Rewards Tier #5 for St Croix Bound Crowdfunding Project Give $250 [VIDEO]
Give $250 to St. Croix Bound’s Crowdfunding Project
Because every little bit helps!
When you support our crowdfunding campaign to purchase a historic home in St. Croix, in the US Virgin Islands, we will give you:
A St. Croix Bound Canvas Tote Bag filled with Crucian Gifts, including a St. Croix Bound Bumper sticker, one Tortuga Rum cake, and a Crucian Reggae CD by Pressure Buss Pipe, whose music is on the television and web commercials for Delta Airlines flights to the US Virgin Islands.
We don’t take this lightly! Though we have several high end donors, every person who gives to this project merits our full, unfettered respect. We recognize that we won’t be able to create this oasis without lots of supporters, who will help us in many different ways. We wouldn’t say it if we didn’t mean it! So hook us up with a $250 gift.
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3 Reasons to Give to the St. Croix Bound Crowdfunding Project
The Mystery, the House & the Woman
Nearly a century ago there was a mysterious woman on the island of St. Croix. It was 1917, a very different time when the Danish, whose violence had made them such a resplendent fortune buying African peoples to make their rum, sold the Virgin Islands to the United States.
This woman cloaked in the past bought a house on a hill---- not just any hill---- but one that overlooked a bay in which was a small, yet elegant island; and beyond this, mountains cascading into the sea. The house boasted a rich Caribbean garden, filled with plants that had been carried from a world away, Africa, during one of the most violent periods ever known. Seeds came in the hulls of ships bearing enslaved African people, their tortured but beautiful muscular ebony skins, glistening with the sweat of anxiety and fear for the evil unknowns to come. Every day the woman went down the hill, into town, and returned in the evening, the source of her wealth and origins unknown.
In her own inimitable way she slowly added on to the house made from a unique coral and slave ship ballast stone, which elevated the home on the mountain, offering her the gentle breezes traded between The Sea and The Mountain. The grounds grew immaculate under her watchful eye, and the local Crucians, deeply connected to the earth in that place, and recognizing that their African homes were also present there, added seeds and saplings to the garden.
When this inscrutable woman had aged well into her 90s, her skin bronzed by many seasons of sun and leathered by an equal number of blood-red sunsets, she sold her home to an enterprising young businessman and his wife, and passed from this life-- her story affixed silently in the bones of the building. It was the early 1970s.
Impudent and powerful that He was, He never did visit her home. Uniquely positioned and lucky or blessed, depending on your beliefs, the woman's home and grounds survived every major storm known to pass St. Croix in the modern era.
The young businessman and his wife did well. Now, a fortune amassed and well beyond the years in which they can actively care for such a home, these two are headed back to the mainland.
It is our turn to take the mystery woman's vision and that of the current owners into the 21st century. Together in this Community of Travelers, we'll heal you and yours from the stresses added to your life. St. Croix.
In the next 40 days, HELP US RAISE $200,000 and craft this once-in-a-lifetime experience, in the Caribbean Sea, on the island of St. Croix.
Redeem this house forward.
Give to this crowdfunding campaign! 6 bedrooms, 5 baths. And room to grow! We are preparing a place of unrivaled cultural excellence in all the Caribbean, for you, our friends. Where walking Eco-tours of the rainforest, resistance, rum, and Crucian Cuisine classes mix with the need to pamper your every sensibility, in the warm comfort and fullness of history.
70 % of this total will help us acquire this amazing home replete with furnishing. 20 % of the remainder will help support interior upgrades. 5 % will defray some of the cost of fulfilling our promised rewards. And 5 % we will gladly kick forward into the crowdfunding projects of others who value culture on our 3rd rock from the Sun.
Us? The first three friends we approached put in $5000 each, on the spot. The only question is, will this become your history, too?
Support our crowdfunding campaign today!