Panorama Mesdag Scheveningen - Den Haag 2015
Panorama Mesdag gives you a 360 degree vista of the sea, the dunes and the fishing village of Scheveningen as it was in 1881. Step back in time and experience a unique view of our cultural heritage - the oldest 19th century panorama in the world on its original site. This cylindrical painting, more than 14 meters high and 120 meters in circumference, was painted by one of the most important painters of the The Hague School, Hendrik Willem Mesdag, with help from his friends.
Be surrounded by the biggest painting in Holland
Get the feeling of life as it was in 1881
Look 360 degrees around you
Experience the illusion of an unlimited view from the top of a sand-dune
See other artworks by Mesdag and his wife Sientje Mesdag-van Houten, from seascapes to still-lifes
Celui qui entre dans Panorama Mesdag, se place au milieu du plus grand tableau des Pays-Bas. Faites un tour sur vous-même pour ressentir l’illusion magique de cet hallucinant panorama de 1881. Le paysage n’est jamais le même. En hiver, lorsqu’il fait sombre, l’ambiance y est fraîche et voilée. Quand le soleil brille, l’éclairage est sublime et peut changer d’une minute à l’autre. Le panorama sur la mer, les dunes et l’ancien village de pêcheurs et la station balnéaire émergente Scheveningen a été peint par l’un de peintres les plus connus de l’Ecole de La Haye, Hendrik Willem Mesdag. Avec ses dimensions énormes (120 x 14 mètres) Panorama Mesdag constitue un monument unique du patrimoine.
The Hague - Museum Panorama Mesdag
Look 360º around you and experience the magical optical illusion created by this panorama of Scheveningen from 1881 in Museum Panorama Mesdag. The view is never the same; the incidence of light is more than magnificent and changes from moment to moment. The vista of the sea, dunes and old fishermen's village Scheveningen was painted by H.W. Mesdag. Panorama Mesdag is a unique cultural historical monument.
Production: Starsound Productions
Music: Tim Akkerman
More info:
Panorama Mesdag, the Hague, The Netherlands
Nothing in addition. You'd better go. Speechless.
Panorama Mesdag, The Hague with music by Richard Hol
Panorama Mesdag is a panorama by Hendrik Willem Mesdag (23 February 1831 – 10 July 1915). Housed in a purpose-built museum in The Hague, the panorama is a cylindrical painting (also known as a Cyclorama) more than 14 metres high and about 40 metres in diameter (120 metres in circumference). From an observation gallery in the centre of the room the cylindrical perspective creates the illusion that the viewer is on a high sand dune overlooking the sea, beaches and village of Scheveningen in the late 19th century. A foreground of fake terrain around the viewing gallery hides the base of the painting and makes the illusion more convincing.
Mesdag was a notable marine painter of the Hague School; in 1880 he was engaged by a Belgian company to paint the panorama, which with the assistance of his wife and many student painters (including Breitner), was completed by 1881. However, the vogue for panoramas was coming to an end, and the company went bankrupt in 1886. Mesdag purchased the panorama and met its losses from his own pocket. The panorama is now the oldest surviving panorama in its original location.
Panorama Mesdag The Hague, Netherlands
I visited Panorama Mesdag The Hague Netherlands on July 19, 2012.
Its the largest painting in Netherlands.
-Peer Syed Mudassir Nazar Shah
Top Ten The Hague - Panorama Mesdag
Panorama Mesdag is a top 20 tourist attraction in The Hague, Netherlands. It is a panorama by Hendrik Willem Mesdag more than 14 metres high and about 40 metres in diameter. From an observation gallery in the centre of the room the viewer gets the illusion that they are on a sand dune overlooking the sea, beach and village of Scheveningen in the late 19th century.
Netherlands 2006 Panorama Mesdag in The Hague
From museum's webpage:
Panorama Mesdag is a cylindrical painting, more than 14 meters high and 120 meters in circumference. The vista of the sea, the dunes and Scheveningen village was painted by one of the most famous painters of the Hague School, Hendrik Willem Mesdag. It is the oldest 19th century panorama in the world in its original site, and a unique cultural heritage.
Mesdag Panorama is the most beautiful sensation of my life. It has just one tiny flaw and that is its flawlesness.
- Vincent van Gogh, painter, 1881
Panorama Mesdag, Panorama 360, The Hague, Holland, Netherlands
Panorama Mesdag is a panorama by Hendrik Willem Mesdag.
Step back in time and experience a unique view of our cultural heritage – the oldest 19th century panorama in the world on its original site. This cylindrical painting, more than 14 meters high and 120 meters in circumference, was painted by one of the most important painters of the The Hague School, Hendrik Willem Mesdag, with help from his friends.
Housed in a purpose-built museum in The Hague, the panorama is a cylindrical painting (also known as a Cyclorama). From an observation gallery in the centre of the room the cylindrical perspective creates the illusion that the viewer is on a high sand dune overlooking the sea, beaches and village of Scheveningen in the late 19th century. A foreground of fake terrain around the viewing gallery hides the base of the painting and makes the illusion more convincing.
Den Haag - Panorama Mesdag
Kijk 360º in het rond en onderga de magische illusie van het zinsbegoochelende panorama van Scheveningen uit 1881 in Museum Panorama Mesdag. Het uitzicht is er nooit hetzelfde, de lichtval is er meer dan prachtig en van minuut tot minuut wisselend. Het vergezicht op de zee, de duinen en het oude vissersdorp Scheveningen is geschilderd door Hendrik Willem Panorama Mesdag. Panorama Mesdag is een uniek cultuurhistorisch monument.
Productie: Starsound Productions
Muziek: Tim Akkerman
Meer info:
Den Haag - Panorama Mesdag
me looking over the famous Panorama Mesdag
Panorama Mesdag
Entering the Panorama Mesdag (1881) you literally 'step into' the largest painting in the Netherlands!
Housed in its original, purpose-built, museum in The Hague, the Panorama is a 360° painting 14m in height and with a circumference of approximately 120m. It was created by Hendrik Willem Mesdag and other painters of the Haagse School including his wife, Sientje Mesdag-van Houten, and George Hendrik Breitner. From an observation gallery in the centre of the room the cylindrical perspective creates the illusion that the viewer is on a high sand dune overlooking the sea, beaches and Dutch village of Scheveningen in the late 19th century. A recreated dune in the foreground of the viewing gallery hides the base of the painting and completes the illusion. Lit by natural light from above, the view is never the same; on winter days the scene is grey and cloudy, on summer days, it is bright and sunny. The Panorama Mesdag is the world's oldest surviving panorama in its original location.
The Panorama Mesdag is unique cultural heritage.
If you visit the Netherlands, see it!
Website of the Museum (in Dutch) - and Panorama - here:
Panorama Mesdag- Deen Haag - Netherlands - Nahum Gofberg
Music : Victory at Last .
Panorama Mesdag, The Hague
Panorama Mesdag - The Hague
Het verhaal achter de Panorama Mesdag - deel 1 | Man en Kunst
Klik hier voor het tweede deel:
In de eerste aflevering van Man en Kunst duikt presentator Lucas De Man in het bijzondere schilderij Panorama Mesdag (1881) van Hendrik Willem Mesdag. Lees meer over het schilderij en luister naar passende klassieke muziekstukken, gekozen door luisteraars van het NPO Radio 4-programma De Klassieken.
Het allergrootste schilderij van Nederland... dat is Panorama Mesdag! Het is maar liefst 120 meter lang en ruim 14 meter hoog en hangt in de Zeestraat in Den Haag. Het overweldigende doek toont de zee, de duinen en het dorp Scheveningen 360 graden in het rond. Dit soort panorama’s waren heel populair aan het eind van de 19e eeuw, als een soort voorloper van virtual reality. Je krijgt echt het gevoel alsof je bovenop een duin staat.
Гуляем в Гааге, музей панорама Месдаг/ The Hague, Panorama Mesdag museum
Music/ музыка:
* @iksonofficial - Views
* @iksonofficial - Remember
* @iksonofficial - Alive
* @iksonofficial - Last Summer
* Jef - Pixels
* @iksonofficial - Harmony
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Мой Инстаграм @redheartinrose
Mesdag Panorama in The Hague
A slow motion video of me and an extraordinary painting. On holiday in the Netherlands.
Best Attractions & Things to do in The Hague, The Netherlands
In this video our travel specialists have listed some of the best things to do in Hague . We have tried to do some extensive research before giving the listing of Things To Do in Hague.
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List of Best Things to do in Hague
The Mauritshuis Royal Picture Gallery
Louwman Museum The Hague
Panorama Mesdag
Escher in Het Paleis (Escher in the Palace)
Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
Landgoed Clingendael
Japanese Garden
Peace Palace
Skyview De Pier
Binnenhof & Ridderzaal (Inner Court & Hall of the Knights)
Panorama Mesdag 1881
Panorama Mesdag Den Haag
Panorama Mesdag, een cilindervormig schilderij van de Duinen en Scheveningen, geschilderd door Hendrik Willem en Sientje Mesdag