Barbados: National Heroes Square and Parliament Buildings in Bridgetown
Barbados: National Heroes Square and Parliament Buildings in Bridgetown
Bridgetown - Barbados : Vorweihnachtliches Karibik-Feeling
Am 13.12.18 legen wir an der 5.Insel unserer Kreuzfahrt an - in Bridgetown auf Barbados.
Die Stadt Bridgetown im Parish Saint Michael ist die Hauptstadt des karibischen Inselstaates Barbados und ebenso dessen Haupthafen und wirtschaftliches Zentrum. Ursprünglich wurde die Stadt Indian Bridge genannt, nach einer schon in indianischer Zeit errichteten Brücke über den heute Constitution River genannten Fluss. Die Stadt wurde 1628 von den Briten gegründet und hat heute ungefähr 7.000 Einwohner, dazu kommen über 80.000 Einwohner in Vororten, was bedeutet, dass ein Drittel der Bevölkerung von Barbados hier lebt. Sie leben hauptsächlich vom Tourismus, produzieren aber auch Zucker, Rum und Melasse.
Der Mündungsbereich des Constitution River ist heute ein Yachthafen. Er wird im Zentrum der Stadt als Careenage bezeichnet, weil hier früher die Segelschiffe kielgeholt wurden (engl.: careening), um die Rümpfe zu säubern. Direkt an der Careenage liegt der National Heroes Square (früher: Trafalgar Square), der zentrale Platz der Stadt, wo jeden Tag von sechs Uhr morgens bis sechs Uhr abends laut gesetzlicher Regelung die Flagge von Barbados wehen muss. Hier sind auch die Parliament Buildings (früher: Public Buildings), der Sitz der beiden Kammern des barbadischen Parlaments zu finden. Im Zentrum des Platzes steht das Nelson-Denkmal, das 1813 eingeweiht wurde und damit fast 30 Jahre älter ist als die Nelsonsäule in London. Am Heroes Square beginnt mit der Broad Street die wichtigste Geschäftsstraße Bridgetowns, auf der sich Kaufhäuser mit internationalem Angebot, kleinere Geschäfte sowie Banken befinden.
In Bridgetown gibt es daneben einige bedeutende Bauwerke britischer Kolonialarchitektur. Zu nennen sind hier das alte Barbados Mutual Building, die anglikanische St. Michael’s Cathedral, die Anlage des Harrison College und die St. Anne’s Garrison. Die gesamte Altstadt von Bridgetown ist zusammen mit der Garnison seit 2011 ein UNESCO-Welterbe.
Barbados ist ein Inselstaat im Atlantik und Teil der Kleinen Antillen. Barbados liegt nordöstlich von Venezuela in der Karibik und wird geografisch zu Mittelamerika gerechnet. Die ehemalige britische Kolonie ist seit 1966 vom Vereinigten Königreich unabhängig, ist aber als Commonwealth Realm souveräner Mitgliedsstaat des Commonwealth of Nations und mit der britischen Krone in Personalunion verbunden.
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Quantum of the Seas, Bridgetown, Barbados
Quantum of the Seas, visit to Bridgetown, Barbados, January 18, 2015. Follow us at our walking tour from the cruise ship port through the City of Bridgetown, Barbados.
Bridgetown is the capital and largest city of the nation of Barbados. Landmarks of interest are the smaller canal in the centre of the city, named the Careenage, a.k.a. Constitution River with the board walk. Chamberlain Bridge spanning the Careenage.
National Heroes Square (formerly Trafalgar Square) with The Lord Nelson Statue and Fountain Garden, Parliament Building,
Independence Square and The Independence Arch and Parliament Buildings of Barbados. The Cathedral Church of Saint Michael and All Angels, The St. Mary's Anglican Church and
The St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Cathedral.
Barbados - Bridgetown & Strand (Beach)
Barbados ist die östlichste Insel der Inselkette der Kleinen Antillen und liegt im Atlantischen Ozean. Im Gegensatz zu vielen der benachbarten Karibikinseln ist Barbados nicht vulkanischen Ursprungs, sondern stellt eine sogenannte Vorschwelle (engl. Forearc) eines Akkretionskeils dar, welcher wiederum durch ehemals unterseeische Riffkalke in die Höhe wuchs.[5] Dieses Kalksteinplateau erreicht im Mount Hillaby eine Höhe von 336 m. Die ältesten Schichten entstanden in einer Warmzeit vor ca. 125.000 Jahren, in welcher der Meeresspiegel deutlich höher lag als heute. Zu Barbados gehört neben der Hauptinsel noch das winzige, direkt vor der Ostküste gelegene Culpepper Island.
Ungefähr 180 km westlich liegt der Inselstaat St. Vincent und die Grenadinen.
Parliament Building, Barbados / Здание Парламента, Барбадос
15.03.2012 Bridgetown - Barbados. Stadtansichten. Video.
15.03.2012 Bridgetown - Barbados II.
1628 wurde die Stadt Bridgetown auf Barbados
von den Briten gegründet.
Es wird Zucker, Rum und Melasse produziert.
Der Tourismus ist auch eine Einnahmequelle.
Die Barbados Nationale Pledge:
„Ich verspreche Ergebenheit in mein Land und zu meiner Barbados Flagge.
Zu wahren und verteidigen ihre Ehre.
Und von meinem Leben, zu Krediten zu meiner Nation zu tun.
Wohin ich auch gehe.
Die Chamberlain-Brücke mit dem Unabhängigkeitsbogen(1987).
Die Brücke führt über den Constitution River, der hier im Mündungsbereich Careenage genannt wird.
Careenage ist heute der Yachthafen.
Der zentrale Platz der Stadt ist der National Heroes Square (früher: Trafalgar Square).
Auf dem Platz steht das Nelson-Denkmal (1813).
Hier sind auch die Parliament Buildings
(früher: Public Buildings),
der Sitz der beiden Kammern des barbadischen Parlaments.
Der Westflügel des Bridgetown barbados parliament building wurde 1872 erbaut.
Der Ostflügel Bridgetown barbados parliament building wurde 1873 erbaut.
Der Glockenturm befand sich zuerst am Ostflügel des Bridgetown barbados parliament building.
Hier war der Untergrund nicht stabil und so wurde der Turm 1884 abgebaut und später am Westflügel neu errichtet.
Schiffe im Hafen am 15.03.2012 in Bridgetown - Barbados:
1. Die Megayacht Katara (Projektname Crystal).
Baujahr: 2010 Lürssen Werft in Bremen-Vegesack.
Länge: 124 m
Breite: 18 m
Sie ist eine der größten Privatyachten der Welt.
Im Heckbereich befindet sich ein Hubschrauber.
2. Fred Olsen Cruise Lines
Kreuzfahrtschiff Braemar (1992)
Länge: 195.92 m
Breite: 22,5 m
3. Crystal Cruises
Kreuzfahrtschiff Crystal Symphony (1995)
Länge: 238 m
Breite: 30 m
ANTIGUA, VISITING the interior of the PARLIAMENT BUILDING (The Caribbean)
SUBSCRIBE: - Join me as I enter the Parliament building of this beautiful nation in the Caribbean to attend the opening session of the Parliament, what an honor indeed, let's look inside the magnificent building and let's admire its architecture. Vic Stefanu, Antigua, also known as Waladli or Wadadli by the native population, is an island in the West Indies. It is one of the Leeward Islands in the Caribbean region and the main island of the country of Antigua and Barbuda. Antigua and Barbuda became an independent state within the Commonwealth of Nations on 1 November 1981
Independence Square Bridgetown Barbados
This was the preparation of the Christmas Trees in Independence Square Bridgetown Barbados.
Broad Street Bridgetown Barbados
This is the section of Broad Street by the Nelson Statue known to many as Trafalgar Square. At the top of Broad Street in the capital city of Bridgetown stands this bronze statue of Lord Admiral Nelson . The statue was erected on 22 March 1813 in the area known as Trafalgar Square , opposite the Parliament Buildings . The statue predates Nelson Statue in Trafalgar square in London by nearly 30 years. (Barbados' Trafalgar Square was officially renamed Nation Heroes Square in April 1999).
Broad Street Bridgetown Barbados
This is the section of Broad Street by the Nelson Statue. At the top of Broad Street in the capital city of Bridgetown Stands this bronze statue of Admiral Lord Nelson . The statue was erected on 22 March 1813 in the area known as Trafalgar Square , opposite Parliament Buildings . The statue predates Nelson Column in Trafalgar Square in London by nearly 30 years . (Barbados'Trafalgar Square was officially renamed Heroes Square in April 1999). This is a great place to take pictures with either the historic Parliament Buildings or picturesque Careenage as back drop . It should also be a stop if you are taking a walking tour of Bridgetown. This statue shares the square with the Dolphin Fountain.
Broad Street Bridgetown Barbados
This is the section of Broad Street by the Nelson Statue. At the top of Broad Street in the capital city of Bridgetown stands this bronze statue of Admiral Lord Nelson . The statue was erected on 22 March 1813 in the area known as Trafalgar Square , opposite Parliament Buildings . The statue predates Nelson Column in Trafalgar Square in London by nearly 30 years . (Barbados Trafalgar square was officially renamed National Heroes Square in April 1999.) This is a great place to take pictures with either the historic Parliament Buildings or picturesque Careenage as a back drop . It should also be a stop if you are taking a walking tour of Bridgetown . The statue shares the square with the Dolphin Fountain.
Broad Street Bridgetown Barbados
This is the section of Broad Street by the Nelson Statue known to many as Trafalgar Square. At the top of Broad Street in the capital city of Bridgetown stands this bronze statue of Lord Admiral Nelson . The statue was erected on March 22nd 1813 in the area known as Trafalgar Square , opposite the Parliament Buildings . The statue predates Nelson Column in Trafalgar Square in London by nearly 30 years . (Barbados' Trafalgar Square was officially renamed National Heroes Square in April 1999).
BRIDGETOWN TOURISM - Barbados Capital City
Welcome to Bridgetown ...,
Bridgetown is the largest and most beautiful city on the island! After all, this is the capital and commercial center of Barbados. Soaked in rich history and culture, Bridgetown today reflects a mix of old buildings and new buildings, with historic locations and buildings that lie between modern buildings such as multi-storey offices, financial institutions and shopping centers.
Visitors will also appreciate the abundance of duty-free shopping available in Bridgetown, as well as the local charm accompanied by the city. Chill with a refreshing snowcone There is almost always activity in this vibrant city, as locals and visitors alike run their business and enjoy the variety of shopping, dining and cultural experiences that Bridgetown has to offer. Fun crafts such as cruises, catamarans and fishing boats are easily installed right in the heart of the city.
After a stroll through the city streets, nothing is more refreshing than an ice cold snowcone! Street vendors with fresh trays and fresh items can still be found in their trade at a certain location in Bridgetown. Not to be missed is an enjoyable experience to be had at local bars and restaurants and a historic walking tour in one of the oldest towns in the Caribbean.
Bridgetown is also the main center of the island's public transport system. Now recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this historic city is also home to the Parliament House of Barbados and the Port of Bridgetown where cruise ships dock.
Experiencing Bridgetown Barbados
In this video we're experiencing Bridgetown, the capital city of Barbados. The video is recorded in the main areas in Bridgetown where you probably hang out if you go to this exciting country in the caribbean.
The climate in Barbados is tropical, with a rainy season lasting from June to October. Hurricanes occur at irregular intervals. However, due to the island's location, it is not affected by hurricanes and other tropical storms as often as one might think, as it lies just east of the hurricane belt.
Bridgetown, formerly the Town of Saint Michael, is the capital as well as the largest city in the state of Barbados. The city, founded in 1628 by Britons, had 94,200 inhabitants in 2009. The metropolitan area is located in the parish of Saint Michael. Locally, they are sometimes called the city The City, although the most common nickname is Town. In terms of appearance, the city consists of many new and old parts.
Parts of Greater Bridgetown are on the border of the surrounding parishes of Christ Church and Saint James. Although there is no municipal council on the island, it is directly governed as an administrative division by the unity government.
The city's current location was established by English settlers in 1628 and replaced a previous settlement at James Town. In 2011, the city and its garrison became a world heritage site.
Many of Barbados ministries and ministries are located in the Brigdetown area. The Parliament Building, located in the heart of the city, just north of Heroes Square, houses the third oldest remaining parliament in the Commonwealth.
Bridgetown held the UN Global Conference on Sustainable Development for Small Island States in 1994.
The 2007 Cricket World Cup was held in the historic Kensington Oval in Bridgetown. It was renovated to accommodate 30,000 spectators.
Some of the sights in Bridgetown are Barbados Parliament Building,
The Lord Nelson statue and Saint Michael's Anglican Cathedral
( a Cathedral of Coral Limestone).
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Also thanks to Richard's World Traveller - and his video:
Beach Break Barbados Style
Beach Break - You can enjoy real Caribbean luxuries of palatial resorts, beaches, golf courses, beautiful scenery and a lot more here. Attend horse races, enjoy Mount Gay Rum, and dance for Calypso tunes or surf at Soup Bowl -- choice is yours.
A Caribbean vacation is the top choice of many travellers for several reasons. The Caribbean is indeed a sea lover's paradise. If you are a history lover, the Caribbean diverse culture, way of life and its varied history awaits you.
One of the main attractions of Barbados is its sweeping coastline and the beaches that can be found along it. From the main mooring spot for cruise ships a transfer will take you through historic Bridgetown, past the parliament buildings and out to Carlisle Bay one of the widest and longest beaches on the island.
A refreshing drink and a deckchair are all included and you will be left to spend the day in peace, relaxing and enjoying all the delights offered by the classic combination of sun, sea and sand. As the day draws to a close, the transfer will be ready to return you to the ship for the evening.
*** Music Credit -
*** Photo Credit -
Roebuck Street in Bridgetown, Barbados
Roebuck Street is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site 'Historic Bridgetown and its Garrison':
January 2016, Laser Scanning Survey
By Envision Heritage I Historic Preservation I University of Florida
Do it fa De Culture
This colourful and Beautiful skirt choreography captures just a glimpse of Caribbean culture. Keeping the Culture Alive is what the choreographer Teila Williams believes in.
Shot on location in the heart of Bridgetown, Barbados directly opposite the oldest parliament building with the Caribbean.
Song: Kings & Queens by Sekon Sta
Shot & Edited by: Marlon Fox outta The Foxhole Barbados
Choreographer: Teila Williams
Kensington Oval and Bridgetown, Barbados - A glimpse
Catch a glimpse of the Kensington Oval cricket ground in Bridgetown, Barbados.
Unfortunately my visit was on a Sunday so I was unable to gain access to the ground, therefore see the outside to get a feel of the ground and the statue of Sir Garfield Sobers. A short 25 minute walk into Bridgetown and you can see sights such as the Wharf, Parliament Buildings, Independence Arch and Brownes Beach.
A guide to the Kensington Oval can be reached at
Read a guide to England's 2019 tour of the West Indies at
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'Gearbox' 1982 - Bridgetown, Barbados
One of Barbados' street characters - the late 'Gearbox' (Stanley Hinds) - giving a speech outside the Parliament Buildings in Bridgetown.