Parco Scherrer (Morcote, Southern Switzerland)
Garage Painting Expo Parco Scherrer Morcote Switzerland
Esposizione di liquid painting presso il Parco Scherrer di Morcote, Svizzera.
Le opere su tela sono state create dal duo chiamato Garage Painting formato da Davide Chinetti e Augusto Gervasi
Per contatto:
. Facebook: Garage Painting
. e-mail:
. video realizzato da Vimalrt productions -
. musica: Balahto - Arkeology - Trilok Gurtu
Parco Scherrer, Morcote; Magischer Park: AUSFLUGSZIELE: ...
Parco Scherrer: , 6922 Morcote, SCHWEIZ Tel: +41-91-9962125 Email: Der Parco Scherrer ist eine zauberhafte Residenz am See. Scherrer war ein Landschaftsgärtner aus Passion und ein Romantiker, dessen Zaubergarten bis heute nichts von seiner Faszination eingebüsst hat.
Morcote parco botanico Scherrer - VIDEO UFFICIALE DEL COMUNE DI MORCOTE
Il giardino Follies delle meraviglie! Morcote, cantone Ticino - Svizzera. Info:
Park Scherrer Morcote - OFFICIAL VIDEO
Arthur Scherrer's dream world, giving the unique opportunity of taking an extraordinary trip through time and space, where past and present, history and nature tend to come together harmoniously. The first Follies-style garden of Ticino.
Small travel gems: Switzerland, Morcote & Parco Scherrer
Morcote, small village is also called the pearl of Lake Lugano. Long arcades, old houses and picturesque little shops selling locally-made souvenirs are indeed a wonderful destination. Morcote is about 10km away from Lugano and therefore the easiest to reach by boat or car.
Parco Scherrer (Scherrer park)- The artistic and botanical park, which opened to the public since 1965, was built by the St. Galler wealthy textile merchant Hermann Arthur Scherrer.
Park offers some interesting architectural object that represent culture from diverse time periods. Also there is typical southern vegetation: palm trees, honeysuckle, camellias, wisteria, oleanders, cedars, honeysuckle, eucalyptus and more...
Parco Scherrer a Morcote
A solo un'oretta da Milano c'è Morcote in Svizzera. Nel paesino trovate Parco Scherrer un ambiente verde di rara bellezza con piante provenienti da tutto il Mondo e casette, statue, fontane orientali, asiatiche e mediterranee.
Park Scherrer, ein Zaubergarten in Morcote - OFFIZIELLES VIDEO DER GEMEINDE MORCOTE
Eine spannende Reise durch Zeit und Raum, bei der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, Geschichte und Natur harmonisch verschmelzen. Tessiner erster „Follies Garten Stil.
Switzerland: Ticino-Morcote ,Park Scherrer
Walking in the beautiful park called Scherrer...
Ai tempi tranquillo villaggio di pescatori sviluppatosi ai piedi del monte Arbostora oggi attrazione turistica .
Dal lungolago con le case patrizie dagli ampi portici contigui partono numerose viuzze scalinate nel nucleo delle case a monte e verso quello che rimane dei terreni coltivi di un tempo e su fino alla chiesa Madonna del Sasso con accanto il campo santo a terrazze che si raggiungono dopo aver superato 404 scalini .
CITYGUIDE - Parco Scherrer Morcote Svizzera Escursione
Parco Scherrer un'emozionante viaggio nel tempo e nello spazio, dove passato e presente, storia e natura si fondono armoniosamente.
Travel Switzerland - Exploring the Lake Town of Morcote
Take a tour of Swiss Town of Morcote in Morcote, Switzerland -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Situated on the shore of the beautiful Swiss lake, Lugano , is the even more beautiful town of Morcote.
It's a smaller town, whose buildings and streets hearken back to a time when communities were more closely knit.
Morcote as a town has existed since at least the tenth century and many of its alleyways attest to its medieval origins.
The waters of Lake Lugano, today and throughout history, have been an important part of the town's fishing and trade industries.
One of the town's most famous sites is the 15th century Renaissance and Baroque style Santa Maria Del Sasso church.
Morcote offers several pleasant lakeside walkways and many restaurants and cafes that provide excellent views.
Parco Scherrer Morcote - Sonnenterrasse
DAS deutschsprachige Portal für Gartenvideos.
Unser Lubera Pflanzenshop.
Our english videoblog about gardening.
Eine Sonnenterrasse mit Blick auf's Wasser und die Berge, so kann man einen Abend schön ausklingen lassen.
Morcote, Switzerland in 4K!
This was my first flight after a 3 month break and it was good to get airborne again :)
Haven’t touched my QAV400 over this time and yeah it still works :)
Morcote is located in the southern part of Switzerland and is such a nice little town. I like going there and take some time off even if it is just for one day.
GoPro Hero 4 in 4K + 5.4mm lense
Really Slow Motion - Until The End
Parco Scherrer Morcote - Renaissancebrunnen und Aussichtsterrasse
DAS deutschsprachige Portal für Gartenvideos.
Unser Lubera Pflanzenshop.
Our english videoblog about gardening.
Von der Orangerie und einer grossen sonnigen Freifläche mit Rhododendren, die zur Blütezeit einfach wunderschön aussehen müssen, gibt es eine freie Aussicht auf den südlichen Teil des Luganosees. Doch auch die versteckten schattigen Plätzchen laden zum Verweilen ein und bieten einen tollen Ausblick.
Frühlingserwachen Park Scherrer Morcote Lago di Lugano
Der Parco Scherrer ist ein öffentlich zugänglicher Park in der Gemeinde Morcote am südlichen Luganer See.Hermann Arthur Scherrer war ein viel reisender Handelsmann und Gärtner der diesen Park erschaffen. Viele Statuen, Skulpturen, Gebäude aus aller Welt sind hier im Terrassen förmigen Park angelegt. Einige Gebäude werden sogar für Hochzeiten genutzt.Ein Besuch lohnt sich immer.
Switzerland Ticcino boattrip from Lugano to Morcote
Best of Switzerland. Morcote. Drone footage full HD.
Tra lago e colline. In volo con lo Spark.#trecentini #videoripresecondrone
#DJI#DJISparki #ripreseaereecondrone #ispezionivideofotocondrone #morcoteSvizzera.
Parco Scherrer Morcote - die Stufen des Zaubergartens
DAS deutschsprachige Portal für Gartenvideos.
Unser Lubera Pflanzenshop.
Our english videoblog about gardening.
Ein Zaubergarten mit vielen Stufen und Ebenen wo die Natur und die gestalterischen Elemente mit der Umgebung harmonieren und unterschiedliche Ausblicke gewehren. Ein Ort zum Verweilen und Entspannen.