UWS004044 Slide show Samoa South Seas paradise Strände Südsee Paradies Praias mar do Sul Laumua Apia
White beaches, clear water, South Seas paradise, palm trees, green forests, jungle, waterfalls, the exotic touch, wild growing pineapples, picturesque villages, friendly people, calmness, serenity, no hustle and bustle, this is what Samoa will present to you. The South Seas independent state is located in the Pacific, north east of the Fiji Islands or New Zealand.
Our photo walk starts at the Tourist Information Center in the capital Apia. We walk through the government district in Mulivai and pass the Parliament in Mulinuu, the Central Bank, the famous watch tower, both Matafale, the Aggie Grey's hotel in Matautu and the market hall in Saleufi. You can watch a cruise ship from the beach avenue. Remarkable is the great many of churches on Samoa.
Don’t miss a trip in the traditional Toyota buses, the public transport with special atmosphere, where the journey becomes an experience. We enjoy the magnificent scenery with beautiful views from the Le Mafa Pass and pass the Falefa, the Papapapaitai and the Sopoaga waterfalls. The bus ride finishes at the south east peak on Upolu in Lalomanu. You live in a beach fale (beach house) and observe in the warm waters of the Pacific the colorful fishes without diving equipment.
Take a ferry to go from Mulifanua to Salelologa on the biggest island, on Savai'i. Savaii is even quieter than Upolu, where you can really relax, absolutely no stress, vacation and holidays in its most pleasant way. Enjoy this photo gallery, we invite you to fall into dreams, longing for faraway, until we leave from the international airport in Faleolo.
[DE] Fotogalerie: weiße Strände, klares Wasser, Südsee Paradis, Palmen, grüne Wälder, Dschungel, freiwachsende Ananas, malerische Dörfer, freundliche Menschen, Gelassenheit, keine Hektik, kein Stress, Urlaub, Exotik, Samoa. Fotospaziergang beginnt am Touristen-Informationszentrum. Wir sehen Regierungsviertel, Parlament, Zentralbank, bekannter Uhrenturm, mit Glück von der Strandallee ein Kreuzfahrtschiff. Wir schlendern zur Markthalle und Busbahnhof. Im urtümlichen Toyota-Bus, dem öffentlichen Transportmittel, wird die Fahrt zum Erlebnis. Auf der Reise genießen wir die herrliche Landschaft, Wasserfälle, besichtigen Ananas-Plantage, prüfen europäische Förderungshilfe. Die Busfahrt endet Südspitze der Insel. Im Strandhaus wohnen in Strandnähe bunte Fische ohne Taucherausrüstung beobachten. Einladung zum Träumen, Traum, Fernweh, Weltreise.
[FR] Les plages blanches, l'eau limpide, poissons colorés, Mers du Sud, Pacifique, palmiers, forêts vertes, la jungle, les chutes d'eau, exotisme, nostalgie du voyage, ananas poussant à l'état sauvage, villages pittoresques, personnes gentilles, calme, sérénité, pas de l'agitation, c'est ce que les îles de Samoa vous présentera. Vous pouvez vous détendre, pas de stress, de vacances de la manière la plus agréable. Vous pouvez voir un bateau de croisière depuis l'avenue de la plage. Sur le chemin pendant un voyage dans les bus traditionnels, nous passons le col de montagne, les cascades et une plantation d'ananas. Laissez vous enchanter par les images de la galerie de photos, nous vous invitons à rêver.
[IT] Spiagge bianche, Mari del Sud, palme, boschi verdi, giungla, cascate, tocco esotico, piantagione ananas selvatici crescenti, villaggi pittoreschi, gente amichevole, tranquillità, serenità, senza frenesia, le isole di Samoa. Camminata fotografica Centro Informazioni Turistiche, quartiere governativo, parlamento, torre dell'orologio ed mercato. Sulla strada viaggio paesaggio magnifico, vista splendida dal valico. Abitazione sulla spiaggia, e godersi l'acqua calda cristallina del Pacifico, osservare i pesci colorati senza attrezzatura per immersioni.
[ES] Playas blancas, agua cálida cristalina, peces coloridos, Mar del Sur, palmeras, bosques verdes, selva, cascadas, toque exótico, plantación piñas, pueblos pintorescos, gente amigable, tranquilidad, serenidad, sin bullicio, distrito de gobierno, parlamento, crucero, viaje, ciudad, vista Hermosa, disfrutar vivienda de playa, buceo, nostalgia de países lejanos.
[PT] Praias brancas, aqua clara, peixes coloridas, Pacífico do Sul, palmeiras, coqueiros, cocos, abacaxis, bosques verdes, selva, cataratas, cachoeiras, toque exótico, paraíso, magnífica paisagem, bela vista, aldeias pitorescas, um povo simpatico, calma, serenidade, nenhuma pressa, ilhas Samoa. Parlamento, distrito do governo, torre de relógio, banco central, navio de cruzeiro no porto, mercado, estação de ônibus, casa ou cabana de praia, mergulho, balsa.
Белые пляжи, чистая вода, разноцветные рыбы, море южного полушария, пальмы, зеленые леса, джунгли, водопады, экзотика, рай, дикорастущие ананасы, живописные деревни, дружелюбные люди, спокойствие, безмятежность, без спешка и суеты, все это может предложить вам остров Самоа, Савайи, Уполу, город. Поездка автобус общественный транспорт, ананас, пляжный домик, снаряжения для дайвинга.
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