The Raclawice Panorama, Wroclaw, Poland / Panorama Racławicka, Wrocław, Polska
The Racławice Panorama (Polish: Panorama racławicka) is a monumental (15 × 114 meter) cycloramic painting depicting the Battle of Racławice, during the Kościuszko Uprising. It is currently located in Wrocław, Poland. The painting is one of only a few preserved relics of a genre of 19th century mass culture, and the oldest in Poland. The panorama stands in a circular fashion and, with the viewer in the center, presents different scenes at various viewing angles. A special kind of perspective used in the painting and additional effects (lighting, artificial terrain) create a feeling of reality.( )
Panorama Racławicka -- muzeum sztuki we Wrocławiu, oddział Muzeum Narodowego we Wrocławiu, założone w 1893 we Lwowie, od 1980 we Wrocławiu; eksponuje cykloramiczny obraz Bitwa pod Racławicami namalowany w latach 1893--1894 pod kierunkiem Jana Styki i Wojciecha Kossaka. Obraz olejny przedstawia bitwę pod Racławicami (1794), jeden z epizodów insurekcji kościuszkowskiej, zwycięstwo wojsk polskich pod dowództwem gen. Tadeusza Kościuszki nad wojskami rosyjskimi pod dowództwem gen. Aleksandra Tormasowa.( )
Panorama of the Battle of Racławice,Wroclaw Poland
The Racławice Panorama is a monumental cycloramic painting depicting the Battle of Racławice, during the Kościuszko Uprising. It is located in Wrocław, Poland. The painting is one of only a few preserved relics of a genre of 19th-century mass culture, and the oldest in Poland.
Panorama of Raclawice Wroclaw Poland
recorded on August 16, 2014
Moving Image Archive Serge de Muller
Wrocław. Panorama Racławicka. Panorama of the Battle of Racławice.
1.Audionautix: Over Time – na licencji Creative Commons Attribution (
2. Audionautix: Opus One – na licencji Creative Commons Attribution (
PANORAMA OF THE BATTLE OF RACŁAWICE in Wrocław, an impressive relic of 19th-century century mass culture, is one of only few examples of this genre preserved in Europe. The large painting (15x114m) 'transfers' the viewer into an altogether different time, a reality of its own, by artfully combining painterly devices (special kind of perspective) and technical effects (lighting, artificial terrain, dark and usually tortuous passage to the viewing platform). Panoram of the Battle of Racławice is the oldest and only extant example of panorama painting in Poland.
[3DHD] The Raclawice Panorama, Wroclaw, Poland / Panorama Racławicka, Wrocław, Polska
The Racławice Panorama (Polish: Panorama racławicka) is a monumental (15 × 114 meter) cycloramic painting depicting the Battle of Racławice, during the Kościuszko Uprising. It is currently located in Wrocław, Poland. The painting is one of only a few preserved relics of a genre of 19th century mass culture, and the oldest in Poland. The panorama stands in a circular fashion and, with the viewer in the center, presents different scenes at various viewing angles. A special kind of perspective used in the painting and additional effects (lighting, artificial terrain) create a feeling of reality.( )
Panorama Racławicka -- muzeum sztuki we Wrocławiu, oddział Muzeum Narodowego we Wrocławiu, założone w 1893 we Lwowie, od 1980 we Wrocławiu; eksponuje cykloramiczny obraz Bitwa pod Racławicami namalowany w latach 1893--1894 pod kierunkiem Jana Styki i Wojciecha Kossaka. Obraz olejny przedstawia bitwę pod Racławicami (1794), jeden z epizodów insurekcji kościuszkowskiej, zwycięstwo wojsk polskich pod dowództwem gen. Tadeusza Kościuszki nad wojskami rosyjskimi pod dowództwem gen. Aleksandra Tormasowa.( )
Wroclaw, Poland: the city and the Racławice Panorama
This video shows sights and views of Wrocław beyond the main square and the cathedral island.
Racławice Panorama Wroclaw Poland
Panorama Racławice in Wroclaw, Poland
Panorama of the Battle of Racławice in Wroclaw, Poland.
A beautiful big painting in the heart of Poland.
The biggest panorama art in Wroclaw Poland (15 × 114 meter)- Exclusive Video Battle of Racławice
The Racławice Panorama (Polish: Panorama Racławicka) is a monumental (15 × 114 meter)[citation needed] cycloramic paintingdepicting the Battle of Racławice, during the Kościuszko Uprising. It is located in Wrocław, Poland. The painting is one of only a few preserved relics of a genre of 19th-century mass culture, and the oldest in Poland. The panorama stands in a circular fashion and, with the viewer in the center, presents different scenes at various viewing angles. A special kind of perspective used in the painting and additional effects (lighting, artificial terrain) create a feeling of reality.The idea came from the painter Jan Styka in Lwów (currently known as Lviv) who invited the renowned battle-painter Wojciech Kossakto participate in the project.[1] They were assisted by Ludwik Boller, Tadeusz Popiel, Zygmunt Rozwadowski, Teodor Axentowicz, Włodzimierz Tetmajer, Wincenty Wodzinowskiand Michał Sozański.
The project was conceived as a patriotic commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the victorious Battle of Racławice, a famous episode of the Kościuszko Insurrection, a heroic but ultimately failed attempt to defend Polish independence. The battle was fought on 4 April 1794 between the insurrectionist force of regulars and peasant volunteers (armed with scythes) under Kościuszko (1746–1817) himself and the Russian army commanded by General Alexander Tormasov. For the nation which had lost its independence, the memory of this glorious victory was particularly important.
The National Exhibition, organized in Lwów in 1894, offered an excellent opportunity to realize Styka’s idea. Canvas, woven to order, was bought in Brussels, the specially built rotunda’s iron structure (designed by Ludwik Ramułt) in Vienna. The rotunda, located in Stryjski Park in Lwów, was ready in July 1893. The huge panoramic painting was executed within 9 months, between August 1893 and May 1894. The official opening was on 5 June 1894. Since the very beginning, Panorama of the Battle of Racławice attracted enormous attention and brought crowds of tourists to Lwów. On average 75 000 viewers visited it every year.[2]
After World War II, the painting was brought to Wrocław (formerly Breslau in Germany) along with a part of the collection of the Ossoliński Institute. As under the communist regime the subject was considered politically sensitive, the efforts to have the canvas restored and exhibited, undertaken by successive Volunteer Committees, were successful only after August 1980. Reopened on 14 June 1985, the major attraction of the old Lwów has immediately become the main tourist attraction of Wrocław. Here, contemporary viewers have an opportunity to participate in a unique illusionist spectacle.
BREAKING MUSE: Panorama Racławicka / Panorama of the Battle of Racławice
PANORAMA RACŁAWICKA we Wrocławiu to jedno z niewielu miejsc na świecie, gdzie podziwiać można relikt dziewiętnastowiecznej kultury masowej. Wielkie malowidło (15x114m), dzięki zespoleniu szczególnych zabiegów malarskich (specjalna perspektywa) i technicznych (oświetlenie, sztuczny teren, zaciemnione, kręte podejście), przenosi widza w inną rzeczywistość i inny czas. Panorama Racławicka to pierwsze i jedyne zachowane do dziś polskie dzieło tego rodzaju.
Pomysłodawcą Panoramy był znany lwowski malarz Jan Styka (1858-1925), który zaprosił do współpracy znakomitego batalistę Wojciecha Kossaka (1856-1942). Pomagali im: Ludwik Boller, Tadeusz Popiel, Zygmunt Rozwadowski, Teodor Axentowicz, Włodzimierz Tetmajer, Wincenty Wodzinowski i Michał Sozański.
Autorom pomysłu zależało głównie na upamiętnieniu tradycji narodowych w setną rocznicę Insurekcji Kościuszkowskiej i zwycięskiej bitwy stoczonej 4 kwietnia 1794 pod Racławicami przez wojska powstańcze - z udziałem słynnych kosynierów - pod wodzą generała Tadeusza Kościuszki (1746-1817) - z wojskami rosyjskimi dowodzonymi przez generała Tormasowa. Krzepiąca serca bitwa racławicka miała dla będącego wówczas w niewoli narodu niezwykłe znaczenie. Dlatego organizowana w roku 1894 we Lwowie Powszechna Wystawa Krajowa była dobrą okazją do realizacji projektu Styki. Specjalnie tkane płótno zakupiono w Brukseli, żelazną konstrukcję rotundy projektu Ludwika Ramułta - w Wiedniu. Budynek rotundy, usytuowanej w Parku Stryjskim we Lwowie gotowy był w lipcu 1893. Olbrzymie malowidło powstało w ciągu zaledwie 9 miesięcy, między sierpniem 1893 a majem 1894. Uroczyste otwarcie Panoramy Racławickiej nastąpiło 5 czerwca 1894. Od początku cieszyła się niesłabnącym zainteresowaniem widzów i od razu stała się głównym magnesem przyciągającym do Lwowa rzesze turystów.
Po II wojnie światowej, w 1946 roku malowidło wraz z częścią zbiorów Ossolineum trafiło do Wrocławia. Tu kolejne Społeczne Komitety czyniły starania o konserwację i ekspozycję płótna. Oczekiwania wielu Polaków spełniły się dopiero po wstrząsie sierpnia 1980. Ponowne udostępnienie Panoramy nastąpiło 14 czerwca 1985. Ogromna atrakcja starego Lwowa stała się natychmiast główną atrakcją Wrocławia.
Współcześni widzowie także mogą uczestniczyć w niecodziennym spektaklu złudzeń. Wśród licznych gości zwiedzających Panoramę Racławicką znaleźli się: papież Jan Paweł II, królowa Holandii Beatrix i Czesław Miłosz.
WROCLAW * Panorama der Schlacht von Raclawice
Panorama der Schlacht von Raclawice in Breslau, ein imposantes Relikt vom 19.Jahrhunderts, ist einer der wenigen Beispiele dieses Genres in Europa erhalten.
Das große Bild (ca. 15 x 114 m) transferiert den Betrachter in eine völlig andere Zeit.
波兰 弗罗茨瓦夫 Racławice战争全景画 Wroclaw Racławice Panorama
The Racławice Panorama (Polish: Panorama racławicka) is a monumental (15 × 114 meter) cycloramic painting depicting the Battle of Racławice, during the Kościuszko Uprising. It is currently located in Wrocław, Poland.
Battle of Raclawice Bitwa pod Racławicami
Bitwa pod Racławicami miała miejsce 4 kwietnia 1794 pod Racławicami, w czasie insurekcji kościuszkowskiej, gdzie wojska polskie pod dowództwem naczelnika Tadeusza Kościuszki stoczyły wielką bitwę z wojskami rosyjskimi pod dowództwem generała majora Aleksandra Tormasowa. W wyniku wygranej wojsk polskich pomimo niezbyt dużego znaczenia militarnego, pozwoliła uwierzyć w siebie powstańcom już 12 dni po rozpoczęciu powstania.
Western Poland (#12): Raclawice Panorama
Wroclaw (German: Breslau) is the chief city of the historical region of Silesia in southwestern Poland, situated on the Oder (Polish: Odra) river. Over the centuries, the city has been part of Poland, Bohemia, Austria, Prussia, and Germany. According to official population figures for 2006, its population is 635,280, making it the fourth largest city in Poland.
For most of World War II, the fighting did not affect Breslau. As the war lengthened, refugees from bombed-out German cities, and later refugees from farther east, swelled the population to nearly one million. In February 1945, the Soviet Red Army approached the city. Gauleiter Karl Hanke declared the city a Festung (fortress) to be held at all costs. Hanke finally lifted a ban on the evacuation of women and children when it was almost too late. During his poorly organized evacuation in early March 1945, 18,000 people froze to death in icy snowstorms and -20°C weather. By the end of the Siege of Breslau, half the city had been destroyed. An estimated 40,000 civilians lay dead in the ruins of homes and factories. After a siege of nearly three months, Fortress Breslau surrendered on 7 May 1945, just before the end of the war.
Along with almost all of Lower Silesia, Breslau nominally became part of Poland under the terms of the Potsdam Conference. Between 1945 and 1949, most remaining native German inhabitants fled or were forcibly expelled from Wroclaw. Most of them arrived in one of the Allied Occupation Zones in Germany. A considerable German presence remained until the late 1950s; the city's last German school closed in 1963. The population was dramatically increased by government resettlement of Poles during postwar population transfers (75%) as well as during the forced deportations from Polish lands annexed by the Soviet Union in the east region.
The Raclawice Panorama (Polish: Panorama Raclawicka) is a monumental (15 × 120 meter) panoramic painting depicting the Battle of Raclawice, during the Kosciuszko Uprising. It is currently located in Wroclaw, Poland. The painting is one of only a few preserved relics of a genre of 19th century mass culture, and the oldest in Poland. The panorama stands in a circular fashion and, with the viewer in the center, presents different scenes at various viewing angles. A special kind of perspective used in the painting and additional effects (lighting, artificial terrain) create a feeling of reality.
History ... The idea came from the painter Jan Styka (1858 -- 1925) in Lwów (Lvov) who invited the renowned battle-painter Wojciech Kossak (1857 -- 1942) to participate in the project. They were assisted by Ludwik Boller, Tadeusz Popiel, Zygmunt Rozwadowski, Teodor Axentowicz, Wlodzimierz Tetmajer, Wincenty Wodzinowski and Michal Sozanski.
The project was conceived as a patriotic manifestation commemorating the 100th anniversary of the victorious Battle of Raclawice, a famous episode of the Kosciuszko Insurrection, a heroic but in the end fallen attempt to defend Polish independence.
The battle was fought on April 4, 1794 between the insurrectionist force of regulars and peasant volunteers (awesome scythe-bearers) under Kosciuszko (1746 -- 1817) himself and the Russian army commanded by General Alexander Tormasov. For the nation which had lost its independence, the memory of this glorious victory was particularly important.
Panorama of Raclawice 1 Wroclaw
recorded on August 16, 2014
Moving Image Archive Serge de Muller
Panorama raclawicka, museum Wroclaw, battle of racławice, bitwa pod Racławicami
Panorama raclawicka
museum Wroclaw,
battle of racławice
bitwa pod Racławicami
Bức tranh toàn cảnh Racławice (tiếng Ba Lan: Panorama Racławicka ) là một bức tranh hoành tráng (15 × 114 mét) bức tranh cycloramic mô tả Trận chiến Racławice , trong Cuộc nổi dậy Kokociuszko . Nó nằm ở Wrocław , Ba Lan . Bức tranh là một trong số ít những di tích được bảo tồn thuộc thể loại văn hóa đại chúng thế kỷ 19, và lâu đời nhất ở Ba Lan. Toàn cảnhđứng theo kiểu vòng tròn và, với người xem ở trung tâm, trình bày những cảnh khác nhau ở nhiều góc nhìn khác nhau. Một loại phối cảnh đặc biệt được sử dụng trong bức tranh và các hiệu ứng bổ sung (ánh sáng, địa hình nhân tạo) tạo cảm giác như thật.
Toàn cảnh Trận chiến Racławice - một bảo tàng nghệ thuật ở Wrocław , một chi nhánh của Bảo tàng Quốc gia ở Wrocław , được thành lập năm 1893 tại Lviv [2] , từ năm 1980 tại Wrocław; trưng bày bức tranh theo chu kỳ của Trận Racławice được vẽ vào những năm 1893 - 1894 bởi một nhóm họa sĩ dưới sự chỉ đạo của Jan Styka và Wojciech Kossak . Bức tranh sơn dầu cho thấy trận chiến Racławice (1794), một trong những tập phim của Cuộc nổi dậy Kościuszko , chiến thắng của quân đội Ba Lan dưới sự chỉ huy của tướng Tadeusz Kościuszko trước quân đội Ngadưới sự chỉ huy của tướng Alexander Tormasov .
Eternal Hope của Kevin MacLeod được cấp phép theo giấy phép Creative Commons Attribution (
Nghệ sĩ:
Panorama of Raclawice 3 Wroclaw
recorded on August 16, 2014
Moving Image Archive Serge de Muller
A Walk Around Historic Wrocław (Old Town and Ostrów Tumski) (Poland)
Some of the most beautiful sites of Wrocław, with panoramic shots over the Old Town, Ostrów Tumski and the River Odra.
Wrocław is a city on the Oder River in western Poland. It’s known for its Market Square, lined with elegant townhouses and featuring a modern fountain. Also on the square is the Gothic Old Town Hall, with its large astronomical clock. Nearby is the Panorama of Racławice, a painting depicting the 1794 battle for independence. The Centennial Hall auditorium, with its giant dome and tall spire, lies across the river.
Wrocław - miasto na prawach powiatu w południowo-zachodniej Polsce, siedziba władz województwa dolnośląskiego i powiatu wrocławskiego. Położone w Europie Środkowej na Nizinie Śląskiej, w Pradolinie Wrocławskiej, nad rzeką Odrą i czterema jej dopływami. Jest historyczną stolicą Dolnego Śląska, a także całego Śląska.
Jest głównym miastem aglomeracji wrocławskiej. Czwarte pod względem liczby ludności miasto w Polsce – 635 759 mieszkańców, piąte pod względem powierzchni – 292,82 km².
Dawna stolica księstwa wrocławskiego, siedziba władz pruskiej prowincji Śląsk i rejencji wrocławskiej. Od 28 czerwca 1946 stolica województwa wrocławskiego. Od 1 stycznia 1999 stolica województwa dolnośląskiego.
Wrocław znalazł się wśród 230 miast świata w rankingu firmy doradczej Mercer „Najlepsze miasta do życia” w roku 2015 oraz jako jedyne polskie miasto został w tym rankingu ujęty jako miasto wyrastające na centrum biznesowe.
Wrocław jako jedyne polskie miasto znalazł się w pierwszej dziesiątce miejsc wartych odwiedzenia w rankingu brytyjskiego dziennika The Guardian.
Breslau - im Südwesten von Polen gelegen, ist mit über 630.000 Einwohnern nach Warschau, Krakau und Łódź die viertgrößte Stadt des Landes, Verwaltungssitz des gleichnamigen Landkreises (Powiat) sowie Hauptstadt der Woiwodschaft Niederschlesien.
Als Hauptstadt der historischen Region Schlesien ist die kreisfreie Großstadt an der Oder (Odra) Sitz eines römisch-katholischen Erzbischofs und eines evangelischen Diözesanbischofs. Mit zahlreichen Unternehmen, Hochschulen, Forschungsinstituten, Theatern und Museen bildet Breslau das wirtschaftliche, kulturelle und wissenschaftliche Zentrum Niederschlesiens.
Mit ihrer wechselvollen Geschichte zwischen Deutschen und Polen, den zahlreichen historischen Bauten, Parkanlagen und Plätzen ist die Stadt heute Anziehungspunkt für Besucher aus aller Welt. Breslau war 2012 einer der Austragungsorte der Fußball-Europameisterschaft und ist 2016 Kulturhauptstadt Europas sowie Verleihungsort des Europäischen Filmpreises. 2015 wurde Breslau der Ehrentitel „Reformationsstadt Europas“ durch die Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen in Europa verliehen.
Popeska - I Believe
Panorama of the Battle of Racławice
The Racławice Panorama (Polish: Panorama racławicka) is a monumental (15 × 114 meter) cycloramic painting depicting the Battle of Racławice, during the Kościuszko Uprising. It is located in Wrocław, Poland. The painting is one of only a few preserved relics of a genre of 19th-century mass culture, and the oldest in Poland. The panorama stands in a circular fashion and, with the viewer in the center, presents different scenes at various viewing angles. A special kind of perspective used in the painting and additional effects (lighting, artificial terrain) create a feeling of reality.
Panorama of Racławice - Battle Hymn - 3160 improvisation
Fotografie wykorzystane do pokazu i muzyka (improwizacja na keyboardzie Tyros 4 ):autor Ryszard Bieszczad
Photos used for demonstration and background music (improvisation on the keyboard Tyros 4 ): author Richard Bieszczad
Panorama Racławicka – muzeum sztuki we Wrocławiu, oddział Muzeum Narodowego we Wrocławiu, założone w 1893 we Lwowie, od 1980 we Wrocławiu; eksponuje cykloramiczny obraz Bitwa pod Racławicami namalowany w latach 1893–1894 przez zespół malarzy pod kierunkiem Jana Styki i Wojciecha Kossaka. Obraz olejny przedstawia bitwę pod Racławicami (1794), jeden z epizodów insurekcji kościuszkowskiej, zwycięstwo wojsk polskich pod dowództwem gen. Tadeusza Kościuszki nad wojskami rosyjskimi pod dowództwem gen. Aleksandra Tormasowa.
Panorama Racławicka ukazuje artystyczną wizję przebiegu bitwy pod Racławicami, stoczonej w okolicach wsi Racławice, Dziemięrzyce i Janowiczki. Pejzaż z tych lokacji przedstawiony został realistycznie wg fotografii oraz szkiców terenowych wykonanych przez Kossaka, Stykę i Bollera w kwietniu 1893 roku.
Obraz ukazuje najważniejsze zdaniem twórców momenty bitwy w sposób asynchroniczny nie ukazując przy tym jej początkowych faz. Na płótnie występują więc jednocześnie sceny, które występowały w różnym czasie. Wiele ważnych momentów bitwy nie zostało przedstawionych natomiast pojawiły się sceny, które w czasie bitwy nie miały miejsca. Często również namalowane sceny nie odpowiadają lokacjom, w których rzeczywiście się wydarzyły ponieważ podporządkowane zostały kompozycji artystycznej dzieła.
Racławicka Panorama - an art museum in Wrocław, a branch of the National Museum in Wrocław, founded in 1893 in Lviv, from 1980 in Wrocław; exposes the cyclical image of the Battle of Racławice painted in 1893-1894 by a team of painters led by Jan Styka and Wojciech Kossak. The oil painting depicts the Battle of Racławice (1794), one of the episodes of Kościuszko Insurrection, the victory of Polish troops under the command of Gen. Tadeusz Kosciuszko over the Russian armies under the command of General Aleksander Tormasov.
The Racławice Panorama presents an artistic vision of the Battle of Racławice, fought in the vicinity of the villages of Racławice, Dziemięrzyce and Janowiczki. The landscape from these locations was presented realistically according to photographs and field sketches made by Kossak, Styka and Boller in April 1893.
The picture shows the most important moments of the fighters in an asynchronous way, without showing its initial phases. On the canvas, there are also scenes that occurred at different times. Many important moments of the battle were not presented while there were scenes that did not take place during the battle. Often, also painted scenes do not correspond to the locations in which they actually happened because they were subordinated to the artistic composition of the work.