Ezen a héten felfedeztük Budapest alatt rejtőző barlangrendszer Pálvölgyi - Mátyáshegyi barlangnak nevezett szakaszát. Iratkozz fel a csatornára, minden héten friss kalandok és programötletek várnak.
Pál-völgyi cave (Cave of Paul Valley, Pálvölgyi cave, Szepvolgyi system). Budapest.
The dripstone-rich cave, is a highly protected natural preservation area since 1944. Its length exceeds 30100 meters; the vertical dimension is 123 m. The temperature is a constant 11 Celsius, so dress up well, bring hiking boots and expect to climb ladders. Is located in Budapest only some 3 - 4 km from the Hungarian Parliament Building.
Music: into the blue
by: sleeperspaceborn
featuring: DeBenedictis
Music: Between Worlds (Instrumental)
by: Aussens@iter
featuring: (Smiling Cynic)
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0)
I created all visual content.
CC BY 3.0 Unported - Music Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) - Music Licensed for free to make commercial use of the work.
Palvolgyi Caves, Budapest, Hungary
Pálvölgyi Cave Budapest
Budapest is not only famous for its thermal baths, but also for its remarkable caves, some of which is open to the public. The two are linked, of course: the caves were formed by thermal waters in the first place, albeit over several millions of years. There are two hundred known caves under the city, and one can visit four of the most extensive and spectacular ones. Each one has its own particular character. As well as being a very pleasant antidote to the heat of a summers day, they cant but make you realize how mans time on earth is as a spec of dust compared to the natural world all around, or in this case, below. Extending to over 8½ miles, this is the second largest cave system in Hungary, but its discovery was an accident. Legend has it that one day in June 1904 the ground suddenly opened up under a sheep that happened to be grazing in the garden belonging to the local mine. One János Bagyura, the son of the overseer, rushed to try and save the animal and noticed that the hole that had opened up appeared to lead somewhere. For the next six years a determined band of amateur potholers continued a series of excavations, and succeeded in opening up a half a mile of caves.
Although the cave is probably best known for its dripstones, of arguably far more interest are the high-ceilinged fissure-like corridors, the significant differences between their levels, and the way the mineral waters have fashioned the rock into unusual spherical shapes. The part of the system that has been reopened to the public is about a third of a mile long and contains much that is of interest. Visitors will witness weirdly shaped stalagmites and stalactites, as well as sparkling crystals of calcite and fantastic fossils of shells. All around are unusual rock formations that have stood unchanged for thousands of years. This is a world that appears to have petrified, where even the temperature remains constant (at 52°F, or 11°C) regardless of season. (Open every day except Monday from 9.00 a.m. to 4.15 p.m. Guided visits only. Tours set off every hour at a quarter past the hour.)
Palvolgyi Cave in Budapest, Hungary
Caving Techniques : Palvolgyi Cave in Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary is the cave capital of the world, with many caves like the Palvolgyi cave featured here; learn about spelunking (exploring caves) and natural facts about caves in this free video.
Expert: Laszlo Turi
Bio: Laszlo Turi is a caving expert who resides in Budapest, Hungary and has explored a variety of caves for many years.
Filmmaker: Paul Volniansky
Caving in Budapest - Pálvölgyi cave system
Went caving at Pálvölgyi cave system in Budapest's District 2. Amazing adventure if not a little scary in some places.
Well worth the visit. Not to be missed by adrenaline junkies but probz best to give it a miss if you're claustrophobic or got too much junk in the trunk.
Check them out:
Edited on the go in Adobe Premier Clip on the flight back home so not the greatest edit.
Jaskinia Palvolgyi - Pálvölgyi Barlang - Palvolgyi Cave - Budapeszt - Węgry - Hungary
Jaskinia Palvolgyi - Pálvölgyi Barlang - Palvolgyi Cave - Budapeszt - Budapest - Węgry - Hungary
A cave church and DRACULA's grave! | Budapest
Its Christmas Eve! I'm out in Budapest exploring its nether regions and I stumble upon a church in a cave and also the death spot for Dracula.
Patreon: parteon.com/Yukendoit
Caving Under Budapest, Hungary
Big thanks to for such an amazing experience....Another tick off the bucket list
Track- The Kooks-Around Town
This song doesn't belong to me, no copyrights intended, all rights to The Kooks. Buy the track at all usual outlets.
The Caves Beneath Budapest
Szemlő-hegy Cave. Budapest.
The cave, currently explored in a length of 2200 ms, and placed under increased protection, is one of the most valuable natural treasures of Budapest. It contains several spacious passages. It offers a variety of spectacular forms, and is richly ornamented with mineral precipitations. Visitors can tour about the hiking route of about 250 meters on comfortable concrete sidewalks and stairs, and can get familiarised with the pisolite precipitations and gypsum crystals, counting almost unparalleled in Europe, abundantly covering the walls, by an effect illumination, which enhances and makes perceivable the beauty of the images and formations of the cave passages. The clear, dust-free air of the cave makes the treatment of patients suffering from asthma and respiratory diseases possible. In the reception building an exhibition is operating, showing the most important caves of the Buda Hills. The temperature is even all through the year, 12 Grade Celsius, therefore it is advised to put on warmer clothes in the summer time. The built-out hiking route can be visited in outdoor clothing. Wearing hiking boots is recommended. There is no age-limit for visitors, and the cave tour is also possible with babies in perambulator or for persons in wheelchair. The duration of the tour is approx. 40 minutes
Music: Shiro (Instrumental)
by: Aussens@iter
featuring: Hans Montgomery Atom
Music: La libellule
by: Bluemillenium
featuring: Siobhan Dakay
Music: Unbury Your Heart
by: Stefan Kartenberg
featuring: Snowflake
Music: Unbury Your Heart ( Remix )
by: Dysfunction_AL
featuring: Snowflake
All music licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0)
I created all visual content.
CC BY 3.0 Unported - Music Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) - Music Licensed for free to make commercial use of the work.
Pálvölgyi Cave - Kilátó Clubhouse, Soteria Foundation
Pálvölgyi Cave, Budapest, May 29,2015.
Budapest Underground – 2. rész
Budapest egyedülálló földalatti világa szinte teljesen ismeretlen az itt lakók és az idelátogatók számára. A főváros fürdői és a Budai Vár évente több millió turistát vonzanak – ám azt kevesen tudják, hogy a látnivalók jó része egy titkos földalatti világnak köszönheti keletkezését vagy fennmaradását.Varga Livius különös kalandra hív bennünket. Szálljunk vele együtt a föld alá, és fel se jöjjünk - legalább egy hétig... A Budapest Underground a főváros legrejtettebb zugaiba kalauzolja el a nézőket, a Budai-hegység páratlan képződményekkel büszkélkedő barlangjaitól a Várhegy kazamatáin keresztül a Kőbánya alatti elárasztott pince- és bányarendszerig. Kameránk elkíséri a kutatóbúvárokat Európa legnagyobb termálvizes barlangjába, hogy megérthessük, miként vált Budapest a fürdők városává, és benézünk a parlament alatti, máig lezárt titkos atombunkerbe is. A sötétség és az elzártság sokszor embert próbáló körülményeket teremt, az igazi kaland a letűnt korok megismerésében rejlik. Helyszínről helyszínre mutatjuk meg, hogy a nyirkos sötétség valóban szédítő titkokat rejt: egyszerre teszi érthetővé az évmilliókkal ezelőtti eseményeket és a közelmúlt történelmét.
A műsorvezető: Varga Livius régóta figyeli az időt. Érdekli, hogy miként szabályozza az életünket, hogyan hatja át mindennapjainkat. Lenyűgözi az idő hatalma és mindenre kiterjedő ereje. Maga is afféle óraműként működik, meghatározott ritmus szerint, amit legjobban talán zenélés közben érhetünk tetten. Az adott időközönként bekövetkező történés. A szünet és a dobütés. Az elalvás, az ébredés. Az indulás, az érkezés. Kíváncsi ember lévén, mindig foglalkoztatja a gondolat, hogy miként lehet kilépni ebből a megszokott környezetből, és távolabbról szemlélni az idő folyását. Egy kísérletre vállalkozik tehát, melynek lényege, hogy gyökeresen megváltoztatja az időhöz való viszonyát. Először megfigyeli, mi történik, ha megtöri a szokásos ritmust, utána kikapcsolja-működésképtelenné teszi a környezetében található időmérő szerkezeteket, végül rájön, hogy időkapszulát kell keresnie. És aztán abban élnie. Egy darabig. Mondjuk kilenc nap elég lesz? Terveihez barlangászoktól kap segítséget, akik segítenek neki abban, hogy hosszú időt megszakítás nélkül a föld mélyén töltsön. Ez alatt az idő alatt legalább egyszer át fogják szállítani egy másik helyszínre, de azt is úgy teszik, hogy közben ne tudja meg, hányadik nap hányadik óráját éli meg éppen. A műsorvezető szinte végig egyedül tartózkodik majd a mélyben. Mindennapjait egy kamera segítségével örökíti meg, így nyújtva személyes beszámolót arról, hogy viseli a földalatti kalandot. A rendelkezésre álló ellátmány, és a világítóeszközeinek teljesítménye korlátozott, behatárolt. Előzetes kiképzést nem, mindössze két zsákot kap ahhoz, hogy összeválogassa a számára legszükségesebb dolgokat. A barlangászok és a filmesek rövid kiképzést adnak neki, majd kezdetét veszi az alászállás...
Mátyás-hegyi barlang episode 02
A túrának vége de a sorozat folytatódik!!!
A fényképeket készítette: Safranka Zsolt
Caving Techniques : History of Palvolgyi Cave in Budapest
The Palvolgyi cave in Budapest, Hungary was used as a bomb shelter in World War Two; learn about spelunking (exploring caves) and natural facts about caves in this free video.
Expert: Laszlo Turi
Bio: Laszlo Turi is a caving expert who resides in Budapest, Hungary and has explored a variety of caves for many years.
Filmmaker: Paul Volniansky
Budapest - Palvolgyi cave
Caving under Budapest
Hungary's capital, Budapest, is famous for its hot springs all over the world. Many people visit Hungary's famous thermal baths, but only a few know that the hot water rushing up from deep underground created something else too. In the limestone mountains, under Budapest, the heated water formed a huge cave system, which is thought to be more than 100 km long. The spas and caves of Budapest are planned to be declared part of the UNESCO World Heritage. The longest cave of Budapest is the 19 km long Pál-völgyi-Mátyás-hegyi cave system located in the Duna-Ipoly National Park. It is a real multi-level labyrinth system with most of its chambers under the residental districts of Budapest.
If you aren't claustrophobic you can apply for our regularly scheduled cave tours which are guided by qualified caving guides. During the 2.5-3 hrs long tours you will often have to climb on walls and crawl through narrow passages so you have to be prepared for adventure. You will be supplied with overalls, helmets, and lights.
Baths, Caves, and Architecture in Budapest. Hungary
Our trip to Budapest was fantastic. Budapest really did sell itself to me as the best city in Europe for travellers. There just is so much to do in and around the city. Budapest has some incredible architecture, friendly people, The food is pretty fantastic in Hungary as well, and there is even some adventure to be had. What's not to like?
We took in some of the best tourist activities the city has to offer. We headed to the thermal baths in Budapest called Szechenyi baths which were unreal, It was almost a surreal experience being there during dusk, and into the dark. We also visited Budapest Central Market, and obviously places like the chain bridge and important buildings like the incredible Parliament building.
We also had the chance to do some caving below Budapest which was something I really didn't expect to be doing. Again, it was a crazy experience diving through the tight spaces below the city.
Anyways, following Budapest I continue on in my Eastern European side of my schedule, and I'm excited to keep the travel going.
For travel photography and articles check out my travel blog
Caving Under Budapest, Hungary
If you visit Budapest make sure you book a caving tour ... if you're not claustrophobic!
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