Pangthumai Sylhet | Panthumai water fall | Meghalaya | Travel Bangladesh । পান্থুমাই ঝর্ণা | সিলেট
Pangthumai Sylhet | Panthumai water fall | Meghalaya | Travel Bangladesh । পান্থুমাই ঝর্ণা | সিলেট
ভ্রমন বিষয়ক যেকোনো তথ্য জানতে আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট ভিজিট করুন -
pangthumai waterfall situated in Bangladesh - India border of Meghalaya state. Bangladeshi people call it Panthumai and in india it known as borhill falls. pangthumai waterfall is located in , Gowainghat , Sylhet.
The village pangthumai is a bordering village. The pangthumai waterfall belongs to India and the piyain river belongs to Bangladesh. You can see the hill of Meghalaya with thick green vegetation pangthumai waterfall is very near from Bisnakandi Gowainghat , Sylhet . The area is surrounded by hills covered with thick green vegetation. During monsoon is the best time for visiting Panthumai waterfall.Panthumai is one of the top tourist attractions in Sylhet, Bangladesh. A boat ride on the river Piyain will take to explore Panthumai in Sylhet, Bangladesh.
How to go pangthumai waterfall , Sylhet:
বাসে সিলেটঃ ঢাকা থেকে সিলেট বাস ভাড়া ৪৭০ টাকা (নন এসি) বাস আপনাকে সিলেটের কদমতলী,হুমায়ন চত্বর অথবা আম্বরখানা বাস স্ট্যান্ডে নামিয়ে দিবে সেখানেই সিনজি রিজার্ভ করে ফেলবেন । যদি সিনজি না পান তবে আম্বরখানা বাস স্ট্যান্ড হতে বিমান বন্দর সড়ক এর দিকে ১ টা সিনজি স্ট্যান্ড আছে সেখানে চলে যাবেন আশাকরি সিনজি পেয়ে যাবেন।
রেলপথে সিলেটঃ ট্রেনে গেলে রাত ৯-৫০ উপবন এক্সপ্রেসে জাওয়াটাই সবচেয়ে ভালো কারণ ঘুমটা ট্রেনেই সেরে নিতে পারবেন। উপবন এক্সপ্রেস ভোর ৫-৩০ মি. আপনাকে সিলেট নামিয়ে দিবে। প্রথম শ্রেণির সিটে ৪২৫ টাকা আর শোভন চেয়ারে লাগবে ৩২০ টাকা
সিনজি ভাড়াঃ সারা দিনের জন্য সিনজি রিজার্ভ ২০০০-২২০০ টাঁকার মধ্য পেয়ে যাবেন
Boat Fee at pangthumai waterfall , Sylhet: বিছানাকান্দি এবং পান্থুমাই , লক্ষণছড়া ঝর্ণায় যাওয়ার জন্য প্রথমে আপনাকে সিনজি যোগে যেতে হবে পীরের বাজার গোয়ানি ঘাঁট অথবা হাদারপাড় বাজার । তবে হাদারপাড় বাজার থেকে বোটে উঠার চেষ্টা করবেন কারণ হাদারপাড় বাজার হতে বিছানাকান্দি কাছে। শুধু বিছানাকান্দি যেতে বোট ভাড়া ১০০০ - ১২০০ টাকা । পান্থুমাই, লক্ষণ ছড়া, এবং বিছানাকান্দির জন্য সারাদিন ইঞ্জিন চালিত নৌকা ভাড়া পড়বে ২২০০-২৫০০ টাকা । নৌকার জন্য যোগাযোগ করতে পারেন এই নম্বরে 01727567502 ( আব্দুল রশিদ)
Where to eat:
হাদার পাড় বাজারে গনি মিয়াঁর খিচুড়ি খুব বিখ্যাত। যদি খাবার সময় পান তবে যাওয়ার সময় খেতে পারেন অথবা পার্সেল করে নিয়ে যেতে পারেন ।
Where to stay :
লালা বাজার এলাকায় কম ভাড়ায় অনেক হোটেল পাবেন। হোটেল অনুরাগ সিঙ্গেল রুম ৪০০ টাকা ২ জন থাকা যাবে ১ রুমে । ৩ বেডের রুম ৫০০ টাকা ৪ জন থাকা যাবে । এ ছাড়া দরগা রোডে অনেক হোটেল রয়েছে যেখানে রুম ভাড়া ৫০০ থেকে শুরু
হোটেল অনুরাগ: ৭১৫৭১৭, ৭১৪৪৮৯
হোটেল আল-আরব:০৮২১-৭২৪০৫৯
Copyright @ Travel Bangladesh
Pangthumai Waterfalls | Sylhet | Bangladesh | পান্থুমাই ঝর্না | মায়াবী ঝর্না | সিলেট | বাংলাদেশ
Pangthumai Waterfall is one of the most beautiful visiting place in Sylhet. You will get a awesome natural condition here.Last month i have paid a visit at Pangthumai. But the main attraction of this site is the waterfall which is situated at the border line of Bangladesh-India.Anyway,you can get a shower under the waterfall from Bangladesh.I think you will get a refreshing nature in Pangthumai. I highly recommend this place if you visit Sylhet in future. To visit this place,you should go to Hadarpar from Sylhet city by vehicles.Then at the bank of the river,you can get boat to go this place which will take about 1.5 hours.
I really enjoy that visit.I hope you will visit this place soon.Then you will say,It's awesome!
Panthumai – a village from West Jaflong Union under Guainghat Upazilla – is another tourism hub in Sylhet. The village, which is very near to the east Khasia hill of the Meghalaya ranges, boasts of an eye-catching fall popularly known as Borhill Fall. Though the main fall is geographically located in the Indian territory, people can enjoy its enormous splendour head-on. Flowing from the Borhill Fall is a branch of the river Piyain that heads west and leads to Bisnakandi, another major tourist spot.
The village, which is very near to the east Khasia hill of the Meghalaya ranges, boasts of an eye-catching fall popularly known as Borhill Fall.
In addition to the splendid fall, the Guainghat-Pangthumai Road itself is a sight for the sore eye. As one heads east, the enormous mountain ranges appear to come closer and turn from blue to green gradually. And the clouds and the falls playing hide and seek are sure to fill one with awe. The best possible time to visit Pangthumai is between April and mid-October.
Best Time to visit
I visited the waterfall recently. I would say that the boat journey was more pleasant than the sight of the waterfall. I will highly recommend to visit this place.
Now a days, lot’s of people go to Bichanakandi and transportation has become quite convenient. Here is one route we took that isn’t used that much:
We went there with few of our cousins. If it’s more than 6 people, the best means to travel Sylhet is by hiring a car(Noah/Micro).
Best time to visit is end of monsoon. That time weather is cool and plenty of water in the waterfalls.
Tamabil: we stayed in Jaintia Hill resort. Living facility is less then moderate, should try to avoid their food as much as possible(too spicy and pricey- tastes horrible). But the view is absolutely mind blowing. Just in front of two giant waterfalls (sadly both of them located in India). You can spend a whole day just by seating at the balcony and staring at those waterfalls.
Lalakhal: Near Tamabill, boats are available from “Sharighat”. It takes 1.5 hours to go to the Bangladesh-India border and come back. Water of Lalakhal is turquoise blue if not raining for few days(rain makes the water muddy).
Ratargul swamp forest: It’s a forest half drowned in water. Boats are available to go inside. In my opinion, nothing much to see.
Panthumai: It’s a small picturesque village, but the main attraction is the Boro Hill water fall. It’s one of the largest waterfall I have seen in my life, but also located in India. Boats can be hired from the base of the water fall for Bichakandi. May need to wait some time for a suitable one, as not that much available.
Bichanakandi: It’s is one of the most beautiful places of Bangladesh. Slops of 7 Khasia hills have connected in one spot, clouds over the hills, several water falls, stones in clear water-it’s a place to remember. If any one wants to really visit bishanakandi, I would suggest you go as soon as possible. Stone crushing industry is trying to collect all the stones in the areas and the wonderful! crowd of Bangladesh are trying to pollute the whole place with all their might. In a few years, there might not be anything to see in the place.
Modhupur lake: It’s near Grand sultan resort in Srimongal, a beautiful lake in the middle of the tea garden. One of the few places where violet lilies is found, this lake is almost covered with them.
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Pangthumai Sylhet | Panthumai Sylhet | Sylhet Tour | travel Bangladesh | Part 03
Pangthumai Sylhet | Panthumai Sylhet | Sylhet Tour | travel Bangladesh | Part 03
Pangthumai waterfalls Sylhet , Bangladesh ।। সিলেটের পাংথুমাই ঝর্না
বাংলাদেশ – ভারত সীমান্তে মেঘালয় এর কোলে এক অসম্ভব সুন্দর গ্রাম – পান্থুমাই । এটি সিলেট জেলার গোয়াইনঘাট উপজেলার পশ্চিম জাফলং ইউনিয়নের একটি গ্রাম। পেছনে মেঘালয় পাহাড় এবং বয়ে চলা পিয়াইন নদীর পাড়ে এই গ্রামটি সম্ভবত বাংলাদেশের সবচেয়ে সুন্দর গ্রামগুলোর একটি। এই গ্রামের পাশেই বিশাল ঝর্ণা যার স্থানীয় নাম ফাটাছড়ির ঝর্ণা যা আমাদের কাছে পান্থুমাই / পাংথুমাই / পানতুমাই ঝর্ণা (Panthumai Waterfall) হিসেবে পরিচিত। কেউ কেউ আবার বড়হিল ঝর্ণা বলেও ডাকেন। ঝর্ণাটি ভারতের মধ্যে পড়লেও পিয়াইন নদীর পাড়ে দাঁড়িয়ে খুব কাছ থেকে দেখা যায়। পাশেই বিএসএফের ক্যাম্প। বরইগাছের সারি দিয়ে এখানে দুই দেশের সীমানা ভাগ করা। এখানে বিজিবির কোনো চৌকি নেই। তাই সীমানার কাছাকাছি যাওয়া বিপদজনক।
শাঁ শাঁ শব্দে কয়েক শত ফুট উঁচু পাহাড় থেকে নেমে আসছে শুভ্র জলধারা। পাহাড়ের গা বেয়ে নেমে আসা জলরাশিকে দূর থেকে দেখলে মনে হবে যেন কেউ বিছিয়ে রেখেছে সাদা শাড়ী। কাছে গেলে ঝর্ণার শব্দে ভুল ভাঙবে পর্যটকের। বিমুগ্ধ হয়ে আপনি চেয়ে থাকতে হবে পাহাড় আর জলের এই মিতালির দিকে। মন চাইবে ঝর্ণাধারা দিয়ে নেমে আসা শীতল পানিতে পা ভিজিয়ে নিতে। তবে জলপ্রপাতের সৌন্দর্য্য উপভোগের জন্য আপনাকে সীমানার ওপারে পা রাখতে হবে না। বাংলাদেশের সীমানায় দাঁড়িয়েই আপনি নয়নজুড়ে উপভোগ করতে পারবেন পাংথুমাই রূপ-লাবণ্য। জলপ্রপাত দিয়ে নেমে আসা জলে ভিজিয়ে নিতে পারবেন শরীর।
Bisnakandi & Panthumai Waterfall Tour, Sylhet, Bangladesh - পান্থুমাই ঝর্ণা, সিলেট
Bisnakandi & Panthumai Waterfall both are most beautiful visiting place in Sylhet, Bangladesh. You will see the true natural beauty. We really enjoyed it.
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#Panthumai #PanthumaiWaterfall #Bisnakandi
Pangthumai Waterfalls | Sylhet | Bangladesh
Pangthumai Waterfall is one of the most beautiful visiting place in Sylhet. You will get a awesome natural condition here.Last month i have paid a visit at Pangthumai. But the main attraction of this site is the waterfall which is situated at the border line of Bangladesh-India.Anyway,you can get a shower under the waterfall from Bangladesh.I think you will get a refreshing nature in Pangthumai. I highly recommend this place if you visit Sylhet in future.
It a cool water fall but located in india. u can see it while u visit bichanakandi. u need to either walk or rent a boat to reach there, u can see it from may be 100 mtr far, u can not go there technically as it is in india, boats can reach here in rainy season. Make sure u bargain while renting the boat,.very cool and calm natural and scenic. You will love it for sure. But u need to spend some time on road on river for reaching here. No food shop around so better carry water and food. And also not hotel near by to sleep.
Pangthumai Waterfall Sylhet | Panthumai | Meghalaya | পাংথুমাই ঝর্ণা | সিলেট
PangThuMai Village is a bordering village. It is located in Gowainghat district. This village looks fabulous under the hills of Indian state of Meghalaya. Many hills and waterfalls from Meghalaya form the river Peain. The land for agricultural works is very large inside the village. The Barahill falls is located actually in between Bangladesh-India border. The waterfall belongs to India and the lake belongs to Bangladesh. The atmosphere of this place is electric. You can see the range of Meghalaya hills with thick green vegetation. It is indeed a unique destination for tourists of all tiers.
#pangthumai #imtiazholidays #sylhet #meghalaya
Bichnakandi | Bichanakandi | Bisnakandi Sylhet Tour | Pangthumai Waterfalls | Go Pro
Bichnakandi is a quarry spot that is used to collect rocks from the riverbed.It is the place where many layers of the Khasi mountains from both sides meet at one point. Fountains from the Khasi mountains make a lake that is connected to Piyain River. The rocks are also natural and come down with water streams from the mountains.At present,it is one of the most visited tourist spots in Bangladesh.People from other countries visit Bangladesh for its natural beauty and this place attract them. Interesting fact is this place is alongside Bangladesh-India border and has two tectonic plates on the verge of colliding. Geologist also have proved that these kinds of places in Earth have a high rate of earthquakes. Same can be told for Jaflong, Lalakhal, the entire Manipur estate in India, San Andreas Fault etc.
Pangthumai Waterfall is one of the most beautiful visiting place in Sylhet.
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Tourist Places in Sylhet, Bangladesh | Sylhet Tour | Alimur Reja |
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Best 20 Tourist Places in Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Sylhet is a city in eastern Bangladesh, on the Surma River. It’s known for its Sufi shrines, like the ornate tomb and mosque of 14th-century saint Hazrat Shah Jalal, now a major pilgrimage site near Dargah Gate. The tiny Museum of Rajas contains belongings of the local folk poet Hasan Raja.
1. Ratargul Swamp Forest Sylhet:Ratargul Swamp Forest is a little Pantanal in Bangladesh. It is also called as Amazon of Bangladesh or Deshi Amazon or you can say Banglar Amazon.
2. Lawachara National Park Sreemangal:Lawachara is one of the best national sanctuary in Bangladesh. In 1997 Bangladesh government declared it a National Park.
3. Jaflong Sylhet:Jaflong is one of the best natural tourist spot in the Division of Sylhet, Bangladesh. Jaflong is situated at the border between Bangladesh and the Indian state of Meghalaya. It’s about 60 km far from Sylhet town and takes two hours’ drive to reach there.
4. Bisnakandi Sylhet :Bisnakandi is a village situated in Rustompur Union under GuainghatUpazilla. This is where many layers of the Khasimountain meet at a single point from both sides.
5. Madhabpur Lake Sreemangal:MadhobpurLake is a lake in Sreemangal, Maulvi Bazar District, Bangladesh. It is one of the popular tourist spot in Bangladesh.
6. Madhabkunda Waterfall Maulvibazar:It is situated in BarlekhaUpazila in Moulvibazar District, Sylhet Division. The waterfall is a popular tourist spot in Bangladesh.
7. Shahjalal Dorgha Sylhet:ShāhJalāl ad-Dīn al-Mujarrad al-Naqshbandi popularly known as Hazrat Shah Jalal, শাহজালাল, Sylhetiis a celebrated Sufi Muslim figure in Bengal.
8. Pangthumai Waterfall Sylhet:The Barahillfalls is located actually in between Bangladesh-India border. The waterfall belongs to India and the lake belongs to Bangladesh.
9. Ali Amjad Clock Tower Sylhet:Ali Amjad's Clock is the oldest clock tower located on the bank of Surma River in Sylhet, Bangladesh. It is known as the Big Ben of Sylhet and is a popular attraction, near to the Keane Bridge.
10. Tanguar Haor Sunamganj:Tanguarhaor (Bengali: টাঙ্গুয়ারহাওর), (also called Tanguahaor), located in the Dharmapasha and Tahirpurupazilas of Sunamganj District in Bangladesh.
11. Khadimnagar National Park Sylhet:Khadimnagar National park is located very close to Sylhet city. Khadimnagar tea garden is one the old famous tea gardens in Sylhet.
12. Srimangal Tea Garden:Sreemangal is known as the tea capital of Bangladesh. It covers an overall are of 450 sq. km. The opulent green tea plantation attracts most tourists. It has overall 163 tea plantations.
13. Ham Ham Waterfall Sreemangal:It’s in Srimangol, Sylhet, Bangladesh. One of Bangladesh's highest waterfall. Take 3 to 4 hours of trekking to reach there. Very rough path. The path is muddy, hilly, sometimes you've to walk on big rocks. In rainy season you need to swim to reach the fall.
14. BaikkaBeel Wetland Sanctuary Sreemangal:Baikkabeel is another bird sanctuary of this region. It is on the eastern part of the Hail haor. Hail haor is a large wetland encompassing about 100 hectares. It is about 20km from the Moulvibazar town. Baikkabeel was declared to be a sanctuary for fishes in 2003.
15. Hakaluki Haor Maulvibazar:Hakalukihaor is situated in the eastern part of Bangladesh adjacent to the Assam-Bangladesh border. 5 upzillas comprise this haors total area. 3 of them Kulaura, Juri and Baralekha are under Moulvibazar district. While the other 2 upzillas – Golapganj and Fenchuganj are under Sylhet division
16. Satchari National Park Sylhet:Satchari National Park is a national park in Habiganj District, Bangladesh. After the 1974 Wild Life Preservation Act, in 2005 Satchari National Park was built on 243 hectares of land.
17. Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary Sylhet:Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary is a protected forest and wildlife sanctuary in Bangladesh. This is a dry and evergreen forest. It is located in the Chunarughat of Habiganj district.
18. Jadukata River Sylhet:Jadukata River and BarikTila are located in the same place. Jadukata River is another blue river at Sunamganj. Jadukata River is originated from the Meghalaya Hills of India & flows into Bangladesh.
19. Osmany Museum Sylhet:Osmani Museum is a museum in Kotwali Thana of Sylhet, Bangladesh. The ancestors' home of Bangabir General Muhammad AtaulGaniOsmani, the Commander-in-Chief of Bangladesh Forces has been transformed into today's famous Osmani Museum.
20. Dreamland Amusement Park Sylhet:Dreamland Amusement &Water Park is located at Hilalpur, Golapgonj, Sylhet. Besides this amusement park, there are three more amusement parks listed in Sylhet.
Sylhet Explore (Part 1) - Bichanakandi & Pangthumai
Pangthumai Ssylhet | Panthumai Sylhet | Sylhet Tour | travel Bangladesh
Jaflong Zero point and Waterfalls|Travel Guide Sylhet BANGLADESH|Meghalaya, INDIA 2019
Camera,Voice & Edit:Towfikul Islam.
Tourist:Tanvir Amin.
Jaflong is one of the most attractive tourist spots in Sylhet division. It is about 60 km from Sylhet town and takes two hours drive to reach there. Jaflong is also a scenic spot nearby amidst tea gardens and rare beauty of rolling stones from hills. It is situated besides the river Mari in the lap of Hill Khashia.
#Travel #BANGLADESH #INDIA2019 #Meghalaya #Guide #Sylhet
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Sylhet tour road map ( Sylhet - pangthumai waterfalls)
To Explore Panthumai in Sylhet, Bangladesh
Panthumai is one of the top tourist attractions in Sylhet, Bangladesh. It is a remote village and located in Gowainghat. The main attraction here is the Borhill waterfall with the backdrop of Meghalaya mountain ranges. A boat ride on the river Piyain will take to explore Panthumai in Sylhet, Bangladesh. This travel destination is very close to the Borhill waterfall. You'll definitely enjoy the rural beauty here.
SHOT WITH: Nikon Coolpix P600 - (paid link)
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Bisnakandi Sylhet (বিছনাকান্দি Eid Tour-2) 25/ 06/ 2017 Amazing Tourism Spot in Bangladesh
Lawachara Rain Forest ( লাউয়াছড়া বন ) Srimanga SYLHET BANGLADESH | Sylhet Tour Travel Vlog 2018
Lawachara Rain Forest ( লাউয়াছড়া বন ) Srimanga SYLHET BANGLADESH | Sylhet Tour Travel Vlog 2018..
Lawachara National Park (লাউয়াছড়া) is a major national park and nature reserve in Bangladesh. The park is located at Kamalganj Upazila, Maulvi Bazar District in the northeastern region of the country. It is located within the 2,740 ha (27.4 km2) West Bhanugach Reserved Forest.
Camera : Sony Canon .
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Jafflong waterfall, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Jafflong waterfall, one of the most beautiful and attractive waterfalls in Bangladesh:))
Pantumai Waterfall Meghalaya
A beautiful waterfall falling in Bangladesh from Meghalaya Hill.
Piyain River To Beautiful Bisnakandi in Sylhet, Bangladesh
Bisnakandi is one of the top tourist attractions in Sylhet, Bangladesh. From Piyain River To beautiful Bisnakandi in Sylhet, Bangladesh is too picturesque and must-visit for all. A long journey by an engine boat on the beautiful Piyain river will take you to the beautiful destination Bisnakandi. A boat ride on the river Piyain can be your memorable experience.
SHOT WITH: Nikon Coolpix P600 - (paid link)
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