Paragliding - Guatemala Lake Atitlan, Panajachel - Takeoff 1st Flight
Takeoff video of my first flight in Guatemala on Lake Atitlan overlooking the volcanos. Launch was at 500m above the Lake. My guide was Roger Lapointe, a Quebec native living in Guatemala for 20 years and offering paragliding tours from Panajachel. This video shows 1st person perspective of the whole takeoff process and the first moments of flight. I'll upload other videos in-flight and landing.
Realworld Paragliding Lake Atitlan, Panajachel Guatemala
Tandem Paragliding - Realworld Paragliding Lake Atitlan, Panajachel
Paragliding over Lake Atitlan, Panajachel, Guatemala
Paragliding over Lake Atitlan, Panajachel, Guatemala includes both POV and third person video of getting there, the leap of faith, POV from a paraglider, and the landing.
If you are only interested in the POV of actual flying go to 2:30. The whole flight lasted 20 minutes so this is edited down to the take off, a few flying clips, and the landing. There is also footage of when we got too high and had to spiral back down which was a bit dizzying. The flying was great but the whole experience was pretty fun.
While vacationing in Guatemala, my husband Dave, my bestie Lynn, and myself decided jumping off a cliff with a parachute might be fun. The words I can think of to describe the experience are exciting, frightening, heart pounding, beautiful, serene, and spectacular. We would totally do it again.
The company consisted of the instructor Roger. A man and a parachute.
Getting there was a hugely memorable part of the experience. Roger loved to talk with his hands. He gave us a crazy rough ride over washed out roads, and through a farmers field to get to the cliff.
While hundreds of feet in the air the view of the lake surrounded by volcanoes is stunning.
If you are ever vacationing near lake Atitlan, Guatemala, you may want to check it out.
I used different pieces of music to try and capture the dramatic difference between the earthbound part of the experience and the beauty and serenity of the flight.
Welcome to the Show Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Almost Bliss Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
REALWORLD PARAGLIDING - Season 2015 Panajachel, Lake Atitlan - Guatemala C.A. .
Realworld Paragliding - Paragliding Season 2015
Paragliding Panajachel Guatemala
Paragliding - Guatemala Lake Atitlan, Panajachel - Riverbed Landing
In-flight footage of my paragliding flight in Guatemala on Lake Atitlan overlooking the volcanos. Launch was at 500m above the Lake. My guide was Roger Lapointe, a Quebec native living in Guatemala for 20 years and offering paragliding tours from Panajachel. This video shows 1st person perspective in mid-flight with the final landing in the riverbed. Near the end you can see some destruction caused by flooding in this now-dry riverbed. One of my best paragliding flights to date.
Paragliding Panajachel, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Luis Pedro Luarca, second flight, with uncle Oswaldo and abimael support her
Panajachel Paragliders
Paragliding in Panajachel Guatemala...Its about 200 to 250 Quezals.
Paragliding Panajachel, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Carlos Luarca, third flight, with uncle Oswaldo support her.
Jose Santizo | Parapente en Panajachel
Hola soy José Santizo, Fotógrafo y Viajero por pasión, te invito a que te subscribas a mi canal para seguir paso a paso cada aventura.. te deseo muchos éxitos en tu próximo viaje.
Sígueme en mi Redes Sociales.
INSTAGRAM: @Santizophotography
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Snapchat: foto_santizo
parapente en Panajachel, Solola, Guatemala
Volar en el lago de Atitlan uno de mis sueños hechos realidad, despegue san andres, semetabaj, aterrizaje en el rio.
Paragliding Panajachel Guatemala
From a recent trip to Lake Atitilan
Paragliding - Panajachel - Guatemala
Feb. 2007 - Paragliding Panajachel, Guatemala
A bunch of Bay Area pilots paragliding in Panajachel, Guatemala
Paragliding Panajachel 2013
Paragliding in Panajachel, Guatemala. April 2013
Lago de Atitlan Octubre 2015
Paragliding Panajachel Mikeypas
Paragliding in Panajachel
Lake Atitlan, Guatemala 2018
Paragliding - Guatemala Lake Atitlan, Panajachel - Landing Cross-Country
Landing approach for my 2nd cross country flight over Panajachel, Guatemala on Lake Atitlan overlooking the volcanos. Launch was at 500m above the Lake. My guide was Roger Lapointe, a Quebec native living in Guatemala for 20 years and offering paragliding tours from Panajachel. This video shows 1st person perspective of the landing approach for the 2nd landing spot on the shore of the lake. According to Roger, a farmer placed some wooden stakes in the ground to deter pilots from landing there, so I managed to land in between the posts. Taken December 29, 2010.
Paragliding Panajachel Guatemala Landing
Steph landing at the beach...
Paragliding in Panajachel, Lago de Atitlan, Guatemala - GoPro Hero3+ Silver edition