorities for centuries, and can be visited by the public. The Rocca Albornoz is a fortress originally built in the fourteenth century for the Spanish Cardinal Albornoz. Today it houses the Museo Nazionale, which contains displays about Etruscan architecture (with reconstructions) and statues from the Roman town of Ferento. Closed Mondays.
( Viterbo - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Viterbo . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Viterbo - Italy
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Palazzo dei Priori - Viterbo
Anche se la sede comunale fu stabilita in quel luogo nel XIII secolo, il palazzo come è visibile oggi, fu iniziato nel 1460 e nel 1510 ne presero possesso i Priori. Gli ultimi lavori a completamento del Palazzo nella sua attuale struttura risalgono al XVII secolo.
Viterbo la citta' dei papi
una breve ricordo della bella cittadina
Viterbo, la storia dell'archivio e della biblioteca dell'antico palazzo dei Papi
Luciano Osbat, direttore scientifico del Centro diocesano di documentazione, ci racconta la storia dell'archivio e della biblioteca dell'antico palazzo dei Papi che vanta testi antichissimi.
Descrizione - Dal 1309 al 1377 fu sede dei Papi cattolici, e rimase fino al 1791 sotto loro dominio. L'imponente palazzo, circondato da fortificazioni mediovali, e' la testimonianza di questo passato.
VITERBO La Città dei Papi - Pope's town - Full HD
Viterbo è definita da secoli la città dei Papi, in memoria del periodo in cui la sede papale fu appunto spostata in questa città che ancora porta i segni di quel fasto, pur avendo origini ancora più antiche.
La Città dei Papi, capoluogo di antica origine etrusca e di grandi tradizioni storiche, conserva un assetto monumentale tra i più importanti del Lazio: aristocratici palazzi, monumenti ricchi di opere d'arte di spiccato interesse, suggestivi quartieri medievali, chiese e chiostri di varie epoche, torri slanciate ed eleganti fontane in peperino (la tipica pietra delle costruzioni viterbesi).
Il nucleo storico iniziò a svilupparsi verso l'anno 1000 intorno all'antica Castrum Viterbii sul Colle del Duomo e nel breve volgere di poco più di due secoli, raggiunse uno sviluppo talmente notevole da contendere alla vicina Roma l'onore e l'orgoglio della sede papale. E' cinta da alte mura medievali merlate e da massicce torri (costruite dal 1095 al 1268), ancora oggi pressoché intatte, con accesso da 8 porte.
Of ancient Etruscan origin, the Pope's town maintains its monumental order as one of the most appreciated in Latium: aristocratic palaces, charming medieval quarters, churches and cloisters of various ages, slender towers and elegant peperino fountains. The historic centre began developing in the middle age around the Castrum Viterbii on the cathedral's hill and in about 2 centuries, became so big that contended with the nearby Rome the honor and the pride of the Pope's residence. The old town is surrounded by imposing medieval walls and massive towers, built between 1095 and 1268, and eight gates.
Viterbo: Palazzo dei Papi, ancora qualche veduta
Viterbo, Palazzo dei Papi, ancora scorci
Viterbo | Palazzo Papale e sotterranei
Viterbo , la città dei Papi nel Lazio .
Giornata passata nel centro storico di Viterbo alla scoperta del suo patrimonio culturale : la Loggia Papale , il quartiere medievale di San Pellegrino e a sorpresa , i sotterranei , recentemente aperti al pubblico.
Bellissima esperienza passare nei tunnel anticamente usati dagli Etruschi e dai Cavalieri Templari e visitare l'altare storico che raccolse le vecchie popolazioni per i sacri rituali.
#viterbo #cittàdeipapi #viterbosotterranea
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Places to see in ( Viterbo - Italy )
Places to see in ( Viterbo - Italy )
Viterbo is an ancient city and comune in the Lazio region of central Italy, the capital of the province of Viterbo. It conquered and absorbed the neighboring town of Ferento in its early history.
Alot to see in ( Viterbo - Italy ) such as :
San Lorenzo. The cathedral dates back to the 12th Century but the façade is 16th Century and the tower 14th. There is a tomb for Pope John XXI. Pope Alexander IV was also buried there but his tomb was unaccountably destroyed during 16th Century renovations. According to legend the cathedral was built on the site of an Etruscan temple to Hercules.
Palazzo dei Papi. This was formerly the bishop’s residence but was enlarged for the popes. It was the papal seat between 1257 and 1281 and hosted six popes. It was the site of the first Papal Conclave when the local people got so fed up with the cardinals taking too long to elect a pope that they locked them all in until they came to a decision. The practice continues to this day in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican.
Church of San Francesco. Built in the 13th century in Romanesque-Gothic style, this church was completely destroyed by bombs in 1944. It was reconstructed in 1953. There is the superb mausoleum of Pope Hadrian V, who died in Viterbo in 1276 and the mausoleum of Pope Clement IV, who died in Viterbo in 1268. There are also remains of the tomb of the so-called “Pope-of-one-day”, Cardinal Vicedomino Vicedomini, who would have become Gregory XI, if he had not died the night after his election.
Palazzo dei Priori. This originally dates back to 1263. Inside there is a garden court with arcades of 1682 with an elegant Baroque fountain and a beautiful view. There are some interesting frescoes.
Church of S. Maria Nuova. This is one of the most ancient churches in Viterbo, built in 1080 on the remains of a temple.Externally, on the left, there is a pulpit on a column, from where St. Thomas Aquinas preached. The church has a wide range of Viterbese frescoes and paintings from between the 14th and the 16th Centuries. In the apse of the left aisle there is a precious triptych from 1180 painted on leather with the effigy of Christ.
Rocca Albornoz. Piazza della Rocca, 21/b. This castle was greatly destroyed by the bombings in 1944. It took over a century to build and was finally completed in 1462. The Rocca Albornoz houses a national archeological museum (Museo Nazionale) with a permanent exhibition on Etruscan and other cultures.
Villa Lante. at Bagnaia 3 km east (Can be reached by local bus). This garden is known as one of the very finest in Italy, Formed along a row of cascades between parterre gardens. It is from the 16th century in the mannerist style created by the famous architect Vignola.
Piazza Comune (Piazza Del Plebiscito) and the surrounding Government Palace.
( Viterbo - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Viterbo.
Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Viterbo - Italy
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