FLY2 - Paragliding Dolomites Winter - Val Gardena
FLY2 - voli biposto in parapendio - Dolomiti in inverno
Tandemflüge in den Dolomten im Winter
Paragliding Tandemflights Dolomites Winter
Gardenafly - magical flight moments
emozioni pure di volo libero - magical moments with Gardenafly in the Dolomites - magische Flugaufnahmen mit Gardenafly in den Dolomiten
Tel. +39 392 1286600
Video Gardena Tandem
Dolomites paragliding Marmolada top landing
A short video from our trip to Dolomites in 2017 PGKB-Paragliding klub Brno. Marmolada top landing and take-off, luckily without use of the rescue helicopter(the guy who had the accident was OK) :) Unbelievably smooth flying conditions this year compared to what is normally happenig in the messy air there..
Thanks Greg broken english for kind allowance for using their song A taste of it all
Takeoff paralgidingmap location:
Campitello-Canazei-Col Rodella
takeoff There are two main take-offs, the first is located just 100 meters from the Col Rodella cable car station near the refuge Des Alpes. Going down the ridge from the hut we note the windsock; on the left side (towards the Gardena valley) is used when the wind comes from the North (the area under the two chair lifts with exposure to the North is customarily used for hang-gliders take off) . The right side (Fassa valley side) is used when the wind comes from South and Southeast and in the early hours of thermal activity, normally until 12.00am. After this time there is a gradual strengthening of the breeze of the Fassa valley, so use a take-off from the South to West facing. This take-off is reached by turning right out of the station and the cable car going down the path that passes under the cable car line in the direction of the road equipped with Rodella, at this point we can see the windsock.
It is also possible to take off right on top of Rodella (in North wind): 15' hike up from cable car station.
landing The main landing is located about 200 meters east of the Col Rodella cable car station, there is a wind sock on the west side. The landing is very big and easy, but we must be alert to the power line that crosses this longitudinally to the normal landing path. The secondary landing just across the river at the beginning of the town of Canazei. The windsock is located more or less at the center of the landing and this is equally easy. For both landings normally landing direction is from west to east in the morning; afternoon: normally east to west, In case of stronger (west) winds: pay attention to the trees situated at beginning of the landings, which could create rotors.
weather Weather Info:
Rodella (with Webcam):
Pay particular attention to moderate winds from the North and East in general, in these conditions, the area becomes very dangerous and turbulent. In any case, the flight in spring and summer in the central hours (11:00am to 5:00pm) is only recommended for experienced pilots. However, towards evening it is possible for less experienced pilots to make a beautiful soaring flights (South, Southeast Takeoff).
rules No powered paragliding allowed.
access Coming from Verona on the A22, exit at EGNA-ORA and follow the signs for 'VALLE DI FASSA,' going through the towns of Cavalese, Moena, Predazzo and up to Campitello di Fassa. If you are coming from the Brenner Pass (Austria) A22, exit at CHIUSA-VALGARDENA and follow the signs for 'PASSO SELLA' through the villages of Ortisei and Selva di Val Gardena, a time to keep abreast of the direction and proceed to Canazei for up to 2 km Campitello di Fassa. The cable car is located down the road junction with the main square in Campitello.
If you come from Sella Pass, park the car before the bar near the refuge Valentini and walk for about 30 minutes. In winter take-offs remain viable only North and South-Southeast.
comments Find prices and times of the cable cars at the following site:
Cable car to Col Rodella normally runs until the first week of october. Multi-day passes are available.
After the closure of the cable car it is possible to get a shuttle from main landing to Col Rodella in Campitello
contact Icarus Flying Team - Contacts:
President, 3381449678
tourism You'll find yourselves in the heart of the Dolomites, so I consider any further word unnecessary. A must stop for every pilot.
#paragliding #parapente #paraglidinglife #paraglider #freeflying
#parapente #paragliding #parapentiste #Gleitschirmfliegen #Gleitschirm #marmolada #dolomites #toplanding
New Acro paragliding spot in Val Gardena
From May 2019 on, we have here at Mont Seuc over the village of Ortisei, a new takeoff that Ihad testet the last couple of months now and it is really good for acro training.
You get a good height and a big landing field here, and also the fast rotation you get here, even if you walk to the cablecar for every run is great, with only 10-15 minutes walking.
GARDENA FLY (ottobre 2017)
Hike & Fly .....elettronico !!!
Voli biposto in parapendio in Val Gardena - un'avventura da provare!
Un'avventura unica e indimenticabile!
Dimenticare la vita di ogni giorno e scoprire qualcosa di nuovo e unico ...
Ritrovare in te lo spirito d'avventura e provare emozioni intense ...
Lo vuoi?
Due, tre passi e prendi il volo. Che sensazione!
Veleggiare liberi come un'aquila sopra boschi, valli e monti.
Realizza il tuo sogno con un volo biposto in parapendio!
TAG 208 // 06.07.2015
Sau cooler Tag beim Paragliding in Wolkenstein in Gröden mit unserem Piloten Samuel von
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Kamera - Canon PowerShot G1X Mark II:
Software - Adobe Premiere Pro:
Musik - Audiojungle:
Licht - Video LED: ******
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fly2.Val Gardena.mpg
FLY2 - Voli biposto Val Gardena - Tandemflüge FLY2 - Gröden.
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