The Benedictine Pannonhalma Archabbey - Hungary - Travel & Discover
The Benedictine monastery of Pannonhalma in Western Hungary was founded in 996 by Prince Géza of Hungary.
Hungary’s first Benedictine monastery, it was dedicated to Saint Martin of Tours, who was believed to have been born at the site. It soon became a center of Eastern European Medieval culture.
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Pannonhalma Archabbey - 4K
The Benedictine Pannonhalma Archabbey or Territorial Abbey of Pannonhalma is a medieval building in Pannonhalma, one of the oldest historical monuments in Hungary. Founded in 996, it is located near the town, on top of a hill.
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Pannonhalma (Hungary) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel Video about Destination Pannonhalma in Hungary.
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Pannonhalma archabbey, Hungary
Pannonhalma archabbey, Hungary
The Benedictine Pannonhalma Archabbey or Territorial Abbey of Pannonhalma (lat. Archiabbatia or Abbatia Territorialis Sancti Martini in Monte Pannoniae) is the most notable landmark in Pannonhalma and one of the oldest historical monuments in Hungary, founded in 996. It is located near the town, on top of a hill (282 m). Saint Martin of Tours is believed to have been born at the foot of this hill, hence its former name, Mount of Saint Martin (Hungarian: Márton-hegy), from which the monastery occasionally took the alternative name of Márton-hegyi Apátság.
Unesco world heritage site
Pannonhalma (Hungary) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Pannonhalma in Hungary.
The northern Transdanubian was once the golden triangle of trade and transport between Vienna and Budapest. On a three hundred metre high hill in the Bakony Mountains is the Benedictine monastery of Pannonhalma that symbolizes the Christianization of Hungary. The oldest section of the complex is the Santa Martin Basilica which was consecrated in 1225 and was gradually developed above previous buildings. Baroque stucco and classical elements decorate its interior as well as many works of art that date back to the Romanesque and Gothic periods. Viewed from the cloister, the Porta Speciosa is a work of art. In the thirteenth century the magnificent Late Romanesque step portal was built on what was once the entrance to a church and symbolizes one of the twelve ornamental gates of Jerusalem. By much hard work and devotion, over the centuries the monastery prospered and gained much respect. Today only a handful of monks live and work in the monastery, running a school and maintaining the buildings.
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Pannonhalma hungary Archabbey library
Pannonhalma hungary Archabbey library
The adventures in Hungary continue and this time we're exploring the city of Gyor before visiting Pannonhalma. Both can be done as a day trip from Budapest and we had a fun time despite the rain. The streets of Gyor are so cute and colourful and the archabbey in Pannonhalma has the most impressive library we have ever seen!
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I visited the 2nd Largest Archabbey in the World | Pannonhalma ????????
Pannonhalma is the second-largest Archabbey in the world. I was there for a day to see (part of) it.
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#HouseofHistory #History
Pope John Paul II's two-day trip to Hungary began Friday.
One of the trips' highlights will be a visit to the Benedictine abbey in the western town of Pannonhalma.
The Pope plans to celebrate mass there to celebrate the abbey's thousandth anniversary.
The Benedictine abbey in Pannonhalma is one of Hungary's most cherished treasures.
Standing near the border with Slovakia, the abbey served as an outpost for Catholicism during invasions over the centuries by Tartars and Turks.
In modern times, it survived half a century of communism.
Today the abbey has three separate functions: it's a Benedictine monastery, a home for elderly monks and nuns and Hungary's most distinguished private school for boys.
The abbot says the Pope's visit could give post-communist Hungary a welcome morale boost.
SOUNDBITE: (Hungarian)
For a rather tormented nation in a state of internal upheaval it would be very good if the Pope could bring some hope and consolation. It would be very beneficial to us.
SUPER CAPTION: Father Asztrik Varszegi, Abbot, Pannonhalma Abbey
During the communist era, sending children to the abbey's high school was considered politically dangerous.
But the high standard of education offered here meant there were always plenty of parents prepared to take the risk of running foul of the authorities.
Pupils here are well aware of how privileged they are at being able to attend a mass presided over by the head of the Catholic Church.
SOUNDBITE: (Hungarian)
It is not customary at all for the Pope to attend the anniversary of a monastery, even if it is 1,000 years old. I think it's an extraordinary gift for us and if you are aware of his health and age you feel that it shows unexplainable grace on his part.
SUPER CAPTION: Father Ciril Hortobagyi
The Pope's poor health means he will only be spending two days in Hungary.
The fact that he has chosen to keep his commitment to attend the abbey's thousandth birthday celebrations indicates that it's a cause dear to his heart.
As for the abbey, this will surely be one of the highest points in its long and illustrious history.
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Pannonhalma Archabbey cont.
Georeferenced aerial photographs on a surveying network, in addition, partial TLS Scanning focusing on the library and its storage facility. DJI, Riegl, Faro, Revo equipment were used. Processed by ArchiCad and Bentley software.
Auf dem örtlichen Martinsberg erhebt sich das gleichnamige Benediktinerkloster, die Benediktiner-Erzabtei Martinsberg, die seit 1996 zum UNESCO-Welterbe gehört.
Monastery of Pannonhalma - UNESCO World Heritage Site
The UNESCO World Heritage site of the Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma is a large monastery complex in north-western Hungary, situated on a dramatic hill above the town of the same name. It's existed for over a thousand years, and played an important role in spreading Christianity throughout Hungary, and in the development of Hungarian writing. There's also a large garden complex attached to the monastery.
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Music: - Happiness
Pannonhalma Archabbey
Georeferenced aerial photographs on a surveying network, in addition, partial TLS Scanning focusing on the library and its storage facility
Millenary Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma and its ... (UNESCO/NHK)
The first Benedictine monks settled here in 996. They went on to convert the Hungarians, to found the country's first school and, in 1055, to write the first document in Hungarian. From the time of its founding, this monastic community has promoted culture throughout central Europe. Its 1,000-year history can be seen in the succession of architectural styles of the monastic buildings (the oldest dating from 1224), which still today house a ...
Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
Világörökség helyszínek - Pannonhalma
Az egykori Pannónia provincia adta annak a hegynek a nevét (mons Pannonia), amelyen a Szent Márton nevét viselő monostor épült, s amely hamarosan Szent Hegy (Mons Sacer) lett. A bencés apátságot Géza fejedelem alapította 996-ban. Fia Szent István a második évezred kezdetén látta el birtokokkal és kiváltságokkal Az itáliai és csehországi szerzetesek kezdték meg a közösségi életet, a közös imádságot, a bencésekre jellemző lelkipásztori és kulturális munkát. A monostor tagjai minden nap imádkoznak Magyarország sértetlenségéért.
Pannonhalma Monastery Tour (Hungary)
Pannonhalma Archabbey is a famous monastery in Pannonhalma, Hungary. This is footage from my trip there in May of 2010.
This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is the second largest territorial abbey in the world, and one of Hungary's most famous tourist destinations. It's home to around 50 monks and also acts as a boarding school for boys. It was founded in 996ad. (thank you wikipedia)
My gratitude for music Song from a Secret Garden
Pannonhalma - Thousand years of present
Pannonhalma - Travel Impressions - Hungary - Magyarország
Pannonhalma - Eine kleine Stadt, bzw. ein kleiner Ort in Ungarn nicht weit vom Balaton (Plattensee) entfernt. Pannonhalma ist ein Internat, sowie ein Kloster.
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Laserdisc von Chris Zabriskie ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license ( lizenziert.
Was gibt's zu sehen?
Pannonhalma, Kloster, Abt, Internat, Ort, Stadt in der Region Györ - Moson - Sopron in Ungarn, Magyarország, Hungary
Pannonhalmi Levendulás és Gyógynövénykert // Pannonhalma - Arborétum [4k]
A Pannonhalmi Főapátság Arborétuma és Gyógynövénykertje egész évben látogatható.:
májustól szeptemberig 9-20 óra között
októbertől áprilisig 10-17 óra között
A Gyógynövényház és a Levendula-lepárló műhely nyitva tartása:
- áprilisban: csak csoportoknak, előzetes bejelentkezés alapján
- májusban: hétfő-vasárnap 10-17 óráig
- június 1.-augusztus 31.: hétfő–vasárnap 10-18 óráig
- szeptemberben: kedd-vasárnap 10-16 óráig
- október 1- március 31. között zárva
A régi korok szerzetesei nagy gonddal termesztették és gyűjtötték a gyógyításhoz szükséges növényeket. A természet tudományos vizsgálatára, a monostor természeti környezetének tudatos alakítására a 19. század első évtizedeiből vannak adataink. 1830-ban már mintegy 80 fa- és cserjefaj található az apátság arborétumában, amelynek angolkert jellegét Szeder Fábián alakította ki az 1840-es években.
Az arborétum területén ma több száz fa- és cserjefaj található, s ezek egy része különleges, az országban csak kevés helyen előforduló faj és fajta. A Főapátsági Arborétum a felüdülés, a kikapcsolódás helye, de rendszeres oktató- és kutatómunka is folyik itt. Védett botanikai értékei mellett igen gazdag a terület énekesmadár állománya is.
History of the Pannonhalma Archabbey
Pannonhalma is a very small city in Hungary. It's located next to Győr. The Archabbey is on the Szent-Márton Hill. There reign silence and peace. It is a very beautiful place.
Come with me..and let's see together!....Love :D
I don't own this music, this music is a beatuiful work by Hans Zimmer. :)